20 Matching Annotations
- Jul 2018
learn.co learn.co
A symbol is a representation of a piece of data. Symbols look like this :my_symbol. If I make a symbol, :my_symbol, and then use that symbol later on in my code, my program will refer to the same area of memory in both cases. This is different from, for example, strings, which take up new areas of memory every time they are used.
Scope? # and location of bytes used to store?
Operating on Strings
like methods in js
create strings using the first method
Literal constructor
Class constructor: Names the string as "hello"
Literal constructor
- Jan 2016
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Cathy O'Dowd
Author Climber
- Nov 2015
www.studentnewsdaily.com www.studentnewsdaily.com
The closures could last up to six months
- Oct 2015
ushistory151.files.wordpress.com ushistory151.files.wordpress.com
1870-1890s pp. 630-661
- Sep 2015
ushistory151.files.wordpress.com ushistory151.files.wordpress.com
Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC)
- ensured reasonable rates for shipment of goods and their storage
ShermanAntitrust Act
- 1890
- banned formation of trusts or any other activities that restrained free trade.
- vague language
Civil Service Act of 1883
Pendleton Civil Service Act of 1883
- ended the spoils system, which had started in Pres. Andrew Johnson
same rights and opportunities whites enjoyed.They also demanded that the government guarantee them access to land,to provide an economic foundation for their freedom. Most southernwhites believed that blacks should go back to work on the plantations,enjoying very few political and civil rights. Andrew Johnson, who suc-ceeded Lincoln as president, shared their view. But the majority of north-ern Republicans came to believe that the emancipated slaves should enjoythe same legal rights as whites. In 1867, they granted black men in theSouth the right to vote. During Reconstruction, northern Republicansrewrote the laws and Constitution to incorporate the ideal of equal citi-zenship for all Americans, regardless of race. This was a dramatic expan-sion of the meaning of freedom
Put into bullet points the steps that occurred in this piece of text.
with the same rights and opportunities whites enjoyed.
The era of Reconstruction that followed the Civil War was a time ofintense political and social conflict, in which the definition of freedomand the question of who was entitled to enjoy it played a central role.
But thegenuine advances achieved during Reconstruction, such as improvedaccess to education, exercise of political rights, and the creation of newblack institutions like independent churches, produced a violent reactionby upholders of white supremacy. During the 1870s, the North retreatedfrom its commitment to equality. In 1877, Reconstruction came to an end.Many of the rights guaranteed to the former slaves were violated in theyears that followed.
Although Reconstruction only lasted from 1865 to 1877, the issuesdebated then forecast many of the controversies that would envelopAmerican society in the decades that followed. The definition ofAmerican citizenship, the power of the federal government and itsrelationship to the states, the future of political democracy in a societymarked by increasing economic inequality—all these were Reconstructionissues, and all reverberated in the Gilded Age and Progressive era thatfollowed.
But just as the American Revolution leftto nineteenth-century Americans the problem of slavery, the Civil Warand Reconstruction left to future generations the challenge of bringinggenuine freedom to the descendants of slavery.
docs.google.com docs.google.com
At Public School in Brooklyn, there was a discussion about involving parents to their children’s education.
When you start a sentence with a "there was," you can usually find a proper subject in lieu of "there." Rewrite the sentence to have a stronger subject and a verb!
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
both encouraged and appalled me
It might be possible to save her - or we might yet have to leave her.