102 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2017
    1. Woolf is commonly read as integral to artistic traditions initiated and shaped by homosexual men such as aestheticism and Bloomsbury.


    2. To integrate Woolf as the radical sexual innovator she is, Woolf scholars can begin by reading Woolf's sexual themes within contemporaneous lesbian and male homosexual contexts, and to ask what constitutes sexual freedom on her terms, not our own

      Compare with current lesbian and gay contexts

    3. Woolf's prose is saturated with lesbian eroticism. Her attentionis on the intensity and qualityof sexual emotion rather than specific acts. Woolf’s indirect, metaphoric representation of lesbian themes is consistent with her mistrust of realist representation throughout her fiction.

      And the award for most useful line for my paper goes to... this one.

  2. Dec 2016
    1. The ability to separate structure from presentation is particularly useful in this regard.

      This sentiment contrasts with the message of the Kliever article on fonts in that Kleiver says you can not separate structure (or functionality) from presentation (or design).

    2. Montfort’s point is historical, but screen essentialism also obscures the diversity of contemporary interfaces used by people with disabilities and, increasingly, by all people.

      This idea reminds me of the "internet of things" which is basically that every item in a house will one day be able to connect to the internet.

    3. “Crowdsourcing” is a term coined by Jeff Howe in 2006 to describe online projects that make use of free or extremely inexpensive labor provided by “enthusiasts” around the world who are interested in donating their time to a project that interests them.

      Language translation work is often crowd sourced.

    4. The Web Accessibility Initiative of the World Wide Web Consortium

      Here's more info about this organization: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Wide_Web_Consortium

    5. In addition to the United States, the list of nations with laws or policies requiring web accessibility includes Australia, Canada, Germany, Israel, India, Italy, Ireland, Japan, Korea, Portugal, and Spain

      It is sad that there are countries that do not have these laws.

    6. Whether in a physical or a digital environment, designers are always making choices about accessibility.

      I disagree with "always". There are still a great many times when disabled people are not thought of when something is designed unfortunately.

    7. We classify some software and hardware tools as “assistive technology”—sometimes the term “adaptive technology” is used instead—because they have been designed specifically to assist those people with “special needs.”

      This reminds me of the idea of being "colorblind" to race brought up in the Williams race article. Maybe not acknowledge disability does more harm than good.

    8. She demonstrated this software for me, and I was surprised by how quickly the words were spoken by the synthesized voice that came from her laptop’s speakers. In fact, I could not understand anything at all that she was doing.

      Last semester I was the official note taker from the office of disability for a classmate with a visual impairment and the speed of the screen reader surprised me too. I guess it is because when you get used to the screen reader voice you naturally want to make it go faster.

    9. It is imperative that digital humanities work take into account the important insights of disability studies in the humanities, an interdisciplinary field that considers disability “not so much a property of bodies as a product of cultural rules about what bodies should be or do,” in the words of Rosemarie Garland-Thomson, a prominent figure in the field (6).

      This reminds me of the idea in rhetoric that we make up how the world is. I do not remember who said this but it is an interesting quote: "the world can always be recreated linguistically"

    10. To do so, we needed to think about the needs of people who are blind, have low vision, or have difficulty navigating because of the clutter that often accumulates on web pages.

      I am currently learning HTML and an interesting thing i have learned is that sometimes you have to code tags that don't necessarily show up on the webpage, so text will get read by text readers for visually disabled people in a way that emphasizes information. Like an italic text that signifies something important like DANGER!

    1. I suggest that technical communi-cation instructors rethink the teaching of plagiarism, as itoccurs both in the classroom and in textbooks, by 1) incor-porating discussion of legal definitions of authorship and 2)using analyses of workplace scenarios as a pedagogical tool

      I wonder if this idea might also be useful for subjects besides technical writing.

    2. hese same technologies are presentedin these examples as inherently dangerous, as causing a“rise” in cases of plagiarism or “making plagiarism tempt-ing.”

