763 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2023
    1. sC = s·C                 = s∧C

      This cannot be true, because s^C = (sC -Cs)/2 by definition 6. = (sC-sC)/2 = 0 because scalars commute with anything,

      I'm guessing definnition 6 doesn't actually apply to scalars?

    2. It is easy to calculate the geometric product: AB = 1 + γ1γ4 + γ2γ3 +  γ1 γ2 γ3 γ4

      That's not what I get. I expanded B and A out in terms of the definition 6, and then took the product. There's no obvious way to get the constant term.

    3. We make a point of keeping things non-chiral, to the extent possible, because it tells us something about the symmetry of the fundamental laws of physics, as discussed in reference 3.

      Note, this section about front or back of the bivector indicating chirality seems to contradict this statement from the reference:

      "If you have an area that is marked on one side but not circulating, it is not chiral. And if you have an area with circulation, but neither side is marked, it is not chiral. " -Reference 3

    4. The paintbrush picture is a little dodgy in the case where C is a scalar

      What about where C is a trivector, while we are in 3 dimensions?

      or is the grade restricted to the number of dimensions?

    5. Suppose P, Q, and R are grade=1 vectors. Then P ∧ (Q·R) is simple. It’s just a vector parallel to P, magnified by the scalar quantity (Q · R).

      No, then Q dot R would be a scalar. And a vector wedge scalar is 0.

    6. |p−q| to p+q inclusive (counting by twos)

      Why counting by twos? And why these bounds? as in, why the bound |p-q|? The upper bound just comes from the product of two things has the grade of the sum of grades.

    7. 2.15  More About the Geometric Product

      Go back to 2.10 once you get here, so that 2.10 makes sense

    8. w define the wedge product between any blade and any blade.

      Doesn't work if R is a scalar, because then P^Q^R isn't given by equation 15.

      This is ok, because we can compute Q^R = 0 first.

    9. P∧Q∧R := 1  6 (PQR + QRP + RPQ − RQP − QPR − PRQ)

      Note, this is not equivalent to P^(Q^R) which is 1/4 (PQR + RQP - PRQ - QRP)

      This is because P^(Q^R) is not yet defined, because Q^R would be a bivector if Q and R are vectors.

      If either Q or R were a scalar, then Q^R = 0, so this would be defined, and the answer would be 0.

    10. P∧(Q∧R) := P∧Q∧R

      Note that P^(Q^R) wasn't defined before, because Q^R is a bivector, if Q and R are vectors.

    11. blade is defined to be any scalar, any vector, or the wedge product of any number of vectors.

      What's the motivation for this definition? Also, that could be a clif of arbitrarily large grade, given the definition for the wedge product of r vectors (equation 15).

      Why is it about the wedge product of some number of vectors? Why not make just make it the about the product?

    12. vector,   bivector,   trivector, ⋯,  multivector

      The point being that a clif (or bad terminology "multivector") includes more than just vectors, bivectors, trivectors, and other blades.

    13. vector,   bivector,   trivector, ⋯,  blade

      The statement here being that vectors, bivectors etc are all types of blades.

    14. quantity γ0 γ1 + γ2 γ3

      where the gammas are vectors.

    15. It is necessarily either a blade or the sum of blades, all of the same grade.

      Not obvious why this is the case? that means that it would be homogenous if I add a scalar to a vector, because both are blades.

      The first example given contradicts this. My error is that scalars and vectors are not of the same grade.

    16. PQ = −QP = P∧Q     iff P ⊥ Q

      This derivation goes as PQ = 0+P^Q = -P^Q = -QP

    17. grade≤1

      typo? I presume that grade >=1.

    18. A bivector can be visualized as a patch of flat surface, which has area and orientation

      Does this mean one side of the surface is marked? or that a circulation is marked?

    19. We add bivectors edge-to-edge,

      Does this mean you can rescale the shape of the bivectors, keeping the area constant?

    1. the fol-lowing symmetries:

      What is Lambda here?

    2. The statevariables are divided into two groups.

      This demarkation seems random. How is one to know which group the variable belongs in? With quadratic MOKE, certain elements of the permitivity tensor are assumed to be even and odd in magnetization, citing the onsager relations.

