117 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2020
    1. At 5:53, we need to be there to watch out for them, but not micro-manage them. But we have to embrace the new ideas and not discredit their worth.

    2. At 4:51: The students who take up arms in social justice are not the students who join student government, they are the ones playing D&D or creating Youtube channels. This is profound because as educators, it's hard to see our students with hobbies. We say all they do is play video games or stay on their phones, but in reality, they do so much more.

    3. At 2:35 He discusses remixing as a way to express yourself digitally. Taking your favorite TV and setting it to music.

    4. At 1:01: Jenkins discusses how the printing press movement was predominantly moved by teens. It's interesting to think about the ages of people 100, 200, and 300 years ago. Many of our founding fathers who signed the Declaration of Independence were only in their early to mid 30s.

    1. The digital media, rather than the (text) book, aremore and more the site of appearance and distribution of learning resources,and writing is being displaced by image as the central mode for representa-tion.

      Textbook companies are slowly realizing this shift and are creating digital textbooks that are interactive and full of pictures and videos to support multimodal learning.



    1. Deep learning requires the learner being willing and able to take on a new identity in the world, to see the world and act on it in new ways.

      Grit is a characteristic that cannot be taught. It is not enough to have motivation. When you are learning a new way of doing things, you must have determination to succeed.

    2. He further notes that many of the tools young people increasingly have access to today are “smart tools” that have knowledge built into them in ways that enable them to “collaborate” with the tool users to do complex things that the tool user either could not do alone or could not do as effectively.

      Smart tools, such as extension, are great ways to collaborate online. However, in my experience in school, many extensions are disabled by the district and it is a long process to make them allowable.

    3. Moreover, it would be odd to think of others teaching the practitioners to integrate the three dimensions into their work

      This in my opinion is a requirement when integrating technology. Making sure those that are teaching it know how to use it to its fullest.

    4. The technical dimension involves knowing one’s way around the processes and tools for encoding the meaning one seeks to articulate.

      Some of my students never touched a computer before receiving their chromebook from school. This poses problems when trying to integrate technology at the remix level.

    5. By “socially recognized ways” we mean something close to the concept of “practice” as it was developed by Scribner and Cole (1981) in relation to literacy. They defined practices as “socially developed and patterned ways of using technology and knowledge to accomplish tasks.” T

      Literacy is changing. I believe it means to read and understand the meaning of the text. This could be digital or traditional and in any language. Literacy is literacy.

    6. In the sense that each new mix becomes a meaning-making resource (affordance) for subsequent remixes, there is no “end” to remixing. Each remix in principle expands the possibilities for further remix.

      This is what learning is about. Borrowing and adding, creating and taking away. Being fluid and flexible.

    7. Fan art

      I have purchased fan art of TWD and follow multiple fan art sites on Instagram. I especially enjoy the Outlander fan art.

    8. Lessig (2005) claims that at a very general level all of culture can be understood in terms of remix, where someone creates a cultural product by mixing meaningful elements together (e.g., ideas from different people with ideas of one’s own), and then someone else comes along and remixes this cultural artefact with others to create yet another artefact.

      This is interesting to think about. Many cultures come from borrowing from others. Many Latin American cultures mix Spanish cultures and food with their indigenous to create their culture today.

    1. n this phase,the teacher provides students with real examples of online information that students can use to compare their work product to. Students are encouraged to review this exemplar material and review the work in relation to their own process and product completed to this point.

      Providing an exemplar is essential. I myself need an exemplar to understand what is required of me.

    2. the classroom teacher is to work as a facilitator in the classroom and allow students to work the majority of the time on the construction of online content. Teachers may start a classroom period with a “mini-lesson

      It is difficult for teachers to remove themselves from the learning process, but ultimately it is best to be a facilitator and not a dictator of learning.

    3. he OCC model provides guidance on elements of cognitive apprenticeship, writing research and the use of ICTs as a tool to allow students to express learning and experience to themselves and others

      This is a meaningful and authentic way of learning and creating.

