268 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2018
    1. Did you find Hypothesis useful as a learning tool? *

      Similar to teaching survey, could do something like:

      • On a scale of 1 - 5, how useful was Hypothesis as a learning tool? // Not at all useful [ 1 2 3 4 5] Extremely useful
      • What made you choose this rating? [short answer]
      • Which of the following statements describes your experience with using Hypothesis as a learning tool? Check all that apply. [add options from "If yes above…." question
    1. (to Word, etc.)

      consider: (to CSV for generating learning analytics, to Word, etc) - I think "learning analytics as a buzzword will "hook" teachers and might give this option some momentum

    2. Ability to follow pagesAbility to follow users

      Will teachers know what this means? I might say:

      • Receive notifications when a page is annotated
      • Receive notifications when a user makes an annotation

      And this might make the "Expanded notifications" point redundant.

    3. Did you find Hypothesis useful as an education tool? *

      A simple yes / no might not give us useful info, and even if a teacher says no overall, there may be some statements in the next question that applied to their experience, so we don't want to discourage them from answering with "If yes above..."

      Consider a slightly different flow:

      • On a scale of 1 - 5, how useful was Hypothesis as an education tool? // Not at all useful [ 1 2 3 4 5] Extremely useful
      • What made you choose this rating? [short answer]
      • Which of the following statements describes your experience with using Hypothesis as an education tool? Check all that apply. [add options from "If yes above...." question
  2. Apr 2018
    1. There is a different narrative that one can tell about the current era.

      testing - Artificial Intelligence — The Revolution Hasn’t Happened Yet

    2. What year do you predict such a future comes to pass? 2030? 2040? 2050 and beyond if even then?

      test - It’s Time for Technology to Serve all Humankind with Unconditional Basic Income

    3. A friend and I ran into one of his investors in a café in San Francisco, and the investor asked if we’d heard of a Soylent competitor, Ample. He was curious what we thought of it, and of meal replacement companies in general.

      test - Yes, You Should Delete Facebook

    4. Facebook is not a monopoly

      test - Facebook is not a monopoly

    1. I'm always watching the news. I'm always looking at it on my phone. I hate when you talk about something that's going on in the community, people think, because you're famous, you doing it for clout. But you concerned about it because you are a citizen of America; you are a citizen of the world.
    2. Cardi B cares deeply about America's reception on the world stage. It mortifies her that the United States has become a nation where mass shootings are routine.

      Me too, Cardi.

    3. . She knows which president succeeded Roosevelt (his vice president, Truman) and which preceded him (Hoover). She gives a brief overview of the 22nd Amendment. She used to be able to list all the U.S. presidents in order of term but is too nervous to try it in front of me. As a compromise, she invites me to name any president.Buchanan."He was the 15th president," she says, and her tone is as neutral as if she were reciting types of weather. "Buchanan is the only president that was a bachelor."

      This reads as so condescending. Why are we surprised that she has this knowledge if she told you she loves political science? Because she's a current rapper and former stripper? Come on.

    1. 10 Hidden URLs to Help You Rule the Web

      these are not "hidden URLs." you are just learning how these companies' url structures work. why dumb down the language like this?

    1. otional energy to serve as the person who contacts other faculty. Some of the students for whom I advocate are not my advisees, which means that I have to spend ext


  3. Mar 2018
    1. “A real religion,” she argued, “has a lineage. Other masters are seen as part of that tradition, and they provide some checks and balances, and some humility. A cult, on the other hand, is a group run by a single charismatic leader who egoistically sets himself up as the single source of authority, as having a new revelation, as the only ‘enlightened one,’ and, therefore, as superseding all other sources of authority. Buddha didn’t set himself up that way. Moses and Jesus didn’t set themselves up that way.”

      a distinction that many struggle to put into words

    2. academically-trained intellectuals are “especially vulnerable to this because they have been trained to use their heads, but not their emotions

      and are thus more susceptible to emotional manipulation. wow.

    3. Rajneesh was comparing himself to Hitler toward the end, stating that Hitler had been similarly misunderstood when he sought to create a “new man” (something Rajneesh also claimed to be doing).

      this was CERTAINLY not made clear by the documentary

    1. They are marching, writing lesson plans, changing the signs on bathroom doors and, alongside their students, pushing colleagues and school administrators and elected officials to improve awareness of gender issues.

      Will the article title show correctly on my activity page?

    2. "In preparation for this walkout, we asked that students design something related to civic action," Salicki says.

      Good idea to turn this into a learning experience.

    3. "It can hardly be argued that either students or teachers shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate."

      I find myself returning to this quote often during the current news cycle.

    1. Many a sermon described America as a place set apart for divine purposes

      ...completely ignoring the millions of people who were systematically killed and robbed of their land in order to establish this place called "America"

    2. partial-birth abortion

      The medically correct term for this is "late-term abortion," and calling it "partial-birth abortion" is a means of fear-mongering used by anti-choicers to get people to support taking rights away from women.

    1. "I look at some of the things he's watching and I say, how is that possible?"  

      uh, you're the parent. you LET him.

    1. "kindly, friendly and confident".

      I would agree with that statement

    1. It’s undoubtedly hard to get all eight measures of engagement into every classroom activity, but research by John Antonetti shows that at least three can make a big difference for how much kids learn.

      Encouraging to know it's not an "all-or-nothing" situation!

