14 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2024
    1. themes of longing and loss and the close relationship between these two things, themes ofmeditation or philosophical contemplation, of political or moral outrage or celebration, praiseand blame, a concern with how difficult it can be to say just what we mean and feel we need tosay.

      The common themes of lyric poems reflect the speakers deep thoughts and contemplations. They also seem to use a lot of comparisons in order to further their point.

    2. notbeing primarily concerned with telling a story at all,

      Lyric poems seem to be more abstract meaning they don't need to follow a specific structure or flow because telling a story is not the objective.

    3. “Mode”

      Genres and modes are different. Genre refers to formal devices, conventional settings, subject matters, themes, and questions. On the other hand, mode describes the mood, manner, and perspective.

    4. When a work does appear that bears no clearrelationship to a familiar genre, a new genre can sometimes be born

      Genres are not black and white, they can transform over time or with the use of new styles and ideas new genres can be created.

    1. To his surprise this relationship has lasted a long time despite flowers dying after a week or so. Although the physical flowers may have died the love and affection for the woman that the flowers represented never did.

    2. Being reluctant on buying the woman flowers implies having trouble with intimacy and or battling internal conflicts that is preventing him from expressing how he feels.

    3. Flowers often symbolize feelings of love and affection.

    4. Here Thomas describes who his intended audience is. He does not write for those who refuse to take part in things that do not benefit themselves. "Proud man apart" implies someone who is self-centered or egotistical. "Nor for the towering dead" refers to dead people, maybe dead poets meaning he is not writing to replicate poetry that already exist. Instead, Thomas's intended audience is those who prioritize deep love and connection with one another rather than money or popularity.

    5. Referring to the title "In My Craft" the author describes how he does not write for some reward or recognition but rather to make clarity of and bring light to complex topics.

    6. "With all their griefs in their arms" describes how a true emotional connection is rooted in vulnerability and transparency. Those who truly love their partners love them no matter what baggage they may come with.

    7. Dragonflies often fly in sunny, tranquil environments implying the love between the speaker and woman provoke feelings of warmth and safety.

    8. Referring to "our nest" implies a sense of security and intimacy and "far as the eye can pass" suggest that their comfortable nature with one another is ongoing and has no end.

    9. This line continues to compare her beauty to nature as her smile reflects the peace that nature provides. The contradiction between gleams and glooms implies the complexity of beauty and how it continues to shift over time. The use of the word "gleams" suggest feelings of warmth while "glooms" reflects darker feelings as clouds continue to move.

    10. Hands often symbolize a sense of connection through touch. Her hands lying in the grass implies a sense of peace as grass is often connected to nature and the feeling of tranquility that it provides.