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  1. Nov 2020
    1. So rather than assuming that quantitative and qualitative techniques are distinct or that they can be simply stitched together with particular approaches like networks, we need to understand better how automated tools and qualitative analyses can work together around particular empirical cases with particular data formats (Blok et al., 2017). Perhaps the instinctual wariness of the so-called qualitative researchers towards automated tools and computational forms of analysis is, not because of the practice of ‘distant reading’ itself (Moretti, 2013), i.e. the automated grasping of patterns, but because of distant tool design – when ready-made tools are parachuted in from nowhere, rather than emerge from complex, situated practice and the particular challenges of data and platforms.

      I found this article very interesting, how it explains deeply to us the benefits of working with qualitative and quantitative techniques is very practical and how now through the new technologies generate more benefits to research, the most important thing is to know the differences between these techniques, but to know how to work with both for particular cases, qualitative researchers many years ago faced situations that did not benefit them since they did not have the necessary programs to carry out their research of A more effective way, nowadays talking about qualitative research software is something of every day, we do not need to separate the techniques but to unite them to generate better results.

      Este articulo me pareció muy interesante, el como nos explica profundamente los beneficios que conlleva trabajar con las técnicas cualitativas y cuantitativas es muy practico y el como ahora por medios de las nuevas tecnologías generan mas beneficios a la investigación, lo mas importante no es saber las diferencias entre tales técnicas, sino saber trabajar con las dos para casos particulares, los investigadores cualitativos hace muchos años se enfrentaban a situaciones que no los beneficiaban ya que no contaban con los programas necesarios para realizar sus investigaciones de una forma mas eficaz, hoy en día hablar de softwares de investigación cualitativa es algo de todos los días, no necesitamos separar las técnicas sino unirlas para generar mejores resultados.