242 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2016
    1. Freak the Mighty has many similarities. Differences too. The book and movie have many similarities including the main characters. One difference is that Max and Freak meet in their 7th grade year in the movie. In the book, they met in the summer going into 8th grade. This is important because it means the timing of the story is different. Another difference is in the movie Max gets upset about his similarities to Killer Kane. Gram comes in and comforts him. This is right before he gets kidnapped by his father. This does not happen in the book. This is important because it shows the view that he does not want to be like his dad. These are some of the similarities and differneces. 
      • carter bowling
    2. movie

      their should be a comma after the word movie- carter bowling

    3. similarities

      their should be a comma after similarities- carter bowling

    4. Differences too.

      difference too is not a sentence- carter bowling

    5. Freak

      need to indent before freak- carter bowling

    6. need to indent- carter bowling

    1. The Dr. in the book and novel is still

      novel should be movie-Jack Frambes

    2. There are many similarities that occur in the book and movie.

      add some similarities-emma niehaus

    3. nightmares that

      it should have a comma after nightmares-Jack Frambes

    4. novel

      this should be movie-Jack Frambes

    5. book and novel

      make this book and movie-emma niehaus

    6. help explain

      help should either be taken out and explain should be explains or help should be helps to explain-Jack Frambes

    7.   The Pearl

      i'm makeing this as dark as possible to see if it turns black- jack loughnane

    8. The Pearl

      The Pearl

    9. The Pearl

      The Pearl

    10. The Pearl

      The Pearl

    11. The Pearl

      The Pearl

    12. The Pearl

      The Pearl

    13. The Pearl

      The Pearl

    14. There are many similarities that occur in the book and movie.

      make this the last sentence of the paragraph-emma niehaus

    15. This does not happen in the book.

      change this to how the beginning of the book starts-emma niehaus

    16. similarities

      and differences -emma niehaus

    17. Coyote

      its coyotito before he gets baptized- emma niehaus

    18. The Dr. in the book and novel is still unwilling to help the people of the town.

      make sure you include this but change the sentence around to make it go with how he woundnt treat Coyotito-emma niehaus

    19. This is true even when Kino’s child, Coyotito gets stung.

      change this to something about how the doctor wont treat Coyotito because he is from a poor family-emma niehaus

    20. Dr.

      spell out doctor 7 lines down and 13 words out - jack loughnane

    21. This does not happen in the book.

      This should be taken out. -gabbi mayne

    22. Dr.

      change to Doctor - emma niehaus

    23. In the movie version, Coyotito is named Coyote.

      this should be taken out- emma niehaus

    24. in the book.

      i would change this part to, Kino and Juana have a son named Coyotito, but in the movie when he gets baptized and his name changes to Juan Coyote- emma niehaus

    25. the

      this should be they-Emma Niehaus

    26. The Pearl

      this is a title and you should italicize -emma niehaus

    27. The Pearl

      This is a title and you should italicize. Gabbi Mayne

    1. Revised Version of The Pearl comparisons The Pearl book and movie have many similarities and differences. The book and movie both have Kino as their main character and they both have the same characters. Kino’s son Coyotito is named Coyote in the movie, then after Coyote gets baptized by the priest Coyote becomes Juan Coyote. Another difference between the book and movie is at the beginning of the movie we get a background of Kino’s life as a child, this helps explain why his nightmares explain the origin of the songs he hears throughout the movie. There are also many similarities that happen throughout both the novel and the movie. For example the doctor on both the novel and the movie still won’t help the people of the town because they are poor and can’t pay the doctor. This is true even when Kino’s child, Coyotito gets stung by a scorpion. -Matt Rohlfs

    2. Pearl book and movie have many similarities and differences. The book and movie both have Kino as their main character, but the change the name of Kino’s baby. Kino and Juana have a son named Coyotito in the book. In the movie version, Coyotito is named Coyote. The priest baptizes Coyote with a new name, Juan Coyote. Another difference between the book and movie is the beginning of the novel. In the movie, the viewer meets Kino as a young boy and sees he has nightmares that help explain the origin of the Song of the Family. This does not happen in the book. There are many similarities that occur in the book and movie. The Dr. in the book and novel is still unwilling to help the people of the town. This is true even when Kino’s child, Coyotito gets stung. 

