- Mar 2019
the-esa.esarecovery.org the-esa.esarecovery.org
Because "conservation" is synonymous with "recovery" for listed species, its use here must be understood as areas outside the range at time of listing needed for recovery, not mere survival of the species.
Because "conservation" is synonymous with "recovery" for listed species, its use here must be understood as areas needed for recovery, not mere survival of the species.
- Jan 2019
the-esa.esarecovery.org the-esa.esarecovery.org
a significant portion of its range
This is really a key phrase that may be under-appreciated by many. "Significant" could mean quantitatively significant, which is how I typically see the question addressed, e.g., "Loss of a species through 1/4 of its range is significant." But it could mean something like an ecologically significant portion of its range, such as the presence of a species in an ecosystem. Congress could have meant both (and other) interpretations...I think it is likely, in part because part of the purpose of the Act is to protect the ecosystems of T&E species.
- Nov 2018
the-esa.esarecovery.org the-esa.esarecovery.org
The Secretary shall establish, and publish in the Federal Register, agency guidelines to insure that the purposes of this section
Does this mean that all agency guidance that touches on section 4 components, from listing to CH to 5-year review, must go through public comment? Is there a de minimus standard for the size/scope of guidance?
See also the implementing regulations in 50 CFR 424.
following factors
Generally referred to as the "five factors" or the "five threat factors."
the-esa.esarecovery.org the-esa.esarecovery.org
See also the section 7 regulations in 50 CFR 402.
best scientific and commercial data available
As is spread throughout the Act, best available scientific and commercial data are a cornerstone of decision-making.
the-esa.esarecovery.org the-esa.esarecovery.org
75 percent
This was originally 66% (or 2/3), but was increased with the 1982 amendments. See the bottom this page for the reference.
- Mar 2018
esadocs.cci-dev.org esadocs.cci-dev.org
One of how many species that might remain listed in perpetuity. I wonder how FWS will be handing delisting criteria of this and similar species...
- Sep 2017
esadocs.cci-dev.org esadocs.cci-dev.org
he applicants for both projects and the Service have entered in a Conservation Memorandum of Agreement (CMOA) regarding the Indiana bat. This CMOA authorizes take of Indiana bats associated with the proposed projects through the Service's January 3, 2011 intra-Service biological opinion on the Service's CMOA process.
What is this? How is this CMOA authorized? I don't understand...
- Aug 2017
esadocs.cci-dev.org esadocs.cci-dev.org
Table 2. Threats to Phyllostegia parvifloraand ongoing conservation efforts.
This is a good table...wish all 5y reviews had such a nice, concise summary.
- Jun 2017
esadocs.cci-dev.org esadocs.cci-dev.org
Blackside dace recovery units (sub-basins) identified in the species’ recovery plan (USFWS 1988).
Oh dear! Recovery units in the review...but they are not identified as such in the recovery plan. Excepting the SMCRA consultation that absolves most potential for regulation, these recovery units could probably have a significant effect on JAM analysis.
- Apr 2017
chemydwp.cci-dev.org chemydwp.cci-dev.org
It is clear that the question of species status must ultimately be resolved by taking into account morphometric, genetic and behavioral aspects.
And should probably be resolved by a taxonomic authority, not FWS/NMFS.
East Pacific green turtle is distinguished from the green turtle mainly by size, coloration and carapace shape
Would be great to have one or more photos for comparison.
Thus, the mean observed discrepancy of 221 fatalities per year could equate to either mitigation paid for , or the unexpected take of an adidtional 1100 eagles before models are updated
And this is for just one site...hundreds of eagles per site with who knows how many sites...that's huge.
LAP area
What is LAP?
Also of note, I think the fatality rates in the charts above would likely exceed the 1% threshold...BAEA continental pop size is ~15,000 IIRC, so almost certain that the sum of fatalities for BAEA is >150.
Increased survey effort reduced the influence of prior distributions of exposure probability on estimates of fatalities, resulting in less discrepacy between predictions obtained using priors and those obtained using site survey data only.
This is a really useful conclusion. I haven't thought long enough about it, but want to make sure there is nothing tautological in the conclusion...
Greater Survey Effort Reduces Effect of Priors
This is a great section
Under or Over Prediction Depends on Mean of Prior Distribution
There's a bunch of weirdness going on here...once fig numbers, legends, and prose all aligned I think it will make more sense.
Discrepancy between Bayesian and site-specific estimates of eagle fatalities, as a function of distance between the observed and prior mean of exposure rate. Values were generated from simulated data. A z-score of zero equates to an observed exposure rate equal to the mean of the exposure prior.
It's unclear what this plot is showing. What are all of the variables at play? This could be a place where telling the reader what they should see in the figure legend is really helpful.
larger circles
So circle size is proportional to survey effort?
Bay et al. (2016)
If possible, should probably keep axis label alignment consistent among all the plots, probably center-aligned.
To investigate
I think that this section will need more introduction using non-technical terms. Why is understanding the effect of prior information important? What aspects of the priors are we interested in? In non-tech terms, how were the simulations run; were there other options? Some of this is covered in the Methods, but could be touched on here because the Methods are so far off.
