7 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2017
  2. languagedev.wikispaces.com languagedev.wikispaces.com
    1. In immersion programs, children are grouped according lo their first language. Teachers in immersion classrooms must have fluency in both languages.

      It's great how the teachers are fluent in both languages in order to best assist the student and show the equal importance of both languages.

    2. Successful ESL programs provide frequent opportunities for peer interactions (Fassler, 2003).

      Interaction is important for language acquisition.

    3. Currn11l ap(HOiH hPi, lo liili11 1~11.1lhJ11 ('lll(llta·;i;,.(• th<' a< q11i•;ilio11 nl a •;n1 011d (lmgnll l,111g11ag(). wilh 11w c 1J11ti1111od d1•\ Ploplll<'III ol lhP ht>llll' la11g11rtg(1

      It is important to continue developing the home language for students who are bilingual in order to preserve their culture. The home language and the second language are equally important and being bilingual is beneficial.

  3. languagedev.wikispaces.com languagedev.wikispaces.com
    1. Adults serve as mediators who introduce children lo higher levels of functioning within a supportive scaffolded setting.

      The role of caring teachers and parental guardians is so important for children's development.

    2. Language is acquired by individuals as they develop awareness of how to com-municate and function in society

      I think that it's important for teachers to note that language acquisition may be different for the various students in their classroom. Parenting styles differ, so children may initially struggle with code switching between home and school.

    3. The difference between what a child can accomplish alone and whal she can accomplish with an adult's (or more capable peer's) mediation or assistance is termed Lhe zone of proximal development (Vygotsky, 1978).

      This statement highlights the importance of collaboration within the classroom and allowing students of different levels of understanding to work together. There are times when work should be completed independently, but group work should definitely be incorporated in order to help students to achieve maximum understanding.

  4. Aug 2017
  5. languagedev.wikispaces.com languagedev.wikispaces.com
    1. Overgeneralization decreases as language development proceeds and as children have opportunities to interact with adults and older siblings who have acquired more complete morphe-mic owledge.

      This statement shows the importance of communicating with adults or those with a greater understanding of language. It gives a lot of responsibility to the primary caregivers of young children who must ensure that they are communicating efficiently and effectively with their kids.