7 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2020
    1. Aristotle

      Aristotle's "Politics" and other works are available on Google Books.


    2. “Money has no master.”

      Money is a means to an end, but when it has no end it loses all meaning.

    3. Capital is money: Capital is commodities.

      Capital equals self-valorizing value. The "self" relates to labor-power qua capital purchased by the capitalist realized in the process of production. Therefore, "capital is money capital is commodities," as it uses, realizes, and incorporates money and the commodity of labor.

    1. Circulation

      Marx continues to use words connected to flow such as "circulation" and "metamorphosis" to signal the importance of movement in order for these economic processes to fully manifest.

  2. Jan 2020
    1. The different kinds of labour

      To be contrasted with labor that is not time sensitive or labor for the production of commodities in advance, or produced in surplus. Leading back to the distinction between use-value versus exchange-value.

    2. Fetish

      "Fetishism" and "commodity fetishism" as Marx uses it refers to an object that embodies the mystery and labor production of those who create it. "Fetishism in anthropology refers to the primitive belief that godly powers can inhere in inanimate things (e.g., in totems)." This definition of "fetish" is not to be confused with the Freudian use of the term.