    3. and it would haveled to ~xxfs ¼ 0

      Why would Lorentz reciprocity lead to this?

    4. free energy being a perfect differential, and be-cause the constitutive relations (47) do not involveconvolution integrals

      Why is the free energy a perfect differential? And how does this transpose equation follow?

    5. prospects of obser-ving a magnetic monopole are rather remote [38, 39],for now it is appropriate to regard the Tellegen med-ium as chimerical

      What does monopole have to do with a tellegen medium?

    6. Hence, non-zero va-lues of BðwÞ of actual materials are not know

      Really?! It's on wikipedia?

    7. h magnetoelectric tensors arecommonplace. Typically, such properties are exhibitedat low frequencies and low temperatures.

      So, not the magneto optics in SAGNAC

    8. The constitutive functions must be characterized aspiecewise uniform

      Why uniform? Why can't it be smoothly varying?

    9. Physically, this constraint arises from the follow-ing two considerations:

      How did these considerations come into the previous derivation of the post constraint?

    10. generalized duality transformation


    11. reciprocity constraint. But it is not, because itdoes not impose any transpose-symmetry requirementson ~ee, ~aa, ~bb and ~nn

      Ah, this is what a reciprocity is.

    12. D x; tð Þ ¼ e0 ~EE x; tð Þ þ ~PP x; tð Þ ; ð15Þ~HH x; tð Þ ¼ m10 ~BB x; tð Þ  ~MM x; tð Þ

      I remember Jackson had an infinite series of terms here. Are both rigorous options?

      It feels like P and M should cover everything?

    13. Both ~PP x; tð Þ and ~MM x; tð Þ are nonunique to the extentthat they can be replaced by ~PP x; tð Þ  r  ~AA x; tð Þ and~MM x; tð Þ þ ð@=@tÞ ~AA x; tð Þ, respectively, in (12) and (13)without affecting the left sides of either equation.

      This is what the issue is with what is a magnet.

    14. r  ~MM x; tð Þ

      Where does current = Curl of M come from?

    15. Actually, only spatialaveraging is necessary [6], because it implies temporalaveraging due to the finite magnitude of the universalmaximum speed e0m0ð Þ

      How does that follow?

    16. he constitutive parameters satisfy the On-sager relations

      Don't see how this follows.

    17. deviation S of theentropy from its equilibrium value as the quadratic expres-sion [7]

      Also not obvious to me. May need to look at reference 7

    18. ndicates averaging over time t

      This relationship should hold true for any particular time right? not just when you average over time?

    19. variables are supposed to be odd with respect to are-versal of velocities of the microscopic particles constitutingthe linear medium; in other words

      Not obvious to me how the statement of averaging relates to the oddness of the reversal of velocities.

    1. . In crystals and molecular systems,magnetoelectricity – a phenomenon with local coexistence of electric and magnetic moments – takesplace when space inversion is locally broken [8].

      What!? Why is this?

    2. The cross-polarization matrices in constitutive relations of bianisotropic media are, in fact,pseudotensors

      Presuming these are the matricies relating H to P for example? Why are they pseudo tensors?

    3. e cross-polarization coupling vanishes in the long-wavelength limit

      Why is that? And what is cross polarization coupling? is that Ex couples to Ey? or Ex couples to Hy?

  2. Apr 2023
    1. the trailing-shield head invented by Michael Mallary. This head offered higher field gradients

      How does it work? It seems like the trailing sheild would cause the magnetic field lines to be less perpendicular, and hence less effective. Maybe it's because the increase in field strength outweighs the decrease in perpendicular projection.

    2. control the level of exchange-coupling between grains

      I assume they mean to reduce the exchange coupling.

    3. oxide-segregant exchange-break between grains

      What's that?

    4. uniaxial anisotropy constant Ku, which in turn is higher for a material with a higher magnetic coercivity

      What is the exact relationship between the two?

    5. Perpendicular recording uses higher coercivity materials because the head's write field penetrates the medium more efficiently in the perpendicular geometry.

      If the reason for PMA being better is simply that the write head is better, then there would be no advantage for out of plane spin torques.

    6. superparamagnetic limit

      In what way is this a limit?

    7. Hard disk technology with longitudinal recording has an estimated limit of 100 to 200 gigabit per square inch (16 to 31 Gb/cm2) due to the superparamagnetic effect, though this estimate is constantly changing.

