636 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2015
    1. “if you had not taken advantage of her easy nature, some other would, and where is the difference, pray?”

      This is a super disgusting way to look at women/ young girls in general. Someone's going to take advantage so it might as well be them.

    2. from this instant our connexion is at an end

      was this a set-up then?

    3. tax her with her falsehood,

      what the hell does this supposed to mean

    4. brat

      When it suited the men, Charlotte was a young woman. When it doesn't suit them, she's a brat and a child

    5. little foolish, fond girl chose to leave her friends, and run away with you to America


    6. farewell

      why is she saying bye like she's dying?

    7. each him to lament my miseries,

      interesting that there is no "teach him not to do these things"

    8. which heaven forbid

      reminds me of that "pretty fool" quote from The Great Gatsby

    9. But sure you cannot refuse to protect my innocent infant: it partakes not of its mother’s guilt.

      Woah, uh, plot twist

    10. urged to take the fatally imprudent step, by one of my own sex, who, under the mask of friendship

      ultimately blames La Rue, a female

    11. and I will see that the letter is sent by the first packet

      Mrs.B has some thoughts about where the letters are going

    12. His visit was not long, but before he went he fixed a scorpion in the heart of Charlotte, whose venom embittered every future hour of her life.

      I'm confused about this... what happened?

    13. friendship

      Yeah, that's not what a girl who left EVERYTHING for you wants to hear

    14. she saw a note

      Notes also seem to be a reoccurring symbol. I wonder if this has anything to do with the emotion that guides the story?

    15. “I am a villain,”

      Yes, good job. Maybe next time you won't steal 15 year old girls away from her parents.

    16. ardour and sincerity

      yeah right

    17. impulse

      Impulse: passion/ emotion. He is still reacting off of impulse, however.

    18. melancholy Charlotte, and endeavour to forget this fascinating Julia

      you've told yourself that you are going to forget about a girl once before, you ass

    19. he forgot Charlotte, and indulged himself in saying every thing that was polite and tender to Julia

      oh great, he seems to have fallen for another girl. charlotte is going to be dropped like a piping hot potato

    20. Montraville was introduced to her

      uh oh!

    21. JULIA Franklin

      so many characters!

    22. he may leave her in a moment to shame and want; he may marry and forsake her for ever

      men have the say in such a relationship

    23. but the poor girl by thoughtless passion led astray, who, in parting with her honour, has forfeited the esteem of the very man to whom she has sacrificed every thing dear and valuable in life

      I know we talked about how this book showed a switch from rational thought to using emotion to govern one's decisions... but I feel like it is criticizing the decision made via passion/ emotion.

    24. deep regret and anguish of heart, no kind friend of her own sex to whom she can unbosom her griefs, no beloved mother, no woman of character will appear in my company, and low as your Charlotte is fallen, she cannot associate with infamy

      such melodrama!

    1. Let not the reader imagine Belcour’s designs were honourable.

      Of course not, he's already been established to be a bad guy

    2. Belcour as a villain who had seduced her from her friends under promise of marriage, and afterwards betrayed her,

      wow sounds familiar

    3. make her not a mother, lest she should one day feel what I now suffer.”

      good old fashioned foreshadowing?

    4. seduced her from her duty

      interesting way of saying it!

    5. shall not be surprized at any outrage which Montraville may commit, when he finds himself disappointed

      how positively abusive!

    6. “to ask the assistance of heaven that you may continue to deserve their love. Continue, my dear Charlotte, in the course you have ever pursued, and you will insure at once their happiness and your own.”

      and now Charlotte hears this piece of advice. I can imagine she's confused.

    7. I have forgot all that I ought to have remembered, in consenting to this intended elopement.

      She forgot that eloping entails sex?

    8. I see you never loved me.

      What an asshole.

    9. Montraville therefore concluded it was impossible he should ever marry Charlotte Temple; and what end he proposed to himself by continuing the acquaintance he had commenced with her, he did not at that moment give himself time to enquire.

      he can't marry her, so what is he doing with her?

    10. young men frequently rush into matrimonial engagements

      a warning against marriage

    11. “I know not what to say,” cried Charlotte, struggling to draw her hands from him: “let me leave you now.”

      This is such a creepy image

    12. Self, darling self, was the idol he worshipped

      Belcour: yet another corrupt soldier

    13. Charlotte had taken one step in the ways of imprudence; and when that is once done, there are always innumerable obstacles to prevent the erring person returning to the path of rectitude: yet these obstacles, however forcible they may appear in general, exist chiefly in imagination.

