72 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2022
    1. Keeps track of what you are doing all the time and criticizes you for little things.

      Emotional abuse and domestic abuse

  2. Nov 2021
    1. early, middle or late stage of the disease

      Dementia has Early, Middle and Late disease stages.

    2. Alzheimer's is not a normal part of aging.


    1. They also affect behavior, feelings and relationships.

      The secondary effects of Dementia Disorders

  3. Sep 2021
    1. marks are there to aid understanding in a later phase of reading.

      With reading intentions, mark passages to not forget what you found important.

    2. I agree that you should neither ruin other people’s property nor their reading experience of library books by painting the book’s pages, though. That’s just ruthless. But you’ll need to mark passages for further reference, else you’ll forget what you found important in the first place. So because you have to, use a pencil and erase your marks later if the book wasn’t yours.

      In library books, never highlight. Buy the book instead.

  4. Aug 2021
    1. I don't understand how you can smile at someone who's crying because of you.

      I for one used to laugh as my mother cried. My explanation would be: lack of empathy, depending on your own viewpoint of the scenario. Creating distance nonetheless.

    2. I often repeat myself which is just something that i do and she says that it is annoying, I get that but she makes it out to be such a big deal.

      Points out inconsistences / negatives and makes them a big deal.

      What is the definition of narcissism? What would the scenario look like if she asked for a list of faults and corrected them to suit under the wing of her sister? Would everything become resolved or would there always be another thing to moan at?

    1. on average just 3h of productive work a office/knowledge worker achieves during an 8h workday. Accounting for vacation time would mean that just 180 hours (3 * 5 * 12) of productive work gets done over a quarter while spending around 480 draining hours or 60 days at work in total.

      On the contrary to the potential results, the opposite and sad alternative is working an office job all day and only registering 3hrs of productivity. Not to forget, this article linked shows some good quotations from warren buffet and bill gates:


    2. You can also go into even greater detail by adding an 8th and 9th step and break down each scheduled work-block into single tasks of an hour or less. But in my opinion this is either over-planning or you do it intuitively when planning the next week/day anyways.

      Nezia also tell us as an extra that our work blocks can be broken down into single tasks of an hour or less. Although, in his opinion, this may be over-planning, and so intuition for warranting whether or not it's the right time is a must if you're going to do so.

    3. work blocks don't all have to be 3h long. I found that 3 hours work well for me and it fits the naming scheme nicely.

      Find your own preference through trial and error for work blocks.

    4. ou can and should, of course, make adjustments on demand.

      Nezia recommends that we make adjustments.

      "The unexamined life is not worth living" - Socrates

    5. It's an iterative process. You don't sit down and schedule the full 3 months down to the hours of each work-block. You more so start with a rough draft for the 3 months then break down the first month roughly. Then you only plan the next week in greater detail down to the hard days and work blocks. Every Sunday you make adjustments accordingly so that the goal is achieved. Maybe, because you will learn a lot along the way, the major and minor goals might even change?

      Being unwilling to change is a set-back rather than being open and flexible to the ability for it. It's highly likely that if we plan a whole 3 months and say to ourselves we will achieve this will full-fledged determination and end up not achieving it after all the planning, we enter into a deep deep depression... and it's all because we're too regimented. The flexibility to strive towards goals and plan as you go, is more important because it allows peace of mind in re-defining as you go along.

    6. Structure3 months time-frame is scheduled(∑ 12 weeks work + 1 week of vacation or strict rest)3 major goals per each of the 3 months are defined(∑ 9 major goals to achieve over 3 months)3 week long focused sprints are scheduled for each of the 9 major goals.A 3 week sprint is followed by a week of buffer-/down-time and time to reflect and plan the next steps.(∑ 9 sprints for the 9 major goals)3 minor goals for each of the 3 sprints are defined(∑27 minor weekly goals in total or 3 per major goal/sprint)3 days per sprint week are pre-scheduled as hard days (e.g. Mo, Wed, Fri).The other days are rest days or low "admin" days with easy work(∑ just 27 hard days in 9 sprints or 3 months)3 work block micro goals are defined per minor weekly goal(∑ 81 work block micro goals in total for the 3 months)3 hour long work blocks for each of the hard days (e.g. 8-11 am, 12-3 pm, 4-7 pm) are scheduled(∑ 81 work blocks in total scheduled)

      This is the system's structure as proposed by nezia.

    1. 3. Add a Secondary Axis of Priority Map how you spend your time against how important those things are to you. So, keeping the activities in their place on the X axis, move them up or down depending on how big of a priority they are to you.


