18 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2021
    1. In Missouri, a group of businesses, still frustrated by labor shortages more than three months after the state cut off the $300-a-week federal jobless checks, paid for billboards in Springfield that said: "Get Off Your Butt!" and "Get. To. Work."

      "Yeah, slaves. Don't you know what's good for you! Clock in and make the donuts for Pete's sake!"

  2. Sep 2021
    1. It has further depressed labour wages and facilitated significant capital savings through ‘smart working’ (which is particularly smart for those who implement it);

      Not true. At least not yet.

  3. May 2021
  4. www.yahoo.com www.yahoo.com
    1. It did not budge when, earlier this month, he became fully vaccinated

      Vaccines don't work?

    2. It did not change after he contracted the coronavirus in November.

      masks don't work

  5. Apr 2021
    1. “On the face of things, requiring proof of vaccination seems a lot like, ‘No shoes, no shirt, no service,’” said Mark Tushnet, a law professor at Harvard.


    2. can governments mandate vaccinations — or stand in the way of businesses or educational institutions that demand proof?

      this is the real question

    1. But in ancient Mesopotamia, beginning around five thousand years ago, people used clay tokens to record transactions involving agricultural produce like barley or wool, or metals such as silver. Such tablets performed much the same function as a banknote. Often, through the centuries, traders have devised such tokens or bills without government involvement, especially at times when coins have been in short supply or debased and devalued.

      more BTC historical context.

    2. What is the right historical analogy for all this? Allen Farrington argues that Bitcoin is to the system of fiat currencies centered around the dollar what medieval Venice once was to the remnants of the western Roman Empire, as superior an economic operating system as commercial capitalism was to feudalism. Another possibility is that the advent of blockchain-based finance is as revolutionary as that of fractional reserve banking, bond and stock markets in the great Anglo-Dutch financial revolution of the 18th century.

      Historical context for bitcoin

    1. career

      Building a meaningful life has always been challenging. But, it's harder than ever post-covid. Everyone's lives, routines, and assumptions have been thrown into disarray.

      It's never been more important than today to take specific actions to shape your day. Fortunately, those actions are not hard or complicated.

    2. “Am I going to die?”

      What are you building?

    3. An Old Farmer’s Morning Rule That Allows Anyone to Increase their Output and Finish Their To-Do List By 2 PM… WITHOUT Joining the "5 AM Club" or Having a Long Morning Routine 

      An Old Farmer's Morning Rule leads to massive productivity and fulfillment

  6. Mar 2021
    1. Banks still favor them because they can make a large profit without needing to set aside as much capital versus trading actual securities, another consequence of regulation imposed in the aftermath of the global financial crisis. Among hedge funds, equity swaps and CFDs grew in popularity because they are exempt from stamp duty in high-tax jurisdictions such as the U.K.

      Regulation created these new tools that offer specific benefits to financial companies. Low capital reserves and tax avoidance.

  7. Dec 2020
    1. Both terms refer to the Germanword Zivilcourage.1Moral courage is a prosocial behavior with high social costsand no (or rare) direct rewards for the actor

      Best definition of moral courage

    2. incidents.Frey and colleagues (2006) took for their theoretical model the theory ofplanned behavior (e.g., Ajzen, 1985) and described variables that affect the inten-tion to act morally courageously. Determinants of the behavioral intentionare (a) situational conditions (e.g., awareness of the situation), (b) the formerlife of the morally courageous person (e.g., socialization), (c) personal traits (e.g.,responsibility takeover), and (d) inhibiting factors (e.g., fear of being evaluated).These factors affect the intention to show moral courage which in turn influencesthe real behavior. The model provides good indications of which determinantsmay play a role for moral courage. However, it remains for the most part to beempirically tested

      Theoretical model for intention to act with moral courage

    3. he or she has to perceive anincident as a situation of moral courage, and he or she has to take responsibilityand has to feel competent to act.

      We must recognize the moment. Competent to act is important but lower than other helping behaviors

    4. Themodel of Latané and Darley (1970) consists of five different stages of making adecision to help: attention (Stage 1), emergency awareness (Stage 2), attributionof own responsibility (Stage 3), skills for helping (Stage 4), and final decisionto provide help (Stage 5).

      Theoretical model for helping behavior

    5. One could theoretically argue that the types of norms, however, that areenforced by social control and moral courage, respectively, are different. By socialcontrol, social norms that relate to everyday living are implemented (Brauer &Chekroun, 2005). In contrast, with moral courage, ethical norms (e.g., observa-tion of human or democratic rights) are pursued, and people stand up for agreater good (Greitemeyer et al., 2006; Lopez et al., 2003).

      Enforcement of social norms CS ethical norms

  8. Oct 2020
  9. www.briantimar.com www.briantimar.com
    1. Humans inherit convictions mimetically from each other — we learn what to value by imitating our peers.

      This is unavoidable and is why it's more critical than you can imagine to select the right peers.