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  1. Sep 2018
    1. McCarthy: We can end human trafficking

      The communicator is Kevin McCarthy a reporter for cnn. He wants to put a stop to human trafficking. He has nothing to gain but if he puts out false info, he will lose his good reputation.

      The message is that there is human trafficking everywhere and that it needs to be stopped.

      The audience is anyone who is willing to learn about this issue.

      The urgency is that this is a major problem that affects thousands of people everyday and has for years.

      The purpose is that this is a problem that hasn't been stopped and he is trying to educate others on how it can be stopped.

      He works for a news company/program that is trusted by many followers and fans.

    1. Who are the communicator(s)? What is their interest in the thing being discussed? What's at stake for them; that is, do they have anything to gain or lose? What makes them qualified to speak about it? He is an Ohioan and deserves to to share his opinion just like everyone else.he is comparing the new technology take over to the industrial revolution, and then the pros and cons about it. What is the message of the text? that technology is not as bad as everyone is making it out to be. Who is the audience of the text? all working people that live in ohio What is the exigence for the text? it is teaching everyone about the change and telling them that it is basically fate What is the text's purpose? What does it hope to achieve? What is the text's material means of communication? it is showing us the reality, the future of the working community. this article is basically describing how the work system is going to work out once artificial intelligence is introduced.

    2. Is the current onslaught of automation different from these past changes?

      no its not

    3. Second, reductions in demand for workers in those sectors have been met by expansions in other industries.

      the people who once worked where the robots do will find a new job in a new factory/ industry

    4. First, there are great short-term costs to individuals caught in the affected sectors

      meaning, there are short term problems that will later be fixed