      The Pearl book and movie have many similarities and differences. The book and movie both have Kino and all of the original characters, but they change the name of Kino’s son, Coyotito. In the movie version, Coyotito is named Coyote. The priest then baptizes Coyote with a new name, Juan Coyote. The book introduces Kino as a grown man with a wife and a child. The movie introduces Kino as a young boy. Also, in the book, Kino hears the song of evil. In the movie, to describe where the evil comes from to the viewers, he has nightmares. There are many obvious differences but there are also many similarities that occur between the two. In both the movie and book, the Doctor still refuses to help the town people, even when Coyotito is stung.

      This is my reviewed piece. Allison.

    3. The Dr. in the book and novel is still unwilling to help the people of the town.

      Does anybody else think that we should add reasoning to this to explain the doctor's selfishness? -Reero

    4. similarities that occur in the book and movie.

      Suggestion time: i think that we should change this also to something like "similarities that occur in these works. -Reero

    5. Another difference between the book and movie is the beginning of the novel.

      This sentence just doesn't seem right to me. I think that we should change it to "Another difference between these works of art is the beginning of each." -RYAN

    6. The book and movie both have Kino as their main character, but the change the name of Kino’s baby. Kino and Juana have a son named Coyotito in the book. In the movie version, Coyotito is named Coyote. The priest baptizes Coyote with a new name, Juan Coyote.

      This whole part about coyotito's name is very jumbled and needs to be better organized------Allison

    7. This does not happen in the book.

      I simply do not like this sentence, for, it just does not seem long enough. Instead, to fix it, we should add more to describe the difference between these two sections of the movie and the book. If you agree with me, please edit this paragraph and add a smiley face. -Rotsching Boy

    8. The Pearl book and movie have many similarities and differences

      I think they should list the similarities first, then talk about the differances-Allison

    9. the Family

      Shouldn't be the song of evil-Nate

    10. Coyotito gets stung.

      There should be a comma after Coyotito.- Matt Rohlfs

    11. Coyotito gets stung. 

      This is just a suggestion, but I think that we should add by a scorpion to this. - Ryan Rotsching

    12. he has

      This should be "him having" instead of "he has" -Matt Rohlfs

    13. but the change th

      "but the change" I think that this should be changed to " but they change" -Allison

    14. the book and novel

      This should be either book or novel, it should not say both, or that's what I think. -Ryan Rotsching

    15. Dr.

      I think we should take this and make it doctor instead of saying the abbreviation. I'm not sure this should be capitalized. -Ryan Rotsching 8B

    16. The Pearl

      This is a title, you should italicize.-Allison Laughlin

    1. The Pearl

      this is a title and you should underline it.-Luke Misleh

    2. The Dr.

      that should be doctor spelled out -alex

    3. book and novel

      it should be the book and the movie -alex

    4. Coyote with a new name, Juan Coyote

      Explain a little more.- Kaylee

    5. Coyotito gets stung.

      specify what he got stung by -Anime

    6. Coyotito gets stung.

      Make sure to say what he got stung by. -Kaylee

    7. The Dr. in the book and novel is still unwilling to help the people of the town

      the doctor is willing to for money -anime

    8. Coyotito

      After Coyitito, make sure to add a comma since they are saying his name.- Kaylee

    9.             The Pearl book and movie have many similarities and differences. The book and movie both have Kino as their main character,

      You don't need to tell that Kino is the main character, not that important. -Kaylee

    10. This is true even when Kino’s child, Coyotito gets stung.

      what does kino being a child have to do with coyotito getting stung by a scorpion alex