    2. Cultivating a Mindset of Abundance Here’s an empowering fact to internalize: we’re all given the same amount of time as everyone else. Everyone in the world has 24 hours each day to spend as they see fit. It’s up to you to figure out what matters to you. And to spend your days doing those things. In the big picture, we think about life in time periods. Years, decades, and relationships. But you never actually live life on that time scale. Life happens in the moments of every day. Minute by minute. How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives. -Annie Dillard So take the time to align your daily behavior with your priorities. There may be some discomfort in the near term, but you’ll thank yourself down the road.

      Cultivating an Abundance Mindset.

      During all proceeding steps and activites, remember that "Through effort and experience can the brain change." This will help to explain the motivation behind the need for discomfort if change is to be made.

    3. (This isn’t to say you don’t need money. The point here is that there are always other ways for you to accomplish a given goal. In this case, to make money in a way that brings you joy and fulfillment. Free educational opportunities have never been more abundant. If you want to make a change and do something new, you can.)

      Money isn't always the reward.

      we must consider that there will be things we don't like about a job but cultivating joy and fulfilment in work will always be more important.

    4. Payoffs in the current state: Even when you are aware that you want to change, change means you’d lose the payoffs you’re getting in your current situation. Losses loom larger than gains. e.g. You might say you want to get in shape. But eating well and getting active means losing the payoff of continual comfort and enjoying indulgent food.

      Losses looming larger than gains is an important point I want to explore deeper asking questions and argued.

    5. When your priorities align with how you spend your time, you feel great! Joyful. Satisfied. Present.

      Always true.

    6. When your behavior doesn’t align with your priorities, you feel unhappy. Angry. Stressed. Unfulfilled.

      Always true.

    7. Aligning your priorities with your behavior isn’t about maximizing productivity, or any other external metric. It’s about maximizing your personal wellbeing.

      Behaviour: Think like a Hydra

    8. But far too often, time isn’t spent wisely. You begrudgingly spend it on the priorities of other people. Or on commitments you let into your life without considering their implications.

      In my experience, this lands true. I am currently spending too much wasted time on "commitments let into life without considering their implications", such as devoting more time undergoing the collectors fallacy, research less valued than more important research. Why? because of my life situation being important in securing a future career. The same for contacting people, playing games, -- wasting time on what i'm putting my attention on as if it were important and seeing the important things as less.

    9. When I told myself and others “I don’t have time for that”, what I should have said is “I’d like to, but that isn’t a priority for me right now.” Or, a more unfortunate response: “That is a priority for me, but I feel committed to spending my time in other ways…

      Positive responses to examples of excuses to situations where prioritization has not been implemented

    10. That statement wasn’t untrue because I lacked personal commitments. I’ve always been driven, and keep my calendar full! My real problem is that I hadn’t taken the time to consider how I spent my time, and why I spent it that way.

      Buggy believes clearly here that he has defined his problem. How has he come to this conclusion?...

    11. “I don’t have time for that”,

      An example of excuse to a situation where prioritization has not been implemented

    12. At the end of your life, you’ll give just about anything to have a few more years of life. Which is why spending your time wisely is such an important issue.

      The importance of using time wisely.

    1. An invisible puppetmaster controlling the human collective and directing it to their negative agenda?

      my relatable experience would be the thought coming to me about the desire to undergo 'lust' by means of self-pleasure through masturbation. The thought comes and I undergo the wrath of watching others have intercourse whilst I sit and use my hands to go back and forth to mimic real intercourse whilst being visually stimulated. After committing this act, I almost resign how I felt before and begin shaking my head in a type of disgust. The change of states is so quick that the disgust falls into reflection upon past actions instantaneously, almost as if "An invisible puppetmaster controlling the human collective and directing it to their negative agenda?"

  5. Jul 2021
    1. we should remember that the radiations affect not only the sea of mental matter which surrounds us, but also act upon other mental bodies moving within that sea.

      The mental matter surrounds us. It's encompasses the whole physical world. Leadbeater describes it like moving through a sea. But within this mental sea, are other mental bodies moving within tha sea. If thought affects upon the mental matter sea, it affects upon the mental bodies as well.

    2. a fact which we shall need to have clearly in mind when we come to consider presently the practical possibility of the use of thought-power.

      Well.. It's insight into human beings and what they're using for good, and for their own wealth. It being the lower astral, it is desires and emotions, therefore of lowest subdivision of mental matter. Rather than the higher mental being "tinged with love or aspiration, or with deep unselfish feeling, it will rise into the realm of the higher mental, and may even borrow some of the splendour and glory of the intuitional level." (p6) That's why it's important to clearly have in mind when considering the use of thought-power.

    3. in the astral world either during sleep or after death, he is fully capable of sight and hearing, and can move about whithersoever he will.

