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  1. Feb 2016
    1. The void that having two carers of the same sex was unable to fill led her to believe that,"the best and most successful family structure is one in which kids are being raised by both their mother and father."My father's absence created a huge hole in me, and I ached every day for a dad. I loved my mum's partner, but another mum could never have replaced the father I lost."

      This child believed that having two mothers was great, but she always deeply longed for a father figure she never had. The mother's partner could never fill in for a father figure.

    1. The briefs reveal children’s struggles with gender confusion, pressures to conform to gay values and attitudes, and feelings of isolation and sadness without being able to talk about those things with anyone.The inconsolable longing for the “missing” parent is another common theme.

      The child has confusion with the genders of an actual mother and father. The child doesn't have anyone to speak about their internal feelings to. The wantingbof one mother and one father is forever missed being raised by a gay couple.

    1. Maternal influence was found to be the leading factor over whether children stayed on at school and went on to study at university and to social mobility within the family.

      This is saying how mothers have a strong influence over the child's education

    1. The mother and child relationship you create with your child during the earliest years will greatly influence the way your child behaves in social and emotional settings, especially in later years.

      The bonding attachment made with the child and mother is greatly influenced on the child's emotional state & sociability in the later years.

    2. As a mother and the primary caregiver in your child’s earliest days, weeks and months, you are your child’s first link of any emotional bonding and attachment.

      The mother has the first bonding with a child when the child is in his or her young days.

    1. Boys show less aggression, less impulsivity, and more self-direction.

      For boys with fathers in their life they have more of a self-direction & less impulsivity.

    2. According to the Father Involvement Research Alliance review, girls with involved fathers have higher self-esteem, and teenage girls who are close to their dads are less likely to become pregnant.

      From the Father Involvement Research Alliance review, girls who have fathers in their life are less likely to get pregnant and have a higher self-esteem.

    3. At school, children of involved fathers do better academically. For example, a study by the U.S. Department of Education found that children of highly involved fathers were 43 percent more likely than other children to earn mostly As and 33 percent less likely to repeat a grade. They are also less likely to have behavior problems at school and to experience depression.

      According to the U.S Department of Education, 43 percent of children more As & 33 percent of the children are LESS likely to repeat a grade.

    4. Toddlers with involved fathers are better problem-solvers and have higher IQs by age 3. They are more ready to start school and can deal with the stress of being away from home all day better than children with less involved fathers .

      Children at a young age with involved fathers are more better at problem solving & more "ready to start".

    5. A review of studies by the Father Involvement Research Alliance shows that babies with more involved fathers are more likely to be emotionally secure, confident in new situations, and eager to explore their surroundings. As they grow, they are more sociable.

      This study shows that kids with father's are far more sociable.

    6. Four decades of research and hundreds of studies have proven what should be obvious to everyone: The more involved a dad is, the more successful his children will be. A father's influence can determine a child's social life, grades at school, and future achievements.

      According to a long period of research & studies, fathers help's a child evolve academically & even influence their future lives.

    7. Even dads with average parenting skills can make a real impact on their children's lives

      This is saying that the father don't have to do anything spectacular for the child.

    1. A new study that finds children of a gay or lesbian parent may be more likely to have social and emotional problems has sparked controversy on both sides of the same-sex marriage debate.

      Children that are raised by gay couples are now adults dealing with internal problems.

    1. Even President Obama himself emphatically stated that children need fathers to keep them in school, out of poverty, and out of prison. President Obama concluded by lamenting that “the foundations of our community are weaker because” it lacks involved fathers.

      President Obama is in agreement with how fathers need to be involved in their children's life to guide them to the right path.

    2. he father’s involvement is linked to positive outcomes in education, physical health, and avoidance of juvenile delinquency. Children who “roughhouse with their fathers” learn that certain violent behavior is unacceptable. Fathers encourage exploration and discourage boys from “compensatory masculinity where they reject and denigrate all that is feminine and instead…engag[e] in domineering and violent behavior.”

      This is saying that the father plays the role of caring for the behavior, health, and views.

    3. The mother plays a critical role in a child’s neural development, communication, sense of security, problem solving, understanding and responding to feelings, and social ties to both friends and family.

      The mother basically plays the role of a best friend second, mother first.

    4. The professors present a great deal of scholarship showing that mothering and fathering are different.

      There are two ways one mother and one father supports the child.

    5. It is not simply the presence of two parents…but the presence of two biological parents that seems to support children’s development.… Experts have long contended that both mothers and fathers make unique contributions to parenting.

