- Nov 2024
bactra.org bactra.org
Inasmuch as evolution is the fundamental motion of the entire universe, an ascent along a privileged and necessary pathway towards consciousness
Axiomatically, according to Teilhard
- Aug 2024
substack.com substack.com
as central to a Harris presidency than it was to the Biden presidency
"as (not THAN) it was to the Biden presidency
science-education-research.com science-education-research.com
development requires the learner to actually experience success in an area of activity that is currently outside their competence – through what is termed ‘scaffolding’.
kairosconsulting.com kairosconsulting.com
Sustainable transformations require shifts on the inside, because what’s inside us finds a way out. For many personal changes, healing and growth are the only way forward
Under the subtitle "Transformative work is spiritual work". Here, It is clear that one approximation of what is meant by spiritual here is "on the inside". It seems to me to be implying "the opposite of transactional"
- Mar 2024
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
marries brief flashes of scholarly acumen with casual, 4chan-style bigotry will not surprise anyone who has followed Richard Hanania closely. A bombshell HuffPost exposé published last month revealed that he
had previously writtten for a white-supremacis outlets under a pseudonym
finance.yahoo.com finance.yahoo.com
Ocasio-Cortez found a seat at the congressional table despite the fact that the median net worth of U.S. Congress members is over $1.1 million as of 2015, with a cumulative wealth of at least $2.43 billion. The self-described democratic socialist caught heat shortly after her election when the media learned she had less than $7,000 in her bank account. Instead of shying away from her account balance, Ocasio-Cortez doubled down to tweet that she was newly insured and had recently purchased her first couch.
Yahoo Finance 23-02-22
- Feb 2024
www.thenation.com www.thenation.com
Although the outcome of the protests is still up in the air, if they lead to snap elections, nationalists could win greater political power, Butkevich said, especially Svoboda, the far-right parliamentary party in the coalition of three opposition parties leading the protest. (Right Sector criticizes all three for “pacifism,” including Svoboda.)
EXACTLY WHAT DIDN'T HAPPEN. People of good faith, including FP, were perhaps not so foolish for fearing it, but it's not what happened.
www.independent.co.uk www.independent.co.uk
He continued: “Why do I feel guilty, like I'm betraying my country for saying that, I'm not, I love America.
I don't believe he feels guilty or that he loves America - just his usual rhetorical lying.
“But I think this is a beautiful city. I can say that. And I don't know if I'm allowed to say that.
Classic form of rhetorical lie. He absolutely knows he's allowed to say it, but is implying that <liberals> wouldn't want to allow him to say Moscow is beautiful.
consilienceproject.org consilienceproject.org
demonstrated itself culturally able to take advantage of educational systems abroad
and supply them with facsimiles of their textbooks. Taiwan, like the early U.S. was not going to be held back by the "intellectual property" of other nations (the U.S. was notorious in much of the 19c for copying British books without copyrights.
- Jan 2024
www.researchgate.net www.researchgate.net
causal reasons
"causal" reasons is redundant
evolvability as one of the most metaphysically and epistemically challenging topics in modern biology and philosophy today
Cultural evolution has an evolvability impact comparable to sexual reproduction.
Perhaps this is the most interesting thing that makes the emergence of humans resemble one of the biggest ever landmarks in the whole history of evolution (rather than heralding humanity as the next MET (Major Evolutionary Transition). Frankly, the comparison of any level of human aggregation with a bee hive, the paradigmatic "superorganism" seems wrong and disturbing. Instead, human selves are able, without losing individuality, to meld into an infinite number of creatively structured plural selves (note: "plural self" comes from a small group of philosophers who furnished a critical insight to Michael Tomasello).
What is "HPS"? acronym needs proper introduction.
In the words of George Wallace, unfortunately
"One in three"?
- Nov 2023
www.amazon.com www.amazon.com
Legal luminary Burt Neuborne argues that the structure of the First Amendment as well as of the entire Bill of Rights was more intentional than most people realize, beginning with the internal freedom of conscience and working outward to freedom of expression and finally freedom of public association. This design, Neuborne argues, was not to protect discrete individual rights—such as the rights of corporations to spend unlimited amounts of money to influence elections—but to guarantee that the process of democracy continues without disenfranchisement, oppression, or injustice.