      Once you make one mistake, it is hard to go back

    14. at yonder lovely Virgin

      The Virgin Mary?

    15. ell me, ye thoughtless daughters of folly, have ye ever found the phantom you have so long sought with such unremitted assiduity?

      People who seek pleasures will never find them

    16. the sense of shame in her own bosom, when once she has lost sight of the basis on which reputation, honour, every thing that should be dear to the female heart, rests, she grows hardened in guilt

      She rejects the shame she felt when she talked to Montraville and that's dangerous

    17. foolish little prude


    18. In affairs of love, a young heart is never in more danger than when attempted by a handsome young soldier. A man of an indifferent appearance, will, when arrayed in a military habit, shew to advantage; but when beauty of person, elegance of manner, and an easy method of paying compliments, are united to the scarlet coat, smart cockade, and military sash, ah! well-a-day for the poor girl who gazes on him: she is in imminent danger; but if she listens to him with pleasure, ’tis all over with her, and from that moment she has neither eyes nor ears for any other object.

      This is pretty interesting to me. I feel like we've seen a lot of soldiers in the story and a lot of times, they play out to be the bad guys.

    19. The levity of the gentlemen and the freedom of their conversation disgusted her.

      She doesn't feel right about the interaction

    20. young officer

      another soldier...

    21. Hymen

      why is this word EVERYWHERE in American lit??

    22. Miss Weatherby

      So she is pretty and vapid

    23. But in whose breast no virtues glow

      She's wealthy and pretty, but not virtuous

    24. his heart had not been rendered callous by being convinced of its fraud and hypocrisy

      uh oh... was it all a ruse?

    25. goes to a lodging near the bridge

      Prostitution? Anybody? Just me?

    26. How she supported herself in these trying moments, I know not: heaven, no doubt, was with her

      Lucy is really helpless to her father. So helpless that she would need the help of God to survive without him.

    27. omething like satisfaction darting across his features

      How odd. One moment, the man seems to be full of misery, remembering past conflicts, and then he seems satisfied with himself for being miserable

    28. ut in vain; they forced open her arms; she shrieked, and fell prostrate. But pardon me. The horrors of that night unman me

      I don't know if I am reading too far into this. It seems like Lucy was assaulted.

    29. soldier.

      There are a lot of soldiers in this story. I wonder if there is symbolic meaning here

    30. protect that fair bud of innocence

      What words to describe a woman

    31. pellucid


    32. sorrow had nipped the rose in her cheek before it was half blown

      that's goregous

    33. and he beheld his sisters legally prostituted to old, decrepid men, whose titles gave them consequence in the eyes of the world, and whose affluence rendered them splendidly miserable.

      Rowson criticizes arranged marriage (and marriage in general)

    34. three whole days

      So much time!

    35. a musket ball from our friends, the Americans,

      Revolutionary War? Also, is Rowson an American writing about a British soldier?

    36. she being then only thirteen

      How creepy!

    37. but conscious that I wrote with a mind anxious for the happiness of that sex whose morals and conduct have so powerful an influence on mankind in general;

      Sounds like a disclaimer saying she's not trying to upset the male population.

    38. but from the more dangerous arts of the profligate of their own

      She is really wary of both men AND women. (Although, according to this quote, more so women?)

    39. silent tomb:

      Wow, how dark!

    40. fair sex

      So is this saying that the novel is for young/ vapid women? Coooooool?

    41. Tale of Truth

      This used to be the original title

  2. Oct 2015
    1. ignoramuses

      omg she is killing it

    2. animal powers, I yield them undisputed to that sex, which enjoys them in common with the lion, the tyger, and many other beasts of prey

      I find this to be a pretty badass backhanded compliment. She's giving men the strength of these animals, but also the animalistic/ savage tendencies.

    3. you are by nature formed for our protectors; we pretend not to vie with you in bodily strength; upon this point we will never contend for victory

      Interesting! Like I said, they're not arguing about hard work and physical strength. That comes later down the road

    4. Nay, we have even more leisure for sedentary pleasures, as our avocations are more retired, much less laborious,

      They want to be equal in education, but not work. That comes later. Baby steps!

    5. Though sensibility, soft compassion, and gentle commiseration, are inmates in the female bosom

      It's pretty to easy to see that Murray's argument, although very forward, is embedded in essentialist rhetoric. Women, although equal to men in intellectual promise, are naturally "sensible," "soft," "compassionate," and "gentle."

