151 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2020
    1. rural interior

      Probably refers to Ourense and Lugo, danger of these areas dying out.

    2. questions and hopes

      Start of democracy? What type of democracy? What structure is society going to have? What's going to happen with the language? More freedom - Part of Spain, independent, federal structure? What's going to happen to the Statute of Autonomy?

    3. good metaphor

      The railway metaphor: railway - progress, speed, industry. Rural, poor, isolated.

  2. Nov 2019
    1. targeted by contemporary monolingual and monocultural extractivist logics

      This is probably the most important point of the article. What are monolingual and monocultural extractivist practices? Or extractivist practices in general? And how do they connect with the translation profession, and to translation ethics and social responsibility?

    2. more and more Italian writ-ers were tending to place adjectives before nouns, using possessives rather than reflexives to indicate body parts and expressing subject pronouns

      How does this impact textual ethics?

    3. In many countries, the customer is invited to choose between different languages of instruction which are literally flagged by the national insignia of particular nations. For the hapless Irish or Canadian tourist whose finger hovers over the Union Flag, there is that fleet-ing moment of ontological doubt as to whether culture and language are a neat fit.

      Do you think this happens everywhere? If you go to multinational companies' websites, do they use flags? Why do you think that is?

    4. This not only compromises our historical understandings of earlier societies and cultures but has baleful contemporary consequences in the form of cultural protectionism and the instru-mentalization of national languages and cultures as litmus tests for political integration.

      What are the implications of this in the current age? Do translators have a social responsibility to visibilize multilingualism?

    5. tension between the monolingual ideologies of national polities and the multilin-gual realities of urban settings.

      What are the implications of this? Especially, what are the implications of this for professional translators and interpreters?

    6. This raises a crucial question though: what constitutes a language? A language is a dialect with a bayonet. A language is a dialect with an army. A language is a dialect with a regional assembly.

      What are the implications of this?

    7. instrumentalist criteria

      What does he mean here with instrumentalist criteria? Do you agree?

    8. An explicit part of the rationale for many of these programmes is vocational relevance, designed to convince university administrators of the continued value of modern languages in the contemporary marketplace

      What do you think about this?

    9. nationalist or situated origins of social theory and analysis

      Related to the previous comment, what are the implications of this? To what extent do you think research on society is constrained within the borders of a nation? What about professional practice?

    10. fundamentally social scientists were not sufficiently self-reflexive to free themselves from their national contexts

      What are the implications of this? Do you think this still happens (not just to sociologists but in general)?

    11. terra centric paradigm

      Do you know what Cronin is referring to when he talks about a 'terra centric' paradigm?

    12. national literary ecologies

      What does this mean?

    13. ‘cultural turn

      What is the cultural turn? Can you remember discussing this in your translation theory classes?

  3. Nov 2018
    1. narrative

      This idea of the borderline conditions of cultures and disciplines seems directly connected to the in-between/liminal position occupied by translation/the translator.

  4. Oct 2018
  5. libros.leyvitando.synology.me libros.leyvitando.synology.me
    1. (cf. Neal et al. 2012; Painter et al. 2002; Hearn et al. 1998).

      Potentially interesting further reading for blog post?

    2. Unfortunately, David Allen’s technique cannot simply be transferred to the task of insightful writing. The first reason is that GTD relies on clearly defined objectives, whereas insight cannot be predetermined by definition.

      Potentially interesting for blog post on process. How to apply GTD to writing?

    3. regularly check if our tasks still fit into the bigger picture

      Essential part of the PhD and research process in general.

    4. breaking down the amorphous task of “writing a paper” into small and clearly separated tasks

      That's it! One of the most difficult things about the PhD is that it is definitely an amorphous task!

    5. Planners are also unlikely to continue with their studies after they finish their examinations. They are rather glad it is over. Experts, on the other hand, would not even consider voluntarily giving up what has already proved to be rewarding and fun:

      This could be a hint for instructional design/approaching teaching?

    1. “One cannot think without writing.”

