10 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2021
    1. MONTRIUL.

      Montreuil is located in northern France. The place Yorick visits after buying his chaise.


    2. tis

      The word tis is a short form for it is. The word has been used throughout the text in place of “it is.”


    3. chaise

      The object is usually a two or four wheeled carriage that Yorick bought to aid his journey to Montreuil.


    4. cabal

      According to the Oxford Learner’s Dictionary, a cabal is a small group of people that are secretly planning to seize political power. The term is used in the text to signify the struggle for power and dominance in Europe.


    5. tunick

      or Tunic The Oxford Learner’s Dictionary defines the word tunic as a long piece of cloth that extends to the knees usually worn in ancient Rome and Greece. The fact that a character is depicted in the text as wearing a tunic, the author was able to convey the time setting of the story.


    6. quoth

      According to the Oxford Learner’s Dictionary, the word quoth means said. In the reading, the word was used in place of said, particularly on the first page.


    7. CALAIS
    1. jeſter

      The word jester refers to a historical entertainer. Yorick was mistaken for a jester.



      He later travelled to Versailles after escaping a looming prison sentence at Bastille.


    3. Hamlet,

      The hamlet is a tragedy story that was authored by Shakespeare and Yorick noticed it when he was applying for his passport.