    6. et serious studies equally employ our minds,

      educate us, damn it!

    7. ye haughty sex

      she is throwing so much shade

    8. minds are by nature equal

      Their minds are the same at birth, but they are cultivated differently

    9. slander


    10. variety of fashions

      she's proving the worth of femininity!

    11. imagination, reason, memory and judgment

      This is why I think Murray uses the "poem" then "essay" form. The form speaks to her argument that women have a command over both imaginative and logical forms. I SMELL A BLOG POST.

    12. .

      This "poem" then "essay" form is pretty interesting. It serves to prove her intellect; she can express herself in an artistic way as well as an academic one.

    13. manly fires

      It must be purposeful that she masculinizes "fires." Probably more sass.

    14. They rob us of the power t’improve,

      They rob them of education; no wonder women are "less intelligent." It's because they can't learn!

    1. Neither should those to whom nature had been parsimonious,

      Is this a way to say people who aren't beautiful? On a quick side note, the poetry of her language is extremely impressive. I find her repeated use of the word "nature" to be interesting. I'm not quite yet sure what I find interesting about it except that it reminds me of essentialism.

    2. sweet form, shall serve but as a polished casket

      Beauty doesn't last?

    3. will smile at your undoing

      Makes me wonder what Murray's relationships were like...

    4. you must learn “to reverence yourself,” that is, your intellectual existence;

      I think this is the biggest thing for Murray. She wants women to to value their own minds. Nothing in the way of gender equality can happen until women take that first step.

    5. rational being

      I love this. Treat your daughter like a human and like she has some logic!

    6. to teach young minds to aspire, ought to be the ground work of education

      That's pretty forward of her. In early America, education consisted of drilling facts in brains, not inspiring.

    7. they arrest the stream of due admiration, and endeavour to divest her of all idea of the bounties of nature:

      People with daughters discourage their, potentially great, thinking

    8. compass of mortality, was placed within their grasp, and that, the avidity of application, the intenseness of study

      This is what I'm getting: all knowledge is within your grasp if you study, think, and apply

    9. in the path of wisdom

      She wants women to be educated

    10. Self-estimation

      I think this refers to autonomy

    11. Ne’er taught to “rev’rence self,” or to aspire, Our bosoms never caught ambition’s fire

      Women were never taught to "revere" themselves or aspire toward any goal

    1. Spaniards

      Who is this man and why does everyone want him?

    2. Ten Dollars for me

      Not to sound insensitive, but thinking back to the context, why does this slave mean so much to them?

    3. But the Providence of God

      Reminds me of Mary Rowlandson's faith!

    4. Devils

      savages, devils, barbarians

    5. Molatto

      Why are some words red?

    6. being now destitute of every Help, we knew not what to do or what

      What was the point of this trip?

    7. inhuman Barbarity of the Indians in murdering the whole Ship’s Crew

      Makes me think of Robinson Crusoe

    1. that shall have been collected, at a later time, they shall be exactable and reimbursed in the year that follows the lifting of sequestration of goods.


    2. it shall be at the charge of the city or town for which it performs services

      so the police is not federally funded

    3. Courts of first instance and by Courts of appeal

      Seems to establish a judiciary level of government

    4. Governor

      I'm starting to wonder if the governor wrote this tihing whilst cackling to himself

    5. propose laws

      The governor just sounds like a king disguised as some sort of elected official...

    6. chief commander

      Commander in chief!

    7. General or the senior General of equal rank, who is in active service in the colony, shall take, of right, if provisionally, the control the govermnent.

      THAT'S interesting... a military general can take the place of the governor...

    8. Generals and Chief Commanders of Departments, shall meet at the ordinary place of hearing of the Central Assembly. to the effect of nominating, concurrently with the members of this Assembly, the new Governor or continue the administration of the one who is in function.

      The Central Assembly sounds like Congress (or maybe our electoral college). I wonder if the people do any voting or deciding...

    9. attribute exclusively to this general the right to designate the citizen who, in the unfortunate event of the general’s death, shall immediately replace him

      Toussaint can even choose his successor?

    10. remainder of his glorious life.

      He must have been a damn good governor.

    11. constant family, of which the owner of the land or his representative shall be the father.

      The family values present in this constitution are particularly interesting to me.

