75 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2021
    1. active role in the children's search for meaning and our ~-~.,~~·.~ :r . ~i . own search for meaning (and shared meanings)

      This active role continues to flow and contributes to shared meanings

    2. modifying the learning-teaching relationship

      Documents used later for contextual curriculum

    3. In this context, documentation is· _·:..' s, '9: ·:" ... interpreted ru1d used for its value as a tool fot· recalling· that is, as a possibility·. -.:~ for reflection

      It is helpful to document as a daily natural practice so we are in the flow of capturing children's growth and knowledge. Then reflect to plan curriculum

    1. not so much the interpreters as the builders of the experience.

      We are connected to all the parts of the educational project and then collaborate as the builder of the experience and find value through the len of all different points of view

    2. I like the description someone else said "systems thinking" approach

    3. a creative intelligence that attempts to construct, maintain, and renew this relationship of circularity and reciprocity

      Learning is listening to others and sharing thoughts to find out more and creating relationships during the learning process.

    4. intolerant of any ambiguity or uncertainty

      Having tolerance of uncertainty and ambiguity gives the opportunity to explore more information and ask more questions

    5. learning to learn in a group

      learning, listening, responding, asking questions together in a group can stimulate so much knowledge. Better together approach

  2. Jul 2021
    1. This documentation is the foundation for the planningand reflecting that should occur in every meeting.

      This makes so much sense and to make sure planning is reflective on specific pieces of documentation.

    2. to develop and become problem solvers, decisionmakers, negotiators, collaborators and good commu-nicators who express themselves in many ways.

      Universal goal that can be supported in a Reggio approach

    3. I don’tbelieve that educators can know each day where theyare going and where they would like to go.

      freedom to see where the hundred languages of children take us

    4. adults’ responsibility to produce interpretations.

      Adults have the challenge to interpret children's visions of the world and find what positive quality it holds.

    5. give more strength and visibility totheir thoughts and mental images

      uncovering the children's deeper level of thinking

    6. This is another strategy that we often use . . . trying tofind out questions before having answers.

      draft work- boundaries of investigations, figure out working hypotheses... use questions before having the answers to avoid the risk of imposing our own thoughts to children.

    7. I believe that we can choose to offer topics for thechildren’s consideration as long as we are aware of this risk.

      mindful about risks

    8. Theexpression of each child must find a place.

      Gain new knowledge through each child's point of view.

    9. reflect on our own experiences and relationshipsbut also on the idea of citizenship itself.

      To create a guide to the city. The children generated the information to help teacher understand how to build the curriculum around their sense of belonging to where they live.

    10. what images, ideasand theories the children have about their city,

      focus on child thinking rather than adult determined outcome

    11. how projects evolve

      Offering experiments daily in different spaces lead to children's hypotheses, growth in learning process

    1. visual arts

      viable education for children, value for teacher, and the Reggio Emilia approach

    2. visual expressions

      exploration of all different types of art

    1. not easy.

      Asking clarifying questions did I hear you correctly? I am hearing you say (blank), can you help me understand (blank)?

    2. pedagogy of relationships and listening,"

      listening the most important skill to form relationships

    3. For both adults and children, understanding means being able to develop an interpretive theory, a narra-tive that gives meaning to the world around them

      Sharing theories about life and the world brings more knowledge and understand how all people are different and unique.

    4. first que lions

      stimulate, kindness, show importance to the child we care

    5. meaning of the children

      meaning, the connection between adults and children, what childhood is all about

    6. "whys"

      whys lead to purpose, intention, understanding

  3. Jun 2021
    1. “stimulate”

      bring out

    2. shared control

      important in partnership

    3. The metaphor of “catching the ball that the children throw us, and then tossing it back to continue the game” is a favorite one in Reggio Emilia.

      teacher-child interaction reminder

    4. “Listening” means seeking to follow and enter into the active learning taking place.

      be present, teachers and children work together in active learning

    5. What kind of teachers are needed by our children—those real individuals in the classrooms of today?

      Brainstorming what changes are needed, how can we support children better

    6. partners, resources, and guides

      adult roles

    7. eacher and child

      bond, supporter and child

    8. necessarily fluid, responsive to the changing times and needs of children, families, and society

      We need to flow like a river and be flexible and embrace change that is always in motion

    9. connected to adults and other children

      The connections with others and how we help others learn as a collective group

    1. risk that even those brave voices fall on deaf ears.

      Help children embrace their confidence and their freedom to learn

    2. true listening is a willingness to learn from and be changed by what the other says

      willingness to learn and have a change in perspective

    3. exhibiting their collective competence.


