- May 2016
wordplayshakespeare.com wordplayshakespeare.comThe New Book36
And we will hear it.
“A tedious brief scene of young Pyramus
They are requesting the mechanicals' play
More than to us Wait in your royal walks, your board, your bed!
What exactly does Lysander mean by this?
Helen’s beauty
What does she mean by "Helen's Beauty"
You won’t get a word out of me. All I will tell you is that the duke has finished his dinner. Get your costumes, tie your false beards well to your faces, and put new ribbons on your shoes. Meet as soon as you can at the palace; and all of you, rehearse and check your lines. The long and the short of it is, our play has been chosen. Whatever happens, let Thisby wear clean clothes; and make sure that the person playing the lion doesn’t clip his fingernails so that they look more like lion’s claws. And above all else, my fellow actors, don’t eat any onions or any garlic, since we must have fresh breath. If we do all this, I’m sure we’ll hear them say, that this is a fresh comedy. Enough words: Let’s get going! Exeunt.
Bottom is taking a leadership role
cents in England
It is not possible. You have not a man in all Athens able to discharge Pyramus but he.
Quince knows that there is no other actor that will work for him except Bottom
I will get Peter Quince to write a bal- let of this dream. It shall be call’d “Bottom’s Dream,” be- cause it hath no bottom; and I will sing it in the latter end of a play, before the Duke. Peradventure, to make it the 215more gracious, I shall sing it at her death.
After he has a dream he needs something written about it.
Methinks I see these things with parted eye, When every thing seems double.
They all think they are dreaming
Saint Valentine is past;
Was it actually valentine's day? Or is he reffering to the love circle
Welcome, good Robin. Seest thou this sweet sight? Her dotage now I do begin to pity. 45For meeting her of late behind the wood, Seeking sweet favors for this hateful fool, I did upbraid her, and fall out with her. For she his hairy temples then had rounded With coronet of fresh and fragrant flowers; 50And that same dew which sometime on the buds Was wont to swell like round and orient pearls, Stood now within the pretty flouriets’ eyes, Like tears that did their own disgrace bewail. When I had at my pleasure taunted her, 55And she in mild terms begg’d my patience, I then did ask of her her changeling child; Which straight she gave me, and her fairy sent To bear him to my bower in fairy land. And now I have the boy, I will undo 60This hateful imperfection of her eyes. And, gentle Puck, take this transformed scalp From off the head of this Athenian swain, That he, awaking when the other do, May all to Athens back again repair, 65And think no more of this night’s accidents
Oberon took advantage of her obsession.
Let’s have the tongs and the bones.
What does he mean by tongs and bones?
french for Mister
Where’s Peaseblossom? PEASEBLOSSOM Ready.
He is being treated as a king.
The man shall have his mare again, and all shall be well.
How will Hermia react after the way Lysander treated her?
On the ground, Sleep sound; I’ll apply, To your eye, 455Gentle lover, remedy.
Will it work?
O weary night, O long and tedious night, 435Abate thy hours!
Hermia and The men are all waiting for daylight
Come, thou gentle day! For if but once thou show me thy grey light, I’ll find Demetrius and revenge this spite.
He is lost
Follow me then To plainer ground.
He fooled Lysander into believing he was Demetrius.
My fairy lord, this must be done with haste, For Night’s swift dragons cut the clouds full fast,
A reference to night and dawn
Not a whit! I have a device to make all well. Write me a 15prologue, and let the prologue seem to say we will do no harm with our swords, and that Pyramus is not kill’d in- deed; and for the more better assurance, tell them that I Pyramus am not Pyramus, but Bottom the weaver. This will put them out of fear. QUINCE
women are portrayed as frail and scared.
Help me, Lysander, help me! Do thy best To pluck this crawling serpent from my breast! Ay me, for pity! What a dream was here! Lysander, look how I do quake with fear. Methought a serpent eat my heart away, 150And you sate smiling at his cruel prey. Lysander! What, remov’d? Lysander! Lord!
This was a nightmare that came true.
I pray thee, gentle mortal, sing again. 120Mine ear is much enamored of thy note; So is mine eye enthralled to thy shape; And thy fair virtue’s force (perforce) doth move me On the first view to say, to swear, I love thee.
The potion caused Titania to fall in love with Bottom
O monstrous! O strange! We are haunted. Pray, masters, fly, masters! Help!
Puck is being mean and trying to embarass all the actors
“Most radiant Pyramus, most lily-white of hue, 80Of color like the red rose on triumphant brier, Most brisky juvenal, and eke most lovely Jew, As true as truest horse, that yet would never tire, I’ll meet thee, Pyramus, at Ninny’s tomb
None of the actors are any good
“Thisbe, the flowers of odious savors sweet”—
Bottom does not practice his lines
You can never bring in a wall. What say you, Bottom?
All of the cast members believe that Bottom is an expert in Drama and Acting.
Well; it shall be so. But there is two hard things: that is, to bring the moonlight into a chamber; for you know, Pyr- amus and Thisbe meet by moonlight.
Does Peter Quince agree with every idea that Bottom is presenting or is he just kissing up to Bottom
Not a whit! I have a device to make all well. Write me a 15prologue, and let the prologue seem to say we will do no harm with our swords, and that Pyramus is not kill’d in- deed; and for the more better assurance, tell them that I Pyramus am not Pyramus, but Bottom the weaver. This will put them out of fear.
This shows Bottom is trying to publicize himself to the audience and steal the show
What sayest thou, bully Bottom?
An example of Peter Quince's attempt to treat Bottom well so he continues to act for him.
Lysander! What, remov’d? Lysander! Lord! What, out of hearing gone? No sound, no word?
Hermia had not realized that Lysander had left.
hou shalt know the man By the Athenian garments he hath on. 265Effect it with some care, that he may prove More fond on her than she upon her love; And look thou meet me ere the first cock crow.
I think he will mistake Lysander for Demetrius
the sea 90Contagious fogs; which, falling in the land, Hath every pelting river made so proud That they have overborne their continents. The ox hath therefore stretch’d his yoke in vain, The ploughman lost his sweat
the fairies can cause change the order of life for civilians.
The King doth keep his revels here tonight;
He is having a party
Over hill, over dale, Thorough bush, thorough brier, Over park, over pale, 5Thorough flood, thorough fire, I do wander every where, Swifter than the moon’s sphere; And I serve the Fairy Queen, To dew her orbs upon the green. 10The cowslips tall her pensioners be, In their gold coats spots you see: Those be rubies, fairy favors, In those freckles live their savors. I must go seek some dewdrops here, 15And hang a pearl in every cowslip’s ear. Farewell, thou lob of spirits; I’ll be gone. Our Queen and all her elves come here anon.
This is like a poem because it rhymes.
- Apr 2016
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Enough; hold, or cut bow-strings.
Bottom always needs the last word
Well; I will undertake it. What beard were I best to play it in?
He is finally accepting his role
Have you the lion’s part written? Pray you, if it be, give it 55me, for I am slow of study.
Snug has a speech problem
Made love to Nedar’s daughter, Helena,
Demetrius is not the great citizen many people think he is. He cheated on Helena and has now moved on to Hermia.