      How does this follow from the superparamagnetic effect?

    1. 19

      reference 19 seems to have nothing about the sample matrix.

    2. We measure thesaturation magnetization of our Py layers using vibrating sample magnetometry

      How does that tell you the saturation?


    1. Surface magneto-optic Kerr effect

      There appears to be one other paper with the same name.


    1. Comparison of themeasured out-of-plane Oersted field with a finite-elementcalculation of th

      How did they use this comparison?

    2. As expected, we find that theout-of-plane Oersted field is antisymmetric about the centerof the wire, and the equivalent spin-orbit field is approxi-mately constant across the wire width

      What do they mean by find that? Isn't it according to there definaition oersted = antisymetficf part? Like how do they find that that's true?

    3. expected change in the Kerr rotation signal isDwðmÞ ¼ aPolarDhM þ bQuadratic cos 2/polD/M: (5)A derivation of this result using a Jones-matrix calculation isgiven in the supplementary material

      Check that out.

    4. quarter wave plate (labeled QWP-1) to compensate a slightbirefringence of the beam splitter

      Need to think about how they calibrate that.

    5. mode-locked Ti:Sapphire laser working at 780 nm centerwavelength.

      Why bother with ultrafast?

    6. (4)

      Go through this derivation

    7. Ms is much larger than any of the other field terms

      Assuming Ms is the saturation magnetization. Not sure what they mean by comparison to the "other field terms" ?

    8. Permalloy, the in-plane anisotropy is negligible

      Answers your previous question.

    9. This is replaced by a quarterwave plate QWP-2 for detecting the current-induced in-plane magnetizationrotation.

      I thought it would be both a half wave plate and a quarter wave plate, based on our apparatus.

      The output of our sagnac is linear, with some osculations, so that means we could just put a HWP after our QWP, and then we'd be able to sweep the rotation angle.

    10. esulting from two orthogonal effec-tive-magnetic-field components h y0 and hz

      This is assuming field like torques?

    11. We initially align themagnetization along the x0 direction using an external field

      Does that imply that the permaloy is easy axis in plane isotropic?

    12. in-plane AC current, Iac cos xt, at 1013 Hz with Iac ¼ 10 mA

      Seems very low frequency. Do we use frequencies this low?

      Also the current is high.

    13. MOKE is analogous to the anomalous Hall effect (/ m z),while the quadratic MOKE is the analog of the planar Halleffect (/ m x m y).

      Wow, thats cool.

    14. intimate connection between the permittivity tensor andthe conductivity tensor in electromagnetism.

      What's the relationship?

    15. quadratic MOKE changes the polarization fromcircular to slightly elliptical (see supplementary material).

      not obvious to me. Will need to look at citation.

    16. rotation of the polarization angle due to the mag-netization can be written as 26wðmÞ ¼ aPolarmz þ bQuadraticmxmy þ    ;

      need to dive into this source to see where this equation came from.

      Also, I thought that quadratic moke would result in an elipticity of the light, not rotation.

    17. We verify the accu-racy of this method for measuring spin-orbit-induced torquesby studying a series of Pt/Permalloy (Ni81Fe19 ¼ Py) bilayers

      I presume they mean by comparison to STFMR.

    18. sensitiv-ity comparable to the techniques based on magnetotranspor

      I thought that optical methods were more sensitive. Is this paper about moke or sagnac moke?

    19. Recently, Montazeri et al. demonstrated the existenceof a quadratic MOKE response in the setup with normal lightincidence.

      This reference could be useful.

    20. nance (ST-FMR)6 can be used for metallic magnets with eitherperpendicular or in-plane anisotrop

      Oh... I thought all methods besides second harmonic hall were only for in plane.

    21. econd-harmonic Halleffect measurements work well for measuring torques actingon a metallic magnetic layer with perpendicular magneticanisotropy, but for magnets with in-plane anisotropy, the needto separate out thermally induced signals makes this techniquemore difficult to apply.

      Second harmonic hall for out of plane. It can do in-plane, but not well.

