5 Matching Annotations
- Mar 2017
sakai.stlawu.edu sakai.stlawu.edu
conveyed, but not asserted
I am confused as to the difference between these two terms in this context...
We want to argue that they differ not in kind but only in degree of looseness
First impression: this thesis sets up an argument that seems nit-picky and seemingly unnecessary. Differentiating between degrees and types is a way of putting things into boxes that doesn't necessarily represent the way things are well, just the way in which an individual views them.
- Jan 2017
sakai.stlawu.edu sakai.stlawu.edu
. There is only one world, the “real”world:
This is a phenominological view, not necessarily an objective one...
Logic, I should maintain, must no moreadmit a unicorn than zoology can; for logic is concerned with thereal world just as truly as zoology, though with its more abstract andgeneral features.
Is logic built on science or is science built on logic?
Who did you meet?” “I met a man.” “That is a very indefinitedescription.” We are therefore not departing from usage in our termi-nology. Our question is: What do I really assert when I assert “I meta man”? Let us assume, for the moment, that my assertion is true,and that in fact I met Jones. It is clear that what I assert isnot“I metJones.” I may say “I met a man, but it was not Jones”; in that case,though I lie, I do not contradict myself, as I should do if when I sayI met aj168man I really mean that I met Jones. It is clear also that theperson to whom I am speaking can understand what I say, even if heis a foreigner and has never heard of Jones
Are there varying degrees of how definite things can be? For example, You can say that you met Jones, but Jones is not the Jones, he is simply a Jones, as you have not provided any distinction such as last name or characteristic.