10 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2017
    1. Over lime, these repeated pairings result in the infant's responding when tho word cracker is heard with no visible snack present.

      This could be seen by a behaviorist like pavlov's dog

    2. mile and make eye contact (in the mirror) es I made the sounds.

      Humans are such social creatures that it is important for them to be encouraged with things like eye contact and smiles

  2. Sep 2017
  3. languagedev.wikispaces.com languagedev.wikispaces.com
    1. The teacher may not be bilingual and may not have received any special training.

      This is not okay!!! Teachers need more training because it is not fair to the teacher or the student!

    2. It is crucial that classroom teachers encourage children to begin to examine their own uses of language for different purposes and in different settings.

      I feel like in many traditional school settings the teacher talks and the students listen. This is not helping the student. We should try to flip this so the teachers talk less and the students should talk more!

    3. From these teachers' attitudes, further negative assump-tions developed into low achievement expectations for BE speakers, which then became a self-fulfilling prophecy

      No one but especially not teachers, should judge others on their cultures because we are supposed to be the people giving equal opportunity not making it worse

    4. socialization mismatch hypothesis. This hypoth-esis "predicts that children are more likely to succeed in school when the home language and literacy socialization patterns are similar to those that are used and valued in school"

      It is important to have a working relationship with your student's families to be able to know what type of language to use in your classroom

    5. At home, the child is often the questioner: at school, the teacher often serves as the primary questioner.

      This needs to change!!! Learning happens when you ask questions not just listen

  4. languagedev.wikispaces.com languagedev.wikispaces.com
    1. Specifically, it acknowledges behaviorism's recognition of the environment's responses lo young children's communicative allempts, nativ-ism's recognition of tho human capacity for processing linguistic information, and the cognitive developmentalist's contention that language development is infl u-enced by the nature and sequence of cognitive development.

      By looking it at this way, every part works together to form language. I agree with this

    2. "Language is a biological adaptation lo communicate information ... language is the product of a well-engineered biologi-cal instinct"

      This makes me think of the "survival of the fittest." Over time nature could have adapted and improved language to better survive and that trait kept getting passed down. Although I agree that it is in our genetics, I think without nurture we would not be able to foster this ability.

  5. Aug 2017
  6. languagedev.wikispaces.com languagedev.wikispaces.com
    1. arger vocab• ulary also increases a child's ability to comprehend written text because reading comprehension is directly rolated to listening comprehension and oral vocabulary.

      This is why it is important to start using more complex words at a young age instead of constantly using very simple words or "baby talk." By exposing the child to a variety of different words when talking to them, it allows the child to be at a better advantage when learning to read. Very interesting!