93 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2023
    1. Schedule of Topics TENTATIVE COURSE SCHEDULE

      Check to see if this is correct; how do "weeks" match "parts"?

    1. Hitler: Speech of 1921

      Is there an original source for this other than Hanover College?

    2. Charlie Chaplin’s “Shoulder Arms”

      Need link for OER

    3. Benedict Anderson’s Imagined Communities, pp. 4–7.

      Entire book posted to this link; create pdf excerpt or link to Brooklyn college e-book at: https://www-fulcrum-org.brooklyn.ezproxy.cuny.edu/concern/monographs/jd472w57m

    4. read also the following excerpts on blackboard: DICKENS, Coketown;  The British Parliament Investigates, 162; TRISTAN, The London Laboring Classes; MARX AND ENGELS, Manifesto of the Communist Party (extracts); Carnegie, The Gospel of Wealth, 192.

      We need the pdfs of the extracts for OER

    5. Speech on Indian Removal;

      Bad link

    1. discussion;

      Give a title with link to this reading

    2. Toussant L’ouverture, Memoires (blackboard)

      Need link to this doc for OER

    3. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/08/science/archaeology-red-bank-battle-hessian.html?smid=em-share

      Make live link. Will students have access to NYTimes? Otherwise make into pdf

    4. Thomas Paine, Common Sense (On Origins of Government)

      Maybe you could find a better source for this-website has many ads

    1. Shillington, History of Africa, pp. 131-137.

      Need Shillington link

    2. Shillington, History of Africa, pp. 170-174

      Need Shillington Link

    3. map of Equiano’s travels

      bad link to map

    1. BEFORE CLASS : Watch at home The Battle of Algiers (entire) [link is online on blackboard];read also Shillington, History of Africa, 378-382(blackboard).

      We need links to movie and to Shillington for OER

    1. ingepigramsaboutyoungwomenandanimalsareamongthemostenjoyablepoemsofMeleager’sGarland.Sheisalsoimportanthistorically,sinceshewasamongthefirsttoextendthegenreofepigrambeyondthecustomarycategoriesofepitaphsanddedications.OfAnyte’slifeweknowpracticallynothing.SheissaidtohavecomefromTegeainArcadia,inamountainousareainthesouthofmainlandGreeceinthemiddleofthePeloponnesianPeninsula.Herbirthdateisuncertainbutislikelytohavebeennear340–320BCE,sinceshewasapparentlyactiveattheverybeginningofthethirdcenturyBCE.OneofthefewstorieswehaveaboutherisgivenbyPausaniasinhisDescriptionofGreece.ThetalegoesthatarichmannamedPhalysiusinthecityofNaupactushadaneyedisease.Whenhewasnearlyblind,Asclepius,theGreekgodofmedicine,appearedtoAnyteinadreamandgaveherasealedtablet,whichshewasinstructedtotaketoPhalysius.WhenshearrivedinNaupactus,shetoldPhalysiustotakeoffthesealandreadwhatwaswritten.WhenPhalysiuslo


  2. Jun 2023
  3. Mar 2023
  4. Aug 2022
  5. Aug 2021
  6. Jul 2020
    1. This Learning Module item should open in a new window. If not, then click the link below.

      embed and title

    1. This Learning Module item should open in a new window. If not, then click the link below.

      embed and title

    1. This Learning Module item should open in a new window. If not, then click the link below.

      embed and title

    1. Page 9 of 23 This Learning Module item should open in a new window. If not, then click the link below.

      embed and title

    1. This Learning Module item should open in a new window. If not, then click the link below.

      embed and title

    1. This Learning Module item should open in a new window. If not, then click the link below.

      embed and title

    1. This Learning Module item should open in a new window. If not, then click the link below.

      embed and title

    1. This Learning Module item should open in a new window. If not, then click the link below.

      embed and title

    1. Description This unit corresponds to Chapter 7 of the text and deals with any responsibilities/obligations employees have to different parties. In addition to the required reading (Chapter 7) there will be some supplemental materials available. There will only be one muddiest point test in this unit.

      not too many problems in this unit

    1. This Learning Module item should open in a new window. If not, t

      embed if possible and title" METROFOCUS

      AMAZON HQ2 DOA IN NYC 02/14/2019 | 13m 26s" Include Description?: After numerous protests to keep the tech giant away from New York, Amazon announced that it will not be bringing its new headquarters to the Big Apple. Council Speaker Corey Johnson weighs in. Ruben Diaz Sr. was punished for his recent anti-gay remarks. After calls for an apology and his resignation were not met, the New York City Council voted to dissolve the committee that Diaz chairs.