      There is a trend in pop culture to see technology as a dangerous thing, (e..g. the show Black Mirror) which I feel like is unfair. Technology is neither completely bad or good. It just is.

    3. he notionthat all writing is inherently collaborative, intertextual, andsocial even from the point of invention (

      Studying English has definitely taught me that writing is social. My best writing is my best because multiple eyes have scanned it. John Donne says "no man is an island", well neither is an essay.

    4. One basic rule underlies the mechanical steps describedin the rest of this chapter: With the exception of “com-mon knowledge,” you should cite sources for ALL bor-rowed information used in your final document. Thisincludes quotations, paraphrases, and summari

      I sometimes struggle with deciding what to cite in a paper. What counts as "common knowledge"? Here is an article talking about common knowledge and what sort of information does not need to be cited: http://isites.harvard.edu/icb/icb.do?keyword=k70847&pageid=icb.page342055

    5. patchwriting”

      Here is a short article that talks about patchwriting in more detail: https://www.poynter.org/2012/patchwriting-is-more-common-than-plagiarism-just-as-dishonest/188789/ They give an example of patchwriting,however, they are a little bit judgmental about the practice, which this article seems to be saying the opposite: that we should realize that what we consider plagiarism is complicated, especially in technical communications.

    6. This four-factor fair use analysis, however, is oftenonly narrowly interpreted in academic settings. One ex-ample is the adoption of the “Agreement on guidelinesfor classroom copying in not-for-profit educational insti-tutions with respect to books and periodicals” (1976),originated by the Ad Hoc Committee of EducationalInstitutions and Organizations on Copyright Law Revi-sion, the Authors League of America, and the Associationof American Publishers. The agreement suggests limita-tions such as allowing only 10% of a prose work to bereproduced.

      It seems arbitrary to set the number at 10 percent.

    7. er or his class,

      I like the use of gender-neutral language.

    8. Scenarios

      The STC's online magazine Intercom has a column about ethics scenarios in technical communication. They are interesting, but unfortunately you have to be a member to read them.

    9. the fair use clause

      Here is an article that goes into more detail about fair use and copyright: https://www.copyright.gov/fair-use/more-info.html

    10. Unfortunately, cases of plagiarism are on the rise. Oneof the downsides of online texts, such as websites, is theease of plagiarism. Some students have learned tech-niques of “patchwriting,” in which they cut and pastetext from the Internet and then revise it into a docu-ment. This kind of writing is highly vulnerable tocharges of plagiarism, so it should be avoided. (1

      I feel like the internet also keeps people from plagiarizing, as all an instructor has to do to check if they got it online is type it into google.

    1. The author says that consistency is important for design elements. That is something that I found true when making my presentation for the service learning project. Consistency, especially among headers is important for navigating a document.

    2. The header about "Complexity" is interesting, especially where the author says that the eye naturally seeks out the most "informative" areas of a visual display. First that was kind of poetic, and second that is good to have in mind when you want to emphasize a certain section of a webpage.

    3. Tuller- "Visual groupings have a significant effect on the semantic interpretations that users assign to the information" This quote is interesting and it makes me wonder if how groupings are interpreted also has to do with language. For example, in Hebrew you read from right to left so I wonder if that affects how someone that speaks/reads Hebrew would interpret other visual groupings besides text like groupings of images.

    4. When the author talks about chunking is helpful. In my service learning project I had to do a lot of chunking to make sure all the visual elements fit together well.

    5. Interesting when the author points out how blue is good for contrasts because of how our eyes work. It reminds me of the design lore article trying to find out if there is a basis for "good"design principles in science. Also, it makes me wonder if that is why Facebook makes use of so much blue.

    6. I actually used the tip to use a blue background helpful when I had to present for the final workshop draft because I was showing examples from white slides so I had to use another color to show contrast.

    7. The article talks about the use of a white background for text. This is interesting because I read somewhere that text on a screen actually requires more white space than on a physical page to be read as comfortably.

