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    1. Forward/Direct synctex (source to pdf) can either be activated by selecting 'Navigate, select, and edit' > 'SyncTeX from cursor' in the side bar, or by the shortcut ctrl+alt+j (cmd+option+j on Mac), see also the FAQ for an alternative shortcut. Backward/Reverse synctex (pdf to source) is activated by pointing at the relevant element of the pdf preview. When using the internal viewer, the default keybinding to point at an element in the pdf preview is ctrl+click.

      vscode + latex workshop,syntex 跳转:在编辑窗格中,用 ctrl+alt+j;在预览窗格中,用 ctrl+左键

  3. May 2023
  4. Feb 2023
    1. 从读博到现在,在北京这么多年,结合我自己同学的一些经历,我对现在北京户口的态度是,它的福利的含金量已经很低——特别是考虑到你在北京买个普通房子的钱到某些城市可以买到最好的学区房的话。留在北京最大的几个优势,一是获得高收入工作的机会比较多、个人职业发展的天花板可能更高(但这也同样伴随着高房价和高消费),二是你去办一些事务,比如出国签证之类的会比较方便,三是可能更容易接触一些新的产品和消费服务,或者说比较容易追上潮流,四是在文化娱乐等精神消费方面,北京的确是其他地方无可比拟的。


    1. 降低尿酸的饮食和营养素:1 蔬果为主的饮食,包括含高嘌呤的豆类和菌类,都对降低尿酸有帮助;2 没有嘌呤的精制碳水,例如白米饭、面条等,都很可能增加尿酸值,用粗粮例如糙米饭和高纯度粗粮面条取代精粮可以降低尿酸;3 水果特别是低果糖水果,有助降低尿酸;4 含欧米茄3鱼类无论嘌呤高低,都降低尿酸,是对尿酸最友好的蛋白质;5 低脂奶类证明可以降低尿酸,而含益生菌的无糖酸奶对降低尿酸可能是最友好的,也可以喝点无糖咖啡、红茶、绿茶,但需要戒了所有含糖饮料;6 保健品中:维生素C、槲皮素和EPA为主的鱼油有助降低尿酸


    1. Zotero hacks: unlimited synced storage and its smooth use with rmarkdown Reading time

      zotero with onedrive

  5. Jan 2023
    1. CollectionCho Chikun Encyclopedia of Life and Death - Elementary (350-499)Difficulty12 Kyu

      bent four is alive unless it bends at 1-1

    1. tension up and running. It's time to start annotating some documents. Create an account using the sidebar on the right of the screen. Pin the Hypothesis extension in Chrome (1 a
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      another notes

    3. Create a note by selecting some text and clicking the button Highlights Highlights can be created by clicking the button. Try it on this sentence. Replies You can reply to any annotation by using the reply action on every card.

      hello world