    1. This Learning Module item should open in a new window. If not, then click the link below.

      embed vid if possible and title "BUSINESS NEWS Amazon is the ‘worst possible corporate citizen,’ says Harvey Norman chairman PUBLISHED SUN, MAR 5 201711:52 PM ESTUPDATED MON, MAR 6 201712:56 AM EST Cheang Ming"

    1. This Learning Module item should open in a new window. If not, then click the link below

      embed vid if possible and give title: NJTV NEWS "Amazon surprises students with gifts promoting STEM learning"

    1. This Learning Module item should open in a new window. If not, then click the link below

      Embed this if we can, and give a full title here.

    1. Click to Launch

      not sure why, but when I took this quiz as a "student" it gave me 0/100 though when I went through the questions, many were actually correct.

    1. This Learning Module item should open in a new window. If not, then click the link below

      Deductive and Inductive Arguments from the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy

    1. This Learning Module item should open in a new window. If not, then click the link below

      This could be improved by including the title of the resource-Wesley C. Salmon, Logic (1984).

    1. Those that are past due may not be displayed. 

      why not?

    2. https://forms.gle/ra4iz8L6SwdSC1Pk7

      make a live link

    3. ilm worksheet questions

      perhaps this could also reside in an "assignments" area

  7. Mar 2020
  8. Feb 2020
  9. May 2019
    1. titution for requiring condemned inmates to identify an available means for their own executions. Justice Breyer ably explains why today’s extension of Glossip’s alternative-method requirement is misguided (even on that precedent’s own terms), and why (with or without that requirement) a trial is needed to determine whether Missouri’s plann

      this is a test

  10. Apr 2019
  11. Dec 2018
    1. "International Fill"-I love the idea that sand and rocks from all over the world lies under the waters of this Harbor

  12. Jun 2018
  13. May 2018
  14. Apr 2018
  15. libguides.brooklyn.cuny.edu libguides.brooklyn.cuny.edu
    1. in.atead of b:18 ndnd, it S00i'10d• to \jUd[''.0

      test 4

    2. lrhildingtcDt1iiJ±~;-the Assooiatio

      test 3

    3. ' 01· tia ,, uouth., -i;he ·i ·~ , °ht!'• J .... , .. o,. ,. 1 \,(>, .,,, , .... eel~{ ·1·1{.•... 0 ·rv~ .,.,1,...,·{ l.o r uu vu-cs..,..~ ... .-·L • ~ u ~~· ~·..,~ L,;;,...~ c..,.) _"""' '¥iii• ( .. ' -·"' "•••-•••••O'•• •..•• ,~••• .. ,..,,.-.•w,_,.._,, ,,,,..,._,..._~;Jo••"'•-··-·._..,_,,.,,-.,~_.._._.,,,.,..,., __ ,,..,,, ... _. __ • • _ • .,.. . ..-.,._..,_._,,, .. ....., ___ , ,••• _.,~• -,:, .. ,.,;,..~.,.-,_.,.-,....,.,,~ .. -.... She wus gl:u.d for t;1(.-1 um,rath :!..n t!:.~--··/~s~oo~~t,j_ m; er.tru.rl_~o ... . . . ~ . .. ~ll• ''ihl}.(;;_. th3 1μ~·th.9r grsoted ~.te --·,,.i,&n tt;,1e(~o~.en clu.et&"~d ' ,' ...... ~-·· ... '·' ,.,/ . ,' in tha .. 1,11 __ . ~i;.lina slm11ly

      test 2

    4. L"'ttJa.


  16. Mar 2018
  17. libguides.brooklyn.cuny.edu libguides.brooklyn.cuny.edu
    1. ot save his companions, hard though he strove to; they were destroyed by their own wild recklessness, fools, who devoured the ox


  18. Feb 2018
  19. Nov 2017
    1. From the perspective of a musician, anything that is capable of producing sound is a potential instrument for musical exploitation. What we perceive as sound are vibrations (sound waves) traveling through a medium (usually air) that are captured by the ear and converted


    1. From the perspective of a musician, anything that is capable of producing sound is a potential instrument for musical exploitation. What we perceive as sound are vibrations (sound waves) traveling through a medium (usually air) that are captured by the ear and converted into electrochemical signals that are sent to the brain to be processed. Since sound is a wave, it has all of the properties attributed to any wave, and these attributes are the four elements that define any and all sounds. They are the frequency, amplitude, wave form and duration, or in musical terms, pitch, dynamic, timbre (tone color), and duration.