    22. nvolve current-induced torques arising from spin-orbitinteractions, either in heavy-metal (HM)/ferromagnet (FM)bilayers5,6,11,12 or topological insulator (TI)/FM bilayers

      Seems to imply that topological insulators can produce good spin orbit torques.

    23. inding values in excellent agreement with spin-torque ferromagnetic resonance measurements

      I thought there was a whole controversy about this?


    1. voids interference when sub-sequently overlapping forward- and backward-generatedpair contributions.

      Only for one of the photons in the pair that actually gets rotated.

    2. overlapped without interference, which effectivelytransfers the two-photon phase shift onto a single-photon state

      Not obvious how that's true

    3. wavelength-selective wave plate(WSWP),

      So, it filters, and it is a wave plate? Or, it is a wave plate of different retardation at different wavelengths?

    4. gh a periodically poled potassium titanyl phosphatenonlinear crystal (PPKTP

      What for?

    5. quantum imaging with undetected photons” [


    6. f “induced coherence without inducedemission” was introduced as an elegant way to create pho-tonic superposition states [35,36]


    7. nonlinear interferom-etry in SU(1,1)

      What's nonlinear about SU(1,1)?

    8. infers optical phase shifts through stan-dard intensity measurements while still maintaining the quantum advantage in the measurement precision

      Does that mean this can be done with a classical setup?

    9. Laser interferometry enables interaction-free sensing with a precision ultimately limited by shot noise

      I suppose that's the metric then to quantify how well we've made an interferometer.

    1. 6. J. F. Dillon, Jr.: in Physics of Magnetic Garnets, Proc. of International Schoolof Physics, Enrico Fermi, p. 379 (North-Holland Pub. Company 197

      Useful citation

    2. Onsager relations mean that the diagonal components of the dielectric tensorare even function of M, while the nondiagonal ones are odd function of M

      How does that follow?

    3. e(w) can be shown to have the following form [6],

      Hmm. They don't derive it. Lets examine source 6.

    4. crystal has a cubic symmetry, and e(w) = € · 1, where € is the dielectricpermeability of the material and 1 is a unit tensor.

      Why does cubic symmetry imply that the dielectric tensor is a scalar?

    5. where the magnetization is zero

      Presuming 0 field for the paramagnetic state.

    6. magnetic permeability tensorJL(w)onoptical phenomena is small, so we assume thatJL(w)= Jlol

      I remember hearing that elsewhere, but not sure why that would apply to a ferromagnet?

    7. e the magnetic domain structures inferromagnets(4

      Worth checking out this reference

    8. This is known asthenonreciprocal property of lightpropagation in ferromagnets.

      You should also be able to do this with a mirror and a quarter wave plate. the quarter wave plate would slow one axis of linearly polarized light, and again slow the same axis when the light passes back through the wave plate.

      The wave plate is reciprocal. What's special here?

    9. andtherelation between MO effects andthedielectric tensor,

      Great, that would explain the sample matrix in MOKE hopefully.

    10. Kerr rotation (KR) of "' 0.5°

      Can use this number to estimate the skin depth of the light penetrating through the matterial obeying the standard feromagnetic faraday rotation.

      amount of propagation distance 0.5 degrees / (10^{4 to 6} deg/cm) = 0.510^ -{4 to 6} cm = 0.510^ -{6 to 8} m

      depth = propagation distance/2 = 0.25 *10^ -{6 to 8} m = 2.5 to 250 nm

      makes me wonder if parts of the wave is going into the material to different depths, whether parts of the wave would pick up different Kerr rotations.

    11. FR in nonmagnets istoo small to be applied for devices

      Seems similar to how MOKE is more detectable in feromagnetic films, than anti ferromagnets (and paramagnets?)

    12. w = 18300cm-1

      funky units. I'd imagine that's supposed to be measured in time

    13. nonmagnets as well asferromagnets.

      transparent ferromagnets? Is the effect following a different functional form in the two?

    14. of anoma-lously large Faraday rotation due to diamagnetic bismuth ions in ferrimagnetic gar-nets,

      Wonder if this is what is used for commercial Faraday rotators?

    15. "Modern Magneto-Optics and Magneto-Optical Materials" by A.K. Zvezdinand V.A. Kotov

      reminder to check that book out from the library.

    16. 8 discusses "photo-induced magnetism", which is completely differentfrom "photo-thermal magnetism" used in an optical magnetic memory de-vice.