      This is important to take into account. Furthermore, connect with Austin Kleon's 'Share your work' in thinking about the process, not the product.

    1. jelly like centre

      núcleo pulposo / consistencia gelatinosa.

    2. spinalcanal

      conducto raquídeo o conducto vertebral

    3. 9There are over 100 accepted causes of low-back pain (or pain in the"small of the back"), with wear and tear being the most commoncause of pain.MECHANICAL PROBLEMSSlipped Disc (or prolapsed intervertebral disc):This is caused when there is a weakness

      Debilitación o desgarro

    4. rolapsed intervertebral disc
    5. Slipped Disc

      Hernia Discal

    6. wear and tear

      Desgaste natural

    7. spinal cord.

      Médula espinal

    8. small of the back

      Parte baja de la espalda?

    9. low-back pain


    10. Discs

      Discos invertebrales

    1. holobiomes

      Human beings as the host plus its symbiotic microbes.

      Holobionts are assemblages of different species that form ecological units. Lynn Margulis proposed that any physical association between individuals of different species for significant portions of their life history is a symbiosis. All participants in the symbiosis are bionts, and therefore the resulting assemblage was first coined a holobiont by Lynn Margulis in 1991 in the book Symbiosis as a Source of Evolutionary Innovation.[1] Holo is derived from the Ancient Greek word ὅλος (hólos) for “whole”. The entire assemblage of genomes in the holobiont is termed a hologenome [From Wiki].

    2. have not been willing seriously to address the Great Acceleration of human numbers

      Absolutely. How to find the balance between individual rights (to maternity, family, 'kin' in the more traditional way) and collective responsibility to find the best way to live together?

    3. bounded individualism in its many flavors in science, politics, and philosophy has finally become unavailable to think with,

      Does this 'tentacular thinking' have any connections with African Ubuntu, or with Deleuze's rhizome?

    4. facilitated by various kinds of futurisms

      This seems closely connected to her previous idea of being in the present. What is the relationship to human psychology when imagining futures? It seems to connect with the idea that there is no real way to predict the future since we can never know when a disruptive change will come about?

    5. tring figures

      A string figure is a design formed by manipulating string on, around, and using one's fingers or sometimes between the fingers of multiple people [From Wiki].

    6. oddkin

      It seems like oddkin is a fairly central idea for Haraway. Not quite clear here. Come back to it?

    7. exterminate the chthonic ones.

      Expressed as 'impure' I suppose? How to embrace the traditionally called 'dark', 'impure' sides of our being?

    8. hyphae

      Hypha: each of the branching filaments that make up the mycelium of a fungus. Hyphae perform a variety of functions in fungi. They contain the cytoplasm or cell sap, including the nuclei containing genetic material. Hyphae absorb nutrients from the environment and transport them to other parts of the thallus (fungus body) [From quick search on Wiki/Google, just to have an idea of what it was].

    9. vanishing pivot

      Powerful metaphor! The present is the only reality (if even!).

    10. learning to be truly present,

      Linked to later insistence on not using apocalyptic futures as an excuse for cynicism and rather using the present as a 'place' of response-ability. Links with Buddhist, yogic philosophy (well-understood).

    11. thick present

      Where does this idea of the thick present come from? Seems opposed to Bauman's lighter (?), liquid modernity.

  6. Sep 2018
    1. thus connecting the cosmopolitan with the erotic: «Achegábanse. Encontráronse. Tócanse [...] Nove Lúas percorre cos dedos o mapa do rostro de Fins Malpica» (Rivas 2010: 60).

      Could this be a hint to a connection? Connecting the cosmopolitan with the erotic/Connecting memory with the physichal.

    2. They are spaces from which people avert their gaze in order not to see, not to remember.

      Might be interesting to connect it with the Ollada keywords?

    3. Pierre Nora has written that «Memory takes root in the concrete, in spaces, gestures, images, objects» (1989: 9)

      Perhaps I can use this quote for AIEGSEPT2018 as a way to connect previous work on space with mine on body.