    4. his process of modeling, coaching, and then fading of instruction involvesfive important processes: (a) modeling an expert’s performance; (b) understanding of the internal/external processes; (c) encouraging students to think and work like experts; (d) application of knowledge in different contexts; and (e) demonstrating how to cope with difficulties

      Modeling your thinking and steps is the best way to prevent confusion and to avoid the repeating of directions.

    5. There are usually four dimensions considered in cognitive apprenticeship (e.g., content, methods, sequence, sociology) when embedding learning in activity using a classroom’s social and physical contexts

      Scaffolding is an important part of English language acquisition.

    6. multimodal design refers to the use of different “modes”to recontextualize a body of knowledge for a specific audience

      This type of design is effective because it allows students to use different learning styles to complete a task.

      For example, a person who is visual, answers a question with a video or picture. For someone who is auditory, an audio recording of the answer is the solution.

    7. Student review of work process embeddedin the instructional model

      Peer feedback is also a proven way to improve speaking in the classroom by ELs.

    8. OCC was developed to define the abilities necessary to communicate the information assembled while searching, sifting, and synthesizing knowledge gained during the online inquiry process

      This is the most important part of research. No one does research in actual books anymore. All sources a from the internet or from a digital library. Being able to effectively sift and synthesize information aids in the understanding of sources.

    9. Authentically and effectively integrating the Internet and other communication technologies (ICTs) into the classroom is a social imperative given theability to empower students in the reader/writer nature inherent in the online informational space

      Technology is now unavoidable. It must be used to effectively reach our students. Embrace it or be miserable.



    1. Finally, Martin Nakata’s research on indigenous literacy has used the Multiliteracies concept to discuss literacy in ‘interface’ identities, or learners living between the ‘mainstream’ and the ‘margins’

      Now, indigenous literacy, is a must because for so long our education has been white washed.

    2. A pedagogy of Multiliteracies also opens access to powerful learning to a broader spread of learners in a world where diversity is becoming all the more critical

      There is enough piece of the pie for everyone and now the people who have been oppressed for centuries are taking a stand and demanding a better world. It is a beautiful thing.

    3. Or, insofar as these two goals might at times be at odds, a transformative pedagogy could be used to support either view

      There is huge disparity in education which leads the inequity in the criminal justice system which leads to disparities in income and its a cycle that never stops.

    4. difference is to do with social class and community background

      This statement is a entire study in itself. Teachers must realize that not all students come from homes where the word scientist of author is even mentions.

    5. standardised testing

      I believe we are all happy that states have thrown out testing since the pandemic. This will hopefully give teachers the breathing room to be creative and teach more of what they feel the students need versus teaching to a test.

    6. 13skin sensations (heat/cold, texture, pressure), grasp, manipulable objects, artefacts, cooking and eating, aromas.•Gestural Representation: movements of the hands and arms, expressions of the face, eye movements and gaze, demeanours of the body, gait, clothing and fashion, hair style, dance, action sequences (Scollon, 2001), timing, frequency, ceremony and ritual. Here gesture is understood broadly and metaphorically as a physical act of signing (as in ‘a gesture to ...’), rather than the narrower literal meaning of hand and arm movement. Representation to oneself may take the form of feelings and emotions or rehearsing action sequences in one’s mind’s eye.•Spatial Representation: proximity, spacing, layout, interpersonal distance, territoriality, architecture/building, streetscape, cityscape, landscape

      These are similar to the learner styles I've read about throughout my studies.

    7. all forms of representation, including language, should be regarded as dynamic processes of transformation rather than processes of reproduction.

      Language is also a fluid system that changes as people adapt and evolve to their environment.

    8. Diversity is pivotal in today’s lifeworlds, and much more profoundly and pervasively so than the straightforward demographic groupings which underwrote an earlier identity politics of gender, ethnicity, race and disability—forms of politics which first unsettled the hoped-for homogeneity of mass society and the nation-state

      This statement is even more true today. Our schools in many of our states are no longer white the majority, with black and brown a minority. Schools should not even be funded or ask about race, but about poverty level when it comes to receiving grants and funding.

