- May 2023
dissertation.jonreeve.com dissertation.jonreeve.com
and that it is 91.5% more colorful (that is, with more precision)
more colorful than…?
- Nov 2019
fortunacasey.wixsite.com fortunacasey.wixsite.com
- Aug 2018
pghfrankenstein.github.io pghfrankenstein.github.io
test annotation
- May 2018
mbolam.github.io mbolam.github.io2-Messy1
This is a mysterious number converted by Excel as perhaps a number of days after some date in the 1970s...
- Mar 2018
inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net
One mightsubsume the eliminatedelementinthe term“aura” andgoontosay:thatwhichwithersinthe age of mechanicalreproductionisthe aura of theworkof art.Thisisa symptomatic processwhose significance pointsbeyondthe realm of art.One mightgeneralize bysaying:the technique of reproductiondetachesthe reproducedobjectfromthe domainof tradition.Bymakingmanyreproductionsitsubstitutesa pluralityof copiesfora unique existence.Andinpermittingthe reproductiontomeetthe beholder or listener inhisownparticular situation,itreactivatesthe objectreproduced.Thesetwoprocessesleadtoa tremendousshatteringof traditionwhichisthe obverse of thecontemporarycrisisandrenewalofmankind.Bothprocessesare intimatelyconnectedwiththe contemporarymassmovements.Their mostpowerfulagentisthe film.Itssocialsignificance,particularlyinitsmostpositive form,isinconceivable withoutitsdestructive,cathartic aspect,thatis,the liquidationof the traditionalvalue of the culturalheritage
Note here that "destruction" of an artwork's traditional aura (in the age of mechanical reproduction) is associated with "liquidation" and catharsis: this is death as transformation and transition. It is not necessarily a negative thing to be transformed--though of course we might associate this with "cheapening" the original. As Benjamin goes on to discuss, the new mass-producible media may affect us more powerfully, may be open for more intensive analysis and study, may be more moving.
he equipment-free aspectof realityhere hasbecome the heightof artifice;the sightof immediate realityhasbecome anorchidinthe landof technol
How often do we cultivate such orchids--attempting to disguise the technological mediation of our realities?
ulpturesonmedievalcathedralsareinvisible tothe spectator ongroundlevel.Withthe emancipationof the variousartpracticesfrom ritualgoincreasingopportunitiesfor the exhibitionof theirproducts.Itiseasier toexhibita portraitbustthatcanbe senthere andtherethantoexhibitthe statue of a divinitythathasitsfixedplace inthe interior of a temple.The same holdsfor thepaintingasagainstthe mosaic or frescothatprecededit.Andeventhoughthe public presentabilityof a massoriginallymayhave beenjustasgreatasthatof a symphony,thelatter originatedatthe momentwhenitspublic presentabilitypromisedtosurpassthatof themass
something of the arts no longer being controlled by religious rituals
Magicianandsurgeoncompare topainter andcameraman
distance vs. invasion
Atanymomentthereaderisreadytoturnintoa writer.Asexpert,whichhe hadtobecome willy-nillyinanextremelyspecializedworkprocess,evenif onlyinsome minor respect,the reader gainsaccesstoauthorship.Inthe SovietUnionworkitself isgivena voice.Topresentitverballyispartof a man’sabilitytoperform the work.Literarylicense isnowfoundedonpolytechnic rather thanspecializedtrainingandthusbecomescommonproperty
authorship and expertise accessible to anyone interested...
Thisismostobviouswithregardtobuildings.Architecture hasalwaysrepresentedthe prototype of a workof artthe receptionof whichisconsummatedbya collectivityina state of distraction.Thelawsofitsreceptionaremostinstructive
Benjamin calls attention to the way people absorb the arts passively, in a distracted state--architecture is a prime example.