    11. This is true even when Kino’s child, Coyotito gets stung. 

      what does kino as a child have to do with coyoito getting stung -Anime

    12. help explain the origin of the Song of the Family

      it explains the origin of all the songs not just the song of the family. -Anime

    13. is the

      "is ^ the" -Anime

    14. The priest baptizes Coyote with a new name, Juan Coyote.

      Why is this important to the movie -Anime

    15. the

      Change to they- Kaylee

    16. The Pearl

      This is a title, and you should italicize. -Kaylee Monahan

    1. Dr


    2. This does not happen in the book.

      "On the other hand, in the book, it does not explain about Kino's childhood, or how the "Song of the Family" came to be."

    3. Another difference between the book and movie is the beginning of the novel. In the movie, the viewer meets Kino as a young boy and sees he has nightmares that help explain the origin of the Song of the Family.

      It should be, "Another difference between the book and the movie is the beginning, and in the movie the viewer meets Kino when he was young. The viewer also sees that Kino had nightmares when he was young, and those nightmares had helped with describing the origin of the "Song of the Family.

    4. The priest baptizes Coyote with a new name, Juan Coyote.

      It should be, "In the movie Coyote is baptized by priest, and earns a new name, Juan Coyote."

    5. .

      , even though

    6. Kino and Juana have a son named Coyotito in the book. In the movie version, Coyotito is named Coyote.

      In my sense, I think it should be, "In the book, Kino and Juana have a son named Coyotito, but in the movie, his name is Coyote.

    7. . This

      , even though

    1. The Pearl book and movie

      add a comma after Pearl and after movie

    2. the

      Take out this word. It doesn't make sense.-Anna

    3. Song of the Family

      Is this the song of family, or the song of evil?-Anna

    4. Dr.

      Write the whole word. "Doctor."-Anna

    5. book and novel

      Book and movie, book and novel are the same thing.-Anna

    6. This is true even when Kino’s child, Coyotito gets stung. 

      This is not a clear conclusion. Restate the thesis statement.-Anna

    7. of the novel.

      Take this out, it doesn't work. It is the beginning of the novel and the movie.-Anna

    8. This is true even when Kino’s child, Coyotito gets stung.

      This sentence doesn't make sense to me. -Anna

    9. There are many similarities that occur in the book and movie.

      This sentence would be better as a conclusion. -Anna

    1. The Pearlbook

      Sorry, forgot a space! -Sam

    2. unwilling to help the people of the town

      If you know why he is unwilling to help the people I would write it- Lizzie Madyda

    3. There are many similarities that occur in the book and movie.

      You already said it so you don't need to say it again- Lizzie Madyda

    4. Kino and Juana have a son named Coyotito in the book. In the movie version, Coyotito is named Coyote.

      Make one sentence. They are fragments. -Sam

    5. In the movie, the viewer meets Kino as a young boy and sees he has nightmares that help explain the origin of the Song of the Family

      The nightmares started the song of evil, not family and the song of the family comes from either his dad or Juan Tomas.... i couldn't tell. -Sam

    6. has

      *Had -Maddie Jones-Huddle

    7. This is true even when Kino’s child, Coyotito gets stung. 

      This sentence should not be the last sentence. There should be a conclusion sentence that sums everything up. -Sam

    1. a new name

      Change this to," with the new name of ,"

    2. book. In

      Change this to "book , but in the movie..."

    3. This

      This should instead be These nightmares. or Add this sentence to the previous sentence and make it become ... Song of the Family, and this does not happen in the book.<br> -Dean

    4. does not

      follow up Then you want to change this to do not. -Dean Misleh

    5. The Pearl

      This is a title, you must italicize. -Dean Misleh

    1. The Pearl book a

      owen i know where you live

    2. well well well owen

    3. The Pearl book and movie have many similarities and differences. The book and movie both have Kino as their main character, but the change the name of Kino’s baby. Kino and Juana have a son named Coyotito in the book. In the movie version, Coyotito is named Coyote. The priest baptizes Coyote with a new name, Juan Coyote. Another difference between the book and movie is the beginning of the novel. In the movie, the viewer meets Kino as a young boy and sees he has nightmares that help explain the origin of the Song of the Family. This does not happen in the book. There are many similarities that occur in the book and movie. The Dr. in the book and novel is still unwilling to help the people of the town. This is true even when Kino’s child, Coyotito gets stung. 

