- Feb 2022
those involved decided the goals were too important to let mere bureaucratic obstacles get in the way.
People from both areas understood the importance of not destroying the life cycle for the animals and have taken consideration how having some species close to humans may be beneficial.
‘Perhaps just in time,’ Forman wrote in Road Ecology (2002), ‘a solution appears to lie before us. Its underlying foundations include knowledge in transportation, hydrology, wildlife biology, plant ecology, population ecology, soil science, water chemistry, aquatic biology, and fisheries.’
Author includes research that provides an overview of solutions to the issues.
This so-called ‘barrier effect’ is one the most significant discoveries made recently by scientists studying roads
Preventing some species from migration can disrupt their life cycle which can cause them to die. The roads put their entire life in peril.
it is not the traffic that is the problem: it is the road and the associated space that matters.
Author makes a point to add validity to his claim of devastation regarding roads
For example, about a million individuals of all species are killed every day on the roads of the US. In North America overall, the cumulative scale of all this roadkill now surpasses hunting as the main cause of death in larger species.
The provides information from research that is crucial in examining his points about the risks associated with roadways to all sorts of animals.
It is almost certain that you recently interacted closely with an invisible giant, as the Harvard landscape ecologist Richard T T Forman has described it.
In the opening sentence the author Darryl Jones emphasizes importance by suggest that its almost certain the reader has experienced similar experience. Also, by included the education background from a Ivy League university along with occupation title was used to show credence.