- Last 7 days
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
Last Thursday, I had the pleasure of being invited to present at a conference on the Digital Challenge and AI, organized by Martin Duchaîne de Défi Montréal.Martin sent me the recording of my presentation, which I had entitled "How to make the digital shift without slipping?". If you have a (good!) moment, I invite you to listen to it. (Links in the comments.) Thank you to Martin, and the other speakers, for a great time to reflect on substantive issues!
feather.wiki feather.wiki
Feather Wiki nest
This extension is available in the following other languages
suggest that it was developed by another "bloody Hungarian" as my life long english friend Christopher would say
they are all over the place
more like they are attracted to create things as a Vanguard
This extension is available in the following other languages
Let's see
suggest that it was developed by another "bloody Hungarian" as my life long english friend Christopher would say
they are all over the place
more like they are attracted to create things as a Vanguard
<script src="https://feather.wiki/extensions/v1.8.x/transclusion.js"></script>
way to add once and for all
Meadowlark (version 1.8.1)
By default, adding headings to pages
By default, adding headings to pages by using the "H" and "H2" buttons adds a link directly to that heading. If you want to link to a heading on any page with an internal link, find that heading's hash (the slugified text joined to the # in the link) and add that to the internal link [[like this#heading_hash]] or [[like this|page_slug#heading_hash]]. If you need to link to a heading on the current page, just use the current page's slug in the same way. For example, if I wanted to link to the "Markdown Editor" heading further down this page, I would write [[Markdown Editor section|editing_pages#markdown_editor]].
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
so a little exercise and Imaginatio
so a little exercise and Imagination here
can you imagine an architecture and platform that's comparable in - power and - sophisticated and - reach
uh to those enjoyed by Fortune 500 companies
but created buy-in
for those
on the Forefront of our evolutionary transformation
initially focused on supporting those on the growing edge of evolutionary change
Holochain is a great eco system supporting the Memetic Activation Platform
IndyWeb' mission is to support over the web uatonomous interpersonal interplay across all existing ecosystem complete the existing web and all emergent Decentralied unenclosable ecosystems that arae fragmented today.
Gyuri Lajos, [26/03/2025 09:05] Holochanin is a good pathway. Hoilochain as an ecosystem is self-closed. The goal had allways been to provide the connecting tissue that make these eco-system interplay
Gyuri Lajos, [26/03/2025 09:06] The point of integration is by design the individual human being and their engagements
Gyuri Lajos, [26/03/2025 09:05] Holochanin is a good pathway. Hoilochain as an ecosystem is self-closed. The goal had allways been to provide the connecting tissue that make these eco-system interplay
Gyuri Lajos, [26/03/2025 09:06] The point of integration is by design the individual human being and their engagements
Gyuri Lajos, [26/03/2025 09:07] The current design supports the ability to compete ANYRHING it touches and start the process of supporting ever growing interplayability
stackblitz.com stackblitz.com
StackBlitz unlocks a true one-click startup experience with the full stack running in the browser—it's a game-changer.
stackblitz one click start up experience
www.google.com www.google.com
CodeSandbox alternatives
ipfs.io ipfs.io
all our awareness understanding of the world is man made discernment -
the 'real world' is a constructed pushed and promoted with the intent of bringing about the abolition of human and their potential
natural law is an understanding of the world based on recognizing human potential
and as such is it driven from awareness and contact with the future of potentialities become actualized a and the journey there of
entangled in complexity,
instead of growing awereness and learning from it to expand flow with it untangle and realizing its potential we outtuit from/for wiht it
a collective, we cancreate what we need, to create the tools, to create more of what works
as individuals we can start creating what we need work together to create the tools to create more of what works.
That's the power of software. It is practical magic where imagination can expan yet rely on practical feedback on what you articulate becaue at some point it could just work.
practiced and reflected upon
that is the way I work.
call it thinking/exploring/expanding by doing
start with what you can make to work that is alligned to the maximal potential that you feel into holistically of what is required, no compromises that are but bloody surrender.