    9. an active, bottom-up citizenship in which people can take a self-governing role in the many divergent communities of their lives

      This is a very difficult concept for corporations who have ceos who make millions off minimum wage workers producing a product.

    10. selling them to corporations.

      Corporations are running the government and killing America.

    11. lass ceilings’.

      These individuals who hit this "glass ceiling" make up the majority of the population in our classrooms. These are the children who's schools are underfunded and teachers are exhausted and burn out or who are fresh out of school with no experience, but a lot of motivation.

    12. he chummy retreats that aim to build interpersonal relationships and the training sessions that build corporate culture instead of the deference one used to show to the boss

      As bad as I hate to say it, this "good ol' boy" way of doing business is still strong in Southern communities.

    13. As befits the public rhetoric about the ‘knowledge economy’, ‘human capital’ is now presented as the key to having a ‘competitive edge’, whether that be the skills and knowledge of an individual seeking employment, or the aggregate of human capital in an enterprise, or the international competitiveness of a regional or national workforce in the world economy.

      Neegan said it best. "Humans are your best resource."

    14. The underlying lesson of the basics was about the social order and its sources of authority, a lesson which was appropriate for a society which expected its workers to be passively disciplined

      This type of learning was designed for the white student to learn where it fell on the social ladder. Were they heirs to the manufacturing empire, if so they would continue learning underneath their millionaire dad or granddad? Or would they go to work in the factory just a soon as they hit working age?

    15. The gap between the rich and the poor is growing, and even when the poor sometimes become slightly less poor, it is rarely because education has improved.

      This has been shown ten fold with the recent pandemic.

    16. There is no dispute, however, that education provides access to material resources in the form of better paid employment; that it affords an enhanced capacity to participate in civic life; that it promises personal growth.

      For me and my world view, education is power. It is something no one can take away from you. If you can read and more importantly read and comprehend, then no one should be able to take advantage of you.

    1. In computer science, read/write is defined as media that is capable of being displayed (read) and modified (write). In a literacy context, the reader/writer nature of online information could be viewed as a means to allow individuals to quickly and efficiently comprehend and construct online informatio

      Writing is the most difficult learning domain for ELs. Allowing students to use multimodal text may help increase writing proficiency sooner.

    1. Creation can be viewed simply as the act of producing, or causing to exist.  Construction is the building or assembling of an infrastructure. Construction is equal parts inspiration and perspiration. Construction calls on creativity as well as persistence, flexibility, and revision

      Construction is putting your work in and making your dream come true.

    1. Multimodality can be used to build inventories of the semiotic resources, organizing principles, and cultural references that modes make available to people in particular places and times: the actions, materials and artifacts people communicate with.

      Multimodalities drive a meaning home. It is the icing on the cake for ORC.

    2. multimodality assumes that representation and communication always draw on a multiplicity of modes, all of which contribute to meaning. It focuses on analyzing and describing the full repertoire of meaning-making resources that people use (visual, spoken, gestural, written, three-dimensional, and others, depending on the domain of representation) in different contexts, and on developing means that show how these are organized to make meaning.

      Meaning comes from any picture, video clip, or text. Visual representations of text can drive meaning home, especially for visual learners.

    1. Improved comprehension, oral language, writing, and reader self-perception. Dr. Virginia Russell (2011) of Hunter College designed a study in an urban school with ELLs who spoke 14 different languages. After just 20 days of reciprocal teaching instruction, the experimental group dramatically improved their oral language proficiency with an effect size of +1.09 and their general reading progress with an effect size of .66. Reciprocal teaching also showed statistically significant improvement in the writing proficiency of the students (Russell & McCormack, 2014).

      ELLs need to improve speaking writing, reading, and listening. Speaking and listening being super difficult because they require all brain power with no reference but sound.