      The Pearl book and movie have many similarities and differences. The book and movie both have Kino as their main character, but they change the name of Kino’s baby. Kino and Juana have a son named Coyotito in the book. In the movie, Coyotito is named Coyote. The priest baptizes Coyote with a new name, Juan Coyote. Another difference between the book and movie is the beginning of the novel. In the movie, the viewer meets Kino as a young boy and has nightmares that help explain the origin of the Song of the Evil, this does not happen in the book. There are many similarities that occur in the book and movie. The Doctor in the book and novel is still unwilling to help the people of the town. This is true even when Kino’s child, Coyotito gets stung.

    4. I know where you live -God

    5. The Dr. in the book and novel is

      i belive that you only need book or novel -andrew

    1. Coyote

      Supposed to be Coyotito.

      -Ryan H.

    2. This does not happen in the book.

      This is a fragment and I did this before Raegan did.

      -Ryan H.

    3. in the book and novel

      it should be in the book and the movie -Connor

    4. The Dr.

      Should be spelled out as "Doctor"

      -Ryan H

    5. Song of the Family.

      Should be song of Evil.

      - Ryan H.

    6. and sees he has nightmares

      it should be "and watches as he has nightmares." -Connor

    7. but the change the name of Kino’s baby

      "but in the movie the name of Kino's baby is changed" -Raegan

    8. In the movie version, Coyotito is named Coyote.

      This is wrong. -Raegan

    9. There are many similarities that occur in the book and movie.

      This could be the the conclusion. -Raegan

    10. In the movie version, Coyotito is named Coyote. The priest baptizes Coyote with a new name, Juan Coyote.

      This could be one sentence. -Raegan

    11. is the

      is in the -Raegan

    1. novel

      This supposed to be movie not novel.-Evan Webb

    2. This is true even when Kino’s child, Coyotito gets stung.

      You need a comma after Coyotito. - Evan Webb

    1. This does not happen in the book.

      Instead of saying this, explain what happens in the beginning of the novel-Zach

    2. novel

      change this to a word that is a grouping word like each-Zach

    3. In the movie version, Coyotito is named Coyote. The priest baptizes Coyote with a new name, Juan Coyote.

      there is no reason to why this is important/why is this significant-Zach

    4. .

      you need a conclusion after this-zach

    5. the

      The should be they-Zach

    6. Song of the Family

      I don't think this is Song of the Family-Zach

    7. novel

      Shouldn't this be movie-Zach

    8. Dr.

      Write out doctor. -Ellie Jonas

    9. ,

      You don't need this comma.-Zach

    10. Dr.

      It should not be abbreviated.-Zach

    11. many

      If there are many similarities how come there is only two sentences?-Zach

    12. the

      After "...but they" not the. -Ellie Jonas

    13. but the change the name of Kino’s baby. Kino and Juana have a son named Coyotito in the book. In the movie version, Coyotito is named Coyote. The priest baptizes Coyote with a new name, Juan Coyote.

