15 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2019
    1. minister

      Interesting word choice here: the divine will; the divine task? Just musing on the religious connotation of the verb. [https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/minister]

    2. laden with infection

      See earlier note on "bad air and smells".

    3. must we not, in simple justice, let them have something to say as to what these conditions shall be

      In part, the basis for the American Revolution. No taxation without representation here replaced by no responsibility without political voice.

    4. ALONE, she CANNOT

      I'm not sure about the capitalization of some words in this document, but the negation of the single effort here echoes the battle cry of the early labor movement with its emphasis on the strength of numbers UNITED.

    5. fire-escapes are insufficient
    6. BUT if dealers are permitted to sell poor food, un-clean milk or stale eggs,

      Upton Sinclair meant well and achieved much, but we're still not safe. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Jungle]

    7. bad air and smells

      No doubt a fear of contagion as well as odor. "Bad air" was the reason for disease from ancient times until the late 19th century. The germ theory was more widely recognized at the time (1916), but some ideas die a slow death. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miasma_theory]

    1. enfranchisement

      to endow with a franchise: such as a : to admit to the privileges of a citizen and especially to the right of suffrage b : to admit (a municipality) to political privileges or rights [https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/enfranchisement]

    2. who share with men the bur-dens of government in time of peace and make equal sacrifice in time of wa

      an interesting take on the paradigm of gender equality of the time, as I suspect few men equated the sacrifice on the battlefield with the sacrifice on the home front. [https://www.striking-women.org/module/women-and-work/world-war-i-1914-1918]

    3. franchise

      1 : freedom or immunity from some burden or restriction vested in a person or group 2a : a special privilege granted to an individual or group especially : the right to be and exercise the powers of a corporation b : a constitutional or statutory right or privilege especially : the right to vote


    1. protect the chi!-· dren

      I know we would like to think of the exploitation of child labor as some relic of Dickensian fiction, but the bosses still find ways to exploit. I've had many students over the years who worked jobs under management that forced them to work long hours, always at the expense of school work, etc. The policies today seem more concerned with immigration status than academic success. [https://www.employmentlawhandbook.com/wage-and-hour-laws/minimum-wage/new-laws-and-regulations-for-2019/]

    2. in their care,

      The general public tends to undervalue the care good teachers provide for their students. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/In_loco_parentis]

    3. adequate

      An interesting adjective, often used to justify a number of political missteps. [https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/adequate] Those who interpret its meaning for others are rarely satisfied with what is "adequate".

    4. salaries

      The Virginia DOE report [https://rga.lis.virginia.gov/Published/2018/RD42]sites $56,861as the average budgeted classroom teacher salary for the 2018 fiscal year in the Commonwealth. The debate over what is truly "adequate" continues.

    5. encroachments

      A good word for the particularly insidious efforts of child labor at the time. To encroach:"to enter by gradual steps or by stealth into the possessions or rights of another." Thank you Merrian Webster. Word Origin information includes "The history behind "encroach" is likely to hook you in. First appearing in English in the 16th century, the word derives from the Middle English "encrochen," which means "to get or seize." The Anglo-French predecessor of "encrochen" is "encrocher," which was formed by combining the prefix en- ("in") with the noun "croche" ("hook"). "Croche" also gave us our word crochet, in reference to the hooked needle used in that craft. "Encroach" carries the meaning of "intrude" both in terms of privilege (as demonstrated in our first example sentence) or property (as in our second example sentence). The word can also hop over legal barriers to describe a general advancement beyond desirable or normal limits (such as a hurricane that encroaches on the mainland)." [https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/encroachment]