    2. researchers have credited ELLs' success to reciprocal teaching instruction that utilizes students' native languages in tandem with collaborative learning opportunities with peers and cross-age tutors

      When ELs are able to use their native languages in tandem, they are able to comprehend better because the language barrier is lifted.

    3. eciprocal teaching, found that when the strategies were used with a group of students for just 15–20 days, assessments of students' reading comprehension increased from 30 percent to 70–80 percent. According to a study by Palincsar and Klenk (1991), students not only improved their comprehension skills almost immediately but also maintained their improved comprehension skills when tested a year later.

      To see that growth would make any teacher want to implement this technique in the entire school across all content levels.

    4. Reciprocal teaching fits with any grade-level lesson using fiction or informational text.

      I like this because it seems easy enough to incorporate into a curriculum and it can be tailored to any grade.

    5. Be the Teacher

      Students love acting like they run the show. It empowers them.

    6. Reciprocal teaching is a scaffolded, or supported, discussion technique that incorporates four main strategies—predicting, questioning, clarifying, summarizing—that good readers use together to comprehend text.

      This is a great way to teach ELs how to read a text and attempt to understand something higher than their proficiency level.

    1. Making meaning during online reading requires students to combine multiple streams of information from text, video, and audio sources.

      This is something I have attempted to do in my lessons. I incorporate text, visuals, and quick video clips to keep students' attention.

    2. Internet scavenger hunts

      You could make this into a competition where students group up and race to see who can find the information the fastest.

    3. however, the teacher first instructs students in a whole-class setting with each person constructing his or her own text while building the online reading comprehension strategies of questioning, locating, evaluating, synthesizing, and communicating.

      This idea of reciprocal teaching is the same when you digital text. Except there are more distractions and chances of unreliability, so It is important that students first understand the importance of monitoring and fact checking.

    4. To teach students basic Web browsing techniques, we asked them to find out whether any famous people were foster children.

      This is a great way to use content to teach skills. It is a performance based formative assessment.

    5. The gradual release of responsibility to students is central to both approaches. In Internet reciprocal teaching, there are three specific phases, discussed below. When the majority of students demonstrate proficiency with the skills

      Internet reciprocal teaching is valuable, but students must understand the importance of fact checking and making sure their sites and text are reliable.

    6. By creating a curriculum that allows for problem-based inquiry learning, high-level discussion, and collaboration. One approach, Internet reciprocal teaching, involves problem-based tasks in which readers create their own text. This provides students a path for navigating the Cs of change.

      Planning to this level is not something that is done easily. Collaboration amongst team members early on is vital in implementing this new type of teaching/learning.

    7. These Cs include such skills as creativity, communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and comprehension.

      The C's are skills needed on and off line. It's not just needed for internet reading.

    1. Relevant and Authentic is a must when teaching ELs. In the ESOL world, we've named these Performance Based Assessments.

    1. This is true. My mom spent about a month with me and she loves Historical dramas. Now, all I can find on Netflix and my Amazon Prime is historical drama recommendations.

    2. Oh I'm aware of this, but it is still very scary. It makes you want to go off the grid.

    1. I loosely follow the PBL process to guide instruction

      I like the idea of using guidelines as a road map, but maybe tweaking them for your specifications.

    2. WebQuests

      not Internet Inquiry Projects!!! Many teachers use webquests and believe they are doing something super awesome! When actually, students are bored with them.

    1. .

      Open learning leaves no way to cover up failure. It is the truth with nothing a secret.

    2. higher ed improver

      I am so grateful for the educators who have shared their ideas and resources in an open setting. Without them, I would not have been able to be a teacher. Now, five years in, I'm still "borrowing" and creating and sharing.

    3. From paper: Open learning, also known as open education, can be defined as a set of practices, resources, and scholarship that are openly accessible, free to use and access, and to re-purpose.

      This is a new way of thinking. I'm finding that the way I've been teaching is somewhat open, but not completely open. I've really fought the idea that students should learn the way I learned. It has been an ongoing and internal struggle.