    12. Property is sacred and inviolable

      Interesting that it's only the men's property that is "sacred and inviolable"

    13. shall be the only publicly professed faith.

      Well. I was just about to say how modern their constitution was. And then this happened!

    14. abolished

      Wow, abolished slaves in 1801!

    15. French.

      Why are we reading a French text?

    16. Toussaint’s Constitution (Excerpt)

      "Constitution of Saint-Domingue (1801). Established Toussaint as Governor for Life and gave him the right to select his successor (future governors would be limited to 5 year terms.) Provided a mechanism to overthrow any governor avoiding election. Abolished slavery and racial restrictions on employment, but upheld fermage, leases, and restrictions on movement. Estates abandoned by their owners during the revolution to be held and operated in trust by the government, but not nationalized. Banned free assembly, all religions other than Catholicism, divorce, and any imports in competition with local manufactures."

    1. sound morality.

      I had a feminism class where we talked about the need for women in this time to be the family's moral compass.

    2. household economy

      I think this denotes keeping order in the house: cleaning, cooking, taking care of the children, organizing any farm hands, etc.

    3. Reason and fact, plain and unadorned, are rejected

      How Aristotelian.

    4. novels, and the time lost in that reading which should be instructively employed

      With his rampant racism and now his book hating, I just don't think Tom and I would have gotten along. So glad he's on Mount Rushmore.

    5. solid education

      I wonder what this encompasses. Cooking? Cleaning? Sewing? What about writing and reading? Math?

    1. It is not their condition then, but nature, which has produced the distinction.


    2. scarcely be found capable of tracing and comprehending the investigations of Euclid;

      Euclid is an ancient mathematician (the father of geometry). Dearest Jefferson, I don't think you realize that MOST people can't "comprehend geometry."

    3. In general, their existence appears to participate more of sensation than reflection.

      Black people think less than they feel. Making them sound very animalistic.

    4. require less sleep

      The sweating, the sleep. I'm seeing a connection: he is trying to prove they are naturally better laborers.

    5. odour


    6. difference of no importance

      What a concept!

    7. when they should be colonized to such place

      Sounds like intense segregation

    8. narrow streight

      The Bering Strait?

    9. exempt them from excessive drudgery

      So, I'm confused. The Native American women are lesser in their societies because they do the same work as the men? And in white, American society, women aren't lesser because they DON'T do the same work as men? Yeah, sure, sounds like equality to me.

    10. The stronger sex therefore imposes on the weaker.

      He says this like it's not happening to women in America at that time, too.

    11. barbarous people

      Oh, there it is. "barbarous"

    12. his vivacity and activity of mind is equal to ours in the same situation

      Jefferson's discussion of Native Americans is very positive. He even calls them equal to white Americans in some respect.

    13. Notes on the State of Virginia

      "Notes on the State of Virginia (1785) is a book... responding to questions about Virginia, posed to Jefferson... Often dubbed the most important American book published before 1800, Notes on the State of Virginia is both a compilation of data by Jefferson about the state's natural resources and economy, and his vigorous and often eloquent argument about the nature of the good society, which he believed was incarnated by Virginia. He expressed his beliefs in the separation of church and state, constitutional government, checks and balances, and individual liberty. He wrote extensively about slavery, the problems of miscegenation, and his belief that whites and blacks could not live together in a free society."

    1. study of nothing.

      To Paine, religion is nothing. But he does believe in God.

    2. produces only atheists and fanatics.

      I guess Paine doesn't consider himself an atheist.

    3. derogatory to the Almighty, more unedifying to man, more repugnant to reason, and more contradictory in itself, than this thing called Christianity

      OK, so it sounds like Paine believes in an "Almighty," but hates Christianity.

    4. evidence

      Paine wants EVIDENCE, not FAITH.

    5. The history of him is altogether the work of other people;

      The Bible is the work of people, not God

    6. The Christian theory is little else than the idolatry of the ancient mythologists, accommodated to the purposes of power and revenue; and it yet remains to reason and philosophy to abolish the amphibious fraud.

      In my Historical and Philosophical Perspectives class, we talked about how Christianity came about during a period of time when the Roman Empire was dealing with identity issues. Christianity offered a lot of ways to solve this crisis and added to pre-existing philosophy and ideas, making the religion a lot more palatable. So it's pretty interesting that Paine is saying a similar thing.

    7. Each of those churches accuses the other of unbelief; and, for my own part, I disbelieve them all.

      See this makes "Common Sense" even more interesting to me. If Paine doesn't believe in any sort of God, all his references to God in the pamphlet were purely for persuasive reasons.