Under or Over Prediction
Under- or Over-prediction
Figure 3
Figure 5? (See also note that Fig 4 is skipped).
Figure 5.
Missing Figure 4.
Figure 2.
This is a great figure! The leading paragraph has a lot of what might go better in the caption, e.g., "Generally, combining the consistent prior (purple) with observed eagle data (green) results in a more conservative estimate of expected eagle exposure (yellow) than the raw data would suggest. In a few cases..."
created a dataset
This is an example of where keeping the code in-line, but folded by default, could be really useful...
Primary Takeaways
Would avoid "primary" with a plural...primary indicates one at the top.
Thus we calculate the as -2.25581310^{4} + 2306.4 * Risk Area + -2.61 * (Risk Area) 2.
There's a typo in the equation and the sentence is missing something...
Is this the mean of the prior collision rate dist? If so, might put the val in the preceding paragraph for clarity (esp. important for the non-science folks).
hr km3
The cube makes sense, but where does the height come from? I see the 0.2km below, but does that represent turbine height? Turbine height + buffer? If turbine height, then doesn't that vary by farm, effectively changing the volume surveyed and shifting the prior?
Unless it interferes with MathJax, might use css of
for this equation. -
Michael Evans, Defenders of Wildlife
We (ESC/CCI) should discuss how to attribute these...had names previously, but started to use just "DEfenders of Wildlife" after a bit for some reason. One option is to use author(s) names if we're archiving the projects and getting a DOI, otherwise use DoW. Or maybe we use author and DOI regardless! Open to suggestions.
analysis or working paper...I don't know where the line is between these two options...
This is the old navbar layout (split icons and text across different sides)...the section 7 "take" analysis repo has the newer layout, https://github.com/jacob-ogre/section7_take/blob/master/vignettes/_site.yml
221 eagles
Another great figure.
Wait...we're talking several hundreds or more eagles estimated to be taken per year at just these sites? That's huge! And I wonder what wind developers think of regulation that puts the estimated take that may be 5x higher than no-prior estimates?
Bay et al. (2016)
This link is pointing to Leah Gerber's PNAS paper...change also below...
I suspect that a lot of people who do policy will not see how this is a demonstration...might need to ponder efficient ways to prove additional info. Think we probably want to take the "tell the reader the conclusion rather than describing the plot" approach.
For example, "A possible Bayesian eagle fatality model output (distribution of probabilities in gray) may indicate an average of five eagles will be killed (orange line). To err on the side of conservation, the Fish and Wildlife Service uses the 80th percentile of this posterior distribution (green line) in making permitting decisions. Note that this distribution is for illustration purposes, and does not apply to any real site."
as this parameter
In this paper,
risk areas
Is there utility in highlighting key words/phrases such as risk areas?
Might move this sentence to the end of the first paragraph. Also consider reversing the clauses (i.e., "Because estimates...").
We use
Can split this sentence up to make it more readable.
- Mar 2017
esadocs.cci-dev.org esadocs.cci-dev.org
Status and distribution
This is a rather different picture of the species' status since the last 5-year review. And it's generally better!
loss of approximately 11,760 individual watercress darters
This seemed to drive a lot of the last 5-year review...
esadocs.cci-dev.org esadocs.cci-dev.org
often they protractthe consultation process for years.
If by "often" you mean that <2% of all consultations run longer than the 135-day limit. And only 110 consultations in TAILS have a duration longer than two years, so ~0.1% of consultations take "years" (and we know some of these are reinitiations from old dates, i.e., not actual multi-year consultations).
anyfederalaction, or private action with a federal nexus (such as permits orfunding), must “consult”
Of course, consultation may include nothing more than "technical assistance," which may be a precursor to formal or informal consultation, or may preclude any further consultation.
daily.jstor.org daily.jstor.org
But all amphibians must breed in water.
That is simply not true. Species making up the majority of salamander taxa (Plethodontidae) do not breed in water. Frogs ranging from the barking frog in the American Southwest to mouth brooding frogs to all or most glass frogs (Centrolenidae) do not breed in water.
esadocs.cci-dev.org esadocs.cci-dev.org
Different start date recorded in TAILS
www.eenews.net www.eenews.net
scholar Myron Ebell
Scholar? Not even CEI's website identifies him as a scholar...
although President Trump wants to cut the agency's $8.2 billion spending by about a quarter to help increase defense spending.
Interesting way to put it...I might have written, "although President Trump wants to cut the agency's $8.2 billion spending by about a quarter to kick environmental advocates in the teeth." The excuse of 'to help increase defense spending' is just a 2-for-1 ploy that works exceptionally well with the President's base.
esadocs.cci-dev.org esadocs.cci-dev.org
But not Indiana Jones...an artifact of PDF text extraction.
