- Jan 2019
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
This article is very intriguing. Science is mentioned a lot in this article referencing how much it influences communication and new instruments in discovering how research is found.
- Sep 2016
ds106.us ds106.us
From the first days of the form, its similarity to diaries pro-vided a ready comparison to that classic narrative tool, and easy ways to think about both production and consumption.
I always thought of a blog relating to a journal or diary entry. Very fascinating point there.
he blog-as-diary concept became recognizable enough to appear as a device in fiction. Bruce Sterling used this approach to tell a short story about a hyperlocal, yet very mobile, future. The blogger-narrator describes the rocky course of his engagement, while noting developments in net.art, social media, and general technology along the way
Blogs are very helpful to get your ideas out and let others see what you have on your mind. I relate to Bruce Sterling, because I feel like blogs have a purpose and that's to tell a fascinating story.
Blogs are diaries: This metaphor has been a powerful one, especially as a heuristic to explain the odd-sounding technology to newcomers.
So I was right! My definition of a Blog would be, a website containing a writer's own experiences and observations.
medium.com medium.com
Teaching people doesn’t subtract value from what you do, it actually adds to it.
Why accept failure when success is free. Do not be limited to things just because you do not have any knowledge or help. Create something out of nothing.You can always learn more than what the picture shows. Good advice to readers.
When you teach someone how to do your work, you are, in effect, generating more interest in your work. People feel closer to your work because you’re letting them in on what you know.
People you know the most feel like you owe them. They have a sense of entitlement for the things you work hard for. I believe Kleon's observation is 100% accurate.