95 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2023
    1. an annotated syllabus is one effective entry point for active learning in your course

      Yes. Right off the bat, it engages learners as collaborative learners and teachers. Teacher Ed, what are some other strategies to set a tone of this sort - right off the bat?

    2. Annotate Your Syllabus 4.0

      Welcome SEHD Teacher Ed peeps. We're going to explore annotation with annotation about annotation. Please read and discover. Comment as you wish. Answer any of my prompts below so I know you were here... = )

    3. Moreover, an annotated syllabus is risky; instructors are seldom incentivized to experiment with pedagogy, and students are rarely invited to express honest opinions about their education.

      Truthiness. Which is why this approach is high-engagement. It's authentic, open, and honest.

    4. Welcome to our Annotated Syllabus. This syllabus—like our course—is incomplete without you and your commentary.

      Who here has annotated their syllabus with their students?<br /> If so, what was the greatest affordance? If no, why not?

    5. students and I have annotated our course syllabi.

      Same. I often invite students to use hypothes.is to help craft portions of the syllabus, like a rubric. This engages them in the learning objectives ahead and with assessment planning - as instructional designers and teachers. It's a meta technique.

    1. Probably the mostinteresting groupintheroomisthesix-memberplanningcommission.

      In a digital sense, you may have groups online, on-campus, or on Zoom. They may be synchronous or asynchronous. This can be a challenge but also an incredible affordance. There is so much we can do when unbound by time and geography.

      What are some of the best practices for digital group work? Let's hear it...

  2. Mar 2021
    1. There are however, easter-eggs in the margins

      Easter eggs are tucked away here and there in the details. Subtle. Hidden. Present. They extend the story a bit.

      If you find them and do them, you can add 1 point to any assignment.

      If you tell others where they are hidden, you can lose up to 1 point on any assignment.

      That's the game.

      EASTER EGG 02

      This easter egg expires at the end of Week 07.

      Reply to this message and briefly explain. What would you like to more-of and what would you like less-of, and why?

      e.g. I would like more and less _ so that...

      • media projects
      • digital story samples
      • articles
      • teamwork
      • HG Wells
      • ... anything.
  3. Feb 2021
    1. answer this question.

      Easter eggs are tucked away here and there in the details. Subtle. Hidden. Present. They extend the story a bit.

      If you find them and do them, you can add 1 point to any assignment.

      If you tell others where they are hidden, you can lose up to 1 point on any assignment.

      That's the game.

      EASTER EGG 01

      This easter egg expires at the end of Week 05.

      We all have tribes. Here are some of mine. Reply below and describe one of your tribes, and paraphrase one of the stories that they tell.


  4. inte5340.studentagency.io inte5340.studentagency.io
    1. # Storythings

      STEP 01 of 02

      This was deleted earlier. I am putting it back.

      If you have any final votes for our soundtrack, share it here. If you have posted here previously, my bad - I think I deleted the thread!

      Once you get here, click the reply button below and say hi! So I know you made it.

    2. My kids interviewing their Daada (Grandpa)

      STEP 02 of 02

      Select a Storything on this page that inspires you. Highlight the title and annotate here in hypothes.is. Tell us why this story stands out for you and offer kudos to the author. Give a shout out to a classmate.

  5. Aug 2020
  6. inte5340-sv.cu.studio inte5340-sv.cu.studio
    1. read, watch, and annotate materials;

      Yes, we will use hypothes.is to annotate articles and web sites throughout the course.


    2. Slack is our home base. You will need to check-in to Slack multiple times a week to actively participate.  Join us at https://inte5340-sv.slack.com as soon as class begins.


      Click here to join the INTE5340 Slack Team, then head to to the #01-general channel and announce your arrival.

    3. Instructor(s)

      Please use hypothes.is to read the syllabus together. Post any questions about the course and the details by highlighting text and asking. This is is our syllabus Q & A.

      I've posted a couple of things for you further down the page. Please find, respond, and do the thing - whatever it may be.

    4. Brad Hinson

      Hey you made it!

