4 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. The apartment was in the wildest disorder — the furniture broken and thrown about in all directions. There was only one bedstead; and from this the bed had been removed, and thrown into the middle of the floor.

      The detailed depiction of the disordered furniture effectively creates a visceral sense of unease. It intrigues me how Poe uses setting to evoke emotion and atmosphere, drawing readers deeper into the mystery and horror of the narrative. I think this is something that is worth for us to learn, especially when we have the opportunity to create our own story in the future.

    2. There is also a well-known story of a pet monkey, who, imitating his master shaving himself, cut his own throat.

      I find this part surprising because it demonstrates the bizarre and tragic consequences of animals mimicking human behavior. I never expected that a monkey could imitate something as complex as shaving with such disastrous results.

    3. The brute took up his position on the wash-basin stand; and every attempt to dislodge him brought to the ground some fragile articles of furniture — glasses, basins, and jugs

      This sentence troubles me because it portrays the monkey as a destructive force, wreaking damage without care. The chaos described here feels almost excessive, making it difficult to imagine how an animal could cause so much intentional damage.

  2. Sep 2024
    1. The{a} mental features discoursed of as the analytical{a′} are, in themselves, but little, susceptible of analysis.

      Find it troubling to understand this quote at first.