Book "Madison's Music"
plato.stanford.edu plato.stanford.edu
non-selectionist approach to evolutionary epistemology, based on “Poincaréan dynamics,” has been proposed by Barham (1990).
- Oct 2023
www.washingtonpost.com www.washingtonpost.com
Oct. 23, 1983, suicide bomber attacks mounted by Hezbollah against the U.S. Marine and French military barracks in Beirut. Those bombings killed 241 U.S. military personnel and 58 French troops. Iran has only recently admitted its responsibility, but the U.S. intelligence community had proof at the time of Iran’s involvement. Yet the United States never effectively retaliated. Instead, the Reagan administration traded arms for hostages with Tehran.
Myth of Reagan "strong military posture"; maybe not so different from Wilhelm II's chest-beating that helped lead Germany into a foolish war and a losing situation.
brianmcconnell-1951.medium.com brianmcconnell-1951.medium.com
becomes despondent in the wake of his father Peter’s (Jackman) remarrying and birth of a succeeding sibling. Within the film’s contextual setting however — where intricately interwoven circumstances might otherwise reflect nothing more than a temporarily disheveled family milieu, Nicholas nevertheless, finds himself in a disparate struggle to retain his sense of place, meaning, and functional connection with the world and others.
The title character of the film "The Son" (with Hugh Jackman as the father) ... becomes despondent in the wake of his father remarrying and birth of a ... sibling. [resulting] in a disparate struggle to retain his sense of place, meaning, and functional connection with the world and others.
- Aug 2023
www.wbur.org www.wbur.org
So my answer is not to give up on people, to write people off as racist. It's really to activate other stories
Instead of countering one story with another:
I think we need to build shared experience of solving problems.
evonomics.com evonomics.com
paradigm is an internally coherent system of thought that results in useful insights but also finds it difficult to escape its own assumptions. This is close to the concept of a basin of attraction in complex system theory
Also to "hill-climbing" in evolutionary theory; i.e adaptive terrain.
Also didn't I learn once that Paretto optimality is similarly only a sort of loal peak?
requires the adoption of particular methodologies
The "methodology" is effectively an ideology. Possible analogy to general reasons for failure to see reality in the political world in general.
- Jul 2023
www.journals.uchicago.edu www.journals.uchicago.edu
Consequently, the tragedy of the commons is circumvented at the metapopulation scale in the Restricted treatment” (2006:77)
In microbial populations
assumption must be revised on the basis of agent‐based models
Consumers that reproduce at the maximum rate are selectively advantageous within groups, but tend to drive their resource (and, therefore, themselves) extinct
Shown by NON-natural selection of chickens
Sober E, Wilson D S. 1998. Unto Others: The Evolution and Psychology of Unselfish Behavior. Cambridge (MA): Harvard University Press
Review of mathematical population genetics a la Fisher, Wright, and J.B.S. Haldane.
D S Wilson (1997) referred to these themes as “altruism” and “organism.”
As in "superorganism" - in genes-eye view this is within (a gene-plex?) hence not altruism.
It is unlikely that these coordination mechanisms evolve as a coincidental byproduct of organisms that are adapted exclusively to survive and reproduce better than other members of their same group
Like fire safety regulations or paying for fire departments.
heritable trait that increases the fitness of others in a group (or the group as a whole) at the expense of the individual possessing the trait
Pro-social behavior once thought to have this property.
the short‐term gain for the user (avoiding negative associations)
With "tainted words" like "sociobiology".
- Jan 2023
www.denofgeek.com www.denofgeek.com
Mrs. Teasdale, you did a noble deed. I’d be unworthy of the high trust that’s been placed in me if I didn’t do everything within my power to keep our beloved Freedonia at peace with the world.I’d be only too happy to meet Ambassador Trentino, and offer him on behalf of my country the right hand of good fellowship. And I feel sure he will accept this gesture in the spirit in which it is offered.But suppose he doesn’t. A fine thing that’ll be. I hold out my hand and he refuses to accept it. That’ll add a lot to my prestige, won’t it? Me, the head of a country, snubbed by a foreign ambassador. Who does he think he is, that he can come here, and make a sap out of me in front of all my people?Think of it – I hold out my hand and that hyena refuses to accept it. Why, the cheap four flushing swine, he’ll never get away with it I tell you, he’ll never get away with it!”Trentino enters.So, you refuse to shake hands with me, eh?