    4. From paper: They are in the process of hiring legal counsel to help them build a case to force Randall to copy over his content to a website that the school maintains and monetizes. Randall sits in the midst of this wondering how his digital identity is now being merged into the district identity.

      This is ludicrous, but is a common occurrence. This happens to animators, culinary artists, brewmasters, etc. They create and their ideas are stolen and credit is given to the organization that employs them.

    5. open education, can be defined as a set of practices, resources, and scholarship that are openly accessible, free to use and access, and to re-purpose.

      This should be the case for all resources regarding education now.

    1. Regularly distribute these through your school’s social net-work, e-mail, wiki, or blog, and encourage others to do the same.

      Having an online group such as a facebook group is helpful. It gives you a platform to ask for help and you get multiple viewpoints.

    2. Use tools like “Find a Classroom Match” (www.epals.com/find- classroom) to connect with classrooms around the world. Visit “Join a Project” (www.epals.com/find- project) to select a classroom learning project.

      This idea also improves cultural competency because students get a peak into what it's like outside of their bubble.

    3. Use e-mail to connect with several teachers at your grade level, possibly in different countries, and set up a weekly e-mail exchange project. Invite each participating classroom to send the other classrooms a weekly e-mail message, describing what took place in their classroom on one day.

      In the normal school hours, this was easier said than done. Weekly flyers/emails were not easy to keep on a schedule.

    4. hen you see a student use the target skill that you have embedded into the research problem, have that student explain what he or she did on the projected screen so that others can also solve the problem.

      Sneaky sneaky. Hide that skill in the task. It's like hiding your dog's medicine in a pill pocket. Haha. #itslate #imtired

    5. If laptops are closed, attention may not be substantially greater

      I found that all students wanted to do when we "crocodiled" our chromebooks (close halfway) was to open them up to get on youtube or games. It was frustrating!

    6. Twitter

      I have been slow to join Twitter. I do not like it's platform and it is very overwhelming.

    7. e want to restrict communication only to our students and to a community of peo-ple whom we can trust, such as parents and other teachers and students

      Many schools require students and parents to go through CommonSense Media before allowing a student to receive a device.

    8. Impor-tantly, they may also be used to keep parents informed about what is tak-ing place in classrooms

      This is a critical piece of the puzzles that gets lost. Parents are often not up to date and do not know how to monitor their children's use of the internet.

    9. We seek to raise a generation of students who always question the information they read for reliability and accuracy, always read to infer bias or point of view, and always check the sources they encounter while reading. The Internet demands this.

      Now the students who asked all the questions are the cool ones. Lol

    10. Here you will find lesson plans, activities to improve your own search skills, daily search challenges for your students, and training webinars for both you and your students.

      This will be helpful as I plan my units.

    11. This enables struggling readers and writers to become literate in this new technology before other, higher- performing students in reading.

      Struggling readers will develop confidence in their reading literacy is taught digital reading skills and are able to keep up with their higher level peers.

    12. A useful first step is to use online resources to teach CCSS foundational offline reading skills in PreK, kindergarten, and first grade.

      Children's brains are more maleable at the younger age. Is skills are taught early, then online literacy will be second nature at the secondary level.

    13. inferential

      Learning how to use context clues and make predictions is valuable in the real-world as well as in school. This is especially true for ELLs.

    14. Keyword entry in a search engine, for example, becomes an important new literacy skill during online reading because it is required in search engines, an important new technology for locating informa-tion.

      Searching a topic by the correct word is tricky. If you put in the wrong word, you may pull up an inappropriate site.

    15. Three changes are especially noticeable in the English language arts standards of CCSS:1. There is a greater focus on reading informational texts.2. Higher-level thinking is emphasized.3. Digital literacies are integrated throughout the English language arts standards

      Higher-level thinking is a skill that isn't acquired easily. I takes scaffolding and practice to re-mold a person's brain to think on a higher level.

    16. The new literacies of online research and comprehension frames online reading comprehension as a process of problem-based inquiry involving the skills, strategies, dispositions, and social practices that take place as we use the Internet to conduct research, solve problems, and answer ques-tions.