    8. There is a header on the first page that talks about the importance of legibility of text on the web. I just thought that was funny because this document is kind of hard to read.

    9. "Make sure that the visual elements in your display are large enough to be seen" I think thi sties in with audience. For example, senior citizens tend to have problems with eye sight so if someone was making a document for them it would be a good idea to make the font large.

    1. there are plenty of fonts available that are free to download or commonly available on many operating systems that will do very nicely for everyday design projects. In the serif category, try Georgia,

      I actually use Georgia on my resume. It is a lot better than Times New Roman. I think they mention that you should avoid Times New Roman as it often is overused. I agree. I think it also subtly makes people upset because it reminds them of writing essays in school.

    2. Display or decorative typefaces (briefly mentioned at the beginning of the article), on the other hand, are never suitable for reading at length.

      I wish I could go back in time and tell my middle school self this when he was working on Power Points.

    3. One of the most common mistakes that beginners make is not realizing what various font categories are most suitable for — for instance, body typefaces versus display typefaces.

      Learning what kinds of fonts are best for body text was probably the most useful tip from all the readings in relation to my service learning project. As making a presentation all the text had to be treated as a visual element.

    4. Consider context and audience.Where and how your design will be viewed should also figure into your font choices.

      It is interesting how the rhetorical situation has so many applications, from politics to design, thinking about context and audience will always be crucial. Aristotle would be proud.

    5. every typeface has its own mood or personality.

      This ties in with the Kimball article on design lore, as it brings up the debate about whether design can be measured scientifically or is more of a matter of intuition. As in what personality does this font have to you? Or does a certain design always have a certain effect on people? I feel like this also has to do with the culture that one is in.

    6. bad typographic choices always distract from your design’s message and intentions.

      This is interesting, as some people argue that worrying about design is superfluous. As long as something is functional then why should design matter? But this makes a good point that bad design choices, even if they do not get in the way of usability, can still distort clarity, which is an aspect of functionality.

    7. Is your font saying “beach vacation” when it should be saying “job interview”?

      I think the equivalent of beach vacation font would be comic sans. Although, maybe not since there is almost no situation where comic sans is an appropriate choice of font.

    8. Think about what your clothes might say about you: based on what you wear, people might rightly or wrongly make assumptions about your style, your personality, your socio-economic background, your age (or the age you wish you were), or the kind of impression you want to make.

      It is also a little sad that this is the case. Also, I feel like women get judged a lot more based on what they wear, which I think ties into sexism talked about in the Durack article on gender in technical communication.

    9. Jessica Hische

      Jessica Hische is also a famous designer. Here is a link to her wikipedia page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jessica_Hische And here is a link to an interesting/funny flowchart she made called "Should I work for free": http://www.shouldiworkforfree.com/

    10. Dan Mayer

      Dan Mayer is another famous designer from the US. Here is a link to his online profile: http://portfolio.danmayer.com/

    11. Erik Spiekermann

      Erik Spiekermann is a famous German typographer. Here is a link to his wikipedia page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erik_Spiekermann

  3. Nov 2016
  4. techwritingf16.robinwharton.net techwritingf16.robinwharton.net
    1. I removed one participant from the cluster analysis who sorted allthe cards, but in such a way as to skew the results. With a sharp wit, this participantcreated only two categories: “Byproducts of nuclear decay,” which containedonly one card,radiation; and “What an academic thinks of when he or shemisinterprets design as the synthesis of a set of design principles,” which con-tained all of the remaining cards. I did, however, include this participant’ssurvey responses, as they reflected an attitude toward design that favored artisticsensibility over using more formal methods such as design principles or designresearch. I address this attitude more fully in the conclusion to this article

      There was a "troll" in his study, giving misleading answers. However, the "troll" did bring up a useful criticism about whether design is intrinsic or if there are scientific explanations for design principles.

    2. However, I was confident that card sorting techniques would provide agood opportunity for exploring perceived relationships between common designprinciples. This methodology also allowed me to stay open to the possibilitythat design principles are so idiosyncratic that no meaningful structure or rela-tionships might emerg

      The card sorting exercise could show relationships people made between design principles and/or if such relationships even existed.

