31 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2020
  2. Apr 2020
    1. Collaborative learning in online courses: Exploring students’ perceptions
  3. Mar 2020
    1. What Is a Modern Learning Environment?

      This article focuses on how a technology integrated learning environment can prepare students for the 21st century workforce. The article focuses on the physical space that the students are located in and how it should be rearrangeable to promote collaborative and diverse learning. The article also focuses on the integration of mobile devices to allow all students to engage technologically and teach the students how to properly use that type of technology for educational purposes and gain skills associated with device usage. Rating 6/10

    1. Reimagining the Role of Technology in Education

      This document encourages the use of technology in eduction by providing examples of how technology can be implemented in classrooms and educational programs. The document presents many case examples of how different technologies were implemented across different schools and government agencies. It is an excellent source for getting many ideas about how technology can be used and implemented amongst many different types of learning environments. Rating 9/10

    1. Technology Integration: A Community of Practiceto Support Learning

      This article examines the usage of technology within K-8 classrooms. It specifically focusses on how technology is available within these classrooms, but is underused. The article also talks about how the technology is often not integrated well into the educational environment and/or with the instructors which increases the lack of use of the technology in the class and curriculum. Rating 7/10

    1. Mapping Trends in Pedagogical Approaches and Learning Technologies: Perspectives from the Canadian, International, and Military Education Contexts

      This article examines the trends in technology usage and its tie to pedagogy within higher education and the Canadian Armed Forces educational system. The article also examined if the new technology integrated educational system was meeting the needs of diverse learners. The article goes on to say that there is an increase usage of technology in both higher education and the Canadian Armed Forces educational system, but the pedagogy behind those technologies isn't often considered. Rating 8/10

    1. Applying Collaborative and e-Learning Tools toMilitary Distance Learning: A Research Framework

      In this study, technology integrated and collaborative learning environments are examined and analyzed for their potential effectiveness for utilization within military programs. The study introduces some e-learning technologies and collaborative learning designs to the readers. A particular focus of constructivism was utilized when examining the education technology tools. The authors go on to list potential technology integrated learning environments that could be used in the military for training purposes. Rating 6/10

    1. Individualized Instruction as a Faculty Training Strategy for Technology Integration

      This study examined how the increase desire to create technology integrated educational environments puts pressure on instructors to use more and advanced technologies to be competitive. The study follows instructors who are hesitant to adopt and use newer technologies and examines what method for learning and implementing these technologies is most effective. The study found that the most effective method of training these instructors was through Individualized Instruction over group training programs. Rating 7/10

    1. Integration of learning technologies into teaching within Fijian Polytechnic Institutions

      In this article the authors examine how technology integrated learning environments are being implemented by the Fijian Ministry of Education within higher education and examines the how the instructors responded to the increased usage of technology. The increase in technology usage was implemented in distance learning and face-to-face courses. The instructors in the study went on to show support of the usage of technology when it comes to pedagogy and cultural influences, but were frustrated by the lack of resources in the implementation of the new technologies. Rating 7/10

  4. www.doleta.gov www.doleta.gov
    1. Technology-Based Learning Strategies

      This study examines what technology based learning is and how it is implemented in government, industry, and education. The article goes on to define what some examples of technology based are within the different delivery modalities of synchronous and asynchronous. The study examines how rapid technological changes and digital media revolution has increased the utilization of technology based learning. The study then goes on to give examples of technology based learning in government, industry, and school environments that are outdated. Rating 4/10

    1. Emerging Theories of Learning and the Role of Technology

      This article introduces and discusses how new technologies have created changes in society. It goes on to then present how education must utilize the new technologies to best prepare the learner for the social changes caused by newer technologies and prepare the learner for society and the workplace. Rating 6/10

    1. Technology Integration: Connections to Educational Theories

      In this article the reasoning behind and examples of how the Ohio State Unviersity at Mansfield integrates technology into its teacher preparation programs are shared. The article outlines how technology courses and integration into undergraduate and graduate education courses have been used within their program. The article outlines the pedagogy behind the integration of these technologies.

    1. Andragogy and Technology: Integrating Adult Learning Theory As We Teach With Technology

      In this article, written by Fidishun, the concept of integrating technology using Knowles theory of Andragogy is presented. The author goes through the six assumption of andragogy and how technology can impact those assumptions amongst adult learners. Rating 6/10

    1. The Role of Pedagogical Beliefs in EmergingTechnology Integration: An Exploratory CaseStudy of Faculty Perspectives

      In this article, written by Justus, it is presented that technology within higher education courses increases student engagement and learner experiences, but instructors are still hesitant to use technology even knowing the benefits. The instructors are affected by the ease of use of the technology and finding technologies that align to their expected learning objectives and outcomes. Rating 7/10

    1. Why Do We Need Technology Integration?

      This webpage goes into why and how technology should be integrated into a learning environment to benefit both the learner and the instructors. It provides tons of links to types of technology that can be integrated and how they could be integrated. The webpage argues that technology increase the relationship between the learner and instructor while increasing motivation of the learner and teaching 21st Century skills. Rating 9/10

    1. Adult Learning Theories in Context: A Quick Guide for Healthcare Professional Educators

      This article, written by Mukhalalati and Taylor, focuses on how different adult learning theories are used within healthcare professional education. The article examines the need and common practice of healthcare educators to utilize a wide variety of adult learning theories to make sure all learners have a productive and beneficial learning experience. The key andragogy theories and pracitices are used across all aspects of the learner experience through usage in teaching strategies, course outcomes and goals, and assessment of the students. Rating 7/10

    1. Educators’ perceptions of technology integration into the classroom: a descriptive case study

      In this article, written by Hartman, Townsend, and Jackson, they look into the teacher's perspective of changing from a traditional learning environment into a technology focused learning environment. The researchers focused on the Humanistic approach when getting the perspectives of the teachers. Their research showed that teachers reacted to this switch with differing degrees of confidence in the technology utilized in the shift, the importance of professional development within the switch, and the excitement associated with the switch to technology based learning environment. Rating 6/10

    1. Journal of Information Technology for Teacher Education, Vol. 10, Nos 1&2, 2001 37 At the Intersection of Technology and Pedagogy:

      In this article, Gibson examines the intersection of technology usage within education. The author presents technologies that favor teacher and student centered learning environments while also addressing that not all technologies are beneficial from a pedagogy standard. Rating 6/10

    1. integrating technology with student-centered learning

      This publication, produced by the Nellie Mae Education Foundation, goes through how schools have successfully implemented technology into their school. Not only does the publication discuss how the technology was implemented, but also goes into why/how technology supports and improves the learning environments of the schools. Rating 8/10

    1. In this paper, written by Jennifer Groff, addresses the question of how can technology transform the teaching and learning environments to best prepare learners to become lifelong learners and be prepared for the 21st Century. The paper goes on to discuss how technology and pedagogy can be utilized together to better the learning environment especially as a way to diversify learning activities. This paper provides excellent usage of diagrams to illustrate its points. Rating 8/10

    1. K-12 Technology Frameworks

      Within this book, written by Dr. Royce Kimmons, there is a chapter that focuses on the different Technology Integration Models that teachers can use to implement technology into their classrooms/schools. The popular models of technology integration that are discussed are TPACK, RAT, SAMR, and PIC-Rat. The article is useful if you are looking for models of how to integrate technology into a school or a school district. Rating 7/10

    1. Technology Selection and Integration

      Within this textbook published by Oklahoma State University includes a chapter about the selection and integration of technology which focuses not only on how well the technology can impact learners and also addresses issues like cost and efficiency. Rating 6/10