      Higher order skills still need to be taught and practiced even when reading is done online.

    17. Studies show that stu-dents lack critical evaluation skills when reading online (Bennet, Maton, & Kervin, 2008; Forzani & Maykel, 2013; Graham & Metaxas, 2003) and that they are not especially skilled with reading to locate information online

      Although students know how to navigate the web, they do not know how to properly synthesize information or determine whether a source is credible.

    18. Most importantly, how we adapt to a dynamic definition of literacy in the classroom will define our students’ future.

      It is inevitable that the way we evolve directly affects our students' future.

    19. We live during a time in which new technologies continuously appear online, requiring additional skills to effectively read, write, and learn, sometimes on a daily basis.

      We as educators need to constantly stay up to date on the changing technology.

    1. Moving from the teacher focused feedback to learner led improves a student's presentation viewpoint and gives the learner a way to see their errors and figure out ways to grow.

    2. It wasthrough performing the task themselvesfirst, and subsequently evaluating peer workagainst the set of criteria already learned, that made them assess their own workmore critically and professionally, which eventually contributed to the improvementof learners’own work.

      Providing feedback on others once you have done the activity increases one's own performance.

    3. This study examines university learners’self-assessment and self-feedback onperformance as captured in audiofiles from a foreign language speaking test. Thelearners were guided to listen, transcribe and analyse their own speaking samples,as well as propose future actions for improvement

      Promotes autonomy in learning and improving skills.



  2. www.pblworks.org www.pblworks.org
    1. Students work on a project over an extended period of time – from a week up to a semester – that engages them in solving a real-world problem or answering a complex question. They demonstrate their knowledge and skills by creating a public product or presentation for a real audience.

      This type of learning should be the only type of learning we have in our schools today. The lecture and factual method of learning is out dated and irrelevant.

    1. Students are always willing to work hard for a teacher that is reciprocating that hard work.

      Students appreciate when teachers are real and show that they too are human. They are motivated when they see we are alongside them learning as well.

    2. One of the most powerful elements of feedback for our learners is to praise them for their efforts and hard work

      If you put a person down and tell them they are not worthy, they will believe this about themselves. It can be disastrous.Speak life into someone and you shall see life.

    1. Students do not need a curriculum to learn. They need a passion. Today with internet, it is easy to connect with others that share the same passion. As students join groups and communicate with others with similarities, learning takes place naturally.

    1. The introduction of the Internet, for example – particularly the rise of online learning – is an example of the arrival of a technology that forced educators to think about core pedagogical issues, such as how to represent content on the Web and how to connect students with subject matter and with one another

      Reading this statement now and looking at the citation makes me smirk because now we are moving towards 100% online learning. Is it the best thing? For some learners, yes; but others need the face-to-face interaction that can't be fulfilled in a zoom meeting.

    2. The choice of technologies affords and constrains the types of content ideas that can be taught. Likewise, certain content decisions can limit the types of technologies that can be used.

      Technology is also constrained by funding. Students in low income communities struggle to receive the adequate funding to incorporate technology into curriculum.

    3. content

      Content is something that should be updated because it is something that is hard to generate interest in when it is outdated.

    4. Many approaches to teachers’ professional development offer a one-size-fits-all approach to technology integration when, in fact, teachers operate in diverse contexts of teaching and learning.

      We are students with different learning styles just as our students are.

    5. Teachers often have inadequate (or inappropriate) experience with using digital technologies for teaching and learning. Many teachers earned degrees at a time when educational technology was at a very different stage of development than it is today.

      It should be required that all teachers who are required to use technology be enrolled in ongoing tech training.

    1. reate

      This is the last indicator in language acquisition that shows you the EL student understands and is proficient.

    2. formative

      Formative assessments are needed to "tweek" lessons if students need a different or more detailed understanding.

    3. We expect it will influence their language, imagery, games, social interactions, relationships, et

      The page of expectations, although wordy, is true. Children today respond with more interest to online learning. Cites that make learning into games.