The horrible featuresofimperialistic warfareare attributable tothe discrepancybetweenthe tremendousmeansof productionandtheir inadequate utilizationinthe processofproduction—inother words,tounemploymentandthe lackof markets.Imperialistic war isa rebellionof technologywhichcollects,inthe form of“humanmaterial,” the claimstowhichsocietyhasdenieditsnaturalmaterial.Insteadof drainingrivers,societydirectsa humanstream intoa bedoftrenches;insteadof droppingseedsfrom airplanes,itdropsincendiarybombsover cities;andthroughgaswarfarethe aura isabolishedina newway
Benjamin on the aesthetics of war--why it seems compulsory.
War isbeautifulbecause itinitiatesthedreamt-of metallizationof the humanbody.War isbeautifulbecause itenrichesafloweringmeadowwiththe fieryorchidsof machine guns.War isbeautifulbecause itcombinesthegunfire,the cannonades,the cease-fire,the scents,andthe stenchofputrefactionintoa symphony.War isbeautifulbecause itcreatesnewarchitecture,like thatof the bigtanks,the geometricalformationflights,the smoke spiralsfrom burningvillages,
quote from Marinetti: chilling!
The growingproletarianizationof modernmanandthe increasingformationofmassesaretwoaspectsof thesame process.Fascismattemptstoorganize the newlycreatedproletarianmasseswithoutaffectingthe propertystructure whichthe massesstrive toeliminate.Fascism seesitssalvationingivingthese massesnottheir right,butinsteada chancetoexpressthemselves.21The masseshave a righttochange propertyrelations;Fascismseekstogive them anexpressionwhile preservingproperty.The logicalresultof Fascism isthe introductionof aestheticsintopoliticallife.The violationofthe masses,whom Fascism,withitsFührercult,forcestotheir knees,hasitscounterpartinthe violationof anapparatuswhichispressedintothe productionof ritualvalues
Benjamin's immediate context: the National Socialist party in Germany and the rise of Hitler as the Fuhrer.
Receptionina state of distraction,whichisincreasingnoticeablyinallfieldsof artandissymptomatic of profoundchangesinapperception,findsinthe film itstrue meansof exercise.
Really, should we be thinking about mobile app design here?
Buildingsareappropriatedina twofoldmanner:byuse andbyperception-or rather,bytouchandsight.Suchappropriationcannotbe understoodintermsof the attentive concentrationof a touristbefore a famousbuilding.Onthe tactile side there isnocounterparttocontemplationonthe opticalside.Tactileappropriationisaccomplishednotsomuchbyattentionasbyhabit.Asregardsarchitecture,habitdeterminestoa large extentevenopticalreception
Buildings, too, we occupy in a distracted state, or experience in habitual, tactile ways.
Clearly,thisisatbottom the same ancientlamentthatthe massesseekdistractionwhereasartdemandsconcentrationfromthe spectator.Thatisacommonplace.
Ho hum, says Benjamin. We're always complaining about the masses just seeking out spectacles and not appreciating fine art.
Nosooner hashiseye graspeda scene thanitisalreadychanged.Itcannotbe arrested.Duhamel,whodeteststhe film andknowsnothingof itssignificance,thoughsomethingof itsstructure,notesthiscircumstance asfollows:“I cannolonger thinkwhatI wanttothink.Mythoughtshave beenreplacedbymovingimages.”*The spectator’sprocessof associationinviewof these imagesisindeedinterruptedbytheirconstant,suddenchange.Thisconstitutesthe shockeffectof the film,which,like allshocks,shouldbe cushionedbyheightenedpresence of
shock effects of transitions in films--taking over the mind.
Expertshave longrecognizedthatinthe film “the greatesteffectsare almostalwaysobtainedby‘acting’ aslittle aspossible....”
difference between stage acting (whole human body performance) and being filmed (less performance)
The directiveswhichthe captionsgive tothose lookingatpicturesinillustratedmagazinessoonbecome evenmoreexplicitandmoreimperative inthe film where the meaningof eachsingle picture appearstobe prescribedbythe sequence of allprecedingones
So here, the artwork is directing the viewers' interpretation, guiding the viewer ideologically.