      We are annotating the syllabus in the Public space (see above where it says Public?) so anyone with a hypothes.is account can see/read/comment here. I mention this only because in the future - we will use private groups for this kind of work.

      For this, we annotate in the Public.

      Please reply to this post by clicking the arrow icon below, and let me know you made it. Tell me - what is your favorite song or band of the moment? What's your jam?

  7. Jul 2020
    1. The 'Making' of Critical Making

      Some kind of comment about this.... (doing a demo)

    2. that is more or less materially constrained

      I'm curious if Ratto has any thoughts or experience with making that is purely digital - or mostly digital. That is, not materially constrained. Curious...

    3. current value propositions associated with technology

      I assume this is in reference to the commercial aspects of technology? e.g. edtech, etc.

    4. By 'critical',

      This bit distinctly reminds me of Jesse's article where defines Critical Digital Pedagogy and he precisely means by the word critical...

    5. shared experiences of making can 'provide joint resources for transforming the socio-technical imagination

      This is the fundamental value behind co-creating, be that collaborating on art, an article, a course, or a digital media project. This is a social construction of knowledge and community in parallel - in sync.

    6. adversarial design

      ooo, this is new to me. Book.

    7. built technological artifacts embody cultural values

      A distinct differentiation from traditional maker culture, I think. Considering that the things we make and how we make them are greater than the final product.


      Congratulations #MakerDPL you made it. Reply here using the curvy arrow icon below - so we know you made it!

  8. Jun 2020
  9. inte5340-s.cu.studio inte5340-s.cu.studio
    1. Diverse Tools.

      Among the tools we'll be using this summer is Slack. It will be our primary place of collaboration and communication. I highly suggest you download and install the app, as it is much more convenient that way.

      (3 of 3) Click the link below to join our class Slack Team. Slack will take you on a guided tour when you join - don't skip it! After the tour, go to the #introductions channel and follow the instructions in the final stage of our scavenger hunt.

      INTE5340 Slack

    2. This course is a story and we are characters within it

      Sometimes the class picks a story-theme and play with that over the arc of the course. Last semester we were Lost in Space. In the past we've done Road Trip and even Smokey & the Bandit.

      (2 of 3) What story themes, genres, or concepts might we use this summer?

      Please reply here with any suggestions. Or vote/comment on other suggestions you like.

    3. Description

      (1 of 3) Let me know you made it!

      Respond to this post by clicking the reply icon below (curved arrow) and saying hello. Tell us your name and your favorite story or genre of the moment. What are you watching, listening to, reading, or following right now? What's your current favorite story?

    4. INTE5340 Summer 2020

      Hey, glad you made it. Look above and see where it says Public ? That means we are annotating in a public space, where anyone with hypothes.is can read and comment. This will be the only time we annotate publicly. In the future we will break into private groups for our hypothes.is discussion.

      I'm going to ask you a 3 questions below. And some directions on next steps. Please complete them all, and feel free to annotate the syllabus and ask me any questions as well.

  10. May 2020
    1. Test test.

      Curious how this might combine with hypothes.is. Theoretically, I could have students watch a video and annotate it

  11. Nov 2019
    1. others are technological and should be within our control but are shaped by a panoply of complex social and material forces with indeterminate effects

      "...a panoply of complex social and material forces with indeterminate effects." In higher education we call this student success.

    2. muddles our Internet activity with that of other Tor users, concealing our trail in that of many others.

      And takes us into the dark web where we get the fringe benefits of drug and human trafficking. Off the grid in this way is a trade-off.

    3. collective names

      V for Vendetta, Mr. Robot, et. al.

  12. Jun 2019
    1. Dear Student

      Greetings Boulder Journey School friends. I'm glad you made it. Please reply to my posting here so that I'm notified you're here. Give us a shout-out and say hello to the group.

    1. Critical Digital Pedagogy:

      Hey Boulder Journey School (BJS) friends. You are in the right place. You'll note there has been a lot of discussion and exploration of this article already. I would encourage you to read/chat with any of the folks already commenting here .

  13. storylab.cu.studio storylab.cu.studio
    1. INTE5340 Summer 2019

      Hey you made it! (I knew you would).

