63 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2018
    1. The 2015 season average U.S. prices were $29.00 per hundred weight for head lettuce and $45.31 for leaf/romaine lettuce
    2. down about 10 percent from ten years ago


    3. In 2015, annual consumption of all types of lettuce was 24.5 pounds per person, of which 55 percent (13.5 pounds per person) was head lettuce
  2. Sep 2017
    1. no interest in acquiring one. It struck me as narrow-minded to privilege historical events, simply because things happened to have worked out that way.
    2. I was also uninterested by what I knew of literary theory and history. It was a received idea in those days that "theory" was bad for writers, infecting them with a hostility toward language and making them turn out postmodern; and what did it have to offer, anyway, besides the reduction of a novel to a set of unpleasant facts about power structures, or the superficial thrill of juxtaposing Pride and Prejudice with the uncertainty principle? As for history, it struck me as pedantic, unambitious.
  3. Jul 2017
    1. School was a universe of straightforwardly right and wrong answers, of authoritative texts and authoritarian teachers. The underlying lesson of the basics was about the social order and its sources of authority, a lesson which was appropriate for a society which expected its workers to be passively disciplined

      Which is why we need to adapt and revise our goals (on all levels) when it comes to education.

    2. . If it could provide either greater equity or equality, it is doing neither. The gap between the rich and the poor is growing, and even when the poor sometimes become slightly less poor, it is rarely because education has improved. Maybe it is a delusion to think education could ever be an instrument that ameliorates society’s most fundamental ills.
    3. Whether their vision is wishful or utopian, nothing less than equality is an acceptable objective, even if in the short term all that can beachieved in education is to pursue an ongoing struggle to reduce the gap between the haves and the have-nots—hence the compensatory programs, the remedial curriculum for children who have been ‘left behind’ and the special efforts made in schools in poor neighbourhoods.

      While I agree with the sentiment, I tend to think that education is technically more equal than it is equitable for everyone.

    4. However, inequality is not unjust insofar as education is one of society’s ‘opportunities’. It is free and compulsory, and through education you can become anything you like and succeed on your own terms—if you have the will and the ‘ability’, that is.

      This is assuming that every school has the same resources and opportunities. Also, with jobs demanding further training/certificates/degrees, it's harder to prepare students for employment opportunities right out of high school.

    5. new communication practices, new literacies have emerged

      With the emergence of new modes of expression, the world starts to accept and process information differently.

      Policy makers, administrators, teachers, and the general public must recognize/accept this and learn to use it for the betterment of students.

    6. A pedagogy of Multiliteracies would need to address this as a fundamental aspect of contemporary teaching and learning.

      Teaching needs to evolve as much as their resources do.

    7. We also felt that discourse differences within a language had not been adequately taken into account.
    8. The world was changing, the communications environment was changing, and it seemed to us to follow that literacy teaching and learning would to have to change, as well.

      Importance of staying current and changing our standards as new developments occur.

    9. none of us could have predicted the reach and the influence the multiliteracies idea would have, way beyond our own circles of personal and professional association

      To highlight the importance of growth in that field, and to highlight the need for constant training/revising of what we find acceptable

    1. In image, if there is something that we wish to depict, we can depict whatever we want. We don’t ask: ”Is there an appropriate image we can use?” Contrary to common sense assumptions about language, words are vague
    2. All these are social meanings, specific to a particular culture. At the same time they are chosen, put together for their potential to mean, by the deliberate action of the designer.

      Response to association and recognition.

    3. I am attracted by “Grille”; I am aware that I am particularly drawn by the “e” on “Grille”

      I don't know what he's talking about. If I'm hungry, I don't care if there's an "e" on the sign or not.

    4. All media offer specific possibilities to the designer, and to the reader/user in their reading and / or use.

      Different modes can create different opportunities for expression and interpretation.

    5. The choice of mode has profound effects on meaning, and textbook designers, for instance, need to be aware of such meaning effects of different modes.

      Interpretation is everything. It's important to remember that.