  7. Jul 2018
    1. developing new ways of theorizing the contexts of production and reception oftranslation

      Landscape as a continuum that yet has clear differences. No clear line but differences, how to express that?

    1. ‘‘deeplyperspectival constructs, inflected by the historical, linguistic, and political situated-ness of different sorts of actors’’


    2. any landscape assessment.

      Two landscapes? (ie. Galician and English... but extremely interconnected through the work of academics in Galician Studies (who are also translators), and the activism of the translators (such as J. Dunne). How to connect this to Latour's Agent-network.

    3. The landscapemetaphor

      Could we talk about the ecosystem of translation? Or perhaps link this with Latour talking about the ecology of translation?

    1. For Cronin, within the discipline of translation studies “minority”isthe expression of a relation not an essence” (1995:86)

      Can be related to Appadurai's notion of culture as dimension not substance?

    1. The systemic criterion is al-most always used as a synonym for Galician national literature and it does not engage with the literary phenomena in between traditions.

      Galician Translation Studies have followed the system/field criterion so prevalent in Literary Studies.

    1. continuously fluid and uncertain inter­play,

      Could this be connected to Bauman's liquid modernity?

    2. current global flows occur: they occur in and through the growing dis­junctures among ethnoscapes, technoscapes, financescapes, mediascapes, and ideoscapes.

      Translation as key to all of them but also happens in their disjunctures (product vs. process)

    3. five dimensions of global cultural flows

      Appadurai seems to refer to dimensions as flows - Constant movement as definitory of late capitalist societies?

    4. nostalgia without memory

      What´s the role of translation here?

    5. differ­ence between ostensibly traditional and modern societies, this view has been shown repeatedly to distort the meanings of change and the politics of pastness.

      Potentially very relevant in the Galician context! Perhaps retrieve for further analysis of Rivas.

    1. increasingly invisible linguistic and territorial borders of different‘‘source’’cultures?

      In the case of Galicia, not only Spain, but also Latin America through emigration.

    2. beyond its borders

      But can we talk about borders if we are talking about landscapes and defending the idea of 'blurred' borders?

  8. Jun 2018
    1. The Onlife Manifesto

      Orla Murphy mentioned this manifesto at the DARIAH conference (20June2018). Might be interesting to check out at some point for references on ethics+digital literacy.

  9. May 2018
    1. it creates a world

      Can this be linked to Mastropierro's idea of the creation of the fictional world?

    1. another key marker of Catalan identity is culture(Castells, 2004;Crameri,2008;McRoberts, 2001).

      This is very much true in Galicia as well, check references.

  10. Apr 2018
    1. landscapes do not respect national borders

      Hmmm... They do, though! Eg. Finland-Norway mountain gift.

    2. The landscape metaphor refers to theenvironments in which translations are produced and received, and challenges imagesof such environments as stable substances within fixed boundaries.

      Perhaps interesting as a theoretical point of departure?

    3. Metaphors are powerful theoretical tools: they have the power to change ourperception and thus to create a new reality (Lakoff and Johnson 1980, 145).

      Might come in handy at some point!

  11. Mar 2018
  12. docdrop.org docdrop.org
    1. Widow for One Year.

      Might be interesting for workshop in terms of repetition.

    2. 1998, Malmkjær 2011, Lapshinova-Koltunski 2015, and Ippolito 2013). Baker (1993) deines “simpliication” as “the tendency to simplify the language used in

      Review! Not all of them are in bibliography.

    1. 1

      Definitely include in lit review as part of standardisation/sanitisation process in translation!

    2. rience of a language community” (Howarth, 1996: 72), and thus bypass the data sparseness bottleneck

      Interesting quote to introduce the idea of reference corpora.

    3. Baroni and Bernardini (2003) and Danielsson (2001)

      Might need to include.

    4. terms, of a tendency for translators to produce repertoremes (lexicalised target language collocations) in place of

      This might be important. Could I talk about reproduction of repertoremes in my corpus? To what extent is this useful if it can't contribute to a methodological approach for the of translation, as Bernardini argues?

