242 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2016
    1. sees

      there should be a that after sees- Michael Durbin

    2. change

      It should be changed not change-Emily

    3. is the

      There should be in or at in between is and the. - Dean Misleh

    4. Dr.

      You should only use the abbreviation of doctor if it is a title in the front of a name, like Dr. Phill. You need to spell the word "Doctor" out.-Tyler

    5. the

      This should be they. -Dean Misleh

    6. The Pearl

      This is a title, you must italicize-Tyler

    1. Another difference between the book and movie is the beginning of the novel

      What about the beginning of the novel-Lizzie Madyda

    2. The Dr. in the book and novel

      These are the same thing, I assume you meant to say Novel and Movie. -Maddie Jones-Huddle

    3. Coyote

      His name in the movie is not Coyote, it is Juan Coyotito- Lizzie

    4. The priest baptizes Coyote with a new name, Juan Coyote.

      Doesn't fit in, looks like an afterthought. I would put in something more like in the book,,, in the movie... Also, his name is Coyotito, not coyote. -Sam Sauer

    5. stung. 

      Stung by what???- Maddie Jones-Huddle

    6. Dr.

      Spell out doctor. - Maddie Jones-Huddle

    7. the

      This should be they. -Maddie Jones-Huddle

    8. The book and movie both have Kino as their main character, but the change the name of Kino’s baby

      This sentence doesn't make sense. You need to make it two sentences and explain clearly. -Sam Sauer

    9. The Pearl

      This is a title, and you need to italicize it. -Sam Sauer

    1. The Pearl book and movie have many similarities and differences. The book and movie both have Kino as their main character, but the change the name of Kino’s baby. Kino and Juana have a son named Coyotito in the book. In the movie version, Coyotito is named Coyote. The priest baptizes Coyote with a new name, Juan Coyote. Another difference between the book and movie is the beginning of the novel. In the movie, the viewer meets Kino as a young boy and sees he has nightmares that help explain the origin of the Song of the Family. This does not happen in the book. There are many similarities that occur in the book and movie. The Dr. in the book and novel is still unwilling to help the people of the town. This is true even when Kino’s child, Coyotito gets stung. 221092701Show Less

      this is a over all boring paragraph

    2. Juan Coyote.

      what a lame name

      Coyotito was much better

    3. The Dr. in the book and novel is still unwilling to help the people of the town.

      wrong he refused to help kinos people not the towns people


    4. This does not happen in the book.



    5. Song of the Family.

      wrong song of evil


    6. the

      should be they -god

    1. .

      This needs to be a comma.-Alex Wolf

    2. the

      This has to be they. -Zane

    3. Dr.

      spell out doctor -hannah

    4. but the change the name of Kino’s baby.

      put this after the next sentance -hannah

    5. The Pearl

      This is a title, you need to italicize. -Zane

    6. The Pearl

      this is a title you need to italicize. -Hannah

    1. nightmares that help explain the origin of the Song of the Family

      The nightmares do not help us see the origin of the song of the family. The very beginning when he is pearl diving with his family helps us see the origin of the song of the family. -grace

    2. The Dr. in the book and novel is still unwilling to help the people of the town. This is true even when Kino’s child, Coyotito gets stung. 

      this makes no sence -nora

    3. The book and movie both

      It should be pronounced, "Both the book and the movie".

    4. Another difference between the book and movie is the

      come up with a different transition -nora

    5. This does not happen in the book.

      not a complete sentence. -nora

    6.   The Pearl

      This is the title of the book, so it should be italicized.

    7. The Dr.

      maybe say the doctors name. -nora

    8. the

      the should be they grace

    9. The Pearl

      you have to itilecize the book title -nora

    1. This is true even when Kino’s child, Coyotito gets stung. 

      There is no conclusion. -Raegan

    2. This does not happen in the book.

      This is a fragment. -Raegan

    3. but the change the name of Kino’s baby.

      should be changed to "they"

      -Ryan H

    4.   The Pearl

      Need to italicize. -Raegan