26 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2024
    1. It spits contempt at insolence itself

    2. Must we expect someone to conquer Zeus?

    3. Then let him do so. He cannot surprise me.

    4. here it comes, in plain view, the onslaught sent by Zeus for my own terror. Oh holy Mother Earth, oh sky whose light revolves for all, you see me. You see the wrongs I suffer. here it comes, in plain view, the onslaught sent by Zeus for my own terror. Oh holy Mother Earth, oh sky whose light revolves fo

    5. Aren’t you afraid to say such words out loud?

    6. I tell you, Zeus with all his arrogance will be brought low. He is already 69 planning the marriage that will throw him from his omnipotence into oblivion. The curse his father, Kronos, spoke when he was driven from his ancient throne will be fulfilled then.




  2. Feb 2023
  3. Sep 2022
    1. I took along my son, who had never had any fresh water up his nose and who had seen lily pads only from train windows. On the journey over to the lake I began to wonder what it would be like. I wondered how time would have marred this unique, this holy spot--the coves and streams, the hills that the sun set behind, the camps and the paths behind the camps. I was sure that the tarred road would have found it out and I wondered in what other ways it would be desolated. It is strange how much you can remember about places like that once you allow your mind to return into the grooves which lead back. You remember one thing, and that suddenly reminds you of another thing. I guess I remembered clearest of all the early mornings, when the lake was cool and motionless, remembered how the bedroom smelled of the lumber it was made of and of the wet woods whose scent entered through the screen. The partitions in the camp were thin and did not extend clear to the top of the rooms, and as I was always the first up I would dress softly so as not to wake the others, and sneak out into the sweet outdoors and start out in the canoe, keeping close along the shore in the long shadows of the pines. I remembered being very careful never to rub my paddle against the gunwale for fear of disturbing the stillness of the cathedral.

  4. Feb 2022
    1. A study released today from the nonprofit Burning Glass Institute found that among new hires at leading firms such as Facebook, Apple, Microsoft, and Google, the share of positions in job postings requiring a bachelor’s degree remains extremely high. “There are a whole bunch of tech companies that continue to be pretty reliant on degrees,”

      Skills-based is growing in adoption. And degrees still matter.

  5. Sep 2021
  6. Mar 2021
    1. Am na ñetti doom.
    2. Nee na ndëmm amul.

      Il dit que la sorcellerie n'existe pas.

      nee -- pr. circ. so, demonstratively distant. Cf. nale.

      na -- 1. pr. circ. so, defined distant. How? 'Or' What. 2. function indicator. As.

      ndëmm gi -- symbolic anthropophagia. 🧙

      am+ul (am) v. -- to exist, to have.

    3. Wax na ko ko, aloor dina dem.

      Il le lui a dit; alors, il partira.

      wax v. -- to say, to speak.

      na -- indicates something.

      ko -- him, her, it.

      ko -- it, her, him!

      aloor -- (French) so, then, yet, here, etc. (a linking word).

      dina -- he/she will.

      dem v. -- to go, go.

    4. Dafa ànd ak moroom yi àll ba, fori aloom.

      Il est allé dans la brousse ramasser des fruits de Diospyros avec ses camarades.

      dafa -- he/she.

      ànd v. / ànd bi -- to be together, to go together; copulate; going together, fellowship; placenta.

      ak -- and, with, etc.

      moroom mi -- comrade of the same age group, equal, companion, neighbor.

      yi -- the (plural).

      àll bi -- large expanse of uninhabited land, bush; distant, as opposed to home.

      ba -- the (indicates distance).

      for+i (for) v. -- to pick up.

      aloom bi -- edible fruit of Diospyros mespiliformis (aloom gi for the tree).


    5. Séentuwul woon ni dinañu ko alamaan.

      Il ne s'attendait pas à ce qu'on lui inflige une amende.

      "We didn't expect that we would be fined."

      séentu+wul (séentu) v. -- to seek to see from afar 👀, to scrutinize 🧐, to expect.

      woon -- he didn't (?).

      ni -- formats a verb (?)

      dinañu -- we will.

      ko -- her, him, it.

      alamaan v. -- (French: l'amende) give a fine.


    6. Alalu baayam la donn.

      Il a hérité des biens de son père.

      alal+u (alal) ji -- property, fortune. 💰

      baay+am (baay) bi -- dad (his). 👨‍👦

      la -- he (?).

      donn v. -- to inherit.


    7. Ab paaka la yore.

      Il a un couteau sur lui.

      ab -- a.

      paaka bi -- (Portuguese) knife. 🔪

      la -- he (?).

      yore v. -- to have under his dependence, to have in his charge, to have in the hands.

  7. Dec 2019
  8. Feb 2019
  9. Jul 2016
    1. ...one of the most highly regarded and expertly designed C++ library projects in the world.

      code lại C++ cho hệ nhúng, OpenCV

    1. Sẽ làm cộng tác viên/ cuối tuần về VR. Để kiếm sống, làm tiếp lái xe tự động/ hệ trợ lái

    1. –Autopilot is a driver assistance technology and in that respect makes “driving safer and less stressful. But it has to be used as an aid, not a substitute for driver responsibility…Autopilot is just adaptive cruise control plus very good automatic lane centering. That’s it.”
  10. May 2016
  11. Nov 2015
    1. distributing pamphlets that urged an overthrow of the government

      The pamphlets were urging the resistance of the draft, but the book did not state that the attempt was to overthrow the government. Only to express his political ideals.