20 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2021
    1. By creating, developing and fostering knowledge societies in order to decrease the existing divides, governments world wide must create more efficient strategies and programs to overcome such inequalities and not just provide techno-infrastructure.

      For people to know about this inequality they first must be informed and educated so they will try to fix the problem their selves.

    2. On the other side, on the issue of inequality, Anthony Giddens, a British sociologist, considers as fundamentally important the fact that education plays a significant role in either strengthening or breaking down inequalities.

      Education does play a big role in inequality. The more educated you are on something the more you can defend and inform people about it. The social media race and inequality can be fixed with work.

  2. Nov 2021
    1. Attention is also important in the classroom. This came home to me five years ago when I started teaching and saw what most teachers in the world, at least at the college level, see these days: students who are staring down, looking at their computers, not making eye contact with the teacher.

      With our genration the mobile devices and the internet and scoail media is taking over. So now teachers are involiving more mobile devices uses for assignment and class to keep their students attention. I know me personally i learn from social media and on my mobile devices as far as reading things and applying knowledge.

    2. When it comes to social media, knowing how to post a video or download a podcast—technology-centric encoding and decoding skills—is not enough.

      I feel when it comes to social media we need to know what we are getting ourselves involved with. The social media work is a whole diffrent monster within its self. We need to know how to up load things and work it well to insure success when using the socail media plateforms.

  3. Oct 2021
    1. You might use mobile technologies, like a phone or tablet, to download materials or information from the Internet, or you may use them to communicate with friends and family.

      I use my mobile device to do just about everything. I download things turn things in and to communicate with family. I downloaded facebook really to communicate with my older family members.

    2. As digital technology has become more common, affordable, and portable, more and more people from all parts of society are starting to increase their online and digital participation.

      There are a lot of people with mobile devices now that can access alot more then people may know. Now a days kids are born with them in their face and basically raised from it. Due to people buying them they are increasing online activities

  4. Apr 2020
    1. By me reading this my understanding of social media things have changed. People can use social media to do anything and express there selves all types of ways. It is crazy though how social media has changed the perspective of life though how you can break up and express your self on those platforms but cant do it face to face to me it had made society and my generation weaker. But in my opinion is that social media can change your preconception of people and make you think one way when its different actually in person. You will only know what you can see thought its a a lot different from being in person and face to face cause i know from experience people can do something over media that they wouldn't do face to face.

    1. It is hard even to imagine a lifethat didn’t involve at least some tools, devices, or implements. Today, it is evenharder to imagine a life without complex technological systems of energy,transportation, waste management, and production.

      As I read this I simply thought to myself that this is nothing but the truth without technology I dont know what the world would be like. My generation was born into a tech world so all we know is technology like Iphones IPad laptops and game systems our world would be a whole lot different if these things didn't exist. I feel as if we wouldn't be as smart as a country if we didn't have it though that would only show how far behind we are as a whole. Its important for us to study ethics in technology because if we didn't know the ethics behind it nothing would make sense. This relates to idea that dash said about technology is used to create not to consume because technology opened doors for us in today's society.

    1. The question being investigated in this essay is whether information ethics is culture-relative. In answering this question, it has to be kept in mind that the principal aims of information ethics are not descriptive, but normative and evaluative.

      What most people fail to realize is everyone has there own ways of doing things and different life styles and these ways of life or doing things are inhabited from one another so once one person in this culture do something n this way that is how they will keep going about and doing it that way

    1. Conversely, our tendency toward sugary cereals and milk or preference for egg sandwiches loaded with bacon and cheese would seem quite bizarre to other cultures.

      This opens most peoples eyes to things because whats normal to us or something we do on the regular to other cultures its something new or a surprise it would be very different to the. For us Americans we look at everything through our norms and if its not within that we look as if somethings wrong with it.