    3. I conducted an online card sorting exercise. Cardsorting is a flexible technique for discovering how people group items. Designersand usability experts often use this technique to help determine informationarchitecture, such as for website navigation orproduct list arrangeme

      This ties in with the idea of grouping talked about in our textbook.

    4. Having determined which design principles are mentioned most commonlyin literature on design, the next question is, how do these design principlesrelate to one another

      This is the question that the card sorting study he discusses under the next headline tries to resolve.

    5. This quantitative review produced a raw list of 198 design principles. Thisnumber might seem discouragingly high except for two outlying works: Leborg[54], which lists 41 principles, 33 of which are unique, and Lidwell et al. [58],which lists 100 principles, 87 of which are unique. Lidwell et al.’s broader focuson “universal principles of design” rather than visual design principles meansthat many of their principles fall outside of the scope of my study. (Some evenstretch the concept of design principle—for example, “uncertainty principle”and “normal distribution.”) If we were to exclude Leborg’s and Lidwell et al.’sunique principles, the list of design principles contracts from 198 to 77—stillhigh, but more reasonable. However, because I included unique principles fromother texts, I retained all of Leborg’s and Lidwell et al.’s principles in the raw list.As might be expected, some of these principles are considerably more commonthan most. Overall, of the 198 principles in the raw list, 160 were mentioned inonly one work. The 198 design principles were listed cumulatively 420 timesin the 46 texts; 61.9% of these listings referred to principles used in at leasttwo works. Despite the large number of unique principles, they were used onlyin 38.1% of texts.While the unique principles may have some heuristic value, they are clearlynot as widespread in the lore of design as other principles, so I excluded themfrom the card sorting exercise. Doing so produced a final list of 38 visual designprinciples referred to in at least two of the 46 works (see Figure 1). Figure 1visualizes the frequencies of the most common principles in a Pareto chart,excluding the long tail of individual mention

      He reviewed 47 texts about Design and got 198 common design principles from them. He then decided to only use principles that were referenced in at least two of the 47 texts, leaving him with 38 design principles with which he could use to perform studies with.

    6. The primary advantage of this online approach was quick and efficient accessto participants. However, there were two disadvantages. First, in a face-to-facecard sorting exercise, the researcher often observes the participant as he or shesorts the cards and uses the talk-aloud protocol to gather further informationabout participants’ thinking during the exercise. Because I would not attend thecard sorting, this kind of observation was not possible. Second, I would havelittle control over who agreed to participate. The possibility for spam is alwayspresent with online media

      The pro of doing the study online was speed. However the cons were he could not ask the participants questions while it was happening, and he could have gotten spam or junk answers.

    7. Traditionally, in a card sorting exercise the researcher writes items on standard3” × 5” index cards and asks participants to sort the cards into categories. Theresearcher then records the groupings and category labels and compares themover multiple participants. To expand the reach of my study, I used an onlinecard sorting tool, Optimal Sort (http://www.optimalworkshop.com). Instead ofindex cards, this online tool displays digital shapes that participants can dragand drop on screen to create groups, which they can then label (see Figure 2).This tool also allowed participants to provide feedback through before and aftersurvey questions

      The exercise was done online rather than in real life with flash cards.

    8. Card sorting is typically conducted in one of two ways: closed sort or opensort. In a closed sort, participants sort the cards into predefined categories.In an open sort, participants sort the cards into categories they create themselves.Due to the exploratory nature of my study, I used an open sort so designerscould group the design principles as they saw fit. I also did not require partici-pants to sort all of the cards, but restricted my analysis to those who sorted atleast 75% of the cards

      In this exercise the participants sorted the design principles into categories they came up with.