Up to "So, you refuse to shake hands with me, eh? (g Slaps T with glove; T: This means war
getpocket.com getpocket.com
whom Gorbachev had silenced
Silenced in what sense, if they're talking so much?
asharangappa.substack.com asharangappa.substack.com
In the early 1980s I attended a conference in Boston at which the thought was clearly expressed that international capitalism was the glue that would hold nations together and prevent world war. Nobody (in the power structure anyway) would condone blowing up another country that housed the factories supplying the goods the capitalists needed for creating profit. Spreading factories abroad was viewed as stabilizing
Largely what they want to believe, in order to feel good, and be thought of well.
Ronald M. Garrett19 hr agohttps://bit.ly/3qB4AHLhttps://bit.ly/3BBLac8Miller, J. Scott E. , & Okimoto S., Public Acceptance of Evolution. Science, 313 765-766Berkman , M, & Plutzer, E. Defeating Creationism in the Courtroom but Not in the Classroom, Science 331, 404-405https://bit/ly/3Q12gcLhttps://nyti.ms/2RIorHdhttps://bit/ly/3eosEexhttps://amzn.to/3VhdcS9https://bit.ly/3ev29nLhttps://bit.ly/3EQ4EeShttps://amzn.to/3S4mhe5https://wapo.st/2JthvYEhttps://nyti.ms/3s14IAQhttps://bit.ly/3VvL8u4https://nyti.ms/3CYwt3uhttps://wapo.st/2JthvYEhttps://bit.ly/3CvNCQJhttps://bit.ly/3s4kStmhttps://bit.ly/3s1S5plhttps://nyti.ms/3eA2DZNhttps://nyti.ms/3rWrXfuhttps://nyti.ms/3gcf3Huhttps://bit.ly/3Tmp1EJhttps://bit.ly/3VFxt43https://bit.ly/3MzmxQYhttps://wapo.st/3MU0Xxv
Articles documenting ignorance of scientific and historic facts.
asharangappa.substack.com asharangappa.substack.com
simply "pre-bunking and debunking" lies is not going to be enough.
That's certainly true, though pre-bunking - being heard first, or as close to the same time, as possible - is powerful because of a strong tendency to believe anything you've heard repeatedly before you ever heard a contradiction.
not so different with America, in particular during and post WWII.
How so?
ship-30-for-30.circle.so ship-30-for-30.circle.so
bottom left-hand corner
Corner of what? The whole page, as I now understand
- Dec 2022
asharangappa.substack.com asharangappa.substack.com
too much of an institutionalist to charge a former President.
Not acc. to my def of institutionist
- Oct 2022
royalsocietypublishing.org royalsocietypublishing.org
collective action, collective intelligence and collective knowledge among groupings of individuals;
Static concept, as opposed to knowledge growth or development. Cooperation seems absent from this paper, though for dispersed specialized knowledge all of which is required to obtain some end, it is essential. Infant/mother cooperation is one place where we communication signals grow from truncated actions.
[78,151,152] may be. The main thrust of Gruber et al. is to further distinguish efficiency in the currency of the performing organism's fitness, from efficiency in the currency of the cultural entity's fitness
The latter resembles a meme.
study of present-day peoples dependent on the hunting and gathering (HG) ways of life
Study of present day HGs can show little of how their cultures evolved.
field of human cultural evolution
Overlooks collective intelligence
Handbook of collective intelligence
overlooks culture?
negotiated route choices
Compromise when angle of difference is small; exclusivity when angle approaches 180 degrees.
Ants mark trails with pheromones
Scent trails functioning as external representation of knowledge, or trigger a class of instinctive behavior
information is linked collectively
Inner representations of knowledge ("how to respond to X"), or the nature of this animal/plant is... is recreated in the mind of another.
across partial turnovers in group membership,
decodingfoxnews.substack.com decodingfoxnews.substack.com
hard to meet more,
incoherent sentence
www.amazon.com www.amazon.com
Perhaps my best suggestion would be to eliminate all public employee unions (the path to political corruption) and return to civil service protections for employees.
Bad Idea
jmisc.net jmisc.net
"Jacksonian Miscellanies"
Over 100 issues