    1. The Almighty hath implanted in us these unextinguishable feelings for good and wise purposes

      I feel as though Paine uses bits of religion as a means to persuade his audience. It's also interesting to note that "Common Sense" was a pamphlet given out to the American people to convince them to fight for independence. It was allllll about persuading the common folk.

    2. Ye that tell us of harmony and reconciliation, can ye restore to us the time that is past? Can ye give to prostitution its former innocence? Neither can ye reconcile Britain and America. The last cord now is broken

      There is no hope for reconcilation between Britain and America. The only option is independence.

    3. But lest any ill use should afterwards arise, let the crown at the conclusion of the ceremony, be demolished, and scattered among the people whose right it is.

      The people have the right to change the government if it becomes tyrannical


      Paine doesn't want a monarchy to develop in America; he wants the law to govern the people.

    5. CONTINENTAL CHARTER, or Charter of the United Colonies; (answering to what is called the Magna Carta of England

      Come up with common law

    6. Let each colony be divided into six, eight, or ten, convenient districts, each district to send a proper number of delegates to Congress,


    7. Could the straggling thoughts of individuals be collected, they would frequently form materials for wise and able men to improve into useful matter.

      Central government/ Constitution/ Law

    8. I offer the following hints

      Offering some insight into how to go about fighting for independence

    9. No man can assign the least pretence for his fears, on any other grounds, than such as are truly childish and ridiculous, viz. that one colony will be striving for superiority over another

      Is Paine saying that there is no way Civil War will happen because one colony won't strive for superiority over another? If so, Paine has an awful lot of trust in his America.

    10. And a government which cannot preserve the peace, is no government at all

      Great line!

    11. Pharaoh

      I spy an allusion to the enslavement of the Hebrews under a tyrranical Pharoah in the bible.

    12. Bunker-hill
    13. As Britain hath not manifested the least inclination towards a compromise,

      Britain was ignoring America's complaints and not even trying to change their ways.

    14. as if the Almighty graciously meant to open a sanctuary to the Persecuted in future years

      I wonder if Paine was partly responsible for the whole "Pilgrims came to America to escape persecuation" thing

    15. the trade of America goes to ruin

      When Great Britain goes to war, America suffers

    16. directly to involve this continent in European wars and quarrels;

      Being associated with Great Britain only means America has to be involved with their wars

    17. not a single advantage is derived.

      There is no advantage to being connected to Great Britain... ouch! Paine's writing makes America sound like a petualant 18 year old who wants to be an adult now.

    18. that her motive was INTEREST not ATTACHMENT; that she did not protect us from OUR ENEMIES on OUR ACCOUNT, but from HER ENEMIES on HER OWN ACCOUNT, from those who had no quarrel with us on any OTHER ACCOUNT, and who will always be our enemies on the SAME ACCOUNT

      Britain only did things to help Britain.

    19. America

      It makes me wonder when this American identity started to appear. When did it shift from "English colonies" to "America?"

    20. struggle between England and America.

      Whoever is writing the Introduction for Paine should talk about this historical struggle as well as the development that has taken place in America. I feel like I'm still stuck in the 1600s with the Puritans...

    21. unmanly

      Interesting jab at masculinity

    22. Mr. Pelham
    23. Common Sense (Excerpt)

      Now this I remember from AP US History

    1. It was a pure delight, which fed and satisfied the soul. It was peasure

      While Sarah Pierrepont Edwards' awakening is not quite as sexual as Edwards', there are certainly similar words being used. "Sweet," "delight," "pleasure," "fill," we've seen these words before.

    2. sweet

      I just want to report the return of "sweet." It's in here ten times,

    1. nothing that you can do

      But there is something? Edwards said before that believing in God would save them....I'm so done with this guy.

    2. The God that holds you over the pit of hell, much as one holds a spider or some loathsome insect over the fire, abhors you

      Where the hell does he get this stuff? We are bugs? God hates us? I don't think Edwards and I read the same Bible....

    3. The God that holds you over the pit of hell, much as one holds a spider or some loathsome insect over the fire, abhors you

      Where the hell does he get this stuff? We are bugs? God hates us? I don't think Edwards and I read the same Bible....

    4. bow of God’s wrath is bent, and the arrow

      The use of the bow and arrow here to represent God's judgement is interesting: what are the implications of using a weapon to describe God?