    9. So at best, design principles are a kind of lore. Lore is a kind of contingentknowledge based in practice, and as North has argued for composition studies, ithas a value that is often overlooked. However, lore being what it is—anecdotal,implicit, and often idiosyncratic—I think there is good justification to bringresearch to bear on it. Accordingly, in this article I apply empirical techniques tounderstand the lore of design principles more fully

      Kimball says that design principles are "lore"which sounds like he means it is made up and loose rather than absolute. In this work he tries to apply scientific reasoning for design principles, which reminds me of the Enlightenment era propensity to use science to explain what may not fall under its domain.

    10. None of these questions have straightforward answers. Although many authorsrefer to design principles, hardly any define what they mean by the term. A few,such as Williams and Stimatz [8] or Blair-Early and Zender [9] generally refer todesign principles as “rules of thumb”; as such, principles are heuristic methodsthat help us make design decisions quickly. But these rules of thumb can be vari-able and ambiguous, because they are based on individual designers’experienceand on the advice they absorb from their training and reading. Depending on thesituation, designers may employ different design principles at different levelsof consistency. Designers, in fact, often talk about the need to “break the rules”on occasion to bring attention or interest to a design. Some designers even denyusing design principles at all, arguing that they rely on instinct, artistic sensi-bilities, or a “good eye.” This ambiguity leads Johnson to comment that th

      This paragraph basically says that design rules are not set in stone, but mere general suggestions that can be and often are not used on purpose.

    1. a focal point

      Another way to distinguish a focal point that we talked about in class is by making it a different color. Especially if it is text, however it is important not to overdue the use of colors as this article says white space is important for usability.

    2. One of the key approaches to achieving layout nirvana is a clear sense of structure and hierarchy.

      A possibly useful way to show hierarchy that was not talked about in this article but was employed in the headings was the use of numbering.

    3. One of the most effective ways to provide a sense of balance is to choose a single focal point for your layout. A good example of this in practice is the use of a large image as the biggest single element on a page.

      This somewhat reminds me of the Dragga article about ethics because by choosing one image or point to be the most important or take up more space than it somewhat deemphasizes everything else. In most cases that is okay like in headings but if like in the article said if you are working with a warranty and making the details of it harder to read then that is not ethical.

    4. A good page composition should be both pleasing to the eye, but also communicate those key messages clearly to the intended audience.

      From all the design articles we have read in this class, it seems like it would be impossible to have a clearly communicated message without it being at least somewhat pleasing to the eye.

    5. Many designers approach this process organically, feeling their way to a pleasing end result.

      Probably after having experience using grids then a seasoned designer would be able to just tell if the organization is off by looking at a page. But yes, a beginner designer (like myself) should probably stick to using grids.

    6. One of the easiest ways to ensure your page has a degree of balance is to use a grid system

      Using a grid helped me when working on my service learning project, because I was making Power Point slides and a grid made the organization of my images and text make more sense.

    7. So in the Purdue presentation I noticed they also used what I assumed was Latin as filler text when designing something. I did not know that this was a common design practice until seeing Latin text again being used in the picture below. Here is an article that explains a commonly used stand in text for design called Lorem Ipsum and how/why it came to be used for this purpose: http://www.k-international.com/blog/what-does-lorem-ipsum-mean/ Here is a website that uses the exact same Latin text used in this example picture and for whatever reason left the filler text in the post: : http://betakit.com/fusce-dapibus-tellus-ac-cursus/

    8. repetition can provide a strong sense of connected design and balance to a composition.

      The importance of consistancy when makin gdesign choices was also mentioned in the Purdue article

    9. On the web, simply providing plenty of breathing room around elements can help make the layout feel composed and balanced.

      Also, leaving a lot of white space makes it easier to read text.

    10. a good display headline can offer as much visual interest as an image,

      This ties into the Kliever article on Fonts. Specifically how display fonts (such as Pinewood, Curlz, and New Rocker) are good for grabbing attention but should be used sparingly, not for body text, and with purpose.

