4 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2017
    1. It is at that age of aptness, docility & emulation of the practices of manhood, that such things are soonest learnt, and longest remembered. The use of tools too in the manual arts is worthy of encouragement, by facilitating, to such as choose it, an admission into the neighbouring workshops. To these should be added the arts, which embellish life, dancing music & drawing; the last more especially, as an important part of military education.

      The importance of military education is quite emphasized in the highlighted portions of the text. To claim that the age for an individual to enter college is the age of "aptness, docility, and emulation of the practices of manhood" is used to further support their belief in the importance of implementing military education into the college's curriculum. The writers also encourages the facilitation and implementation of "tools" into the courses, but does not go into depth as to what the tools are. Nevertheless, the writer of the document again uses his claim on the importance of implementing tools to support his original claim regarding the importance of teaching military education. The state of the militia proposed that "every able-bodied freeman, between the ages of 16 and 50, is [to be] enrolled in the militia" in 1780 and 1781. Though it is merely an assumption, it is believed that the writers of the document strongly suggested the insertion of military education because of how beneficial it could be for students to learn and prepare for the state of the militia as they claim that "such things are soonest learnt, and longest remembered."

      -Ardean Kim


    2. . The best mode of government for youth in large collections, is certainly a desideratum not yet attained with us. It may well be questioned whether fear, after a certain age, is the motive to which we should have ordinary recourse. The human character is susceptible of other incitements to correct conduct, more worthy of employ, and of better effect. Pride of character, laudable ambition, & moral dispositions are innate correctives of the indiscretions of that lively age; and when strengthened by habitual appeal & exercise, have a happier effect on future character, than the degrading motive of fear; hardening them to disgrace, to corporal punishments, and servile humiliations, cannot be the best process for producing erect character.

      I am quite intrigued by their viewpoint on "best mode of government for youth in large collections." The writers of the document contemplate if either fear or more positive incitements are efficient in moderating the students' behavior in the University. The final portion of the highlighted portion of the text leads the readers to believe that it is best for students to NOT be motivated by fear, as the writers concluded that it "cannot be the best process for producing erect character." The belief in choosing positive incitements over negative ones is certainly proved by the environment of the current UVA as there is no "corporal punishments and servile humiliations" to motivate certain behaviors of students. The only fear existing at the University is the fear of failing the finals.

      -Ardean Kim

  2. Oct 2017
    1. Chemistry, is meant, with its other usual branches, to comprehend the theory of Agriculture Mineralogy, in addition to its peculiar subjects is here understood to embrace what is real in Geology. Ideology is the doctrine of thought

      Similarly to the architecture and military courses, Chemistry is mixed along with the theory of Agriculture in order to promote practicality and applicability. Modern-Day chemistry teaches the basics of the atomic structure, simple compounds, and nomenclature. However, their definition of chemistry is heavily tied to the theory of Agriculture. Similarly to the military and architectural courses, chemistry courses are taught in order to support the health and wellbeing of US citizens. Such courses will allow students to better improve the living conditions of the United States. It is odd for the report to explicitly differentiate Mineralogy from Geology especially during their time of age. It can assume that Mineralogy was studied to research helpful minerals that would improve weaponry, alternative raw materials, and agriculture. As for ideology, it could be assumed that ideology was taught in order to share the ethics of UVA. This can be implied based on the UVA’s strict honor policy and how it teaches students the harsh punishment that could come from acts of dishonesty and disrespect.

    2. Projectiles, a leading branch of the Military art Military Architecture, includes Fortification, another branch of that art

      Architecture and Military are taught hand-in-hand in order to strengthen the military of the United States. Ever since the Revolutionary War and their received freedom from the oppressive British monarchies, the courses taught at the University of Virginia during the 19th century were more practical and applicable that would better support the powerhouse of the United States and its citizens. Those they named it as “art,” the Fortification course further supports the reason as to why Architecture and Fortification/Military goes together since it support the military strength of the United States and UVA. It is understandable to see how housing is not discussed in the courses. Upon experiencing the traumatic Revolutionary War, the protection and fortification of the country became first priority compared to ordinary interior designing and housing.