    4. only companionable peers. In our work with children at Boulder Journey School we find that when working together, peers at similar levels of development build ideas and enhance one another's understanding of the world around them

      wording to encompass peer growth

    5. it can be difficult for adults to share authentically the focus of children's interests.

      pause and let children investigate

    6. rights means appreciating the importance of slowing down

      slow down, pause, listen, observe

    7. Children have a right to pretend every-thing,· and "Children have a right to play all day:

      value and honoring play

    8. adults must attend closely to their play.

      to listen and understand their communication

    9. not necessarily mean taking all their utterances at face value, but it does mean observing the nuances"

      listening and exploring their messages

    10. Is it okay to be happy? ... Is it okay to be sad? ... Is it okay to be angry?

      use the word okay as (right to )

    11. mapped Toby's experienceonto the issue of rights.

      early literacy exploration on rights

    12. Listening to young children means appreciating that they com-municate using a wide array of languages

      engaging is a powerful way to connect and asking a child to tell you more and watching a child light up with a smile

    13. literal meaning of "infant" is unable to speak, but children's "voices" can be heard from birth, provided adults take the time and effort to listen

      how we connect to all ages

    14. does not depend on the age of the teller, but on the sensitivity of the listener.

      reflective listening

    15. "How can we give voice to all the children at the school, including chil-dren who are preverbal?"

      100 languages guides us to help notice and give voice to all children

    16. Children's Rights should dispel any notion of young children as empty vessels waiting to be filled with adult ideas, including ideas about their rights

      Children are so curious and are always listening

    17. right to wrestle or play fight, but not a right to punch

      rough play and the rules and rights

    18. have a right to be listened to

      listening is one of the best strategies

    19. right to say, 'No!' or 'Stop it!' when people are tickling them without asking

      ownership of their own bodies, self rights

    20. for their turn to talk Tuning Adult Ears to the Voices of Young Children

      children learning how to communicate with others and listen and take turns to speak.

    21. gently,

      Rights and how to embrace them, how to treat things and animals. Learning how to co-exist in our world is so important and helps each child grow.

    22. safe

      The word "safe" is interesting when talking about the role of a soldier in war.

    23. children compiled a list of their rights

      intentional way of thinking about rights people have, what rights they have in their learning environment, home, etc

    24. right is like you know in your heart it's okay to do it ... you can do it if you want and that's it." Another child added, "But only if it's okay, like you won't hurt somebody and it's not safe . . . because the other person has a right to not be hurt too, right?

      Children are so intuitive and absorb so much information and then they can apply it to deeper thinking

    25. "Soldiers don't have the right to kill other people.

      Marveling idea the children came up with. Teachers then wonder and ask the question what is a right and what does that mean

    1. What we want to do isactivate within children the desire and will and greatpleasure that comes from bein

      authors of their own learning."

      way to setup the learning

    2. Although it isn’teasy, we have to make our own paths, as teachersand children and families, in the forest.

      finding our way, living together is not easy, we build relationships to work together in the forest

    3. your happiness, your sadness,your hopes, your pleasures, the stresses from yourlife.

      Both children and teachers bring life each day, how will that be played out in school. How can we grow relationships and connections together to build a strong learning environment

    4. sense very quickly the spirit of what is going onamong the adults in their world.

      body language, openness, being authentic with questions to learn more from the child, inspires a child to take the lead in their learning experiences

    5. An environment that grows out ofyour relationship with the child is unique and fluid

      ECED6320 Jessi Boone You create your own way with your own environment. It is ever changing like the flow of a river.

    6. the relationship you build with the child, thegames you play.

      ECED6320 Jessi Boone What child do you see in front of you? What can the child teach you and how can you build the environment based on this?

  4. May 2021
    1. reflection on theory,practice, and further careful reflection in a program that is continuously renewed

      reflection to create what the learning experience for children looks like in each unique community

    2. narrative and structure

      Projects, process, peer talking, student doing the learning

    3. each child

      A sense to target education to every unique child

    4. tools for making hypotheses (to project) aboutthe direction in which the work and experiences with the children will go.

      focus of documentation

    5. effort is valued

      Rights of each child, value, each child is unique, 100 languages

    6. act as a resource for them

      observe and listen to children. Teachers follow the lead of children

    7. seen as researchers

      Role of teachers

    8. formulate new interpretations and newhypotheses and ideas about learning and teaching

      I wonder about the new interpretations, hypotheses and ideas at Boulder Journey School.