    5. case of collocations, as we shall see. Yet the issue is central to an understanding of strategies and norms for dealing with lexicalisation and creativity in translation

      How central are collocations in my corpus?

    6. 2.2 Corpus-based Translation Studies

      A couple of interesting structures for lit review. Add! (March18)

    7. 999: 151) rather general definition of collocation as “an expression consisting of two or more words that corresponds to some conventional way of saying things”, and focus on 2-word collocations only.

      Could this definition be interesting for my project? Focus is different, but there might be an interesting link.

    8. notion is traditionally associated with the work of J.R. Firth, who promoted “the study of key-words, pivotal words, leading words, by presenting them in the company they

      Interesting quote from Firth, review what I have from him in Chapter 2

    9. far

      What are these methodological issues? Will they have an impact in my study?

    1. cup containing arsenic, to avoid at least one repetition

      It does seem that they repeat the word poison in English quite a bit in those two paragraphs, though. Do you think it might be a conscious decision? Or is the word 'venom' used more later on? Also, it seems like "justly served his own poison" is a metaphor that might bear changing to avoid that repetition, if you make it clear that it was literally poison that killed it when you talk about how Hamlet slew him?

    2. I chose arsenic as it is the most common poison known in histor

      Interesting choice. Make sure they don't talk about a different poison later on in the story!

    1. a slave to the passengers,whoyou’reobligated to inviteto your table, men passengers, women passengers,

      This is more of a literal translation, but it might be worth mentioning that you retain the repetition to highlight the orality? Depending on how many examples of other strategies you have, in any case.

    2. watchin’

      Is this part of the same strategy as 'don't matter'? Or should it have it's own small section in the essay?

    3. Don’t matter

      I suppose this is a conscious decision related to your general strategy of keeping the orality of the texts. How would you write about this specific example in your essay?

    1. The phrase “handle through kicks, slaps, and struck with rifle butts” is especially challenging. The original is “puntapiés, bofetones y culatazos.” I feel the translation loses some of that Puerto Rican flavour and the change of culatazos to struck with rifle butts is really jarring for me. Any suggestions? 5.I struggled to translate the word paisanos. Civilians or country men doesn’t have the same connotation for me. Suggestions?6.I also didn’t like translating choza as hut. Would shack work better? And still, I feel neither word carries the meaning of the humble home.

      Please add some more info as to what the connotations of the words are in ES for your non ES speaking colleagues to get a better idea of what they mean. Some interesting solutions there already! I´ll refrain from commenting on specifics for the moment, but there's definitely material for the essay in those.

    2. I kept names in their original language and added footnotes yet for the Cordillera Central and the incondicionales I translated them. I know I need to choose one or the other for uniformity and I want to keep the names in Spanish, however, since la cordillera central is just a mountain range and the incondicionales are a type of military/police, would it be fine to translate?

      Keeping consistency is important, but it seems that you have a clear idea that these two cases are different: could you justify your decision in your essay? What I would advice against is doing it and not mentioning it in the theoretical part.

    3. delación

      For those of you who don't speak ES: a delación happens when somebody betrays you and denounces you to the police. I wonder if by changing it to 'giving away their whereabouts' you're eliminating that tension of not being able to trust anybody?

    4. My first difficulty in translating is with the chapter title. The most literal translation would be: It Was His Path Darkness and Slippery. That obviously sounds wrong. I changed it a bit, but am concerned about how it comes across. The “dark” doesn’t workquite as well and while I prefer slithery to slippery, I wonder if the metaphorical connotations of the original chapter title are lost.

      What a tough title! I don't dislike the one you went for, although I would try to preserve the noun 'darkness', since it does carry a lot more weight than saying his path was dark...

    5. would’ve

      Is this on purporse/part of the style? It seems slightly odd to keep the contraction in a literary text (which is perhaps precisely why you did it, not saying it's wrong).

    6. Once more, the topic of smuggling weapons, from an expedition from the Dominican Republic, from revolutionary activities on the islands surrounding Puerto Rico.

