- May 2021
nav.al nav.al
Money is how we transfer wealth. Money is social credits; it’s the ability to have credits and debits of other people’s time.
Does this apply equally to crypto-currency?
- Feb 2021
subvisual.com subvisual.com
We now believe that Elixir is more than capable of providing the same agility as Ruby for new teams, while also laying the foundation for a highly scalable system.
Elixir provides a friendly developer experience without sacrificing performance or ability to scale.
www.codusoperandi.com www.codusoperandi.com
L = D * T, where L is luck, D is doing and T is telling
This whole article comes across like and incomplete thought
nintil.com nintil.com
Consensus-driven decision making may be good at some stages, especially if paired with good processes around meetings but it can lead to gridlock.
Agreed, and this can be deceptively hard to enforce or change if the culture tends to be consensus-driven and adversarial.
“Functional programming language” is not a clearly defined term. From the various properties that are typically associated with functional programming I only want to focus on one: “Immutability” and referential transparency.
I mean not clearly defined seems wrong, there are common accepted characteristics that make a language functional.
- Dec 2020
preslav.me preslav.me
Chances are, you will find pieces of code that have undergone fewer changes than the rest in long periods. Those are the pillars of your application - the 2/3s that must be well-tested.
Agreed, however for me is not about 2/3s I think that might be variable depending on the project, language and stack
The reasons for that vary, but allow me to be blunt and say that 1/3 of the code every software project is irrelevant, buggy, overly complicated, or simply sucks.
I would say is not necessary that the code is buggy, compliated or irrelevant.
A better way to reason about this is that high code coverage doesn't guaranteed quality as not every line of code is valuable nor essential to the application.
Cove coverage as a metric misses the forest for the trees.
Is not about the % of code tested but making sure the essential code, the things that make the critical path of the application are tested.
Want to know my answer? I'd say it's around 66.7%.
Only 2/3 of the code are worth testing ?