18 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2021
  2. Dec 2020
    1. This introduction seems to be an useful taste of the real meaning of qualitative research its features and differences compared to quantitative research. Hope this can improve reader´s methodological knowledge to study phenomenas and their causes.

  3. Nov 2020
    1. Me gusta cómo trata la investigación cualitativa de manera sencilla, además plantea las principales diferencias que tiene con la investigación cuantitativa. Lo hace muy entendible y accesible hasta para un estudiante de ciencias sociales de 5to semestre.

      I like how it treats qualitative research in a simple way, it also raises the main differences it has with quantitative research. It makes it very understandable and accessible even for a 5th semester social studies student. It is certainly a very useful article for those interested in qualitative research

    2. A través de una mirada constructivista podemos tratar de comprender (dentro de nuestra investigación cualitativa) cómo los individuos construyen la realidad dentro de su contexto natural y real.

      Through a constructivist gaze we can try to understand (within our qualitative research) how individuals construct reality within their natural and real context.

    3. Esta serie de artículos nos brindarán a mis compañeros ya mí una visión profunda acerca de la investigación cualitativa, me parece que a diferencia de otros artículos y trabajos que hemos leído y tratado, el que nos brindarán Albine Moser & Irene Korstjens, para los futuros investigadores de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, promete una concepción de la Investigación Cualitativa más actualizada.

      This series of articles will give my colleagues and me a deep insight about qualitative research, it seems to me that unlike other articles and works that we have read and discussed, the one that Albine Moser & Irene Korstjens will provide for future researchers from the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México (UAEM) promises a more up-to-date conception of Qualitative Research.

    4. Qualitative research is a vital aspect of research in primary care and qualitative studies with a clear and important clinical message can be highly cited [2Hepworth J, Key M. General practitioners learning qualitative research: a case study of postgraduate education. Aust Fam Physician 2015;44:760–763.  [PubMed], [Web of Science ®], [Google Scholar],3Greenhalgh T, Annandale E, Ashcroft R, et al. An open letter to the BMJ editors on qualitative research. BMJ. 2016;352:i563. [Crossref], [PubMed], [Google Scholar]]. This series intends to provide novice researchers an introduction to information about conducting high-quality qualitative research in the field of primary care. By novice researchers, we mean Master’s students and junior researchers in primary care as well as experienced quantitative researchers who are engaging in qualitative research for the first time.

      I am an undergraduate student and I am taking a course in qualitative research techniques. I found this article quite interesting and easy to understand. I really like how they start from the constructivist paradigm. I bet it will help me a lot so that my future research with qualitative methods is of quality.

    1. So rather than assuming that quantitative and qualitative techniques are distinct or that they can be simply stitched together with particular approaches like networks, we need to understand better how automated tools and qualitative analyses can work together around particular empirical cases with particular data formats (Blok et al., 2017). Perhaps the instinctual wariness of the so-called qualitative researchers towards automated tools and computational forms of analysis is, not because of the practice of ‘distant reading’ itself (Moretti, 2013), i.e. the automated grasping of patterns, but because of distant tool design – when ready-made tools are parachuted in from nowhere, rather than emerge from complex, situated practice and the particular challenges of data and platforms.

      I found this article very interesting, how it explains deeply to us the benefits of working with qualitative and quantitative techniques is very practical and how now through the new technologies generate more benefits to research, the most important thing is to know the differences between these techniques, but to know how to work with both for particular cases, qualitative researchers many years ago faced situations that did not benefit them since they did not have the necessary programs to carry out their research of A more effective way, nowadays talking about qualitative research software is something of every day, we do not need to separate the techniques but to unite them to generate better results.

      Este articulo me pareció muy interesante, el como nos explica profundamente los beneficios que conlleva trabajar con las técnicas cualitativas y cuantitativas es muy practico y el como ahora por medios de las nuevas tecnologías generan mas beneficios a la investigación, lo mas importante no es saber las diferencias entre tales técnicas, sino saber trabajar con las dos para casos particulares, los investigadores cualitativos hace muchos años se enfrentaban a situaciones que no los beneficiaban ya que no contaban con los programas necesarios para realizar sus investigaciones de una forma mas eficaz, hoy en día hablar de softwares de investigación cualitativa es algo de todos los días, no necesitamos separar las técnicas sino unirlas para generar mejores resultados.