    1. Three changes are especially noticeable in the English language arts standards of CCSS:1.There is a greater focus on reading informational texts.2.Higher-level thinking is emphasized.3.Digital literacies are integrated throughout the English language arts standards.
    2. The need to conduct research and to produce and consume media is embedded into every aspect of today’s curriculum.
    3. 1.The Internet is this generation’s defining technology for literacy and learning within our global community.2.The Internet and related technologies require new literacies to fully access their potential.3.New literacies are deictic; they rapidly change.4.New literacies are multiple, multimodal, and multifaceted, and, as a result, our understanding of them benefits from multiple points of view.5.Critical literacies are central to new literacies.6.New forms of strategic knowledge are required with new litera-cies.7.New social practices are a central element of new literacies.8.Teachers become more important, though their role changes, within new literacy classrooms. (p.1

      With the change of technology, the teachers role changes. If the teacher does not adapt with this change, they will not be helping the student as much as they can. If the teacher adapts, they will play a bigger role in the students learning expierence.

    4. literacy is not just “new” today; it becomes “new” every day of our lives
    5. We live during a time in which new technologies continuously appear online, requiring additional skills to effectively read, write, and learn, sometimes on a daily basis

      Which is why educators need to keep up with changing technologies.

    1. educators need to find ways to teach our young people how to process the information they are finding, and how to find it with more precision and understanding.
    2. Hyperlinks, images, audio, and video are usually part of the reading experience.

      These elements usually enhance, confirm, alter, or determine how you read certain articles. Especailly if it's an area you are not interested in, it can help with the learning process.

    3. the act of reading online quickly becomes an act of hunting for treasure, with red herrings all over the place that can easily divert one’s attention. As

      While I do understand and agree with this sentiment, I do think there is a slight positive to "treasure hunting" as well. I believe (depending on the student) it can help teach students how to be thorough and guided in their research.

    4. Readers read for different purposes. Sometimes they read for pleasure. Sometimes they read for information. Their reason for reading impacts the way they read. They may skim or read carefully depending on why they are reading. Throughout this process, readers monitor the meaning they are constructing. When the text does not meet their purposes, they may switch to another text. Readers expect what they are reading to make sense. They use a repertoire of strategies, such as rethinking, re-reading or reading on to clarify ideas, to make sure they understand what they read in order to accomplish their purposes.1

      Everyone has different tastes and processes information differently.

    1. It’s not about using digital tools to support outdated education strategies and models; it’s about tapping into technology’s potential to amplify human capacity for collaboration, creativity and communication.

      Absolutely. It's about evolving the resources and their impact.

    1. Promote Mastery Orientations

      Highlight their strengths or passions. We tend to focus on weaknesses and challenges more.

    2. Embrace Collaborative Learning

      Group or communal work promotes accountability and usually better results.

    3. Provide Autonomy Support

      Encourage student leadership and engagement.

    4. Foster a Sense of Competence

      Beware of what your students limits are and pay attention to how they react.

    5. Make It Meaningful

      Students are more likely going to be engaged if it's something they care about.

    1. Every English class starts with a moment of quiet after which students are asked to share their energy and stress levels.

      I like this idea. I also think you could get the same results by just having a group share with the class or even let the groups themselves determine the particular job.

    2. n English, juniors are grouped with seniors, which helps the younger students learn how the process works by watching and learning from the older students. Additionally, pairs of students are invited to lead the discussions. The English discussions are also held online, and students are required to participate and comment on at least two other student comments.
    3. While students participate in the group discussions around the Harkness table in English, the teacher selects one student to be the moderator and another to be the discussion tracker who records the flow of the conversations. The moderator can look at the discussion tracker’s notes and see which students he should invite to chime in.
    4. In English, the discussions are open-ended, allowing for multiple right answers.

      One reason I want to be an English teacher.

    5. In English classes, students sit around a Harkness table (a large wooden table capable of seating the entire class), which allows every student to see the teacher and all the members of the class as they speak. The foundation is that students come prepared to discuss and collaborate.

      Good to know for my lesson plan

    6. assigning students to groups to review their homework, do daily class worksheets, participate in moderated discussions, and complete hands-on projects. Often, teachers give students group tests, which, like the class worksheets, are designed to be harder than the individual assignments. Students quickly realize that they are able to solve problems as a group that they would not be able to solve as individuals. Some of the other ways teachers foster a collaborative-learning environment follow

      It allows students to feel in control of something, there's already so much that is forced on them at this age. It also gives the student time to develop peer relationships.

      This practice will also allow them develop skills that will be useful after school.