  5. Oct 2016
  6. techwritingf16.robinwharton.net techwritingf16.robinwharton.net
    1. Technical writing has a close relationship to technology. Technical writing per se, must have some logical relationship to technology. We have tended to employ a very narrow view of technology, and to conflate the term with com­puter technology. But as Wajcman points out, technology is more than just the latest computer hardware or software on the market. Technology refers equally to knowledge, actions, and tools: it is (for example) a network of con­structed waterways, the knowledge of when and how to irrigate fields, and the entire set of human actions that comprise this method for farming. Inventions, as Stanley argues, therefore include innovations such as the pre­paid health care plan (Jeanne Mance), social services in hospitals (Dr. Marie Zakrzewska), and flextime (Christel Kammerer)

      I think this is the most important point of this article. We need to respect the technical achievements of the " private sphere" which has mainly been confined to women, and by doing that we will realize that women have played a very important role in the history of technology.

    2. Technical writing exists within government and industry, as well as in theintersection between private and public spheres.

      I like that they use the word intersection. That word alone makes the statement much more inclusive in my opinion.

    3. . The cultural link between science, technology, and masculinity com­bined with a bias that fails to find significance in productive activities that occur within the household and lack associated cash value has, I believe, resulted in an interpretation of "technical writing" that works to exclude the significant contributions of women.

      I like that this paragraph mentions how what is considered "significant" is often tied to what makes money. I think it ties problems with materialism in our culture. Also of course if money equals power and women get paid less than men than it follows that women have less power.Here's an article on the gender pay gap that goes into it in a lot of interesting detail: http://www.aauw.org/research/the-simple-truth-about-the-gender-pay-gap/

    4. wW fo m e n are largely absent from our recorded disciplinary past, whether as technical writers, as scientists, or as inventors or users of technol­ogy

      This is interesting because I heard somewhere before that there are more female technical writers than male technical writers. The most support for this claim I could find was the abstract from this article: http://jbt.sagepub.com/content/7/3/312.abstract So I think articles like this one are really important, because just because there may be more women in a field does not mean they do not still get disenfranchised in the field. For example, I like that this article talks about the ways that women have been ignored in the history of technical communication and technology in general.

    5. there is a need to establish significance, which usually involves prerequisite loca­tion within the public sphere (allocated to men) rather than the private sphere (the realm of women).

      I love this, because we as a society still sometimes devalue work done in the private sphere (when compared to the public sphere), like cooking and cleaning when in reality that work is vital and not easy.

    6. Even when well-known women patent such "real" inventions of significance, they may not receive credit: screen actress Hedy Lamarr invented a secret communications system during World War II (and patented it, with com­poser George Antheil) yet "has never received either recompense . . . or due recognition," even though one of its key features — frequency hopping—"is the main anti-jamming technology used in today's billion-dollar defense systems" (Stanley, Mothers 383).

      Actually i just learned about her! She was featured on the front page of a google doodle. It is sad that I had to learn about her by chance this late in life. I think this is proof that we do not learn about enough famous women in technology in school.

    7. Stanley contends that women's technological achievements have been rou­tinely under-reported, at least in part, because "our sex-role stereotypes seek to confine that [feminine] creativity to such 'acceptable' areas as art, music, dance, writing, and cooking

      I think this statement ignores the fact that women have also been denied access to a lot of these areas as well. For example, a lot of female writers have used male pen names so people would not know they were women. Here's an article that talks about this a little bit: http://mashable.com/2015/03/01/female-authors-pen-names/#hjZgir4d8kqk

    8. Catherine Greene and the cotton gin

      interesting. I still remember being taught in elementary school that Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin. I looked up Catherine Green: Here's an article if you want to know more about her involvement with the invention of the cotton gin: http://www.findingdulcinea.com/features/profiles/l/catharine-littlefield-greene.html

    9. his-story

      I never noticed that and I love it as a funny way to segue into sexism in history.

    10. my own article on doc­ument design innovations in home sewing patterns ("Patterns for Success").

      I love the name of this article, also I think this will tie in to when the author goes over cultural blinders, defining what counts as technical writing will probably be one of them. Perhaps for a long time sewing manuals might not have been considered " technical" because sewing was associated with women.

