11 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2016
    1. We also need to recognize the risks of blogging/tweeting, which include opening avenues for abuse. We should not be throwing students into the public domain to discuss sensitive topics without having conversations with them on what they might face and which of these risks they are willing to take, how they would handle it, and how they might support each other. Then we should give them a private option if they so choose.

      Often times, the idea that tweeting and blogging are so public is overlooked. When encouraging students to use these public areas, it is important to remind them of the different possible outcomes. Yes, they may be able to voice their opinion with no repercussions, but there is a chance that their opinions may be argued and it is important that they know how to properly handle a situation such as this. By making these possibilities clear, student online experience can be enhanced by a significant amount. This also allows for a safer user experience and can prevent students from putting information out into the open that they may regret later on.

  2. Oct 2016
    1. Affordance Description ExamplesAnonymity Information about the identity of interactionpartners may be partially or completelyhidden.Anonymous remailers;pseudonymsRestrictedmodalityCommunication may not have the fullrichness and nuance of face-to-facecommunication.Text-only for email messages;voice-only for voice mail; nosmell in video conferencingAccess controls Some people may be prevented fromreading or writing information or interactingwith certain people or services.Password-restricted areas onWeb sites; firewalls;moderated email lists

      By restricting information flows, there are affordances that someone could be able to gain. By allowing for anonymity, people can work without the risk of their identities being put out into the public eye. Although this can hold some drawbacks, there are many pros to this. The author even mentions that this can allow people to "take productive risks" (Resnick). However, a potential risk of this is restricted modality and access controls, which can prevent the full experience of an in person conversation from existing. Although there can be good sides to restricted information flow, do the cons heavily out-weigh the pros? The sociotechnical capital may not be enough to allow for proper productivity to exist in the technical world yet and we may need to allow for a better user experience.

    1. They focused on two kinds of students. The “thrivers” were those who did much better in college than their high school grades would have predicted. The “divers” were those who did much worse. Mostly, these students were neither superstars in high school nor delinquents — they all got fairly good, respectable grades. But upon arriving at college, the thrivers averaged A's, while the divers averaged F's.

      In the article “Why students who do well in high school bomb in college,” by Jeff Guo, he discusses why high school students do so well in high school, but once entering into college they end up bombing it. The article discusses predictions on how college students can work hard to succeed. Studying and having personality traits that are positive help obtain success. Hard work and determination are needed to succeed in college and many students lack these qualities. Often times, it is the students who only apply minimal effort to their school work that have the least satisfactory grades and test scores. Perhaps the issue is that in high school, the curriculum and hours of study needed are much less invasive than that necessary for college. Students who have always been at the top of their high school find it much harder to adapt and reestablish themselves in the larger college setting, filled with new competitors and an often times an intimidating new environment. Because college can be so much different from the high school environment, what truly sets the “thrivers” from the “divers” is their basic ability to adapt their mindset to the new challenges that accompany college success. As the article states, although personality traits are only correlations to these two, this can tie into the idea that personal motivation and other factors can contribute to the overall success of a student. The article does, however, state that personality traits such as, agreeableness, openness to new ideas, and emotional stability does not determine if a student falls under the category thrivers or divers but instead it determines their work study habits.

    1. My rule of thumb is that on average at least 4 people should speak in between every time I say something substantive (as opposed to just calling on another student), and as long as I keep to that, discussion goes well.

      It is important for the teacher/professor to allow the students to guide the conversation to a certain point. By allowing students to get their creative opinions out into the open, it is often more likely for their peers to respond. I have found this applicable in my own personal experience.

    1. But the students were – and my current students are – like me in one way – a way that I didn’t really understand that I was like them. They need to talk in order to learn. They need to hear the words coming out of their mouths, practice making arguments, giving reasons, and hearing reasons from others to whom they do not feel an immediate inclination to defer (i.e. not just me).

      By talking about the content in a class, students are often able to better comprehend and interpret information presented to them. By having classroom discussions, students typically become more engaged with the material. Even if they are not the top contributor to the discussion, it can be beneficial for the listener to hear what their peers and teacher have to say about a topic. The point that the author is trying to make here is that students who speak about the material are more likely to have a better understanding of it.

  3. Sep 2016
    1. As with all debates on 'what is history?', most viewpoints are partially valid, few entirely convincing

      There are many different versions and claims as to what is history, but in most cases there will always be someone who disagrees with an idea. Most of us can understand an idea to a certain extent but eventually find fault with the same idea or viewpoint down the line. We see examples of this all the time, and it is extremely common for there to be two or more sides to every historical story. Because of this, people are often skeptical and never fully convinced of the possibility of any idea regarding history other than their original view.

    1. There is no necessary connection between moving beyond the credit hour and weakening the American academy. As noted above, already too many traditional institutions rely on adjunct labor.

      It is hard to judge how well someone is learning based on how long they spend in school. There are many more factors to education than just "seat time". Some people need minimal school and study time to comprehend a subject, while others can go to class every day and study for hours and still do poorly in the class. Factors such as how well a teacher teaches their material, how well a student initially comprehends the material, etc., all play vital roles in the American academy and less emphasis should be put on the idea of the carnegie unit. Although I personally believe the carnegie unit to be a good unit of time for my own academic success, this could apply differently to everyone.

    1. This evolution is causing two problems. First, both the industrial and information economy models of education are being imposed on our educational institutions at the same time. At the moment, the effect is more apparent in our schools than colleges, but higher education can expect to face the same challenges.

      I feel that this truly does apply to general education, such as high school. Schools usually follow a specific time schedule that has been in place for years, yet somehow expect to fit more information into the curriculum than ever before. In my own personal experience, it was not uncommon to have a teacher skip a chapter of a textbook or a lesson because we "didn't have time" to go over it. By keeping schools on a very specific calendar such as that, it will be hard to keep improving education to its fullest extent.

    1. When I use the term “multitasking,” I refer to an attempt by individuals to engage in several tasks in rapid linear succession (rather than simultaneously) where at least one of the tasks is a conceptual learning activity.

      I agree with the author that this is a key point to the term multitasking. By being able to continually learn new information every day for long periods of time, it is truly amazing what our brains can accomplish. Being able to go from one class in a day to another that teaches a completely different subject yet being able to keep the information separate from one another is far more significant than being able to run and listen to music at the same time.

    2. In that context, it denotes the ability of a microprocessor (the “brain” of a computer) to process several tasks simultaneously

      The human brain is the best example of a computer because it can process thousands of pieces of information at once.

    3. Our hipper, more progressive (and perhaps younger) colleagues brag about their prowess at juggling many tasks simultaneously

      Younger generations have been able to adjust to doing more tasks at one time than generations before us, most likely due to the invention of social media.