  4. Feb 2018
    1. It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.

      One of the most famous opening lines in the history of the modern novel

    1. is it a valuable part of scholarship that deserves more formal status, and if so, how can it be supported and preserved?

      ...and would this be welcome?

    1. If you have Hypothesis activated now, you can practice on this sentence. 

      See? That was easy! :)

    1. Much to your surprise, a member of the Flat Earth Society moves in next door.

      oh no!

    2. a collapsed star so dense that to duplicate its interior we would have to squeeze every human being on Earth into a single raindrop.


  5. biopub.hypothes.is biopub.hypothes.is
    1. Global protein acetylation is a newly discovered phenomenon in bacteria.

      So exciting!

    1. On one side write this sentence: I can't ____ because of ___ . List every single thing you can't do and why you can't do it. On the other side of the page, write: I have to ___ because ___ . Fill in those blanks, too. Record every demand that is placed upon you and why you must do it. Don't censor your writing. Take some time with this. Run through a typical day and think about all the times you say "yes" and "no." Make no judgments. This is only an information-gath­ering exercise.

      an interesting exercise

    2. Star of Recovery: The Focused Shadow

      Love the idea of starting with a specific card that is worrisome/troubling

    3. Be certain your request is unselfish and justified. If it's not, you may find yourself being chased by her vengeance.

      when... is it not "justified" to ask for protection from sexual harassment, domestic violence, or rape? Actually, never mind. Don't call on the Crone for these things. Seek professional help.

    4. The Crone offers strength and comfort in the dark. She will not seek or call upon you; you must search for her and learn to trust the darkness. Her gifts are wisdom, transformation, clairvoyance, protec­tion, peaceful endings, and profound spiritual healing
    5. When you arrive at a point of unhappiness enough to want help, it is time to actively seek it.

      I would argue it's best to get help before then - and shadow work in conjunction with therapy could help process emotions that come up

    6. Shadow work is best performed in a nonjudgmental, neutral frame of mind.
    7. "shadow'' is defined as unresolved inner conflicts and unexpressed emotions. It refers to those archetypal images which are intuitively recognizable as a troubling part of us: saboteur, martyr, vic­tim, addict, sadist, masochist, or tyrant.

      mirrors the way many schools of therapy operate - presenting issue is often seen as the result of unexpressed emotions or events in the patient's past that have not been properly dealt with

    8. The collective shadow is made of negative traits held by races of people or countries as a whole, projected onto a minority group or nation.

      VERY uncomfortable with the idea of "traits held by races of people or countries as a whole." Does this come from Jung, or from Jette? Either way, some racism/bigotry is at work here,



    1. The blood moon portion of the eclipse will enter totality at 4:51 a.m. and peak at 5:30 a.m

      Way too early for me to wake up, I'm afraid

  6. assets.press.princeton.edu assets.press.princeton.edu
    1. take seriously William Benjamin Smith’s

      I'm not sure I take it so seriously.

  7. doc-10-0g-docs.googleusercontent.com doc-10-0g-docs.googleusercontent.com
    1. WHEREAS, Hypothesis has developed its proprietary offering to enable collaborative annotation over publisher’s online content

      testing to get a hang of how this works....

    1. Women, meanwhile, are natural stoics, blessed with psychological strength.

      Nope! We're actually just told from a young age that if we show too much emotion we will be deemed "hysterical" and not taken seriously.

    1. Shepard on a mountain, over the divide


  8. Jan 2018
    1. Born into a family of rural farmers, Mr. Kamprad was a self-described lazy, dyslexic child who flirted with far-right groups in Sweden as a teenager, grew into a hard-driving alcoholic as an adult and built one of the most influential design and retail companies of the 20th century.

      certainly a colorful character!

    1. This aging boomer remains highly skeptical, and not only because I did not understand everything the author has very patiently tried to explain, but because I know something of human behavior and history.


    1. there should be some way for a blind screen reader user to know exactly which text is being discussed.
    2. there should be notification of the number of highlights of different types, a way to navigate to each highlight and to choose which type of (color) highlight to navigate between
    3. Keyboard access to any notes available at the highlight location is necessary

      Note: this should be independent of screen reader function. People who are sighted but have mobility difficulties need to be able to make and access highlights using their keyboard.

    4. a standard should be provided for categorizing highlights semantically.

      This is something we could work on and contribute back to the W3C community

    5. users of smaller screens

      not always considered in matters of accessibility, but important

    6. can closely mirror highlighting with a highlighter pen in a printed book

      Can, but doesn't have to - in fact online highlighting can be EASIER for people with certain disabilities

    1. Is there a standard for when to send out rejection letters? I deal with a lot of hiring in my job and I usually know as soon as I review a resume or hold an interview whether or I’m going to reject someone, but I have always figured that people don’t want to receive a rejection notice within hours of leaving a job interview, so I wait a few days.


    1. If an image is just decorative and people don't need to know about the image, then it should have null alt (alt="").
    1. A 4.5:1 contrast between the non-link text color and the background. A 4.5:1 contrast between the link text color and the background. A 3:1 contrast between the link text color and the surrounding non-link text color.
    1. Teaching them how to identify misinformation techniques will help inoculate younger Americans against the corrosive effects of the partisan media bubble.

      I think this is the most important step -- "inoculation" rather than trying to fix it after the fact

    1. front-end design, development, and content creation

      Also working as a Support Engineer for Hypothesis! :)