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  1. Nov 2019
  2. learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.s3.amazonaws.com learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.s3.amazonaws.com
    1. Developing Effective Clinical Trainers:Strategies to Enhance Knowledge Translation

      Required reading for my ETC556

    1. Early Adopters Pioneer Virtual Reality Use in Higher Education

      This article explains how Virtual Reality is being used in some higher education institutions including Arizona State University's online biology program. The article explains how VR is not happening in many other institutions but someday if all of the bumps can be worked out that it soon will be used in many colleges and universities and the benefits will be endless.

    1. iPads In Health And Medicine: More Than An Information Revolution?

      This article explains how the use of iPads in the medical field has really taken off. I mostly focused on the part about iPads in Medical School and learned that Yale Medical School is providing iPads to all of it's medical students and said that the costs come out to about the same as having to make paper copies for all of the students and it is better for the environment. Students who liked hard copies were converted to iPads after just one semester. Other medical schools are also using iPads or other applications that can be used on different devices.

  3. learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com
    1. Toward constructivism for adult learners in online learning environments

      This was an article I was to read for my ETC556 class and it explains the different theories of adult education and how the advancing technologies makes a true constructivist enviornment possible for online learning.

    1. Adult Learning in the Workplace:Emotion Work or Emotion Learning?

      This article was a required reading for my ETC556 course. The article explains emotion in the workplace. In the past employers have looked down on emotion and considered someone who is emotional to be unstable in a way. Recently employers have started closely looking at emotion and how it impacts their company and profits and in a way are using it to better their company but not really looking at the individual. This article goes into the importance of emotion in the workplace and how if handled properly and appreciated, that the benefits are endless.

    1. The generation that tech forgot

      This article explains that 77% of older adults need assistance with technology and devices. It also explains how a lot of technology companies are realizing this and are developing applications for their devices to help with the older adult's understanding. 7/10

    2. Touching problem Image copyright Thinkstock It is easy to assume that older people will find a gadget as simple to use as you do. As an iPad user, I saw no reason my mother could not get to grips with it - but, actually, it is not as simple as that.The response time for icons on an Apple screen is 0.7 seconds, but the over-65s have a response time of about one second.Using touchscreens may come naturally enough to a toddler but not necessarily for an older person - the nerves in the finger become less sensitive with age, meaning older people may "touch" far more heavily.And tests suggest that if an older person has a slight tremor, it can be registered on a device as a swipe rather than a touch."It is these subtle issues that erode confidence and cause confusion," says Chris Bignell, a spokesman for Emporia Telecom, which has designed a smartphone specifically for older people. Image copyright Emporia Image caption The Emporia phone has a detachable keyboard

      This idea that the touch of an older adults fingers are different from that of a younger person is very interesting to me and I never would have thought that this would make a difference when touching a screen or buttons on a device.

    3. This article explains that most older adults use technology every day and might not even notice it, for example hearing aids and gps. Yet when it comes to mobile devices such as iPads, iPhones, etc almost 77% need guidance. This article goes on to explain that many companies are taking notice of this and are making applications or adjustments to their mobile devices to make things easier for this population. 9/10

    1. Breaking the Code: What Motivates Adult Learners?

      This article provides tips on how to motivate the adult learner. It suggests that the adult learner wants to learn content that is going to be relevant to their current or future job, wants to be taught by someone they trust and respect, and wants to learn by exploring not by meaningless clicking through course content. 9/10

    2. Incorporate videos of successful people or relevant experts related to the subject.

      Since adult learners want to make are motivated by meaning in their learning, it is great to provide videos of successful people in their field and to hear stories of how they got their so that the students can relate.

    1. Designing Technology for Adult Learners: Applying Adult Learning Theory

      This article explains how adult learning theory must be taken into consideration when developing online learning. It gives suggestions such as providing real-world examples, allowing students to work a their own pace, providing time for reflection, and many more. 9/10

    2. Andragogy theory acknowledges that adults bring a wealth of experience to their learning and use it as a base when they learn. Learning is more successful when adults make connections between their past experience and new information they are learning, or when they see how learning is relevant to them and their lives. It is important to incorporate a variety of perspectives in design because adult learners have different educational backgrounds, and life experiences.
    1. The Benefits of Experiential Learning

      This article explains the importance of experiential learning in all levels of education not just higher education. It explains how experiential learning has several benefits including but not limited to the following: It allows for a lot of creativity, it provides real-world experience, it gives the learner an idea of certain fields for possible career options and many more. 10/10

    2. You don't learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing, and by falling over.” 

      I like this quote.

