5 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2017
  2. languagedev.wikispaces.com languagedev.wikispaces.com
    1. For example, when an infonl is making sounds while in the presence of a par-ent and says "ma-ma," the parent may rush to tho infant, show signs of delight, and say, "Oh, you said 'ma-ma'!" This positive response from the parent increases the chances that the infant will repeal those sounds. Likewise, speech that elicils no response or is ignored is less likely to be repeated.

      We usually express our thoughts to others and we know that people understand us if they react a certain way. It's a neat idea that we learn language through how people react to what we say.

    2. This process is sometimes referred to as hypothesis testing. Children test their hypotheses or sets of assumptions of how language is spoken, arliculnted, used, and manipulated.

      This is a really neat concept of how children affect language. I think language changes over time and it's neat how children test what works and what doesn't.

    3. Healthy infants are able "lo learn any of the world's 3,000 languages"

      I feel like when I read stuff like this, I think that nurture has just as much impact on how someone will develop the ability to communicate as nature does. Even if babies are able to speak 3,000 different languages, they will speak whatever language they grow up around. It's not programmed in their minds.

    4. A comprehensive theory of language development would need lo consider linguistic complexities and address each of the five aspects of language knowledge.

      Again, this shows the importance of the five types of language knowledge that we'll learn in class. It's neat to see this connect.

  3. Aug 2017
  4. languagedev.wikispaces.com languagedev.wikispaces.com
    1. anguag"a'is essential to society. It forms the foundation of our perceptions, com-municntion!f and daily interactions.

      Learning language isn't just about helping kids to read and write. It's about helping them be a competent member of society who can communicate their thoughts clearly.