    1. Gordon (2005) explained that color blindness ‘‘maintainsthat race does not exist as a meaningful category and posits that the benefitsaccrued to White people are earned by (gifted) individuals rather than sys-temically conferred’’

      Here's an interesting comic dealing with this idea: http://www.gradientlair.com/post/102200016923/white-privilege-cartoon

    2. inequities in health, wealth, and education.

      One criticism I have heard of the focus on race in the US recently is that we do not talk about class enough. Maybe this is true, but of course like this part of the article suggests race and class are tied together in a lot of ways.

    3. nfortunately, there was still little research in this area in 2004

      It is interesting how that was not that long ago. I wonder if there has been a lot more research done on the topic.

    4. Beyond Compliance: Participatory Translation ofSafety Communication for Latino Construction Workers,’

      Again, another example of the importance of Spanish in the US and therefore in technical communication in the US.

    5. Writing New Mexico White: A Critical Analysis of Early Representationsof New Mexico in Technical Writing

      This would be an interesting read, because as a country we often forget that half of the US was originally a part of Mexico and there are still ties in those states to the country (if only in the names, e.g. New Mexico) so it is worrying to hear about them erasing this past and replacing it with WEA culture.

    6. ‘‘Instructions, Visuals, and the English-Speaking Bias of Technical Commu-nication’’ address the representation of Latinos in U.S. technical communica-tion.

      This ties into what I wrote earlier that the US has the second biggest number of Spanish speakers out of all the countries in the world. In general in the US we should opt to have technical documentation available in different languages, however in my opinion due to the large presence of Spanish in the US we should definitely have more technical communication in Spanish and try to embrace the language more as a culture and as part of our identity as a nation.

    7. We acknowledge, though, that many, inside and outside of our field,believe that race is not a relevant concept in our society or field. Some arguethat we live in a nonracist society, and thus the need to acknowledge colorno longer exists

      I like how this (short) comic explains white privilege: http://everydayfeminism.com/2014/09/white-privilege-explained/ Also, if you are interested in feminism/social justice this is a really neat site.

    8. 50.5 million people, making Hispanics the largest minority group in theUnited States.

      -I want to preface this by noting that not all Hispanic people in the US can speak Spanish.- Anyway, this is important because at least according to the study mentioned in this CNN article: http://www.cnn.com/2015/07/01/us/spanish-speakers-united-states-spain/ the US has the second highest population of Spanish speakers in the world, second only to Mexico. Meaning there are more people that speak Spanish in the US than in Spain.

    9. Through a careful, criticaldeconstruction of the 2010 census form and census data reports, Pimenteland Balzhiser propose a ‘‘double occupancy of Hispanics’’ whereby theHispanic-origin and race questions simultaneously encourage the U.S. soci-ety to keep a tab on Hispanic growth and inflate the white count

      This is important because a lot of people confuse being Hispanic with being a race, when it is really an ethnicity (at least it is considered so in the US). And since being Hispanic is an ethnicity and being white is a race, it is possible to be a white Hispanic. Spanish-speaking countries are extremely diverse (for a large part consisting of black, white,indigenous and multiracial populations). So it'd be interesting to see how the race and ethnicity questions affect census findings.I also would like to know what they mean by double occupancy.

    10. monographs

      according to Wikipedia a monograph is "a specialist work of writing (in contrast to reference works)[1] on a single subject or an aspect of a subject, usually by a single author."

  7. Sep 2016
    1. McDonalds has hard seats - to keep you moving.

      Interesting example, I never thought about this.

    2. For instance, children who have acquired a first language through immersion in the practices of their communities do not thereby, in virtue of that fact, become good linguists.

      On the other side, good linguists do not always acquire another language.

    3. Design

      Why is the word "Design" capitalized?

    4. Through critical framing, learners can gain the necessary personal and theoretical distance from what they have learned, constructively critique it, account for its cultural location, creatively extend and apply it, and eventually innovate on their own, within old communities and in new ones.