    5. nothing but the mere pleasure of God that holds the waters back,

      I want to know how many times he says the same thing in different ways.

    6. were it not for the restraining hand of God, it would immediately burst forth upon you

      Yes, thanks Edwards. We get it.

    7. were made for men to serve God with

      I feel that, according to the Bible, it was the other way around. Humans were "above" all living things and they were made to serve us.

    8. he earth would not bear you one moment

      I think this viewpoint is interesting. From the Christian perspective, God created the Earth and all the creatures and then let Adam and Eve name them, it seems like they were created for humans (from the Christian perspective).

    9. APPLICATION The use may be of awakening to unconverted persons in this congregation.

      It kind of sounds like an instruction manual. Application for sermon: to scare the hell out of non-believers

    10. God certainly has made no promises either of eternal life, or of any deliverance or preservation from eternal death,

      I feel like this is an exact promise in the Bible. Edwards really likes scare tactics.

    11. arbitrary

      This is so interesting, to apply that God's decisions are arbitrary (based on random choice or personal whim) makes it sounds like he doesnt have a plan

    12. God’s appointed time is not come

      God controls everything, reminds me of Rowlandson

    1. sweet,

      He has the word sweet in here 32 times. And four in this paragraph alone.

    2. express, emptied and annihilated; to lie in the dust, and to be full of Christ alone; to love him with a holy and pure love; to trust in him; to live upon him; to serve and follow him; and to be perfectly sanctified and made pure, with a divine and heavenly purity

      Sheesh, keep it in your pants, Edwards. The sexual undertones in here are so noticeable and someone mentioned earlier than Edwards often has a hard time expressing his joy in the Lord. Maybe sexual pleasure is his way to express that.

    3. panted


    4. opening its bosom to receive the pleasant beams of the sun’s glory

      Ok, I'm going to go full Freud. This really screams "allusion to sexual intercourse" to me.

    5. ejaculatory prayer,

      I am aware of the use of this word in order to indicate sudden speech.


    6. longings

      I feel like i don't have to say it anymore...

    7. sweet, and gentle

      I'm going to be honest, it sounds like he is describing love-making.

    8. sweetly to represent the loveliness and beauty of Jesus Christ

      interesting choice of words to describe jesus

    9. self­righteous pleasure;

      Trying so hard not to see this as a euphemism for sexual awakening but its so difficult

    10. awakening

      I feel like I need to look at the many meanings of this word.

    1. This Rampant Hag

      Wow. Ok, way to keep your opinion out of it, Mathers.

    2. One Lacy, who likewise confessed her share in this Witchcraft, now testify’d, that she and the prisoner were once Bodily present at a Witch-meeting in Salem Village;

      It's interesting that these people don't get in trouble for admitting this sort of thing...

    3. greatly swollen, and very painful; as also part of her Face; whereof she can give no account how[Pg 158] it came

      It's like they're using witchery to explain medical oddities.

    4. lost his Cattle, by strange Deaths, whereof no natural causes could be given.

      This is pretty stupid. Animals die for unknown reasons all the time. It's not like there was comprehensive veterinarian education around, either.

    5. He was brought unto Death’s Door

      So Abbott claimed that Carrier gave him witchy boils because she was angry at him...

    6. Gallons of Corruption

      Gallons. Of. CORRUPTION. Am I really, truly, seeing this phrase with my own eyes?

    1. Opinion in these Matters

      So he is promising that it will be objective...

    2. whole PLOT of the Devil, against New-England,

      After reading DeRosa's article about the dramatization of the Salem Witch Trials, it seems like history dramatized it for us....

    3. And because I was concern’d, when I saw that no abler Hand emitted any Essays to engage the Minds of this People

      What I am getting out of this is that no one else has written about what has happened so he wants to

    4. Time of the Devils

      Time of the Devils... sounds like a YA novel

    1. Dan­vers gets posi­tioned, against Salem, as the free, unmarked, real site of the trials…and this keeps the tourists away

      Raises the question of what drives tourism

    2. free to enter

      doesn't have that tinge of capitalism

    3. Though most tourists would get a thrill from stand­ing in the exact place that Sarah Osborne once lived, the promise of this thrill is not strong enough to over­come the promises that Salem can make. By script­ing and then stag­ing his­tory, Salem can pro­duce an authen­tic­ity that Dan­vers fails to pro­vide.

      Entertainment and theatrics has become more interesting than experiencing historically accurate locations.