      Abilities of the Astral World

    4. in the average man it is only partially developed, and cannot in the least be employed as a separate vehicle of consciousness

      Leadbeater makes the claim that the average man cannot yet employ the power to consciously control the higher mental.

    5. The mental body can be employed as a vehicle only by those who have been specially trained in its use under Teachers belonging to the Great Brotherhood of Initiates

      Only a limited number of people have the access and ability to control the vehicle of the mental body by use of hidden circles, specifically: "the Great Brotherhood of Initiates".

    6. that being the part of its evolution upon which the human race is at the present moment engaged

      human being are currently engaged in developing the mental body.

    7. In the heaven-world, however, he finds himself under very different conditions, for the mental body is as yet by no means fully developed,

      In 1911, Leadbeater exclaims that the mental body is not yet fully developed.

    8. The distance covered by such a wave, and the strength and persistence with which it can impinge upon the mental bodies of others, depend upon the strength and clearness of the original thought

      Distance, strength and persistence, which all can impinge/invade upon the mental bodies of other souls, depends on the strength and clearness of the original thought.

      Relates to the fundamentals in writing and speaking in ability to covey ideas clearly.

    9. It has also an important bearing upon the distance to which a thought-wave may penetrate.

      How far can thought-waves penetrate the finer worlds?

    10. thought-power.

      The power of thought

    11. The vibration may be simple or it may be complex, according to the character of the thought; but its strength is poured out chiefly upon some one of the four levels of mental matter — the four subdivisions which constitute the lower part of the mental world.

      Character of thought defines a simple vibration or a complex one.

    12. This form, like the vibration, may be in the mental world only; but much more frequently it descends to the astral level and produces its principal effect in the world of emotions.

      Thought forms may descent into denser worlds.

    13. the world of emotions

      Leadbeater describes the Astral World as "...the world of emotions"

    14. If the thought be purely intellectual and impersonal — if, for example, the thinker is considering a philosophical system, or attempting to solve a problem in algebra or geometry — the wave sent forth will affect merely the mental matter. If the thought be of a spiritual nature, if it be tinged with love or aspiration, or with deep unselfish feeling, it will rise upwards into the realm of the higher mental, and may even borrow some of the splendour and glory of the intuitional level — a combination which renders it exceedingly powerful. If, on the other hand, the thought is tinged with something of self or of personal desire, its oscillations at once draw downwards and expend most of their force in the astral world.

      Thought has different types. Thought-categories will each affect different parts of the non-physical.

    15. There are many different types of matter in the mental body, and each of them appears to have its own special rate of oscillation, to which it seems most accustomed, so that it readily responds to it and tends to return thereto as soon as possible when it has been forced away from it by some strong rush of thought or feeling.

      Paraphrased: Different types of mental body matter each appear to have it's own rate of oscillation, to which it seems most accustomed.

      The matter itself responds to the rate of oscillation and tends to return thereto as soon as possible after being forced away from it by some strong rush of thought or feeling.

      Thoughts: The thought and feeling grab ahold of the contents inside the mental body for a moment, and then it returns. (so long as it's kept in the forefront of the conscious mind?)

      What is the process of mental-body matter forming?

      There is just a firm fixated type of matter. the thoughts aren't involved. It's already there and waiting. each TYPE of matter inside the MENTAL, oscillates at a rate. Let's differentiate using colors for example.

    16. First there is the effect produced upon the mental body itself; and we find that to be of the nature of setting up a habit.

      The first effect of thought on the mental body is the nature of setting up a habit. Here Leadbeater speaks more on the topic of the contents of the Mental Body, being the matter inside, and the effect thought has on the different types of mental body matter.

    17. This vibration may under certain conditions be confined to the mental world, but also it may produce an effect in worlds above and below.

      Radiating undulation, the product of thought produced in the mental body, may produce an effect in worlds above and below.

    18. Thirdly, then, every thought produces a radiating undulation, which may be either simple or [Page 6] complex according to the nature of the thought that gives it birth.

      The product of thought

    19. but also permanently upon the man himself.

      Thus the habitual thought of the man builds up qualities in the ego himself.

      I believe he means permanently to refer to the 'casual body'. I would interpret and make the question that Leadbeater would mean here is that the casual body stores permanent information that is expressed through the

    20. Thus the habitual thought of the man builds up qualities in the ego himself.

      Habits of thought travel 'down' to density. The ego is the outermost expression in the physical world.

      Supported by what Leadbeater said back on page 4 that thought, that which expresses itself through that higher vehicle of finer matter called the mental body, produces certain various effects all quite in line with what scientific experience in the physical world (Current density) would lead us to expect.

    21. Just as the mental vibration acts upon the astral matter, which is denser than it is, so also does it inevitably act upon the matter of the causal body, which is finer than it.