      Scavenger Hunt - TASK 1 of 2:

      As a means of introduction, reply below (little curved arrow) - tell us your name and about your favorite song or musical artist. We are making a mixtape for the trip.

      Who or what are you listening to these days? What's your jam?

    2. Change Clause

      Scavenger Hunt - TASK 2 of 2:

      By this point you should be familiar with the course materials and expectations. Proceed now to the Student Setup form and fill in the blanks - submit the form and you'll be set for the next step, aka Slack.

      I'll be emailing you a Slack invitation on Wednesday, as this week's Weekly-Thing. Once you are in our Slack team, I'll ask you to explore a bit and introduce yourself. Bada-bing - week one will be done and we'll be ready for our trip.

  14. Mar 2019
    1. They needed to try, and in any innovation, he said in an interview, “you don’t usually know where you’re going to end up.” 

      Nothing beats a failure but a try. Experimentation and trying are critical for higher ed models and pedagogies.

    2. the technological shift

      The technological shift is the easy part. It is the culture shift that folks fail to recognize or understand. Campus culture is change-resistant.

  15. Feb 2019
    1. there is not enough mutation and selection activity, nor enough selection feedback, to permit very significant changes.

      This was written in 1962! I wonder how he would reflect on things today. He's basically describing the need for more technology mutation as a means of cognitive evolution; more complex augmentation. The dependency dynamic is interesting.

    2. pursuit of our objective need not wait upon the understanding of the mental processes

      Ha! We don't have to agree on learning-theory to learn.

    3. a superstructure that is a synthetic extension of the natural structure upon which it is built


    4. a market for the more radical equipment innovations. The guided evolutionary process could be expected to be considerably more rapid than the traditional one

      Seems we are living this in the Internet age. Rapid prototyping; ubiquitous tools and information; viral growth of good and bad elements. It runs parallel to Moore's Law and the exponential growth of technology. Exponential growth of Engelbart's notion of augmentation.

    5. Individuals who operate effectively in our culture have already been considerably "augmented."

      I suppose this is digital literacy. Some individuals are more literate than others - more augmented than others - but society as a whole has been augmented as well. Man and his tools.

    6. executive capability.

      All of this focus on process, sub-process and sequencing keeps me thinking of machine-learning and concepts of AI. Seems this executive capability provides differentiation; human-learning.

    7. augmentation means

      New term for me; seems to break down how we interface with the world. A lot of HCI and learning theory baked in here. Heck, AI is baked in here.

    8. clothed in fiction only to make it easier to visualize

      Design-fiction often defines the future. Seeds of imagination are planted; then we build it - or avoid it.

    9. Man's population and gross product are increasing at a considerable rate, but the complexity of his problems grows still faster, and the urgency with which solutions must be found becomes steadily greater in response to the increased rate of activity and the increasingly global nature of that activity.

      Moore's law, augmented.

    1. xMOOCs

      Is there such a thing as an unMOOC? Seems like there should be.

    2. The use open source software for social and technical accessibility, the involvement ofmultiple stakeholders in decision-making (working flexibly within conflict), the use ofopen content and the emphasis on relevance to professionals’practice and context.

      This is an educational philosophy that could/should shape a any course or program truly centered on equity and access. The essence of open education.

    3. Another critique of traditional face-to-face faculty development is that even thougheducators may have choices as to which opportunities to take advantage of, they arestill restricted by what is offered and available and what is rewarded by the institutionas valid professional developmen

      Institutions often use incentives to reward cooperation; sometimes injecting particular pedagogies, ideals or tools. Faculty who stray off the beaten path often go unrewarded and unrecognized. Unfortunately, divergent thinking and professional development lack recognition by traditional systems.

    4. heutagogy

      What exactly is the difference between heutagogy and being autodidactic?

  16. Jan 2019
    1. Not Enough Voices

      Hello thinqstudio. This is our third and final annotation session, leading up to our Zoom chat with Sean and Jessie this Friday, Feb. 1st. If you want to Zoom with us, please register here!