      This sentence seems slightly confusing?

    7. would I change this to Dolorito or have an explication that Dolorito and José Dolores are the same person?

      This depends on whether you think the ES reader has much of an advantage in terms of understanding the relationship between the two names. Always remember that your role (depending, again, on the function of the TT) is to be a translator rather than a teacher who is explaining the text to the readers! In any case, whichever option you go for, this is an interesting example for your essay. How would you link it to your theoretical framework?

    8. civil guards.The guards (they?)

      The choice between the guards/they might depend on whether you think if the repetition is an element of the author's general style.

    9. Paratext ideas?

      Very interesting paratext ideas. If you go ahead with them, please don't forget to cite the original sources where the information comes from.

  13. Feb 2018
    1. This is where the collectiveintellectual [Bourdieu’s name for individuals the sum of whose research and participa-tion on common subjects constitutes a sort of ad hoc collective] can play its irreplace-able role, by helping to create the social conditions for the collective production of re-alist utopias.

      And in today's world, the 'collective intellectual' can't function without translators (both as translators in the strict sense, as facilitators of communication between languages, and in their role as intellectuals who live in between cultures and societies).

    2. there have to be opponents that areheld responsible for the present state of affairs, antagonists with whom one mustdirectly engage.

      Which seems to be lacking today. How do you engage in an intellectual, nuanced debate with Trump (or Rajoy, for that matter)?

    3. The idea of an imagined community has suddenly acquired a very literal, ifvirtual, dimension.

      Same for translation: this affects functional approaches!

    4. Our ideas today ofarchive and discourse must be radically modified, and can no longer be defined asFoucault painstakingly tried to describe them a mere two decades ago.

      I´d be interested in reading what exactly Foucault said, but I totally agree with this. Not only our ideas about archive from a technical point of view, but also our concepts of what it is to write and to speak and the blurred lines that are appearing with new media (eg. do we write when we text on 'whatsapp'? Or do we just speak when we record a scripted video and upload it to youtube so that it can be reproduced over and over?

    5. In the meantime, it is sobering and almost terrifying to contrast the world ofacademic intellectual discourse in its generally hermetic, jargon-ridden, un-threatening combativeness, with what the public realm all around has beendoing.

      I think this is key. This deep separation is dangerous!

    6. Profit and celebrity are powerful stimulants.

      And very dangerous ones, since they promote quantity over quality in many cases... And (true) intellectuals need time to develop their thoughts.

    7. has expanded so much as to be virtually without borders.

      Just what I was referring to in my previous answer to Craig's comment: if the personal is political, it's very difficult to remain 'unpolitical', if such an option is even possible.

  14. Dec 2017
    1. translation as transfer of substance.

      Interesting! I like this idea of 'transfer of substance' rather than 'transfer of content', etc.

    2. You cannot translate from a position of monolinguistsuperiority.

      Agreed! And yet many fluxes of translation are initiated from that position...

    3. When the daughter talks reproductive rights and the mother talksprotecting honour, is this the birth or death of translation?

      Intergenerational translation! I love it, yet another use of translation as a metaphor.

    4. But even here, historical superiorities of class must be kept in mind.Bharati Mukherjee, Anita Desai and Gayatri Spivak do not have the same rhetoricalfiguration of agency as an illiterate domestic servant

      She still refers to the 'Third World' throughout the text, in opposition to the Western World. But could we nowadays, beyond obvious economic differences, consider that there is a 'First World' and a 'Third World' in every country? Could an Indian domestic servant have more in common with a homeless person in Ireland (taking this example because it seems to be in the news a lot recently) than with Spivak? If so, translation becomes even more relevant for people to establish new connections across their different identities.

    5. If you want to make the translated text accessible, try doing it for the person whowrote it.

      Reminds me of Schleiermacher and his 'bring the reader to the author' statement.

    6. The old anthropologicalsupposition (and that is bad anthropology) that every person from a culture isnothing but a whole example of that culture is acted out in my colleague’s suggestion

      I find this essential. In the same way, not every piece of writing from a culture is a whole example of that culture!