      Make all of this one sentence.-Zach

    14. The Pearl

      This is a title, and you should italicize. -Zach

    15. The Pearl

      This is a title and you should italicize. -Ellie Jonas

    1. Dr.

      spell out Doctor - Patrick

    2. This is true even when Kino’s child, Coyotito gets stung. 

      chnage to " this is true when coyotito gets stung"

    3. still

      remove this -abby

    4. and novel

      wait nevermind change novel to movie -abby

    5. but the change the name of Kino’s baby

      change this to the name of Kino's baby is changed in the movie.- Patrick

    6. The

      Add ' for example" before the to make sentence clear. - Abby dupps

    7. of the novel

      Take this out. - coolest cat abby dupps

    8. change but the change the name of Kino's baby to they changed the name of Kino's baby in the movie - Patrick

    9. oyotito gets stung.

      you have no conclusion!!!! :)

    10. Dr.

      dont abbreviate


    11. beginning of the novel.

      no. should say another difference between... beginning. take out when it says of the novel. -alyssa

    12. Song of the Family

      It doesn't explain the song of family, it explains the song of evil. -Abby

    13. Song of the Family.

      His nightmares describe the song of evil not the song of family. -alyssa

    14. nightmares that help

      This should be two sentences. "...nightmares. That helps..." -alyssa

    15. baby

      add " in the movie" here. -Abby

    16. Dr.

      I don't think they should have abbreviated doctor. Ben Schlaack

    17. and novel

      Take this out. -Abby

    18. The priest baptizes Coyote with a new name, Juan Coyote.

      This sentence is unclear. I would change it to say When the priest baptizes Coyote he gives him a new name: Juan Coyote. -alyssa

    19. Dr

      Spell out doctor. - Abby

    20. This does not happen in the book.

      Add that in the beggining of the book it started off with Kino as a man not a young boy. -Abby

    21. but the change the name of Kino’s baby

      This doesn't make a lot of sense. I would write "but the name of Kino's baby was changed." alyssa

    22. the

      Change the to they. -Abby

    23. The Pearl

      this is a title, you should italicize it. Ben Schlaack

    24. The Pearl

      This is a title. You should italicize. Alyssa.

    25.   The Pearl

      This is a title and you shoudl italicize it. - Abby

    1. The Pearl

      Italicize it Jason! - Rotten Eggs

    2. Miss Woebkenberg

      BERG!!!!!!- Pickles

    3. Wed Nov 16, 2016 at 12:35 pm

      it`s 11/18/2016 not 16 - JASON CAO...... no - Space Time Lord( Pickles)

    4. The Pearl

      This is a title, and you should italicize.- Ryan Eagan NO THIS IS PICKLES AND SHALL STAY PICKLES

    5. Miss Woebkenberg


    6. Wed Nov 16, 2016 at 12:35 pm

      this is not wed ints fri. Oh speaking of fri, i like fried chicken

      • Eggs
    7. child, Coyotito gets

      I think it should be; child, Coyotito, gets.. -mooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

    8. Coyote

      Coyotito -Callie Jacobs

    9. The priest baptizes Coyote

      In the book Coyotito is never even baptized it is one of the things that Kino wants to do with the money from the pearl. -Callie Jacobs

    10. the viewer meets

      We do not personally meet Kino jeez. - Eggdominous Rex

    11. Dr.

      I agree that it should be spelled out -Callie Jacobs

    12. Coyote

      Coyotito- MEW

    13. Coyotito gets stung.

      Emphasize that it is by a scorpion- Scrambled Eags

    14. but the change the name of Kino’s baby. Kino and Juana have a son named Coyotito in the book. In the movie version, Coyotito is named Coyote. The priest baptizes Coyote with a new name, Juan Coyote.

      The information in this statement is incorrect. their child's name is still Coyotito but they only said his name once before his baptism were they change his name Juan Coyote, from then on they call him Coyote to show respect for his baptism.- BERG

    15. . This

      It should be town, this- Cap'n Eggs

    16. stung. 