  5. Feb 2020
    1. Social mediais often considered a platform that facilitates information sharing and participation (Steenkamp& Hyde-Clarke, 2014). DeNardis (2014) suggested that social media is characterized by theaffordances of user generated content and the users’ ability to select and articulate networkconnections with other users. Indeed, social network sites, one form of social media, allow theirusers to interact with other users with whom they have different levels of familiarity

      In our era Social Media definitely plays a big roll In our generation. Social media by far is the largest platform for people to communicate with people around the world. It helps to network people with each other. Social media is a way for people to express themselves. In our generation people are using social media in a verity of ways even in some ways to profit for their own good or for peoples entertainment.

    1. The term has become widely used – too widely. But it’s understandable there’s confusion when some fake news is only a bit fake, or fake for an arguably legitimate reason (such as satire)

      By the article stating "Understandable theres confession when some fake new is only a bit fake" shows how different people value different things differently based on how its said or came across this is a great example of ethics from chapter number 2.

    1. New ways of linking datasets have played a large role in generating new insights. And creative approaches to visualizing data—humans are far better than computers at seeing patterns—frequently prove integral to the process of creating knowledge

      When people say things like this I feel likes makes you automatically wanna believe something is going to work or what they are saying a truthful and supposed to work. This is related tot the Principle of fair representation.

    1. Floridi thinks that this plethora of free information is likely to impact on our sense of our self and our environment. He says we must change our approach to ethical conduct and decision making to deal with the challenges posed by our digital lives.

      The more people can depend on getting information from something else besides ourselves is the more we will be less independent and depend on other things besides ourselves which will leave us subject able to change. in some ways it will be a sense being two-faced to ourselves. We will began to see ourselves in one way while others and the world will view us in completely opposite way. This is related to the ethics part of article one.

    1. Patton worries that the technology being proffered to schools may be more likely to misfire on language used by black youth, potentially causing them to experience greater scrutiny from school administrators.

      Justice people would say this is very unfair because you cant just flag black youth for slang because it might nit mean exactly what it literally says or they might not be meaning it to be used in the way it seems.

    2. There’s little doubt that students share information on social media school administrators might find useful. There is some debate over whether—or how—it can be accurately or ethically extracted by software

      Utilitarianism people would say that people social medias should be checked because the peoples good intentions behind it outweighs violating peoples privacy.

    3. Utilitarianism people would say that people social medias should be checked because the peoples good intentions behind it outweighs violating peoples privacy.

    4. “I think there’s an opportunity for schools to use this as a way to support people but I would do so with extreme caution,” says Patton,

      I think that In some ways administration should be able to do this to prevent violence to come or other bad things that could happen from this. I wouldn't see a problem with it because the world sees it anyways so whats wrong with someone else looking at it.

    1. The ethical principle that I chose to do was Utilitarianism vs. Justice : Allocation of limited resources. This section talks about how things can be Justice or utilitarianism in life or dead situations. Justice Oliver Holmes argued that everything should be justice and equal no matter what everyone should get the same shot at life. Some examples was that was given from this excerpt was about kidney and organ donors and people on the waiting list to get them. Holmes is basically saying it should be an equal draw to get a kidney an example would be everyone putting their name in a bucket and someone randomly draws out a name everyone had an equal chance to get the kidney. On the flip side utilitarianism is saying the people that needs it the most needs to get it based off severity to get it. I personally would say I'm Utilitarianism because I believe the people that need something the most in life or death situations should get what is needed.

    1. Technology raises moralquestions about appropriate uses and consequences of devices, the desirabilityand permissibility of technological means, and whether things are value laden orvalue neutral. Finally, technology raises political questions about how we shouldlive together in societies, who decides what technologies are developed and howthey are to be administered, and how technologies alter our social relations ascitizens, consumers, patients, and workers.

      It's important to study ethics and technolgoy so we can find all the commons between such different things. If we study ethics we can see what's in technology that humans value so much about all types of tech. This is a very interesting point that's pointed out because us as humans don't usually notice how much we value technology until its taken aways from us or broken or until someone brings it to our attention.