1 Matching Annotations
- Sep 2022
inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net
The critical writing on data science hastaken the paradoxical position of in-sisting that normative issues pervadeall work with data while leaving unad-dressed the issue of data scientists’ethical agency. Critics need to consid-er how data scientists learn to thinkabout and handle these trade-offs,while practicing data scientists needto be more forthcoming about all ofthe small choices that shape their deci-sions and systems.
In my opinion, data science is a huge field with a lot of unresolved issues. I believe that critics of data science must be able to understand all the analytics that data scientists use to truly have a valid critique. I also believe that the critical writing about data science doesn't do much justice as actually understanding the analytics would. How would analytics play a role in critical writing?