    7. teachers must be willing to “cede the floor” to the students. Other things to consider are the need to create an effective classroom geography, focus on the process, build accountability, let students teach one another, and encourage students to be in tune with one another.

      Their needs to be a respectful relationship between the student and teacher. Students need to feel a stake in their own education. John Dewey and Paulo Freire both brought up these subjects when writing out their pedagogy's.

    8. The collaborative-learning style incorporated into the fabric of the school helps students to be resilient by aiding them with identifying their resources (peers) and testing their theories to see if they are on the right track all while developing habits of mind that form the foundation of scholarship

      More schools should replicate this

    1. Starting with a good toolkit is essential for designing learning experiences that reach the Modification and Transformation level of the SAMAR model.

      Knowing how and when to use the right tool.

    2. the real learning gains result from engaging students in learning experiences that could not be accomplished without technology.
    1. TPK is an understanding of how teaching and learning can change when particular technologies are used in particular ways. This includes knowing the pedagogical affordances and constraints of a range of technological tools as they relate to disciplinarily and developmentally appropriate pedagogical designs and strategies.

      Knowing which tools are right for the situation.

    2. FITness goes beyond traditional notions of computer literacy to require that persons understand information technology broadly enough to apply it productively at work and in their everyday lives, to recognize when information technology can assist or impede the achievement of a goal, and to continually adapt to changes in information technology.
    3. how can teachers integrate technology into their teaching?

      Good question to ask yourself

    4. Pedagogical knowledge (PK) is teachers’ deep knowledge about the processes and practices or methods of teaching and learning.

      How to drive learning.

    5. Content knowledge (CK) is teachers’ knowledge about the subject matter to be learned or taught.

      Critical for an educator.

    6. At the heart of good teaching with technology are three core components: content, pedagogy, and technology, plus the relationships among and between them.
    7. integration efforts should be creatively designed or structured for particular subject matter ideas in specific classroom contexts.

      Have in mind your surroundings, audience, and desired outcome in mind when integrating.

    8. Many teachers earned degrees at a time when educational technology was at a very different stage of development than it is today. It is, thus, not surprising that they do not consider themselves sufficiently prepared to use technology in the classroom and often do not appreciate its value or relevance to teaching and learning.

      This is why there should be offered and required training.

    9. Teaching with technology is complicated further considering the challenges newer technologies present to teachers

      Teachers must find out ways to keep up with technology since it's always evolving.

    10. knowledge of student thinking and learning, knowledge of subject matter, and increasingly, knowledge of technology.
    11. effective teaching depends on flexible access to rich, well-organized and integrated knowledge from different domains

      The more resources you have as a teacher, the better prepared you'll be to handle different situations.

    1. Powered with possibilities made available by today’s social media, this peer culture can produce learning that’s engaging and powerful.

      Students are most influenced by their peers. It means a lot to be accepted by them.

    2. Connected learning isn’t a burden that one organization shoulders on its own, and is about building connections across different sites of learning.

      More resources equals more availability.

    3. Traditional education is failing to engage many students as they enter their middle school, high school, and college years.

      Engagement is key. Lesson plans should be arranged with that type of thinking in mind. Either through creativity, technology, or the introduction of things/topics they find interesting.

      I do wonder if this is why more parents are interested in Montessori schools early on.

    4. Young people learn best when actively engaged, creating, and solving problems they care about, and supported by peers who appreciate and recognize their accomplishments.

      Pushing students to critically think out a situation while being challenged in an area of their interest. Positive feedback from peers can do a lot to help the students self esteem and confidence.

    5. The most engaged learning happens while doing something for a meaningful goal or purpose, whether that is creating something, contributing to a community, or engaging in a friendly competition.

      It feels good to be apart of a team or community. The group accountability forces you to maintain a standard in which everyone agreed upon.

    1. Teachers are designers. An essential act of our profession is the design of curriculum and learning experiences to meet specified purposes. We are also designers of assessments to diagnose student needs to guide our teaching and to enable us, our students, and others (parents and administrators) to determine whether our goals have been achieved; that is, did the students learn and understand the desired knowledge?

      Observe what strengths and weaknesses your students may have and be able to provide work that will be help promote growth. Call on the community around the student and teacher to help promote and encourage this growth.