11 Matching Annotations
- Apr 2023
arxiv.org arxiv.org
To directly command one of the agents, the user takes on the per-sona of the agent’s “inner voice
manually crafted procedural knowledge
如何让它们自己形成procedural knowledge?
- Jun 2021
watermark.silverchair.com watermark.silverchair.com
Bayneet al.argue that consciousness is not a1D construct measured by levels of consciousness, but a multi-dimensional construct measured across several distinctdimensions
www.thepaper.cn www.thepaper.cn
If‘suõcientlycomplex’meanshavingenough patternsof activity,thiswouldbe arestatementofwhatneeds tobeshownfor triviality:
key: can't be premise circular
Computationalfunctionalists rarelyclaimthateveryaspectofmental lifesupervenesonthecomputationthataphysicalsystemperforms.Usually,thisclaim ismadeonlyforasubsetofmental life:non-consciousaspectsofmental life(Block,Ï;Ê;Chalmers,ÏEb) oraspectsofmental lifethatexclude cognitiveprocesseslike centralcognition (Fodor,¬¬¬). Ifoneweretoremovethese aspectsofmental life fromthethoughtexperiment,itmayno longerseemabsurdorobjectionablethatapail ofwatercould,overa brieftimeinterval,implement thesame computationsasourbrainand body.
minus the non-conscious, computational functionalist
M is simple, clear, explanatory,non-circular, andnaturalistic. Malsoexplainswhycomputationsaremultiplyrealizable.Differentphysicalsystems(siliconchips,vacuumtubes, brasscogs,neurons)can implement thesame computationbecause,despitetheirphysicaldifferences,theirvariousphysicalactivitiescanbeisomorphictothesame abstract structure.
isomorphic >> functionalism how about irreducibility?
- May 2021
plato.stanford.edu plato.stanford.edu
On this view, spectrum inversion is a case of “sense-datum inversion”: when Invert looks at a violet she becomes acquainted with the kind of sense-datum Nonvert is acquainted with when he looks at a marigold. Setting this tendentious theoretical gloss aside, Locke’s scenario has three notable features. First, it is a case of spectrum inversion from birth. Second, it is a case of inversion within the same linguistic community. Third, it is (or is naturally read as being) a case in which Invert and Nonvert are behaviorally alike—a behaviorally undetectable spectrum inversion.
inverted consciousness - cog sci
- Jun 2020
pdfs.semanticscholar.org pdfs.semanticscholar.org
In hisCybernetics(1948),Norbert Wiener, a colleague of Bush at MIT, did notrefer to the memex, but its status is easily handled by his dictum that “informationis information, not matter or energy” (Wiener [1948] 1973, 132; also 11–12 for hiscoining the term “cybernetics” from the Greekkuberne, steersman). On this view, ablind man’s cane is part of the cybernetic system that includes the cane, his mind,and his body. InNatural-Born Cyborgs, Andy Clark elaborates on this by affirmingthat a cyborg mind need not sport electro-chemical implants; rather, the brain canhave systemic dependence on, and interaction with, various kinds of external storagedevices (Clark 2003; see also Clark and Chalmers 1998).10
distributed and/or extended cognition.
However, this paper considers Bushin relation to earlier concerns about memory and information, via the ideas of Robert Hookeand John Locke. Whereas Bush modeled the memex on the associative processes of naturalmemory, Hooke and Locke concluded that an external archive had to allow collective reason toovercome the limits of individual memory, including its tendency to freeze and repeat patternsof ideas.
Examples of Institutional archive of knowledge: wikipedia, collective knowledge base. Danger of individualism?
www.aaronsw.com www.aaronsw.com
And it wasn’t because the people running it put clear rules in place to prevent misbehavior. We know this because when Wikipedia started it didn’t have any programmers (it used off-the-shelf wiki software) and it didn’t have clear rules (one of the first major rules was apparently Ignore all rules).
The curse of knowledge, but of programming knowledge?