    2. posted once and replied to twice

      uhg. This.

      Tried a discussion tool this week that builds assessment into the LMS - based on the number of posts and replies. Post once, reply twice; robograder awards 3 points. Teacher need not read at all.

    1. Name another famous story that follows the Cinderella formula.

      Name another famous story that follows the Cinderella formula.

    2. ar·che·type: (1) a very typical example of a certain person or thing; (2) an original that has been imitated; (3) a recurrent symbol or motif in literature, art, or mythology.

      synonyms: model, pattern, prototype, exemplar, paradigm, form, ideal, specimen, sample.

    3. Can you name a story - ANY story - that does NOT follow a circular structure?

      Reply here to answer this question:

      Can you name a story - ANY story - that does NOT follow a circular structure?

    4. Minus style, media, tone, cadence and context - what is the core content of this story?

      Reply here to answer this question:

      Minus style, media, tone, cadence and context - what is the core content of this story?

    1. What are my students’ URLs? What is mine?

      This suggests that we could/should help individuals thrive online rather than helping content thrive online. As is the DoOO mission. Connect people, their expertise, and mechanisms for sharing - nurture professional learning networks rather than course catalogs.

      What other scenarios are possible?

    2. Beyond the LMS

      ThinqStudio friends, you are in the right place. Welcome to week 2 of 3 of our annotation fest with Sean & Jesse.


    1. It is like Class Announcements for all of us (less me, more you).   Each of us will post and share in the Bulletin - updates, ideas, resources, stories, etc.  It is class-chat, located in the upper-left of the course menu.

      TASK 2 of 3:

      Go to the class Bulletin and view my introduction - and introduce yourself. Tell us your name (again), your program, your favorite story of the moment.

      It might be a book, a movie, a television show, or anything - - what's holding your attention these days, and why!?

      Include some form of media from the story - an animated gif, music, something - and include that in your Bulletin.

    2. Brad Hinson

      Hey you made it! (I knew you would).

      TASK 1 of 3:

      As a means of introduction, reply below and tell us your name and about your favorite song or musical artist.

      Who or what are you listening to these days? What's your jam?

    3. Artistry (don't worry about it

      TASK 3 of 3:

      By this point you should have your blog setup, as well as your hypothes.is account. Likewise you should be familiar with the course materials and expectations. Proceed now to the Student Setup form and fill in the blanks - submit the form and bada-bing. Week 01 done.

    4. Description

      We will use hypothes.is extensively in this course - largely as our discussion forum. It is here (in the margins) where we'll read articles together and share insights and ideas along the way.

      Use hypothes.is here to ask any questions about the class and our process. Highlight the item in question, and ask away.

    1. In Pedagogy of the Oppressed, Paulo Freire argues against the banking model, in which education “becomes an act of depositing, in which the students are the depositories and the teacher is the depositor.” This model emphasizes a one-sided transactional relationship, in which teachers are seen as content experts and students are positioned as sub-human receptacles.

      Taylor's post on the elephant in the room. https://twitter.com/taykendesign/status/1084610497121415169

  17. Jun 2018
    1. Pam was place-making

      I'm not sure I get this. Kim - do you have a sense of how "Pam" was place-making? I'm not connecting the dots...

    2. Similarly, Pam selected a topic based on experience. She had been a member of Conscious Choice Mentoring Program at school and was interested in featuring teen pregnancy in the ‘Put Us on the Map’ project. She used a close-up image of a child with piercing eyes as background for the green screen. She also created a slideshow accompanied by recording artist Rihanna’s 2006 song ‘Unfaithful’ (total running time of 3 minutes and 45 seconds). The slideshow consisted of 25 images from the Internet to represent dimensions of teen pregnancy, including young women with growing bellies or holding babies in their arms, maps and statistical graphs, an MTV show called ‘16 and pregnant,’ family options, sex education, and posters with messages like ‘knowledge is power.’ For Pam, this stylistic choice of telling a story multimodally built on a popular song in order to draw audience attention to her topic. Pam is bilingual in English and Gbe languages, and she noted that the use of a child’s image, slideshow, and song in her work was purposeful. Like in Celso’s case, content and visual analysis of interview and video data, respectively, also point to Pam’s place-making through a particular stylistic choice to share her take on teen pregnancy. In script form, Pam wrote the following excerpt

      Loving this example of digital storytelling...