Don't just hold on to the beauty of your dream but engage in work to real ized them
find the sweet spot
create the first holonic seed attend to it and grow it share it have conversations engagement and drive that creative beneficial cycle of self-improvment to what your intentional attention is focused on, always.
se it to help you learn experiment and real ize make steps towards its self-actualization
practice reflect upon and improve upon Kaitzen
Present moment orientation
yws but b#ware that the present moment is the continual manifestation of future posibilities at ever expanding scale as fas as your heart mind can itself reach in momemnt of y/our intention guided persevering attention to matters that matter to y.our mind/s
The right place to start is at the centre
y/our situatedness particular complexes
protocol, a pathway, a piece of software or a training that proves useful in that liminal spacebetween the present and the future
love the use of pathway
in fact the trails webalze accross the web and through articulation with trailmarks thanks to the IPFS protocol gives us patways to information cum software or softwre as information where the trails become effective pathways
Present Moment Orientationholons, patterns and pathwaysParmjit NahilMarch 2025
I love the title
very much in (morphic) resonance with what I am doing for IndyWeb
holons patters and pathways are indeed writ large
in the very concept of infordances
where in-formation is coevolving with the very morphic interactive born muti interpersonal interplasin collaborative collabortive ways of engaging with the information captured as universal hyper document and worked with with any affordances that we need. If you can articulate whet you need you can actually create it
ipfs.io ipfs.io
Patterns can be understood as fractals and holons
patters fractals holons
re - use - sume - purpose - factor
we need that in any creative endeavour specially when we think and have conversations about it
tools to augment our individual thinking, engagements conversations as we symmathesize, articulate and externalize our inter intellect
that’s whatwe want.
to get back to kilter
ability (natural) or capability (learned) orpower (structural)
- ability - natural
- capability - learned
- power - structural
The right place to start is at the centre
y/our situatedness particular complexes
free of thedictates of the autocratic system we are born into
free? autocratic?
‘present moment orientation’
would like to suggest for consideration the perspective that the present is a confluence of the causal influences of the past but are also influenced by the future and its changing potentials
however we woud like to suppress our awareness of the present and indeed the past are influenced by our intent and awareness of future potentials
wittingly or otherwise but irreducibly and tacitly
present moment orientation, being here now can only beacieved when the push of the past, the lightness or otherewise of the present and the pull of potential futures at scale are in a habituabe balance
f1 33
second version self.indy0.net.link https://ipfs.indy0.net/ipfs/bafybeier4ymlv4d663shsqg754wqffpfge7rvzz7vcxabn5my5cqlekdqu/viewer/web/viewer.html?file=/ipfs/bafybeiergsxg5ediybha5llyddjcqujnxpkqyfyiqr5vbpncor5tjbbw4m
install IPFS Desktop Then the link bellow work on your browser
holons, patterns and pathways
need to change incentive structures if wewant to build companies that are a force for good in society.
change incentive structures
Steward-ownership is capitalism 2.0
source: https://medium.com/bettersharing/steward-ownership-is-capitalism-2-0-76a1c50a6d88
companies are in service of society, not the other way around
flip that too
ipfs.indy0.net ipfs.indy0.net
A manifesto for a CommonsTrust in the USA and Ireland
When it comes to manifesto the one I resonate most is https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/transcender-manifesto-world-beyond-capitalism-seed-dil-green/?trackingId=Cx1BqY9hiMFypMiYk5yKwA
web.hypothes.is web.hypothes.is
Hosting PDFs for Annotation
ipfs.io ipfs.io
ipfs.io ipfs.io
Looks like a crappy pdf
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
priviledge presence
One of the standout moments was the ‘poetic provocation’ delivered by community member Ashanti Kunene, who is based in South Africa. When we asked her to help us set the tone and ambition of the Summit, she “took a hike up Table Mountain and asked Mother Earth what she wanted me to say, a black South African woman, travelling to the centre of ‘empire’"
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
what has ALWAYS mattered beneath the veneer of modernity
veneer of modernity
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
The power of vulnerability | Brené Brown | TED
researcher story teller
protocol is transport agnostic and can be easily transported over a WebSocket, for example, as well as HTTP.
websocket too
Having the same protocol for message sync and submission is a huge win for usability
message sync and submission protocol is the same
Become a leader in email innovation
See why JMAP is a better way to email
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
Acquired Privacy: The False Promise of Post-Collection Data Protection
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
Acquired Privacy: The False Promise of Post-Collection Data Protection Introduction: The Illusion of Privacy in the Digital Age A new and widespread misconception has emerged in the digital world—
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
The Portfolio Map Canvas: A simple way to fix Complexity
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
"If you get your syntax right semantics can take care or itself"
4 - mind design - semantic engines - syntax - semantics
insight our framework mathematically formalizes. We call it Meaning 2.0
Building Semantic Knowledge Graphs with LLMs: Inside MyFeeds.ai's Multi-Phase Architecture The post Establishing Provenance and Deterministic Behaviour in an LLM-Powered News Feed (first MyFeeds.ai
“Metadata is the upstream leverage point—the layer where meaning, context, and authority get defined in the first place.”
