3 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2019
    1. A Timestamp parameter name, which is simply an identifier to access the trigger in code. A Schedule, which is a CRON expression that sets the interval for the timer.
    1. authorization level. By default, it's set to "Function", which requires a function-specific API key, but it can also be set to "Admin" to use a global "master" key, or "Anonymous" to indicate that no key is required. You can also change the authorization level through the function properties after creation. Since we specified "Function" when we created this function, we will need to supply the key when we send the HTTP request. You can send it as a query string parameter named code, or as an HTTP header (preferred) named x-functions-key.
    2. By default, functions have a timeout of 5 minutes. This timeout is configurable to a maximum of 10 minutes. If your function requires more than 10 minutes to execute, you can host it on a VM. Additionally, if your service is initiated through an HTTP request and you expect that value as an HTTP response, the timeout is further restricted to 2.5 minutes. Finally, there's also an option called Durable Functions that allows you to orchestrate the executions of multiple functions without any timeout.