    3. Through these conjectures, Mr Miles and I took into account social categories such as race, ethnicity, class, gender, sexual orientation, language, and immigrant status as one means to recognize students’ cultural practices as assets of learning and making place in critical inquiry (Comber & Nixon, 2013). We wanted to affirm and be inclusive of what students were bringing into the classroom as individuals and as a group, including negotiating power relations and social locations in their lives.

      All very noble, but I wonder how they did this...

    4. The notion of place as relational through connections beyond the local is vital for understanding how education and schooling practices are organized.

      And the interwebs themselves. Is the internet a place?

    5. throwntogetherness


    6. Media production as an artistic and intellectual endeavor was an opportunity to push back against stringent conceptions of learning, to position students as active producers of knowledge, and to reframe educational goals with youth and community voices at the fore.


    1. Course Syllabus

      Review the Syllabus carefully. Post any questions you have here, by highlighting the item in question and posting your question here in hypothes.is. I will see it. I will answer to satisfy everyone's inquiring minds.

    2. Orientation

      Let me know you made it this far. Reply to this post and answer the following questions. Once I see your answers, I will email you instructions to the next step of the Scavenger Hunt.

      (1) Have you ever worked with WordPress or other blogging platforms before?

      (2) Have you seen Smokey & the Bandit?

    3. Watch

      We'll get into this further next week, but this video is an excellent primer.


    4. on the Class Blog

      I'll give you directions on how to set this up next-week.

    5. We will retain private communications via Hypothes.is (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. and Canvas.

      Take note that we are annotating the Syllabus in a public space... see where it says Public above? After we annotate the Syllabus we'll be moving into two private discussion groups for the rest of the course.

  18. May 2018
    1. Commitments

      Agreed. But how do you assess and measure commitment?

    2. Participants’ out-of-school, authentic (e.g., “unsanctioned”) civic education activities spur us to take seriously young people’s motivations, engagements, and desires for public participation as suggestive of their interest in a new kind of digital citizenship.

      Authentic and unsanctioned - yes. What are they doing outside of tweeting? If there is action taken beyond the social mediascape, then I would deem it authentic. Otherwise, it just seems like an attention-getting strategy.

    3. 209Through these online and offline activities, young people demonstrated their interest in participating in connective actions (Bennett & Segerberg, 2012) that benefitted their communities (e.g., school, town, state, and imagined) as well as being personally enjoyable and pleasurable. This suggests the need for an integrated social media approach for digital citizenship, the beginnings of which we will sketch below. Our social media digital citizenship approach can be utilized in a number of ways. We have demonstrated three ways in this article: (1) creating and distributing PSAs, (2) contacting representatives, and (3) communicating values and enacting commitments through Twitter. Creating and distributing PSAs illustrates the potential for secondary educators to help students develop their ability to create persuasive media that can influence a community’s attitudes and behaviors.Contacting representatives provides students an opportunity for student civic engagement in which they learn how to develop and communicate effective political arguments. Finally, connecting young people’s commitments to participatory action with formal curricula of civic education provides teachers with an opportunity to center young people’s experiences, culture, and lives online. Together, these elements offer new possibilities for secondary students to use digital media to participate in civic life, offers teachers a chance to become a co-learner alongside students in a process of creative digital play


    4. In addition to sharing information from multiple sources

      Maybe I'm a pessimist, but I question the authenticity of people who make these public declarations - tweet, retweet, etc. Ultimately, I think these are used by individuals to garner attention. Look at me. Look at me. Look at me. People align with ideas and people they like and seek to 'leach' popularity off of them. People crave spotlight and attention and I think this is the primary motivator to "civic engagement" of this sort. Kim, am I wrong?

    5. All three participants demonstrated a commitment to contributing information on topics related to becoming a digital citizen, conceived broadly as relating to civic engagement.