  4. Oct 2020
    1. Consideraremos un caso que se refiere a la difusión de información a través de los medios online: cómo se difunden y modifican determinados contenidos a lo largo del camino.

      To what extent can the use of social networks influence the rethinking of categorizations in the qualitative-quantitative analysis approaches of scientific research?

    2. Estos investigadores han argumentado de manera convincente que estas técnicas pueden ser reductivas y éticamente sospechosas y exacerbar los tipos existentes de desigualdades, así como también inclinar a los investigadores a hacer preguntas más específicas

      The rapid dissemination of information from social networks tells us a lot about how sources of knowledge are coerced from different approaches. The example shown to us only enables the reader to identify the qualitative and quantitative dynamics of the investigation in a specific case, but also gives us the benchmark to converge to a close understanding of both approaches through the use of technologies.

    3. There are questions that cannot be answered through a single method, either quantitative or qualitative, that is why day by day, the barriers between these two types of research are falling down.

      In the context in which we live we need answers that can explain our events and for that necessarily the question has to be looked at from quantitative and qualitative research; and in 2020 must be mediated by technological tools.

      The transmission of information through the new networks allows generating a space for debate and proximity to the topic, explains how tweets are analyzed through APIs and it is important to mention that the purpose of the article is not to talk about simple triangulation by combining both research techniques, but to realize that technological tools and qualitative data analysis can work together and give better results to the case study.

      . Existen preguntas que no pueden ser contestadas a través de un solo método, ya sea cuantitativo o cualitativo, es por eso que día a día, las barreras entre estos dos tipos de investigación se van cayendo.

      En el contexto en que vivimos necesitamos respuestas que puedan explicar nuestro acontecer y para eso necesariamente la pregunta tiene que ser mirada desde la investigación cuantitativa y cualitativa; y en pleno 2020 debe ser mediada por las herramientas tecnológicas.

      La transmisión de información a través de las nuevas redes permite generar un espacio de debate y cercanía con el tema, se nos explica la forma en que los tuits son analizados a través de los API y es importante mencionar que el objetivo del artículo no es hablar de una triangulación simple por el hecho de combinar ambas técnicas de investigación, sino darnos cuenta de que las herramientas tecnológicas y el análisis cualitativos de datos pueden trabajar juntos y dar mejores resultados al estudio de casos.

    4. Yet Science and Technology Studies (STS) scholars have provocatively argued that the ubiquity of – particularly online – digital data finally allows these two opposing research traditions to converge (Latour et al., 2012; Venturini and Latour, 2010). Indeed, a growing number of ‘qualitatively’ inclined STS researchers are beginning to use automated, computational techniques, particularly forms of data visualization, for the purposes of interpretive, rather than purely statistical analyses (Abildgaard et al., 2017; Marres and Weltevrede, 2013; Rogers, 2013; Venturini and Latour, 2010; Venturini et al., 2018).

      I loved your article, it is proof that now more than ever, thanks to technology, the systematization and digitization of the world, it is possible to make the opposites converge (in this case speaking of qualitative and quantitative methods), and even combine their techniques and use its tools to achieve the objectives of each approach and have a more complete analysis.

    5. Yet Science and Technology Studies (STS) scholars have provocatively argued that the ubiquity of – particularly online – digital data finally allows these two opposing research traditions to converge (Latour et al., 2012; Venturini and Latour, 2010). Indeed, a growing number of ‘qualitatively’ inclined STS researchers are beginning to use automated, computational techniques, particularly forms of data visualization, for the purposes of interpretive, rather than purely statistical analyses (Abildgaard et al., 2017; Marres and Weltevrede, 2013; Rogers, 2013; Venturini and Latour, 2010; Venturini et al., 2018).

      I loved your article, it is proof that now more than ever, thanks to technology, the systematization and digitization of the world, it is possible to make the opposites converge (in this case speaking of qualitative and quantitative methods), and even combine their techniques and use its tools to achieve the objectives of each approach and have a more complete analysis.

    6. When we talk about quantitative studies I think we talk about the exact facts and by taking them of the hand of qualitative studies ones gives us a broader perspective of panorama that we study, as well as the changes in interpretation that the information has. Nowadays, social networks have become the most used means to debate opinions on some topic and that is why I consider that this example about the investigation of tweets that talk about the subject "nuclear" power plant, has served us to enrich our knowledge about the research Quali-quantitative of the information and how to network a bigger picture of opinions in whole world.