    7. surrender

      I love it how there's all sorts of either erotic or spiritual metaphors for the act of translation. Mental note to write about them :P

    8. In my view, the translator from a Third World language should be sufficiently intouch with what is going on in literary production in that language to be capable ofdistinguishing between good and bad writing by women, resistant and conformistwriting by women.

      Is this really the task of the translator? Are we putting too much responsibility on them? What about publishers, critics, academics...?

    9. To decide whether you are prepared enough to start translating

      Again, clear hierarchy... Would she say the same about somebody making a film adaptation of a book for example? She argues translation is 'a reading', but it seems like she is presenting it as 'the reading'.

    10. The Frenchwife of a Bengali artist

      Interesting that a feminist refers to someone else as 'the wife of'...

    11. social logic, social reasonableness


  15. Nov 2017
    1. We must attempt to enter or directthat staging, as one directs a play, as an actor interprets a script

      I like the application of this idea to language and translation! Brings me back to the example of the pianist... Translation as something that goes beyond the linear reproduction of words and sentences in a different language.

    2. THE POLITICS OF TRANSLATION 399differed-deferred into an other self who resembles us, however minimally, andwith whom we can communicate.)

      This avoidance of absolute alterity and search for 'somebody similar enough in order to be able to communicate with them' could be part of the reason for domestication/explicitation in translation?

    3. shadow

      Is translation a 'shadow' of the original? This seems to be a pretty Western view of the original and the author!

    1. migration of ideas

      Migration of memory? Travelling memories?

    2. celebration of nationally and ethnically branded “differences” that have been niche-marketed as commercialized “identities.”

      'folklorization' of identity? Oversimplification?

    3. disciplinary construct that is here designated with upper case

      Important distinction!

    4. Marx’s hypothetical of a literary International

      Might be interesting to find more bibliography on this.

    5. Eurocentric (and more specifically Francocentric) perspective in its reliance on the metropole-periphery distinction and Europe-generated criteria of cultural legitimation.

      Am I doing the same? :-/

    1. S-type’ translator style and ‘T-type

      Related to Hermans' norms?

    2. meaning is strictly linked to linguistic form and extralinguistic situation.


    3. One of the main criticisms traditionally addressed at linguistics-inspired approaches was that they tended to consider translation as ‘mere repetition or neutral recovery of meaning’ (Arrojo 1998: 45). According to Arrojo (1998: 28), essentialist (including linguistic) approaches tend to conceive meaning as an immobile essence that can be objectively recovered from the text and transferred across languages, almost loss-free. This assumption builds on a dualistic understanding of the relation between form and meaning.

      This is very important, need to develop own approach to translation and to this dichotomy.

    4. circularity and arbitrariness (Fish 1979, 1980), especially when claims on literary style are based on a few spe-cifically selected linguistic examples

      Read more on this!

    5. discrepancies in the representation of the fic-tional world between the ST and the TTs

      Thus discrepancies in the representation of the culture.

    6. methods come new research questions

      Key! How does the application of corpus stylistics affect the very questions asked of the corpus?

    7. Descriptive translation studies is concerned with the empirical examination of the product, the process and the function of translation (Toury 1995).

      He seems to be basing his study on Toury - Any other options? Cultural Studies, since I will be applying cultural theory? What other approaches are there for corpus-based studies beyond descriptive translation studies?

    1. focuses on the system rather than the people in the system enacting the norms that exist within it

      I´m looking forward to read/discuss more on the 'Translator's Turn' and how people are approaching the study of the actual people who translate! I´m not sure how much has been done theoretically since Robinson's 'The Translator's Turn'.

    2. Pym turns this well established paradigm on its head insisting that we should see translators as inhabiting an inter-culture in which they share two sets of norms and it is more effective to understand the nature of these norms if they are studied over time.

      Interesting! I wonder how much he's influenced by Bhabha here? Also, wondering if he has a methodology in mind to study that inter-culture?