    1. Teachers in the substitution and augmentation phase can use technology to accomplish traditional tasks,  but the real learning gains result from engaging students in learning experiences that could not be accomplished without technology. At the Modification and Redefinition level, the task changes and extends the walls of the classroom.

      Teachers typically get stuck in these the substitution and augmentation phases. It takes an open mind and lots of learning to move above the line into transformation. But with COVID 19 and the potential of going completely virtual, I foresee many more teachers being forced to adopt the SAMR and move into transformation.

    1. Parents, educators and managers can also promote the development of individuals’ interests by supporting their feelings of competence and self-efficacy, helping them to sustain their attention and motivation when they encounter challenging or confusing material.

      Empathy is a trait that needs to be mindfully practiced in order for it to generate and keep interest.

    2. he intervention actually undermined interest in math among students who did not consider themselves skilled in the subject, making such students feel threatened and leading them to withdraw.

      This happens alot with students today. If it does not cause great emotion, they lose interest and quit learning. Keeping their attention requires constant planning and innovation.

    3. Try sharing your own personal interests with young people through casual conversations, hands-on demonstrations, and special trips.

      Being able to share your interest with your students shows vulnerability and an openness to explore new interests.

    4. arents and educators can do this by exposing students to a wide variety of topics. It is true that different people find different things interesting—one reason to provide learners with a range of subject matter, in the hope that something will resonate.

      This is especially hard to do because students receive so much information from games online, youtube, snapchat, etc. Regulating what they see and with whom they communicate is extremely important.

    5. interest is a more powerful predictor of future choices than prior achievement or demographic variables.”

      The saying, "You can do anything you set your mind to" plays heavily in interest.

    6. making connections between old and new knowledge

      This is a key component of comprehensible input in language acquisition.

    7. eelings that characterize interest are overwhelmingly positive: a sense of being energized and invigorated, captivated and enthralled.

      Interest can sometimes become overwhelming. It can lead to compulsiveness if not kept in check.

    8. Interest is a psychological state of engagement, experienced in the moment, and also a predisposition to engage repeatedly with particular ideas, events, or objects over time.

      Interest varies from based on a person's upbringing, wealth, country of origin, and access to resources.

    1. Success beyond the classroom requires tangible connections to real-world career and civic opportunities.

      This is especially true for ESL learners. Without meaning, there is no language acquisition.

    2. The research is clear: Learning is irresistible and life-changing when it connects personal interests to meaningful relationships and real-world opportunity.

      I agree that a student should be interested in the topic and it should be meaningful. What about the content that the student is not exactly interested in, but needs to know?

    3. learning in an age of abundant access to information and social connection

      Students today have knowledge at their fingertips. Has this created laziness or a sense of entitlement? What about the benefit of delayed gratification? Everyone "wants it now".

    1. Yet, as early adopters, history’s first generation of “always connected” individuals do not have the knowledge and skills to critically explore, build, and connect online. Simply stated, students are often not provided with opportunities in school to practice the web literacies necessary to read, write, and participate on the web.

      I believe as teachers become more technically literate, students will be provided with more opportunities. It is difficult to teach with education if you yourself have never learned how to use it.

  3. www.literacyworldwide.org www.literacyworldwide.org
    1. Although Wikipedia is not a scholarly source, it is usually a good enough first stop to learn about something.

      When researching, it is also best not to go with the first source that pops up in the search.

    2. do we remind them of the risks of placing their information online and give them choices of how much personal information to reveal?

      Middle and high school students do not understand the dangers of giving out their personal information. It is a very "in the moment" mentality and they struggle to see long term damages.

    3. After students have the skill to use multiple platforms, I allow them the choice of which platform to use for the support they need, but I make sure they ask questions.

      Students take ownership in their learning when provided with choices and the ability to choose what is best for their learning style.

    4. in addition to reminding students to use alternative text for images to support those with visual disabilities.

      Students, especially in middle and high school, are very cruel if not taught at a young age to accept those who are different.