3 Matching Annotations
- Sep 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
alphago became increasingly powerful what we discovered however was that once we then made alago more generally available the humans actually used alago to improve their performance and that's 00:07:38 often the case so the AI system help the human improve and you put these two things together and in many many cases it's the AI system plus the human that ends up being the most fruitful the most powerful outcome
AI X Humans
- Jan 2022
www.wired.com www.wired.com
The “real estate of the future” is plagued by buggy software, empty servers, and huge opportunities for abuse.
This is what happens when you have too much money to care about your own product.
- Nov 2021
ethereum.org ethereum.org
Centralization vs decentralizationIn the table below, we list some of the broad-strokes advantages and disadvantages of centralized and decentralized digital networks.Centralized SystemsDecentralized SystemsLow network diameter (all participants are connected to a central authority); information propagates quickly, as propagation is handled by a central authority with lots of computational resources.The furthest participants on the network may potentially be many edges away from each other. Information broadcast from one side of the network may take a long time to reach the other side.Usually higher performance (higher throughput, fewer total computational resources expended) and easier to implement.Usually lower performance (lower throughput, more total computational resources expended) and more complex to implement.In the event of conflicting data, resolution is clear and easy: the ultimate source of truth is the central authority.A protocol (often complex) is needed for dispute resolution, if peers make conflicting claims about the state of data which participants are meant to be synchronized on.Single point of failure: malicious actors may be able to take down the network by targeting the central authority.No single point of failure: network can still function even if a large proportion of participants are attacked/taken out.Coordination among network participants is much easier, and is handled by a central authority. Central authority can compel network participants to adopt upgrades, protocol updates, etc., with very little friction.Coordination is often difficult, as no single agent has the final say in network-level decisions, protocol upgrades, etc. In the worst case, network is prone to fracturing when there are disagreements about protocol changes.Central authority can censor data, potentially cutting off parts of the network from interacting with the rest of the network.Censorship is much harder, as information has many ways to propagate across the network.Participation in the network is controlled by the central authority.Anyone can participate in the network; there are no “gatekeepers.” Ideally, the cost of participation is very low.
Web2 vs Web3 Centralization vs Decentralization