Namely,thedesireof contemporarymassestobringthings‘closer’ spatiallyandhumanly,whichisjustasardentastheir benttowardovercomingthe uniquenessof everyrealitybyacceptingitsreproduction.4Everydaythe urge growsstrongertogetholdofanobjectatveryclose range bywayof itslikeness,itsreproduction
This makes me think about the way I use maps on my phone to help me navigate a city, or the way I use apps on my phone to tell me more about something I'm (not) looking at with my eyes.
The mannerinwhichhumansenseperceptionisorganized,the medium inwhichitisaccomplished,isdeterminednotonlybynature butbyhistoricalcircumstancesaswell.
A key passage: The way we see, and what we look for, might be predetermined by the media surrounding us in our moment.
For theentire spectrumofoptical,andnowalsoacoustical,perceptionthe film hasbroughtabouta similardeepeningof apperception.Itisonlyanobverse of thisfactthatbehavior itemsshowninamoviecanbe analyzedmuchmore preciselyandfrom morepointsof viewthanthose presentedonpaintingsor onthe stage.Ascomparedwithpainting,filmedbehavior lendsitself more readilytoanalysisbecause of itsincomparablymore precise statementsof the situation.Incomparisonwiththestage scene,the filmedbehavior item lendsitself more readilytoanalysisbecause itcanbe isolatedmoreeasily
Here, play is to film as painting is to photography...We can mass produce film and photo media, and that also means that screen-by-screen, shot-by-shot analyses of camera work are possible--these mass-producible media can be more closely analyzed.
the Psychopathology ofEveryday Life
by Sigmund Freud (1901), perhaps one of his best-known works. http://www.reasoned.org/dir/lit/PEL_freud.pdf
Paintingsimplyisinnopositiontopresentanobjectfor simultaneouscollective experience,asitwaspossible for architecture atalltimes,for the epic poem inthe past,andfor the movie today.Althoughthiscircumstance initself shouldnotleadone toconclusionsaboutthe socialrole of painting,itdoesconstitute a seriousthreatassoonaspainting,under specialconditionsand,asitwere,againstitsnature,isconfronteddirectlybythemasses
The "collective experience" is foregrounded here: paintings weren't experienced by all members of society, but other art forms were. It's interesting that he identifies the epic poem and cathedrals as basically art forms designed from centuries past for collectives!
Thegreater thedecrease inthesocialsignificanceof anartform,thesharper thedistinctionbetweencriticism andenjoymentbythe public.The conventionalisuncriticallyenjoyed,andthe trulynewiscriticizedwithaversion
In mass-produced art, entertainment value = conventional praise. New, bleeding-edge stuff is not wanted.
For centuriesa smallnumber of writerswere confrontedbymanythousandsof readers.Thischangedtowardthe endof the lastcentury.Withtheincreasingextensionof the press,whichkeptplacingnewpolitical,religious,scientific,professional,andlocalorgansbefore thereaders,anincreasingnumber of readersbecame writers
increasing numbers of writers and experts in the age of text reproduction
The camera thatpresentsthe performance of the film actor tothe public neednotrespectthe performance asanintegralwhole.Guidedbythe cameraman,the camera continuallychangesitspositionwithrespecttothe performance.The sequence ofpositionalviewswhichthe editor composesfrom the ma
Camera disseminates agency and multiplies the possibilities for a work of art.
WithAtget,photographsbecome standardevidence forhistoricaloccurrences,andacquire a hiddenpoliticalsignificance.Theydemanda specifickindof approach;free-floatingcontemplationisnotappropriate tothem
Photography becomes a means of circulating politics...
aura = an important concept of distinctiveness in this essay.
anever greaterdegree the workof artreproducedbecomesthe workof artdesignedfor reproducibility.7From aphotographic negative,for example,one canmake anynumber of prints;toaskfor the ‘authentic’ printmakesnosense.Butthe instantthe criterionof authenticityceasestobe applicable toartisticproduction,the totalfunctionof artisreversed.Insteadof beingbasedonritual,itbeginstobe basedonanotherpractice—politics
Politics replaces ritual as a basis for the reproducible kind of art.
technical/mechanical/automated reproduction isn't conceived as forgery of an original, in the same way a hand-crafted fake is seen in that sense.