      This sounds like what colleges try to do. You find out that a lot of the stuff you learned in high school was kind of an oversimplification or just scratching the surface of what was going on. I feel like this applies to pretty much every subject, from math to literature

    5. The word "community" is often used to describe the differences that are now so critical - the Italian-American community, the gay community, the business community, and so on - as if each of these communities had neat boundaries.

      I agree with this completely. I feel like most people belong to multiple types of "communities" and thinking they are all separate from each other is an untrue and arbitrary distinction.

    6. The decline of the old, monocultural, nationalistic sense of "civic" has a space vacated that must be filled again. We propose that this space be claimed by a civic pluralism. Instead of states that require one cultural and linguistic standard, we need states that arbitrate differences

      I like the idea of embracing the diversity of language but I just wonder if they are ignoring some benefits to having one standard type of dialect taught in school.Just one that I could think of is that more people could probably understand each other because everyone was raised learning that dialect. I feel like a country needs a standard language dialect in some ways. Not in oral language maybe, but definitely in written.

    7. we are designers of social futures - workplace futures, public futures, and community futures.

      Kind of poetic language for an academic article.That is interesting. Also, think this line applies not only to technical communicators, but everyone in the world.

    8. new communications media are reshaping the way we use language

      This is really true. Especially with regards to internet slang. Also, just the new names of technologies are adding words into languages. For example, how you can use Google as a verb.

    9. When technologies of meaning are changing so rapidly, there cannot be one set of standards or skills that constitute the ends of literacy learning, however taught.

      This is so true for technical writers. Technical communication is definitely a field where you never stop learning.

  8. techwritingf16.robinwharton.net techwritingf16.robinwharton.net
    1. XML

      I'm not very code savvy so I looked up what XML is. XML is a markup language (like HTML) that stands for Extensible Markup Language and is used a lot to make CMSs. This post by Margaret Rouse helped me understand what XML is if your curious: http://searchsoa.techtarget.com/definition/XML

    2. intranet

      Intranet= a network that can only be used by members of an organization.

      Extranet= a part of an intranet that people outside of the organization that owns the intranet can use. (helpful) Source: http://www.hcidata.info/inet.htm

    3. Enterprise ContentManagement

      Enterprise Content Management is the way (method) information is stored and arranged for an organization (an enterprise). Source: https://www.onbase.com/en/learn-ecm/what-is-ecm#.V893iCgrLIU

    4. the difficulty involved in understanding the relationshipsbetween different pieces of information

      As a student, I can relate to this problem.

    5. Busi-ness leaders, who are often the decision makers in the adoption and implementa-tion of ECM systems, “tend to examine the value of ECM solutions and theirdisparate applications from a production process model, the extent to which thetechnologies promise to increase process efficiencies and reduce maintenance andsystem costs.”

      I feel like it if it costs the organization less money, even if the ECM solution is not ideal for technical communicators, it is still their job to work with what is best for the company overall. Like we said in class, technical writing is not about yourself, and affordability is no small issue.

    6. What gets lost amid this ECM vender rhetoric

      I think it is interesting that professors of rhetoric also use the word rhetoric with a negative connotation. I guess the way it is used here is more of a colloquial usage rather than talking abut the study of persuasion though.

    7. the possibility of content management system design that could affordmeans for the writer to use her own text to “keep track of certain pieces of metadataduring composition.”

      This idea seems really helpful. It reminds me of what we are doing with our individual class blogs. How we can structure the information from the class in the way we feel is best for us.

    8. Whittemore believes the mnemonic systems employed by ancient rhetors offerpractical implications for the design of the memory tools in content managementsystems.

      This is really intriguing, especially how techniques created centuries ago are still useful. Also what is interesting is how these ideas can bring us to an understanding of new technologies that we have and how we as humans relate to them.

  9. Aug 2016
    1. The following is a partial list of the different jobs within technical communication:

      I wish they wrote what all these different jobs entail.

    2. sup