8 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2016
    1. Incentivization & Security

      The way 'intrinsic' and 'extrinsic' are bering used is just the opposite of they way it is used in other contexts: getting bitcoins for mining might use 'intrinsic resources' and 'intrinsic mechanism' but the motivation is based on 'extrinsic rewards', while with BigchainDB, the nodes have the 'intrinsic motivation' to be part of the network and serve it.

    2. POW

      Just a big waste of electricity: POW is anti-ecological!

  2. Aug 2016
    1. ever-growing

      Not all types of blockchains, or more exactly not all types of technologies providing services similar to blockchains have to have an ever-growing database. It is the Bitcoin model and other models are possible (for the agnostic!). Let's call them the "unblocked chains" e.g. Swirlds

    2. a use case that is dead on arrival.

      If the answer is "no" may be it was the wrong question in the first place. If it does not make sense to put a student record on the blockchain, it does not mean that blockchain technologies can't be used to provide valuable services in relation to student records. Other architectures based on technologies used in blockchains are possible.

    3. many visions for blockchain in education seem to advocate writing it all to the blockchain

      This is obviously a mistake as it is sufficient to put the address (or its hash value) on the chain, the data (of any size) being stored on something like IPFS. Blockchains were initially designed to store transactions not content — the discussion about the size of the block was about the number of transactions that could go in a block... Things evolved with new systems like https://www.bigchaindb.com/ and the landscape of blockchain-like technologies will continue to grow and diversify...

    4. Blockchain

      There is not one blockchain technology, so one of the misconceptions is to treat them as if they were one item. Moreover, the "technologies used by blockchains," which is different from "blockchain technology" have a life of their own...

    5. Misconceptions

      The misconceptions are multilayered:

      • about blockchains
      • blockchains vs blockchain technologies (asymmetric encryption etc.)
      • learning about blockchains using badges (what has been done so far) and using blockchains to provide a relevant service to badge earners (what remains to be done)
      • etc.
  3. Jun 2016
    1. The problem of course is the payee can't verify that one of the owners did not double-spendthe coin.

      This problem does not concern Open Badges or verifiable credentials, hence the solution is irrelevant to them...