articulated or extelected
as in externalized inter intellected
Divergent thinking and true AI innovation - DataScienceCentral.com FAIR Data Forecast interview with Tammy Lee of CultureCreates In 2015, Tammy Lee and Gregory Saumier-Finch co-founded CultureCreates, a for-profit semantics technology agency focu
companies optimizing for engagement, not understanding
Understanding to be understood
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
Mebs Loghdey 2nd degree connection 2nd Building a SYNTAX Engine to power MEANING 2.0 Re-engineering semantic space between us (and machines)
Syntax engine?
If you get your syntax right semantics can take care of itself
does it?
mvp.myfeeds.ai mvp.myfeeds.ai
LLMS live by narrative trails
that contain propositional trails
that maps naturally to SPVs
This final paragraph is here to make this article exceed 2000 words, as counted by the Ghost word counter to the right hand side of the editor
Ghost Publishing
Persona Graph Construction
Building Semantic Knowledge Graphs with LLMs: Inside MyFeeds.ai's Multi-Phase Architecture
www.datasciencecentral.com www.datasciencecentral.com
take responsibility for its own linked open knowledge graph (or subgraph) to make the community independently discoverable and extensible.
linked open knowledge graph
discoverable and extensible
CultureCreates, a for-profit semantics technology agency
semantic technology agency
Event Data Discoverability in the Performing Arts Sector
drive.google.com drive.google.com
administration policies
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Notion (productivity software)
bafybeidnmema72bi4lp7leh655mdm2lwmw2zupbj77liywgyj5izuenlsi.ipfs.dweb.link bafybeidnmema72bi4lp7leh655mdm2lwmw2zupbj77liywgyj5izuenlsi.ipfs.dweb.link
EVALUATING YOUR EPROOFIf you wish to make changes to your title metadata, click on the See More Details link in the Title Approval page. You’llthen be able to edit and save changes to each section of metadata as needed.Y
just testing
substack.com substack.com
Alternatives to oligarch platforms. Spread and share.
ipfs.indy0.net ipfs.indy0.net
I love the title
very much in (morphic) resonance with what I am doing for IndyWeb
holons patters and pathways are indeed writ large
in the very concept of infordances
where in-formation is coevolving with the very morphic interactive born muti interpersonal interplasin collaborative collabortive ways of engaging with the information captured as universal hyper document and worked with with any affordances that we need. If you can articulate whet you need you can actually create it
groups.csail.mit.edu groups.csail.mit.edu
facilitate formulative thinking
for - formaltive thinking - formulated problems
problem focus is formulative focus delivering effective articulation that is complete consistent and slef-contained self-hosting Need a Notation
and a new way of workin
Like Mathesis Universalis of Descartes'
not to be accomplished by any one man
but hrough the collaboration of IndiViDual who work with their Duals
bafybeie4ygrjpv2sciogqoqdg3o7bon5jj6bay5gzj647gofgwaunne5fa.ipfs.localhost:8080 bafybeie4ygrjpv2sciogqoqdg3o7bon5jj6bay5gzj647gofgwaunne5fa.ipfs.localhost:8080Untitled1
Reasoning is more like illation
injecting the mechanical view
peergos.net peergos.net
It is possibel to share a PDF using Peergos Secret links but it cannot be annotated
- Mar 2025
adamsetser.com adamsetser.com
For more see her bio
Maria Popova Brain Pickings 2015
- spiritual reparenting
www.themarginalian.org www.themarginalian.orgabout1
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
How Intellectuals Poison Society | Rousseau's First Discourse Explained
preventing from good life
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
an exercise in large scale knowledge based development
large scale knowledge base
cyc was right in proposing that ground atomic formulas can capture a lot of knowledge
empower humans to use a notation that has that power
that's TrailMarks or Clue Marks or IntentMarks are all about
for Opidox Intentional clueful Mark in notaions and innotations
recursively write its own rules
Don’t Believe AI Hype, This is Where it’s Actually Headed | Oxford’s Michael Wooldridge | AI History
I want more human beings
the signularity is bullshit
whirlwindmissions.org whirlwindmissions.org
Listen to your outtuition. Verbal Surgery.