- Mar 2017
thoreau.eserver.org thoreau.eserver.org
If the injustice is part of the necessary friction
Sample annotation on the word "friction" in a passage.
teachingamericanhistory.org teachingamericanhistory.org
A reference to the Old Testament. This raises a question about how Douglass might be comparing the US to Babylon. Discuss?
- Nov 2016
digital.library.upenn.edu digital.library.upenn.edu
a celebrated female sculptor
Here is a portrait of Properzia Rossi from ?????
newtfire.org newtfire.org
“Locksley Hall”
claimed by Liz Laughlin!
“Properzia Rossi”
Maura Barron!
- Oct 2016
newtfire.org newtfire.org
This is really supposed to be "hill" of moss. I need to correct it! Not Wordsworth's typo.
Quam nihil ad genium, Papiniane, tuum!
This is a Latin epigraph. It's a kind of paratext! Anyone have a translation?
- Sep 2016
www.wwnorton.com www.wwnorton.com
Roman poet. LOOK UP HIS DATES! POST THEM HERE! I might want to post a link with more information. Is there a picture?
- May 2016
tspace.library.utoronto.ca tspace.library.utoronto.ca
houseless wanderer
How does this anthropomorphize the caterpillar?
No, helpless thing, I cannot harm thee now; 2Depart in peace, thy little life is safe, 3For I have scanned thy form with curious eye, 4Noted the silver line that streaks thy back, 5The azure and the orange that divide 6Thy velvet sides; thee, houseless wanderer, 7My garment has enfolded, and my arm 8Felt the light pressure of thy hairy feet; 9Thou hast curled round my finger; from its tip, 10Precipitous descent! with stretched out neck, 11Bending thy head in airy vacancy, 12This way and that, inquiring, thou hast seemed 13To ask protection; now, I cannot kill thee.
This is the first sentence of the poem--13 lines!
the silver line that streaks thy back, 5The azure and the orange that divide 6Thy velvet sides
Could it be this species?
newtfire.org newtfire.org
Use the tag #UPGHumDay
See! I'm writing an annotation!
greensburg.pitt.edu greensburg.pitt.edu
Here's an hypothes.is annotation for the hypothes.is portion of the workshop!
- Jan 2016
www.gutenberg.org www.gutenberg.org
What is this referring to? Which parts of a ship are these?
www.virtualjamestown.org www.virtualjamestown.org
in modern spelling, a deer
my allegiance (
By "my allegiance," Wingfield might be referring to his loyalty to the Virginia colony and to England..
courseweb.pitt.edu courseweb.pitt.edu
A literary work is a document and as a document can be analyzed in terms of theforces that have produced it, or it may be manipulated as a force in its own right. Itmirrors the past, it may influence the future. These facts it would be futile to deny,and I know of no critic who does deny them. But the reduction of a work ofliterature to its causes does not constitute literary criticism; nor does an estimate ofits effects.
A major formalist statement!
- Nov 2015
newtfire.org newtfire.org
Byron, "Darkness"
Patrick Herron, "Darkness"
- Sep 2015
RP 2 due
No! It's OK! This is actually a first annotation assignment due on Fri. 9/25
search.credoreference.com search.credoreference.com
the goddess of chastity
Can I make a hyperlink here? Yes I think I can!
newtfire.org newtfire.org
This is my course website, and home of my class webpages. Yay.
www.rc.umd.edu www.rc.umd.edu
to stretch
www.blakearchive.org www.blakearchive.org
lovely Moony
Here we see an editor's mark: noting that Blake must have deleted a word in his manuscript notebook and inserted the word "lovely" in its place.