      Should look at that later

    17. In Chap. 5,after introducing a phenomenological theory of the Faraday and Kerr effects,we present a microscopic theory based on the ligand-field theory and discussthe future developments.

      That's exactly what I need.


    1. Due to spin-orbit coupling, undoped GaAs single crystal exhibits much larger Faraday rotation than glass (SiO2).


    1. gyration vector,

      not obvious how?

    2. anisotropic permittivity,

      isn't this an inverse problem?

    3. orthogonal velocity components,

      What orthogonal velocity components? MCD? MOKE? ...

    4. known as the Cotton-Mouton effect and used for a Circulator.

      how is it used in a circulator?

    5. Then, if we let g lie in the z direction for simplicity, the ε tensor simplifies to the form:

      Ah, this was in the other paper, and the magneto optics book, without justification.

    6. can obtain a nonlinear optical effect of magneto-optical parametric generation (somewhat analogous to a Pockels effect whose strength is controlled by the applied magnetic field).

      Wild. Something to look into later.

    7. resulting principal axes become complex as well, corresponding to elliptically-polarized light where left- and right-rotating polarizations

      Seems to be the connection between permittivity and the reflectivity matrix

    8. losses can be neglected, ε is a Hermitian matrix.

      Said again. Does that imply no MCD?

    9. depending on the frequency ω of incident light.

      reason for frequency dependence of the MOKE signal.

    10. with reversed rotation directions of the two principal polarizations, corresponding to complex-conjugate ε tensors for lossless media, are called optical isomers.

      Trying to disentangle this. What do they mean by reversed rotation of the two principal axes?

    11. s well as Lorentz reciprocity, which is a necessary condition to construct devices such as optical isolators (through which light passes in one direction but not the other).

      Not sure how this stacks up against the wave plate argument you have.

    12. quasistatic magnetic field.

      Explicit assumption

    1. y inverting the Laplacian

      Wasn't aware that one could do this.

    2. evaluated at the vector difference x − x′

      not immediately obvious how this vector difference came about.

    3. kk/k2 = ˆkˆk

      This is I assume means that the k on the right is used to dot product whatever it right multiplies with, while the k on the left then gives direction. khat (khat dot ___) where __ is what this operator is acting on

    1. since we areinterested in the optical wavelength region.16

      same assumption the magneto optics book makes, except this time with a citation.

      Does not agree with the wikipedia page

    2. wherethe multiple reflections could be ignored

      Which multiple reflections?

    3. The MOKE,fundamentally related to the spin-polarized electronic bandstructure, is manifested itself by the change of polarizationand/or intensity of incident polarized light when it is re-flected from the surface of a magnetized medium

      Wow. That was explicit

    1. d-wave ratherthan conventional s-wave symmetry

      What are these?


    1. During that time he deployed it in crucial experiments involving polarization, birefringence, and optical rotation,[3][4][5] all of which contributed to the eventual acceptance of his transverse-wave theory of light.

      That's crazy that that's how the transverse theory of light came about.

    1. k-linear

      Which K vector?

    2. Optical injection provides a local dc source ofpolarized electrons

      Why does optical make the electrons polarized and DC?

    1. However, no two-dimensional crystal with intrinsic magnetismhas yet been discovered 10–14

      No intrinsic magnetism!!


    1. systematic way to distinguish between them in

      Between densities and currents of spin?

    2. are closely related

      tautological, right?

    3. distinctionbetween intrinsic and extrinsic contributions to the spin current is not useful


    1. optically created spin polarization.

      Where did the optical part come in?

    2. transform differently

      ? Which transform?

    3. double groups

      What's a double group?

    4. lacks a pedagogical derivation of the mechanisms leading tospin scattering in monolayer

      Seriously? What about in Bulk?

    5. with often contrastingresults


    6. heavy tran-sition metal atoms in the lattice

      What's the relationship between heavy metals and strong spin orbit coupling?

    7. valley

      What is valley degree of freedom?

    1. N TOR

      Just a test


    1. flow in the x-direction of spins polarized along y is transformed to a flow in the y-direction of spins polarized along x.

      Why does this happen?