    3. We might argue that Toury’s second law, the law of interference, partly deals with norm-breaking because anything that is transferred from the source text to the target text and, as a consequence, becomes salient to the target audience, is surely something that deviates from expected norms.

      Or perhaps not always? As in, for example, we might expect more interference from English into Catalan than the other way round?

    1. or instance, if the source text or culture is authoritative or prestigious, it makes sense to allow that authority or prestige to absorb risk (thus producing interference).

      But also, the expectations on what the readers might tolerate or be familiar with are different! The idea of risk is interesting but I think Pym is failing to take into account the final receiver of the translation.

    2. ideological hierarchy with respect to technology

      I agree, and I would add that is not only with respect to technology, but also in relation to the language of marketing.

    3. You still have doubts (too much risk?):

      I don't know if this has been done already, but it would be very interesting to investigate translation tests vs. general translations! The risk is different, so the strategies might also be?

    4. At the same time, however, the segmentation patterns (the textual “make-up” indeed) tend to come straight from the source text as parsed by the software

      Ok, that's what I was saying in my previous comment! I´ve definitely felt affected by this in some of my Trados/memoQ translations!

    5. Toury or Even-Zohar (we do not wish to suggest any plagia-rism—Even-Zohar and Toury are hard to read)

      My god, Pym really doesn't like Baker!! :P

    6. they relate linguistic to extra-linguistic variables in a probabilistic manner.

      This is key for me, more related to his idea of norms

    7. So what is the essential difference between these two universals?

      It seems here that there is a similar overlap between different types of universals and the different categories of shifts?

    8. search for “universals” of translation, surreptitiously allied with specific research tools such as translation corpora.

      To what extent have the tools used shaped the research?

    9. relative absence of rewards for translators who take risks.

      That's very interesting, and I would say it varies as well depending on the profile of the translator (eg. scholars might be in a position in which they can take more risks whereas professional translators have to be more 'careful' in order to keep getting work?

  16. Oct 2017
  17. Sep 2017
    1. q

      Definitely not!

    2. o

      Is poetry untranslatable or is our definition of 'translatability' too narrow? I like the idea of 'transposition'

    3. m

      Is this really the case? Grammatical patterns might reveal hidden information that might be cognitively interesting?

    4. e

      Are we assuming that the lack of a particular word is a 'deficiency'? Or can multi-word expressions be at the same level?

    5. c

      From 'scrutiny' on I can only hear extreme prescriptivism :P

    6. c

      Now that the use of corpus linguistics is extended, we also know that semantic preference and prosody (the words that appear more frequently around a particular term) have a great influence in the way the meanings (and connotations) of that term are created.

  18. May 2017
    1. rameworksof knowledge

      Is this the same or similar to 'horizons of expectation'?

    2. heaudience is both the 'source' and the 'receiver' of the television messag

      Could this have any relation to Skopos theory in translation? (ie. a translation is different depending on its skopos or purpose, and depending on the audience it is addressed to). I don't know that theory in-depth, but it might be worth having a look at it?

    3. Production, here, constructs the message

      I wonder if I could equate this process to that of translation from Galician and how Production is constructed in the source culture (eg. in decisions made by the Xunta or by Galician publishers) and thus the message is constructed differently than, say, translations from English, which normally originate at the target culture (eg. by a Galician publisher who wants to introduce say Shakespeare into the Galician literary system). Does this make sense or am I going totally off-topic here? I´m possibly just trying to state the obvious truth that, depending on where production originates, the message is going to be different.

    4. ' Events can only be signifiedJihin the aural-visual forms of the televisual discourse'

      This makes me think of Magritte and "The treachery of images" work - Ceci n'est pas une pipe

    5. distribution/consumption,

      Why are these two together? Are they considered part of the same phase?

    6. thecoding of a message does control its receptio

      How does this relate to Reception Theory? To what extend do Fish and co. think that the coding of the message affects its reception?

    7. at each stage they are ,imprinled'by institutional power relations

      Interesting: how does this relate to translation? Do the institutional power relations change once the text is transferred to another culture? How?