17 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2024
  2. inst-fs-pdx-prod.inscloudgate.net inst-fs-pdx-prod.inscloudgate.net
    1. impetus

      that force that makes something happen or happen quickly.

    2. eri-‘sively

      expressing contempt or ridicule

    3. LetyourWomenhear ourWords.”


    4. omen’slackoflegalstatusaspersons wasactuallyacommonfeaturealwaysbeusedinthepluraltoemphasizeitsdiversity.inmanyoftheworld’s writtenlaw codes,whichhavesometimesregarded{ndividuals andgroupshavechallengedorrejectedgenderhierarchieswomenasaformofproperty.

      Another way to say government hadn't seen women as human beings!!!!!!

    5. etymologically

      relating to the origin and history of words.

    6. uglywomendid notneedtofearalossofhonorandsodinotmerit protection.

      they thought of ugly women as so much less of a being and not to even care for their honor because of their looks??????

    7. suedthefatherofthechildfordamageswhichthenbecameadowryandallowedthemtomarry.

      How can a woman sueing the father of her child become a dowry?

    8. while in others men or women risk severe punishment or death simplyby being present in a space assigned to the other sex.

      now that is absolutely insane and i hadn't known that was a thing that existed.

    9. began to add the word “male” for the first time becausewomen had attempted to interpret the existing word “person” to includewomen and to vote as long as they had the required amount of property.

      To make action towards changing your wording just to spite people trying to be active members of society is crazy to me.

    10. dichotomous

      characterized by the complete contrast of two things

    11. Whenitwas pointedoutthatfemalebrainswereactuallylargerinproportiontobodysize,femalebrainsweredeterminedtobemorechild-like,forchildren’sbrainsareproportionatelylargerstill.

      That is a crazy excuse to make.

    12. pervaded

      To be present and apparent throughout.

    13. women’slackofheatwaseenasthereasontheymenstruated(men“burnedup”unneededbloointernally)anddidnotgobald(men“burnedup”their hairfromthinside).


    14. Theyemphasizethatallmenconstructtheirmasculinityinrelationnotonlytowomen,butalsoinrelationtoothermen,andthatgroupsofmenalsovarywidelyintheir abilitytoshapetheirownmasculinitydependingontheirpositioninracial,class,andotherpowerstructures.

      That is insane to believe that they are much deeper than their generalization but to think that women have no sort of depth.

    15. orth America, for example, women were often describede Sex,” as if men did not have any. This sense that one group is anked or default category (i.e., that in the case of gender one is alwaysae a man unless noted otherwise, as in “woman doctor”) has also3S 2 ee of ow subordinate groups.

      I had always noticed that women were always gendered when written about but never realized that it was to think that men didn't even fall into the category. As if a doctor could only be seen as a man and to say that they were a women because thats not the ordinary.

    16. mensawwomenasagroupastheOther,butsaw themselvesastheOne,tothewholesexwereeitherimpossibleorunnecessary.

      Why would it be so hard for male historians to believe that they themselves are deeper than one generalized group based off of many aspects but women are simple enough to be dialed down to one singular thing?

    17. egalitarianism

      The belief that all people are equal and deserve equal rights and opportunities.