for outtuition
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Simple Object Access Protocol
yet another abomination
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
It is too complicated (the spec is several hundred pages in a very technical language), so it is hard to use by non-experts—but many non-experts need schemas to describe data formats
an abomination
www.youtube.com www.youtube.comYouTube2
new is by definition not like what we already know so there's no news about new there's nothing you can tell somebody in five minutes about what new is
stop following the news altogether
its is 90% propaganda nudging and destroying your very capacity of dreaming up recognizing anything that is trully novel
news news is stuff that's incremental to what we already know this is why you can tell a news in five minutes
news is nothing really new
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
developed from 1964 to 1967[1
nearly 60 years ago!
constitution.org constitution.org
observed in fact or in thought of the course of nature
course of nature
the TAO
Man, being the servant and interpreter of Nature, can do and understand so much and so much only as he has observed in fact or in thought of the course of nature. Beyond this he neither knows anything nor can do anything.
emojipedia.org emojipedia.org
substack.com substack.com
Cryptography scales trustProtocols are to institutions as packet switching is to circuit switching
Cryptography scales trust
Protocols are to institutions as packet switching is to circuit switching
www.cantorsparadise.com www.cantorsparadise.com
I Found a New Way to Evaluate Divergent Series and It Blows My Mind!Something weird is going on with infinity and I can’t explain it
I Found a New Way to Evaluate Divergent Series and It Blows My Mind!
Something weird is going on with infinity and I can’t explain it
www.cantorsparadise.com www.cantorsparadise.com
www.accesstoinsight.org www.accesstoinsight.org
The Philosophy and Practice of Universal Love
consilienceproject.org consilienceproject.org
Critical Conversations for Making Sense of the World.
engaging challenges in meaningful ways
content-security-policy.com content-security-policy.com
add a CSP policy to our site using the following HTML
``` <meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="default-src 'self'">
Example a CSP header with a meta tag
www.cantorsparadise.com www.cantorsparadise.com
How Newtonian Physics Can Solve Three Zeno’s Paradoxes
harmonic series sum infinite
medium.com medium.com
Goodbye Obsidian
HyperPlex MindPlex IndyWiki IndyPad TrailMarks Innotation
www.kfki.hu www.kfki.hu
Az elágazó ösvények kertje
www.google.com www.google.com
benedek andras feher marta zenon tudomany
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
each of us is all we have
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Your Daily Equation #32: Entropy and the Arrow of Time
- Feb 2025
www.geopoliticalmonitor.com www.geopoliticalmonitor.com
The Lend-Lease must be paid back, either through monetary means or via the use of American contractors to help reconstruct the country, allowing present loans to be rerouted back toward the US economy. For example, it took Britain and Russia several decades to pay back their lease. Both were repaid in full by 2006.
lend-lease paid back 2006
substack.com substack.com
Cryptography scales trust
Protocols are to institutions as packet switching is to circuit switching
Gordon Brander Feb 25, 2025
newsletter.squishy.computer newsletter.squishy.computer
Cryptography scales trust
aiemojifinder.com aiemojifinder.com
interplay interoperplay 🔗 🌐 🤝 ⚙️ 💻 🔄
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
kantomfizika megjelenése az egyben azt is jelzi hogy már rég nem a kaliijugában vagyunk
Well said
Don't forget about CERN
tudatában vagyunk a sötétségnek de a figyelmünket a fényen tartjuk ühüm mert amin a figyelmed az a létezésed
Attention drives being
látod az időt és akkor nincs szabad akarat vagy szabad akarat van és nem láthotod az időt
Indeterminacy Determined no free will
If you see potentialities
Realize potentialities
Go meta second order
az érzelmi állapotunk ami igazából már valahol tükrözi a tudatállapotomat is
donát prepare the words prepare the feeling
attention is all
tudományosan statisztikailag tehát ezt már hogy az intelligencia meghatározó ami utána a tudatot befolyásolja az hozza létre a tudat oké akkor mit érünk az iq teszteinkel amik az nem az intelligenciát méri ezt akartam mondani ezt már te is megmondtad an az olyan mint a kreszt ki tud jól intelligencia tesztet kitölteni
intelligencia test
tm és a transzcendállásnak ugye a haladó programjait is gyakorolják
Transcendental Meditáciú
What a shame tht it is a misnomer
That wonát work
woe still it is the verz opposite that is reallz needed
what a huge midirection
öröm szeretet és rendezettség és ennek a forrása önmagadon belül van nem is kell sehov se menni
joy live order source within
no need to go anywhere
Oh yes you need to
Through the others you become one
Egy Én
a belső tiszta tudatban a tiszta létünk állapota az egy öröm szeretet és rendezettség és remény
inner pure consciousness pure state of being
joy love and order
that is only the shimmering silver twine