- Feb 2017
esadocs.cci-dev.org esadocs.cci-dev.org
That's a lot of authorized take! ITP should be over now, how many tortoises were taken? How many authorized since 1996 in Virgin River RU? What is the status of Virgin River RU tortoise pop?
esadocs.cci-dev.org esadocs.cci-dev.org
AZGFD developed a draft Sonora chub monitoring plan and the CNF has proposed a linear habitat sampling protocol for Sycamore Canyon in 1993. Neither protocol has been finalized as of 2012.
Wow. 19 years and the agencies can't finalize their monitoring protocol. Impressive.
esadocs.cci-dev.org esadocs.cci-dev.org
Draft Biological Opinion for the San Bernardino National Wildlife Refuge AsianTapeworm Eradication
Would that it was ever undertaken...alas, it was not.
esadocs.cci-dev.org esadocs.cci-dev.org
On May 4, 2004, the Center for Biological Diversity petitioned the Service to list 225 species of plants and animals as endangered under the provisions of the Endangered Species Act, as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.), including the Three Forks springsnail. On June 25, 2007, we received a petition from Forest Guardians to list 475 species in the southwestern United States as threatened or endangered under the provisions of the Act, including the San Bernardino springsnail.
I guess they have to mention these "incidents," but it's pretty important to note that, at least for P. bernardina, the Forest Guardians petition was not the motivator. Instead, the species was an emergency listing because of Snail Spring drying up.
- Dec 2016
As the No. 4 Republican in the House, McMorris Rodgers has often towed the party line on environmental issues.
Toed the line, not towed...but I'm being pedantic.
- Oct 2016
www.vre.org www.vre.org
you are eligible for a replacement ticket. Simply call us again to confirm that the ticket was not found, and we can will mail a new Monthly ticket to you or you can stop by our office to pick it up. (Proof of purchase may be required.)
This is simply not true. I lost and reported lost a monthly ticket; called VRE; and, at their request, emailed proof of purchase with a request to replace. Everything described here. And VRE did not follow up in any way, shape, or form. This misinformation should be removed from the website.
defend-esc-dev.org defend-esc-dev.org
authorized take
For any species.
Figure 1b
As with Figure 1a...
Figure 1a
This could either be added to the plan as a dynamic map (see Distribution) or pasted as a static image below.
jacob-ogre.gitbooks.io jacob-ogre.gitbooks.io
This is just a test page note for the 5-factor relative importance page.
Recovery plan
Example of dynamic version, not official!
- Sep 2016
Local file Local file
How many listed species have plans
This will never show up.
- Aug 2016
defend-esc-dev.org defend-esc-dev.org
James and Ward 2016
Dang, I just realized I forgot to add the Lit. Cit. section. Will do before putting the document up and making it public. Will also see if there's a clean way to link to the papers themselves.
As with all of our working papers, this is a preliminary analysis.
I wanted an extra notice right near the top because CH is contentious...but this could go elsewhere, and certainly could be re-worded.
- Jul 2016
www.eenews.net www.eenews.net
Commercial requesters make up the majority, sometimes the vast majority, of FOIA requests,
Interesting; I did not realize this was the case.
- Jun 2016
defend-esc-dev.org defend-esc-dev.org
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s ECOS website
I'm not sure why the ECOS embed is not working here...it works when testing.
defend-esc-dev.org defend-esc-dev.org
only 1,836 records (14.6%) have take recorded
This is really low...
- May 2016
defenders-esc.shinyapps.io defenders-esc.shinyapps.io
population of the green turtle
This could be updated when DPSs are defined.
defend-esc-dev.org defend-esc-dev.org
regionally important population of the green turtle (Chelonia mydas, although see Taxonomy)
This highlights one way that dynamic plans could be used: updating in light of the new DPSs.
It is likely that stocks in U.S. waters originate in Mexico and Central America, though some may originate from Southeast Asia as well.
If this is now established, then a sentence like this could be easily updated.
<insert preprint link>
Recovery actions stepdown
Lots of different ways to break this down to more manageable pieces.
The map shows specimen records, but could include a range layer or other accoutrements (e.g., filter records by date).
distinguished from the green turtle mainly by size, coloration and carapace shape. The carapace of the adult East Pacific green turtle is narrower, more strongly vaulted and more indented over the rear flippers than that of the green turtle (Cornelius 1986; Márquez 1990)
This kind of description is something that could be linked to an illustration, which might not fit well in a "traditional" recovery plan but is well-suited here.
This regionally important population of the green turtle (Chelonia mydas, although see Taxonomy)
This could be easily updated with the new DPSs.
- Apr 2016
defend-esc-dev.org defend-esc-dev.org
This is a "page note." Presumably this would be the place to make general notes about the page in question. In the context of Federal Register notices, page notes could be used in addition to text-specific notes.
generalized linear model
Can and should add a reference for McCullaugh and Nelder; can point to GBooks, Amazon, elsewhere.
Figure 2.
Although it might be a bit of a pain to code, I think providing background shading in blocks of five offices would be very useful.
defend-esc-dev.org defend-esc-dev.org
working paper
I think I should finish this sentence...
How to participate
I think this might go into a modal anchored in the navbar.