      The sentence should not end here it should, in my opinion, have ",in both the book and the movie." after -Callie Jacobs

    17. book and novel

      Choose on or the other - Eggbert

    18. Dr.

      Spell out doctor - green eggs and ham

    19. and

      It should be and the - Eagipoo

    20. Family. This

      There two sentences should be put together with a ", but" instead of it being two separate sentences. -Callie Jacobs

    21. change

      It should be in the past tense- Eags

    22. the

      but the change "the" name of Kino`s should be changed to "of" -Jason Cow

    23. In the movie version, Coyotito is named Coyote

      I don't see how this is relevant, if this does make a difference to the story please give an explanation- Mary Wilkens

    24. the

      I am in agreement it should be they. - anonymous person

    25. have

      it should be has. - Ryan Eagan

    26. the

      "The" should be "they- Mary Wilkens Jason

    27. The Pearl

      this is a title and you should italicize. -Callie Jacobs

    28. The Pearl

      This is a title and you should italicize.- Jason Cao

    29. The Pearl

      This is a title, and you should italicize. -Mary Wilkens

    1. the

      Is this supposed to be they? 'The' doesn't make any sense. I think it is... -Heather Schwab

    2. The priest baptizes Coyote with a new name, Juan Coyote.

      I think you should say why they wanted Coyotito to be baptized. -AH

    3. the novel.

      The nightmares are not in the beginning of the book. They are in the beginning of the movie. This is unclear. I think you should say that it happens in the movie. Anna Heilers

    4. Coyotito

      There should be a comma after Coyotito because it's an appositive, I think...-Heather Schwab (...Coyotito,..)

    5. Dr.

      Should this be like, spelled out? Like doctor. They are referring to him as the doctor, he's not special or like, a pronouns. -Heather Schwab ;)

    6. Dr.

      You should spell out the word "doctor." I also don't think doctor is supposed to be capitalized. Anna Heilers

    7. that help explain the origin of the Song of the Family

      I don't believe they explain the origin of the song of the family. I think his nightmares foreshadow the end of the book. Anna Heilers ;)

    8. The Dr. in the book and novel is still unwilling to help the people of the town.

      You need to explain why this is significant. Anna Heilers

    9. The priest baptizes Coyote with a new name, Juan Coyote.

      Why is this significant? You need to say why him being baptized is important. I think you should also say how this is different from the book. What happens in the book that is different from the movie? Anna Heilers

    10. Kino and Juana have a son named Coyotito in the book. In the movie version, Coyotito is named Coyote.

      You need to say why this change is significant. I don't know if it is significant at all. Anna Heilers

    11. .

      You need a conclusion sentence. Anna Heilers

    12. I don't think there is a good conclusion sentence. The last sentence is fine, but they should add another like, wrapping it up.

    13. Coyotito

      If you referred to him as Coyote in the movie before, it might make more sense to call him Coyote again, or put both in so it is clearer. Anna Heilers

    14. The Pearl book and movie have many similarities and differences. The book and movie both have Kino as their main character, but the change the name of Kino’s baby. Kino and Juana have a son named Coyotito in the book. In the movie version, Coyotito is named Coyote. The priest baptizes Coyote with a new name, Juan Coyote. Another difference between the book and movie is the beginning of the novel. In the movie, the viewer meets Kino as a young boy and sees he has nightmares that help explain the origin of the Song of the Family. This does not happen in the book. There are many similarities that occur in the book and movie. The Dr. in the book and novel is still unwilling to help the people of the town. This is true even when Kino’s child, Coyotito gets stung. 

      You should explain WHY they change these things from the book to the movie and why they kept some things the same.- Emma Perera

    15. , Coyotito

      You either need to take out the comma before Coyotito or add one after. It should say, "Kino's son, Coyotito," or "Kino's son Coyotito..." Anna Heilers

    16. This is true even when Kino’s child, Coyotito gets stung.

      Put a comma in between Coyotito and gets. You are naming something that is not exactly part of the actual sentence.- Emma Perera

    17. the

      This should be they, not the. Anna Heilers

    18. the

      Change this to they. ", but THEY change the name of Kino's child is much more clear.

    19. The Pearl

      this is a title and you should italicize it.-Emma Perera

    20. The Pearl

      This is a title, and you should italicize. Anna Heilers