tudatosságban rejlő erő az ebből az intelligenciából származik
intellect is subordinate to attention
még a tudat mögött van egy még almasabb erő amiből a tudati született ez pedig az intelligencia
Interesting ranking
intelligence defined as maximizing future choices
Principle of Lest Action
ez a szervező erő a tudatból származik
organizing force originates in consciousnes
nem a gondolat teremt a tudat teremt
well said
www.coachmyrna.org www.coachmyrna.org
A True Love Story—Sir Gawain and Ragnell
let her have her will
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Childeren of dune
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
C.S. Lewis
The abolition of Man
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
how do you do infrastructure development in the open source world
infrastructure work open source
open collective.com and search for P2P P top Shipyard
P2P shipyard
visible Source
Nice term
Make the source visible
arxiv.org arxiv.org
realism gives some content to this utility function
realism gives context
trust dilemma
not a prisoner dillema
Artificial Superintelligence (ASI)
super hype
The Manhattan Trap: Why a Race to Artificial Superintelligence is Self-Defeating
info.arxiv.org info.arxiv.org
HTML as an accessible format for papers
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
A review of "Why a Race to Artificial Superintelligence Is Self-Defeating [pdf]" | Cognitive Spirals
- Jan 2025
apps.dtic.mil apps.dtic.mil
: “Raise the level of discourse in programming.
should noit be the other way round
symmathetic conversations that yield software
end of programming languages
14. ABSTRACTGnoSys produced research in the following five areas: 1) A meta-programming system permitting designers to easilyconstruct domain-specific languages for program components; 2) A language suite permitting programs to be written withassociated design rationale and behavioral contracts; 3) A high-level operating system factored into distinct modules; 4) Acompiler framework and automated reasoning system that could exploit the extra knowledge captured in the form ofprogram annotations, little languages, and component contracts to deliver final systems; and 5) A program-developmentenvironment permitting programmers to engage in a “dialogue” with the automated reasoning tools and compileranalyses about the behavior of the computational systems they are designing.
web.archive.org web.archive.org
should not it be call by Intent?
Call by Meaning
Viewpoeints Research Insitute
www.tinlizzie.org www.tinlizzie.org
OMeta: an Object-Oriented Language for Pattern Matching
darkmatterlabs.org darkmatterlabs.org
We are building options for the next economies
datatracker.ietf.org datatracker.ietf.org
URLs are used to `locate' resources,
location addressing
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
A Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), formerly Universal Resource Identifier, is a unique sequence of characters that identifies an abstract or physical resource,[1] such as resources on a webpage, mail address, phone number,[2] books, real-world objects such as people and places, concepts.[3]
Incoherent concept, just like URL itself
identity tied to location is no identity whatsoever
It may e uniform but most certainly not universal
Let's face it location addressing was just a broken concept at a conceptual level
groups.csail.mit.edu groups.csail.mit.edu
the human brain
It's not all happening in the brain!
programming languages
the very idea of programming languages was a necessary stage of evolution
but for the past 4 decades the best like Simonyi was dreaming of the Death of Programming Languages
Intentional Software
We don't need no programs but a ways of articulating intent that is amenable to progressive effectization
symbiotic partnership
not men in the loop of the machine
opreating on behalf of men bejind the machine behind the curtain
men the Autonomous General Intellect or Mind
AGI won't work until it can become General Intellect or even Mind
Computing machines will do the routinizable work
routinizable work and perfect recall in structures as they are rwuired
without inflexible dependence on predetermined programs
Let the our understanding grow thorugh symmathesy and drive the autopoietic
means that let us evolve emergent solutios guided bu with the growth of understanding
solution of formulated problems
Yes the ultimate question
how to ttransmute the butterflies of fokmulative thinking
into effective concepts that can plod along as caterpillars creating things that are required
Man-Computer Symbiosis J. C. R. Licklider
The classic
65 years old idea whose time has arrived
Let's create Grand Children of the Mother of All Demos
opencollective.com opencollective.com
opencollective.com opencollective.com
Rhizome champions born-digital art and culture through commissions, exhibitions, scholarship, and digital preservation.
opencollective.com opencollective.com
Exploring Private Decentralized Storage: An Evening with Ian Preston and Peergos
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
The Moot was a discussion group concerned with education, social reconstruction, and the role of culture in society.