    1. e magnetization field or M-field can be defined according to the following equation: M = d m d V {\displaystyle \mathbf {M} ={\frac {\mathrm {d} \mathbf {m} }{\mathrm {d} V}}}

      This equation \(\bm{M} = d\bm{m}/dV\) is rather bizarre. How do you take a derivative with respect to a volume?

      This makes sense if you take the definition of m as an indefinite integral, rather than an integral evaluated over all space.

      In that context, m is a function of the volume you have included so far. This makes the derivative make sense, because as you include more volume, the derivative is how much the total magnetization increases by.

    1. t the magnetization tries to reduce the poles as much as possible

      Justification probably being that the like poles repel each other, and like poles attract and annihilate.

  3. Mar 2023
    1. spectral decomposition

      links to eigenvalues, but I wonder if this really should be spectral decomposition as in frequency spectrum.

    1. line through the middle of a stationary process then it should be flat; it may have 'seasonal' cycles, but o

      Doesn't that break the definition? The definition was that the probability distribution did not change with time.

    1. rence is represented as a Gaussian function expressed as[13]

      Not sure where this comes from. Citation does not appear to have this equation

    2. he former being an equivalent to the coherence length of the light source

      Would it be better to just use white light, rather than a SLED then? Or does that cause to thin of a cross section, and too little signal?

    3. ut scattering is too small to be detected. No special preparation of a biological specimen is required, and images can be obtained ‘non-contact’ or through a transparent window or membrane. It is also important to note that the laser output from the instruments used is low – eye-safe near-infrared or visible-light[29]

      Too little light to be detected, yet the light intensity is low. Can you penetrate deeper with just a stronger beam?

    1. capture a broad band of light and focus it into each pinhole significantly increasing the amount of light directed into each pinhole and reducing the amount of light blocked by the spinning-disk.

      How does this not defeat the purpose of the pinhole blocking unwanted light?

  4. Feb 2023
    1. the energies of the bands near the surface are often pinned to the Fermi level, due to the influence of surface states.[

      Not sure why this is the case.

  5. Oct 2022
    1. Ea and Eb each incident at one of the inputs

      Are these polarization states? Or spatial modes on the 2 sides of the splitter?

    1. A classical prediction of the intensities of the output beams for the same beam splitter and identical coherent input

      can we do that experiment then on the macro scale? 2 laser beams converge on a beam splitter, and we get 2 beams out?

    2. This is required by the reversibility (or unitarity of the quantum evolution) of the beam splitter.

      Not obvious to me why this is the case.

  6. Jul 2022
    1. is misleading in that only a tiny fraction of spins ever have transverse phase coherence.

      What about this picture implies that?

    1. gives rise to polarization effects

      Interesting that Raman causes polarization.

    2. n a particle, causing them to move at the same frequency. The particle, therefore, becomes a small radiating dipole whose radiation we see as scattered light. The particles may be individual atoms or molecules; it can occur when light travels through transparent solids and liquids, but is most prominently seen in

      This sounds a bit like the Huygens principle, however, unlike Huygens, it results in scatting of light. What is fundamentally different?

    1. "circular" current through the disc

      how does one measure this?

    1. electric stirring effect

      What is this?

    2. the emitted light

      why would light be emitted?

    3. swapping

      What mean by this? As in one should always produce the other, or that there is a specific circumstance where this is the case.

    4. combined action of the direct and inverse spin Hall effect

      So both would happen at once? Why is that?

    5. coupling parameter ʏ

      how so? shouldn't it be a matrix, not a scalar parameter?

    6. the relative motion between the magnetic moment (associated to the spin) and the electric field creates a coupling that distorts the motion of the electrons.

      does this happen classically? Which direction would a bar magnet get pushed if it moves through a uniform magnetic field?

    7. Two possible mechanisms

      as in we still don't know? or that it is sample dependent?

    8. In 1983 Averkiev and Dyakonov[3] proposed a way to measure the inverse spin Hall effect under optical spin orientation in semiconductors.

      inverse implies that there is a normal direction to the spin hall effect. Is the normal direction the same a s the classical b field direction?

    1. they both lie in the plane "transverse"

      true by def of poynting vector

    2. H is determined from E by 90-degree rotation and a fixed multiplier

      Not true in general. Requires the stated assumptions.