    1. What is EdTech and Why Should It Matter to You?

      This blog explains educational technology in great detail and the importance of the field and how an educational technologist might be utilized in education. 10/10

    1. 15 Assistive Technology Tools & Resources For Students With Disabilities

      This article lists 15 types of assistive technology that can help learners with disabilities. Some examples of these technologies are tools to help the learner to better communicate with other students and instructors, proofreading software, and several math tutoring tools to name a few. 10/10

    1. How to Use Technology Without Feeling Overwhelmed (For Introverts and HSPs)Posted by Lori Elliott • 0 Comments

      This article explains ways to use technology in your life without being overwhelmed. It provides tips such as making sure your inbox is clear to taking a break from technology all together first thing in the morning and late at night. This article is geared towards introverts but I think the tips are beneficial for anyone. 10/10

    1. How to Continuously Grow as a Tech-Savvy Education Leader

      This article provides tips on how to grow as a tech savvy leader in the education field. It explains that it is not easy to be a leader in technology because technology is always changing so it recommends tips such as collaborating and sharing with others, keeping yourself constantly updated, and more practice at becoming comfortable and tips on how to do this. 7/10

    1. 7 Skills Needed To Be A Successful Tech Leader Andre Smith

      This article provides tips to being a successful technology leader. It is not specific to higher education but I believe a lot of these tips and traits are universal regardless of where you lead. 6/10

    1. How to Use Technology to Improve Academic Advising

      This blog has suggestions on how to improve academic advising through the use of technology. Some types of ways this blog suggests using technology for advisors includes: Utilizing it to gather data to improve serving students, developing a program that communicates with students when they are falling behind in a course and need immediate intervention such as tutoring, and proving videos that are readily available to all types of students. 8/10

    1. Higher Education Best Practices - Teaching & Learning

      This website provides a vast amount of information for faculty and staff working in higher education. There are sections on how to purposefully use technology in the classroom to setting proper boundaries between faculty and students just to name a few. 10/10

    1. 5 Ways College Teachers Can Improve Their Instructi

      This blog gives five suggestions for college instructors to improve their teaching. It provides basic tips like having students put name cards on their desks so the instructor gets to know their names to having instructors pick on students even if they do not have their hands up to make all students accountable. 10/10

    1. Technology can hurt students’ learning, research shows

      This article explains how research has been done in Europe recently and found that a classroom that had technologies for their students did worse than classrooms that did not. It did however find that classrooms where teachers had technologies did significantly better. The study also found that classrooms where the teachers used a blended approach of learning and combined both teacher-directed learning and inquiry-based teaching did better than classrooms that just used one approach.

    1. These 4 areas are critical to higher ed’s technological transformation

      This article explains the four areas that are critical in transforming higher education's technology. These four areas are: Improving student services, securing student data, modernizing IT, and transforming academics. 5/10

    1. 17 Tips To Motivate Adult Learners

      This articles provides 17 tips about how to motivate the adult learner. This article takes into account that the adult learner may be the one out of school for awhile and the non-traditional student when giving tips. 9/10

    1. 4 key ways AI is impacting higher ed

      This article explains the 4 ways Artificial Intelligence is impacting higher education. The 4 ways are: Student Acquisition, Learning and Instruction, Student Affairs, and Institutional Efficiency. 5/10

    1. Using Technology to Help First-Gen Students

      This article explains the importance of higher education institutions utilizing technology to better serve their first generation students and states that studies show that doing this helps this cohort of students. Ways that technology can be used is by providing information to help the student maneuver through college since these students do not have parents to give them the information of past experience and they might be too embarrassed to ask for help. Other ways technology can be used is through augmented learning to provide real world experiences, and social media to give the students a sense of community with their peers. This article also states the importance of instructors utilizing as much technology as possible as well.

    1. The Wired Classroom: Leveraging Technology to Engage Adult Learners

      This article explains how the advances and abundance in new technologies can be a bit intimidating to the instructors and that many just do the bare minimum use of technology just to get by. The author explains that yes learning new technology and using it in the classroom is extra work but the benefits far outweigh the extra work learning the technology. The author explains that social media, simulations, and lms all help in relating to the students, engaging older learners, and help instructor gather pertinent information about his or her students. 8/10