      Kim, How do you think they determine a 'demonstrated commitment to civic engagement' ? This seems subjective to me.

    6. Creating public service announcements is a way for students to identify an important issue, research that issue and its relevance for the community, and then prepare a persuasive form of media that can impact a community’s perceptions and actions

      Nice. This examines social studies using digital storytelling methodology. Research. Curate. Create. Share.

    7. dutiful and actualizing

      Kim, of the definitions described - which appeals to you the most? Which would you choose and why? OR would you define it your own way? Or some combination thereof?

      • normative
      • capacity
      • participation
      • dutiful
      • actualizing
    8. Digital citizenship is a precursor to political participation;

      Brings Henry Jenkins to mind


    9. That is, that as young people develop their own political networks andfollowers, attend social protests on livestream (#StandWithWendy), and contribute to community service projects (i.e., raising money for community issues), they are participating in a new form of digital citizenship enacted through digital (e.g., social) media activities informed by socialvalues and identities

      Nice summary.

    10. Common Sense Media
  19. Jan 2018
    1.  To find tools – you may review the course Toolbox; ask Google.

      This is message 3 of 3 from me on this page. You need to find/read all 3.

      Let's move on to the next stage of the Scavenger Hunt.

      Your next step can be found in the StoryTools. This is a toolbox of digital-storytelling tools and resources - mostly free. You can find the StoryTools linked at the top of all course web pages and in our INTE5340 Slack.

      Let's see, where did I put that next-step... it's in the toolbox under... was it stock media? No, wait. I put it under... was it comics? Awww, just go find it. It's in there somewhere. Find it to move on to the next step.

      And by the way... you're welcome.

    2. Public

      This is message 2 of 3 from me on this page. You need to find/read all 3.

      Look at the top of this column and note it says Public - meaning anyone can read/post here. We will be using private hypothes.is groups for the remainder of this class. By the end of this Scavenger Hunt you will be a member of Earth, Wind or Fire.


      Let's practice responding in hypothes.is. What is the BEST song by Earth, Wind & Fire? You can only pick one.

    3. Communications

      Scavenger Hunt (Step 2 of 6)

      You made it! This is message 1 of 3 from me on this page. You need to find/read all 3.

      Please review this page and post any questions here in hypothes.is. Highlight any words/sentences where you might have questions, and click Annotate to post a question.


    1. the next step of this challenge outlined there.

      Hey, you made it!!

      Look around a bit and get familiar with hypothes.is.

      Note at the top it says Public - that means this conversation is just that - open for public viewing. For the remainder of this course we will be using private groups. By the end of this Scavenger Hunt you will be assigned to one of the following private Hypothes.is groups: Earth, Wind, or Fire.


  20. Aug 2017
    1. Change Clause

      || Intro Prompt (2 of 3):|| Pscyh!!

      This isn’t actually the prompt. Prompt (2) is found within your class discussion group. All future class discussions will be in these private discussion groups. You should have received a group assignment upon completing the Getting Started activity.

      Select your discussion group using the drop-down menu at the top of this window. Go to them now - - switch to your discussion group and follow the Intro Prompt (2) instructions there.

    2. Hinson

      || Intro Prompt (1 of 3):|| Who are you and why are you here?

    3. Brad Hinson

      || INTRODUCTIONS || Please complete the (3) three prompts embedded in this syllabus to introduce yourself to the class. You can simply reply by clicking the reply icon below.

    4. Syllabus

      Welcome to INTE5340! Please use the syllabus for some hypothes.is practice. Highlight any areas of question or concern and post your questions here.

  21. Jul 2017
    1. As a consequence, every student can see what every other student is doing;


  22. Aug 2016
    1. I had, in effect, been committing teaching fails every semester before I even met my students. I was robbing them of an opportunity to take ownership of a process that was inherently theirs, and I was imposing an order of instruction on them simply because it was the order that I thought made sense.

      This is effectively about discovering and allowing student agency. I wonder if there are students who struggle with agency, i.e. who are uncomfortable without the rules and pathways explicitly defined.