22 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2015
    1. Another way is through the concept of technogenesis, the idea that hu­mans and technics have coevolved together.

      Human ability evolve with technology because technology begets more technology.

    2. humanities as traditionally print-based disciplines

      Will evolve like everything to fit modern times.

    3. Constructing a database also makes it possible for different scholars (or teams of scholars) to create different front-ends for the same data, thus encouraging collaboration in data collection, storing, and analysis.

      Ease of access to information always encourages developing new information faster.

    4. presupposition

      a thing tacitly assumed beforehand at the beginning of a line of argument or course of action.

    5. Such feelings, which are widespread,^ constitute nothing less than a change in worldview

      People have integrated new media into their lives so much that when it's removed they feel distressed. This is the same as any sudden change as it fundamentally removes what we are used too.



    1. And what will happen when educators find that not very many of the old materials will "play"-that is, capture student enthusiasm?

      Text students read wil always change overtime. Students will always read some text that stand the test of time (Like Shakespear, Salinger, ect.) and new or newly discovered text that they can relate too.

    2. that our educational systems are in decline; that our students are less and less able to read and comprehend their required texts, and that their aptitude scores have leveled off well below those of previous gener-ations. T

      Language always evolves overtime, and people brains just aren't as accustomed to seeing older styles of writing. This is what makes reading older text harder, people need to work more since it's very different from what they are used too. People aren't simply getting dumber.

    3. reading is fundamentally an act of translation. Symbols are turned into their ver-bal referents and these are in turn interpreted

      sounds like semiotics

    4. printed sheet is heading for obsolescence

      I feel like the printed sheet will never be fully obsolete because of it's permanence.

    5. oral culture was overtaken by the writing technology.

      overtaken, but not fully transferred.

  2. Sep 2015
  3. isites.harvard.edu isites.harvard.edu
    1. Historically, this sort of shift in authority accompanied the emergence and development of the informational genres. The progression is nicely marked in the shift from Webster (Noah) to Webster's (the publishing house in Springfield, Mass.) and finally to Webster's as a synonym for "the dictionary," a generic name that has in fact been in the public domain for a number of years.

      Evolution of media has brought a sort off dissonance between author and work

    2. now-obsolete use of information to mean "formation or moulding of the mind or character, instruction,"

      interesting how the changing of language can skew our perception of the past

    1. The phrase still conveyed nothing. If Eternity was stopping it would of course be set going shortly.

      Linking the machine stopping to everything ended. Incomprehensible because no human can understand what life would be like without the machine.

    2. edification

      The improvement of one morally or intellectually.

    3. The Machine has been most merciful.

      Interesting insight on machines. Previously said that The Machine gives no mercy, but now saying the machine has been most merciful.

    4. How can I possibly explain this? It was naked, humanity seemed naked, and all these tubes and buttons and machineries neither came into the world with us, nor will they follow us out, nor do they matter supremely while we are here.

      Forster is showing the difference between man and machine here comparing life cycles of machines. Also shows humans insight on it in the story.

    5. "You know that we have lost the sense of space. We say “space is annihilated”, but we have annihilated not space, but the sense thereof.

      Very similar to how the internet makes everything seem so close despite those same things being far away.

    6. pneumatic stopper

      These are utilized for stopping chucks or moving parts. Often called stopper cylinders.

    7. atavism

      The tendency to revert to ancestral types.

    8. Machine can have no mercy

      Machines don't give in to people.

    9. They commune with humanity in dreams.

      Brings up an interesting difference between man and machine. The connection to earth would only be felt by humanity and not machine. Also, the fact that humanity can group with the earth is something uniquely human.

    10. which exactly resembled her own.

      Similar to how houses are built based on one model in neighborhoods today.