    7. For example, while quali-quantitative techniques should retain certain essential features like relationality, reversibility and zoomability, we might also propose that they resonate with particular questions or empirical cases.

      Quantitative techniques are performed to give exact results and by their rigorous methods, I believe that they must preserve those characteristics that the authors propose. They could be efficient. Las técnicas cuantitativas se realizan por dar resultados exactos y por sus métodos rigurosos, considero que deben conservar esas características que plantean los autores. Podrían ser eficientes.

    8. Quantitative techniques are performed to give exact results and by their rigorous methods, I believe that they must preserve those characteristics that the authors propose. They could be efficient. Las técnicas cuantitativas se realizan por dar resultados exactos y por sus métodos rigurosos, considero que deben conservar esas características que plantean los autores. Podrían ser eficientes.

    9. Quantitative techniques are performed to give exact results and by their rigorous methods, I believe that they must preserve those characteristics that the authors propose. They could be efficient.

      Las técnicas cuantitativas se caracterizan por dar resultados exactos y por sus métodos rigurosos, considero que deberían conservar esas características que plantean los autores. Podrían ser eficientes.

    10. ConclusionMany recent attempts within STS to draw together quantitative and qualitative approaches, or more specifically to adapt automated tools to do qualitative work, tend to rely on network diagrams, since they are relational, do not require hard and fast categories and straddle micro and macro analysis. While networks clearly tell a richer, more nuanced story than frequency measures and rankings, we offered a case where networks might actually obscure the phenomenon under study.In the particular case of nuclear controversies circulating on Twitter, we noted that creating network visualisations often requires that the type of network(s) content travels through is taken for granted. This might obscure other possible networks, including those not easily accessible through Twitter’s API or not visible on Twitter at all, such as offline interactions, activities on other platforms or tweets originating from bots. This reveals the tensions identified earlier between the particular form of network graphs (which format and mediate data in particular ways), Twitter itself as a platform formatting and mediating associations, and the elusive associations and practices beyond Twitter which we only have traces of. In other words, researchers often use networks and online platforms as a resource to study actors and associations, but it is equally important to analyse platforms like Twitter as a topic in order to reveal how various technologies and routines structure associations (Marres and Moats, 2015).

      I agree with the conclusion that the article gives us that the dependence on network diagrams can offer us a richer and more interesting content than frequency measures and classifications. However, the convergence of Quali-quantitative studies, as has been shown to us in the case of the nuclear debate on Twitter and in Russia Today, will help us to further deepen our research.

      Concuerdo en la conclusión que nos da el artículo en cuanto a que, la dependencia de los diagramas de red nos pueden ofrecer un contenido más rico e interesante que las medidas de frecuencia y las clasificaciones. Sin embargo, la convergencia de los estudios Cuali-cuantitativos, como se nos ha mostrado en los caso del debate nuclear en twitter y en Russia Today, nos ayudará a profundizar todavía más en nuestra investigación.

    11. In these times when a global pandemic hits us, we have well been able to witness how much we had to move away from "traditional methods" and learn to have access to unknown software and digital tools, not only not to stop our learning, but also also revalidate it and also have a better ordering of our research data.

      In my opinion, social networks have become a new field of study, in which debates are intensifying, but which can often lack informational value and quality. This is not always the case, but I think that debates, users and digital platforms are now a reason to study the behavior of a society that defends, attacks and debates through a monitor.

      En estos tiempos donde nos azota una pandemia mundial, bien hemos podido ser testigos de lo mucho que tuvimos que alejarnos de los "métodos tradicionales" y aprender a tener acceso a desconocidos softwares y herramientas digitales, para no solo no detener nuestro aprendizaje, si no también revalidarlo y también tener un mejor ordenamiento de nuestros datos de investigación.

      Las redes sociales se han convertido en mi opinión en un nuevo campo de estudio, en el cual los debates se intensifican, pero que muchas veces pueden carecer de valor y calidad informativa. No siempre suele suceder así, pero creo que los debates, usuarios y plataformas digitales son ahora motivo para estudiar el comportamiento de una sociedad que defiende, ataca y debate a través de un monitor.