      Two biological parents are a better support for a child's development, than just any two parents. In an expert's opinion, parents that are actually blood related o the child makes a unique contributions to parenting.

    6. [T]he vast majority of [these] studies were based on samples of fewer than 100 parents (or children), and typically representative only of well-educated, white women (parents), often with elevated incomes. These are hardly representative samples of the lesbian and gay population raising children, and therefore not a sufficient basis to make broad claims about child outcomes of same-sex parenting structures. Thank you!

      They ran a study on only specific group, so the study was a fail.

    1. The main claim in favour of changing the law in this way is that the current law unfairly singles out people who experience same-sex attraction not allowing them to have the same status as people who are married.

      This is saying that, the most used reason for gays to marry is because they can't spend their life with their significant other the "married way".

    2. After their legislature experimented with same-sex marriage, the people of California voted against the revisionist concept of marriage.

      When the legislature took a chance at same-sex marriage theory, the people of California rejected the changed concept.

    3. It is significant that everywhere the issue has been debated it begins on the issue of fairness and justice and with majority support

      Most people are initially agreeing with the fact that gays have equal rights as well as heterosexuals have equal rights.

    1. “I have seen that children in gay households often become props to be publicly displayed to prove that gay families are just like heterosexual ones.”

      According to Klein, people put the children of gay parents are put on blast to show the world that the child isn't going to be the same as a child being raised by a heterosexual household.

    2. “Most adult children from gay households do not feel safe or free to publicly express their stories and life-long challenges; they fear losing professional licenses, not obtaining employment in their chosen field, being cut off from some family members or losing whatever relationship they have with their gay parent(s).

      Due to having a gay parent, some adults are insecure of sharing childhood stories because she or he thinks the adults would lose everything they have.

    3. “There was no guarantee that any of my Dad’s partners would be around for long, and yet I often had to obey them,” she said. “My rights and innocence were violated.”

      She didn't have a chance to express how she felt about her father and his friends.

    4. “I wasn’t surrounded by average heterosexual couples,” she says in her court brief.  “Dad’s partners slept and ate in our home, and they took me along to meeting places in the LGBT communities. I was exposed to overt sexual activities like sodomy, nudity, pornography, group sex, sadomasochism and the ilk.”

      She was early exposed to some of the things her parents were into.

    5. All four argued that redefining marriage to include same-sex couples would harm children by depriving them of a mother or father.

      Children need one father and one mother. Same-sex couples prevent this from happening.

  2. Dec 2015
    1. People often cite high costs as a reason for choosing unhealthy foods over nutritious meals.

      Most people would choose unheathy foods over heathy foods because the unheathy food cost less so it's easier to afford.

    1. He suggests finding a local farmer and trying to visit once a week. For minimal amounts of money, you will walk away with bags full of organic fresh produce.

      With having a local farmer, a person could have more of a chance to get organic foods for a lower price than a supermarket. A superrmaket has employees to pay and just one farmer has himsel for herself to provide for- unless he or she have a family.

    2. “Food can’t be cheap. If it is, then it’s been forced to grow unnaturally fast or been doused in pesticides.”

      This quote is inferring that foods are healthier when grown at it's own pace, not rushed and filled with chemicals.

    3. As more people buy organic or sustainable food, he says, the prices should come down.

      When people go to buy healthy organic foods, the prices should go down, because more would buy the food. This could lead to less buying of unhealthy foods.

    4. “Organic foods will always be more expensive because they are niche items and not mass produced,”

      The healthiest foods are costful to the people because they are more reliant to keep you healthy. The producers know that and want to make a profit over it.

    5. Buying cheap becomes a habit, it is learned behaviour... it leaves you in a trap.

      This quote is about how people buy foods for a dollar and get addicted because it's cheaper than other foods that are more than a three dollars.They're stuck doing this because it becomes a routine over time due to not wanting to spend more on healthier choices because it costs more.

    1. As of Sept. 3, seven states put in orders to the USDA for about 2 million pounds of beef that may contain the controversial product for the meals they serve in the 2013-14 school year. At this time last year there were only three states — Iowa, Nebraska and South Dakota — that had put in orders for beef that may contain lean finely textured beef.

      The seven states that ordered the controversial product doesn't care for what's in it, they just need something to feed their kids.

    2. But new government data show schools in four more states have since put aside concerns and resumed buying the controversial product.

      The other four states didn't think majorly of the concerns that were made of the beef product.