      Mental vibration acts upon astral matter (Finer > Denser). Mental vibration acts upon the Casual Body (No finer matter like the astral???). (Denser < Finer)

    22. which are above and below the mental body in degree of density.

      Astral body is denser than the Mental body being finer. I do not know in this moment what is finer than the Mental body.

    23. A sufficiently strong thought may for the moment set the whole of the matter of the mental body swinging at the same rate

      Presuming that would cause havoc up there!

      The whole of the matter doesn't effect it individually, it only shakes as a whole. Whole of the matter is an effect of a sufficient thought! I perceive a sufficient thought to be a thought followed through with. If it's not, it therefore dies and isn't sufficient?

    24. only a few men can have at their disposal any large amount of its forces, and so only a few can become rich by their means; but it is a prominent feature of the vivid interest of the unseen side of life, that every human being, rich or poor, old or young, has already at his disposal no inconsiderable [Page 3] proportion of its forces.

      Few men have large amount of occult forces at disposal and the remainder have no inconsiderable proportion of occult force, either.

    1. filling the Zettelkasten means to educate your Zettelkasten

      The concept of write as if you were explaining it to someone else is the same, but replaced by a box instead of an 18 year old...

  6. Jun 2021
    1. Reflecting on the process will inevitably give your mind a bit of rest. This might trigger ideas which lead you to research differently and get new insights. So take the logging and journalling seriously.

      Insights is what we desire, and is the main idea of ZK.

    2. Keep in mind that our memories aren’t reliable, so don’t try to work with it alone. You’ll need to keep a log and take a look at it whenever you want to change the process to make an informed and directed change instead of blindly guessing what could work next.

      Logs are the only things that will actually help us along this life journey. Memories aren't reliable, don't try to work with them alone.

    3. If you don’t need to do research because, say, you have to write about one large book only, you have to change the process a bit. You won’t need to regulate research time, but reading time instead.

      The process is switched up though when it comes to reading. Instead of researching at the beginning, we must set reading time.

    4. With time and experience, you’ll know how much research you can handle at the start of a project and how to adapt your schedule.

      Keep track on thoughts and emotions to reflect and undergo self-improvement through writing a journal.

    5. To know more means you can deal with more detailed problems.

      the small things in life are that which we must strive to become the best through. There is no jump through the portal, it's all a process. Enjoy the journey, there is no outcome :)

    6. Maybe you start with 1h of research, then try 2h and still feel comfortable, try 4h but have the feeling it’s too much, aim for the middle of the last ones, 3h, and end up with maybe 2h30min as your personal preference.

      Process of finding the right comfortability in step 1: researching as a personal base preference. This does not mean sustain this base preference, but use it as a guide.

    7. usual anxiety of larger writing projects is due to the insurmountable pile of work yet do be done


    8. drafting early, and drafting often.

      Drafting early and drafting often, within a cycle.

    9. It might help to establish a way to leave instruction for your future self so picking up where you left off becomes a no-brainer.

      Yes yes yes!

    10. Because you work on the final text all the time, you’ll know when otherwise rewarding activities won’t help you move forward. You’ll have a clear vision of your project, constantly.

      Constant updating self on whether or not one is looking to discard or integrate rather than hoping for the best by developing in sequence or in parallel.

    11. we need to ensure that we can pick up work where we left if need be.

      Work left to fester without conscious attention is work forgotten. The forgetting curve tells us so.

    12. Progress is continuous when we are certain we move forward

      We have to emotionally assured that we are moving forward for progress to be continuous.

    1. Neuroplasticity is the best news from neuroscience in recent years.

      I definitely value it! Haha.

    2. The brain sees and responds to perception, not reality. Negative lingering brain states can become neural traits that are hardwired into our circuitry.

      I would commonly call out to other humans that they must step away from fantasy and bring themselves into logic. The logical mind grants reason. Reason grants ability to step away from emotionally charged decisions.

    3. What we perceive and expect is what we get!

      This phrase is actually very catchy to me and is ultimately accurate intertwining with occultism with that of how the mind WORKS. I must look into neuroplasticity.

      On a side note, our basis of information with what we know is the foundations of our research. Like anything, the more we research, the better our future findings become in terms of accuracy. I will look into neuroplasticity from this article.

    4. When a continuous stream of negative emotions hijacks our frontal lobes, our brain's architecture changes, leaving us in a heightened stress-response state where fear, anger, anxiety, frustration, and sadness take over our thinking, logical brains.

      Right away this relates to the circumstance of Harrison's recent scenario whereby he becomes emotionally hijacked leaving us in a "heightened stress response state" possibly involving one or more emotion of fear, anger, anxiety, frustration or sadness taking over our thinking.