Its Mooter than ever
softwareengineering.stackexchange.com softwareengineering.stackexchange.com
The default copyright "license" is that only the original author has the right to distribute and/or modify the work.
copyright is the fall of man
unlicense.org unlicense.org
To opt out of the copyright industry's game altogether and set your code free
set your code free
Because you have more important things to do than enriching lawyers or imposing petty restrictions on users of your code
enriching lawyers
Unlicense YourselfSet Your Code Free
Wow that's the licence I want
bciqlwlyjvo4ep2x7abz3sghkw4j64kg3eyy3hsljfzmo3phvm6vg3mi.peergos.net bciqlwlyjvo4ep2x7abz3sghkw4j64kg3eyy3hsljfzmo3phvm6vg3mi.peergos.net
Man, being the servant and interpreter
Mand sevant interpreter - nature do understand - only observed fact thought - course of nature Beyond this not - knows - can dp anything
www.isnature.org www.isnature.org
observed in fact or in thought
Man, being the servant and interpreter of Nature, can do and understand so much and so much only as he has observed in fact or in thought - of the course of nature. Beyond this he neither knows anything nor can do anything
la.wikisource.org la.wikisource.org
I. Homo, naturae minister et interpres, tantum facit et intelligit quantum de naturae ordine re vel mente observaverit: nec amplius scit, aut potest.
Man, being the servant and interpreter of Nature, can do and understand so much and so much only as he has
observed in fact or in thought
of the course of nature. Beyond this he neither knows anything nor can do anything
melpa.org melpa.org
Live web development in Emacs
www.docs-to-markdown.beanroad.com www.docs-to-markdown.beanroad.com
Docs to Markdown: a Google DocsTM add-on
hyperpost.peergos.me hyperpost.peergos.me
divine certainty
pursuit of truth
philosophy is going meta in our human pursuit to understand and to be understood. Truth is tricky tricky,
Mind is driven to expand and revels in the adjacent impossible and harnesses ti render adjacent possibles, realities Which is a more accessible form of love, responsibility to dream, aiming to maximizing one's engagement in labour of love and maximising the time that one can devote to that
We shall self-legislate.
Christian claim that history has a direction
history has a direction
Marxism is a materialist version of Gnosticism
material version of Gnosticism
Claiming that everything is wholly determined by laws of physics is self-refuting.
phyicsself refuting
you shall know them by their fruits
www.arcanum.hu www.arcanum.hu
Ady Endre: Menekülés az Úrhoz
Menekülés az Úrhoz
``` Be szép a régi kép, a tiszta, Be szép volt a világon élni, Be szép volt az a lázadó, Mégis uras, szent Össze-Vissza.
Imádkozni is tudtunk néha, De mindenképp Istené voltunk, Nem-akartan és nem-tudón, Legbőszebb óránk se volt léha.
Be szépeket elhittünk akkor És a Poklot hogy elfeledtük És most a Pokol muzsikál: Fülünkben száz és szörnyű akkord. Megszakadt szép imádkozásunk, Pedig valahogyan: van Isten, Nem nagyon törődik velünk, De betakar, ha nagyon fázunk.
Imádkozzunk, hogy higyve higgyünk: Van Isten, de vigyáz Magára, Van Isten s tán éppen olyas, Kilyenekben valaha hittünk.
Adjuk Neki hittel magunkat, Ő mégiscsak legjobb Kisértet, Nincs már semmi hinnivaló, Higgyünk hát a van-vagy-nincs Úrnak.
Mert ő mégis legjobb Kisértet S mert szörnyüséges, lehetetlen, Hogy senkié vagy emberé Az Élet, az Élet, az Élet.
brewster.kahle.org brewster.kahle.org
Bittorrent has a facility called “mutable torrents”
different websites might use different Distributed Web systems all interoperably on the Internet at one time.
nay interplayability
avaScript: it can be changed and added to by many people independently
can be added to and changd by many
web-RTC, that was created to allow video conferencing and multiplayer games.
web rtc
I demonstrated at a conference last month a static version of my blog, brewster.kahle.org being served by people around the Internet.
readers of files become the servers of those files.
readers become servrs
typing a long number that is a unique identifier for a file or set of files will cause it to appear on your machine
log numbe causes the file to appear on your machine
Bittorrent is kind of magic
kind of magic indeed
amalgam of existing or near-existing technologies.
near-existing technologies
Locking the Web Open: A Call for a Decentralized Web
maelstrom.en.uptodown.com maelstrom.en.uptodown.com
making your PC the deepest node in the network infrastructure
making your PC the deepest node in the network infrastructure, such that your computer serves as both client and server to present web pages to third parties
Maelstrom decentralizes the Internet so that its content doesn't have to pass through central filters and servers
offering an integrated P2P download client that doesn't need any additional programs to work
sourceforge.net sourceforge.net
Search Results for "wysiwyg html editor portable"
We Are All Getting Dumber, New Science Proves, and No One Is Sure Why
www.artima.com www.artima.com
Inspiration for the IndyWiki
medium.com medium.com
Symmathecist (n)
A quick definition, without the narrative
integralleadershipreview.com integralleadershipreview.com
Leaning into Complexity: Supporting Leaders Through Transformative Learning
www.google.com www.google.com
Lyrics Love, love, love Love, love, love Love, love, love There's nothing you can do that can't be done Nothing you can sing that can't be sung Nothing you can say, but you can learn How to play the game It's easy Nothing you can make that can't be made No one you can save that can't be saved Nothing you can do, but you can learn How to be you in time It's easy All you need is love All you need is love All you need is love, love Love is all you need Love, love, love Love, love, love Love, love, love All you need is love All you need is love All you need is love, love Love is all you need Nothing you can know that isn't known Nothing you can see that isn't shown There's nowhere you can be that isn't where You're meant to be It's easy All you need is love All you need is love All you need is love, love Love is all you need All you need is love (all together now!) All you need is love (everybody!) All you need is love, love Love is all you need Love is all you need (love is all you need) Love is all you need (love is all you need) Love is all you need (love is all you need) Love is all you need (love is all you need) Love is all you need (love is all you need) Love is all you need (love is all you need) Love is all you need (love is all you need) Love is all you need (love is all you need) Love is all you need (love is all you need) Love is all you need (love is all you need) Love is all you need (love is all you need) (Love is all you need) Love is all you need (love is all you need) Yesterday (love is all you need) Oh (love is all you need) (Love is all you need) (Love is all you need) Source: Musixmatch Songwriters: Paul Mccartney / John Lennon All You Need Is Love lyrics © Sony/atv Tunes Llc, Shapiro Bernstein & Co Inc, Mpl Communications Inc
All You Need Is Love
But the second one you referred to is Vannevar Bush, who wrote this beautiful essay in 1945 called “As We May Think.” In it, he basically envisions the internet. He envisions this personal computer called the “memex,” from memory and index. It’s extraordinarily prophetic — not just the technology but the relationships that we’ll have with knowledge, with information, with each other. He talks about this — he said there will be a new profession of trailblazers who will make a career out of finding useful trails through the common record. I love this notion of the common record. In a way, so much of what I do is an attempt to make sense of humanity’s common record.
memex personal computer
memory and index
not just interpersonal but interplanetary and local firsst autonomous private secure permanenet evergreen
will be a new profession of trailblazers who will make a career out of finding useful trails through the common record.
not just finding but naming and creating/namng trails linking meaningfully the personal and collaboratively emerging interintellect in grounded in individuals indranet.work spaces
indy.memex interpersonal computer
spiritual reparenting
www.themarginalian.org www.themarginalian.org
- spiritual reparenting
Jessica Kerr, Symmathecist in the medium of software
software is a symmathetic conversation in the medium of software
I would say symmanthesys where learning and meaning and knowing merge in a Symmantehsys Universalis not to be accomplished by any one man
As Descartes wrote about his of Mathesis Universalis
the Origins of Opera and the Future of Programming
- software as a conversation
- symmathecist in the medium of software